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Chapter 3316 Secretly raising fire

"Jingyan, you are brave!"

When some people saw that instead of simply arresting Jingyan, they began to use military force to attack them, they suddenly became angry and cursed.

"Oh, you are all going to kill me, and I still can't resist? What's the point of this?"

Jing Yan sneered again and again.

It's not that he hasn't tried to explain until now, but these people don't listen at all. He also understands a little bit. I'm afraid these people don't know how the fourth elder died, and just want him to take the blame.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for him to resist alone.

If you dare to come to him for trouble, he is not easy to provoke. If you want to make trouble, then just make it bigger. It is best to alert the monarch and Qinglian Immortal. Anyway, it is not him who is wrong. He wants to see it.

What will happen to these people?

Think of this.

He no longer hesitated, and immediately waved to the soldiers: "Do it! Don't have any scruples. If anything happens, I will take care of it for you."

"With these words from the elder, I feel relieved."

"Damn it, I've seen this group of guys dislike you a long time ago. They injured our people and dared to offend the elders. You deserve to be damned."

"We are representing His Majesty's meeting. The elders have already spoken. We can't hold back and embarrass His Majesty."

"Brothers, go for it!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"


For a while.

All kinds of shouts of killing broke through the sky, like thunder, hitting the fifth elder and his party.

Originally, the Fifth Elder and other people in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm were not planning to take action, but now the soldiers from the South Anhui Kingdom have launched an attack. Even though it did not cause much damage to them, it still made them very angry.

They are powerful men in the Wanfa Realm!

How dare these overestimated ants dare to fight against them?

This is provoking them!

Can this be tolerated?

That certainly can’t be done!

Immediately, the terrifying power of shadow emanated from everyone and quickly spread towards the surroundings.


Bang bang bang...


The soldiers who were swept away by the elders' coercion turned into clouds of blood mist amidst the shocking explosions.

The smell of blood instantly filled the entire battlefield.


This scene not only failed to frighten the soldiers of Nanwan Kingdom and make them retreat, but instead aroused their bloodiness and anger.


"Can the strong do whatever they want?"

"Isn't our life life? I am not willing to accept it!"

"Yes! We are ants. We are nothing to these superior people, but worms can still shake trees. Even if it is for our dignity as human beings, we must fight with them."

"Come on, brothers, there are so many of us, even if we use up our power of shadow, we can exhaust them. When the time comes, they will fall from the altar."



The soldiers roared and continued to charge forward, their faces full of fearlessness and determination.

"Crazy, crazy! These people are crazy!"

"Aren't they afraid of death?"

"You still dare to come? Then you will all go to hell."


Seeing the black mass rushing towards this side, the elders were frightened and angry, and quickly launched another attack.

"Lao Wu, let's go big this time."

The eighth elder suddenly spoke, his tone full of gloating.

"It's none of my business. It's because you think people from Nanwan killed Lao Si that I came with you. I'm just following your opinions."

The fifth elder used the power of shadow against the soldiers, while innocent


"Hmph! Just argue and see if your Majesty will listen to you."

The eighth elder snorted coldly, ignored the fifth elder, and turned to deal with the soldiers who rushed towards him.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...


Bang bang bang...

For a while.

Throughout the entire military camp, there were constant sounds of fighting.

Wang Teng held the nine-headed turtle and stood on the top of a hill not far away, looking ahead with a faint smile on his face.

"How is it? Wang Teng, let me just say this drama is good, right?"

The nine-headed turtle said with a smile.

“Wonderful, indeed wonderful!”

Wang Teng nodded.


He could see clearly that even if all those soldiers died, they would still not be able to kill the elders in the organization.

If that's the case, let him add fuel to the fire.


Wang Teng hurriedly flew forward, and soon quietly blended into the soldiers of Nanwan Kingdom, and began to attack the Fifth Elder and others along with the soldiers.

In a circle.

The Fifth Elder and others continued as before, waving their hands to use the power of shadow at will. In their opinion, this was enough to deal with this group of soldiers, and those people would soon be wiped out.


The next second, when the two sides' attacks came into contact, the soldiers of Nanwan Kingdom did not immediately turn into blood mist like before.

on the contrary.

With just one face-to-face encounter, the elders' attack was crushed. Then, with the terrifying power of Wang Teng's attack, they pushed towards the fifth elder and others.

"Hey, it seems these people are stronger than the previous soldiers."

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't be any more powerful. Just go to hell."

"Hmph! No matter how big an ant is,

He is also an ant, and he does not overestimate his own abilities."


Obviously, even though the situation was a bit beyond expectation, the Fifth Elder and others still did not take the soldiers seriously.

Just when they were about to attack again and crush the soldiers' attack, they suddenly felt a powerful pressure coming down on them.

next moment.

The terrifying power of shadow fell on them.

Bang bang bang...

As bursts of explosions sounded, many unprepared elders were knocked away. Only the fifth elder and the eighth elder were still standing, but at this moment their black robes had been torn to pieces by the terrifying force like knives.

He looked extremely embarrassed.


The Eighth Elder couldn't help coughing, and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. His beautiful eyes were full of horror: "What's going on? Among those soldiers, there are actually strong men in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm?"

"Impossible! A strong man in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm cannot be an ordinary soldier, he must at least be an elder, and this time the leader of the Nanwan Kingdom is only the thirteenth elder Jing Yan..."

The fifth elder directly denied the eighth elder's speculation.

"So, you mean someone sneaked into the military camp and hid among the soldiers to attack us?"


"who is it?"

"have no idea."

The fifth elder shook his head. His injuries were much lighter than those of the eighth elder. He immediately stared with a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle, constantly scanning the surrounding soldiers, trying to find the person who really attacked them.


What he doesn't know is that Wang Teng is no longer the same Wang Teng he was before. Even if Qinglian Immortal Lord comes now, he may not be able to find him among the crowd, let alone the five elders who are far lower than Qinglian Immortal Lord.



Even though the fifth elder's spiritual consciousness had spread to the entire military camp, they still could not find the person who had just attacked them. Instead, they waited for another attack from the soldiers of the Southern Anhui Kingdom.

This chapter has been completed!
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