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Chapter 3342 The Origin of Little Bee

"Good things must be stored away."


Wang Teng put this notebook into the True World of Samsara, and as for other things, he threw them into the storage bag at will.


He flew towards the Poison Barrier Jungle, preparing to follow the method in the notes to get some poison to refine in the Poison Barrier Jungle.


Before taking two steps, he stopped again.

"Why have you been following me?"

Wang Teng said to the little bee that when he fought with Yang Pheasant before, the little bee flew away. He thought it would leave here directly. Who knew that after Yang Pheasant died, it actually came back and kept doing so.

Follow him.

What does this mean?

Originally, he just asked casually, not expecting Little Bee to answer. After all, not everyone is as eloquent as the nine-headed turtle and the gold-swallowing beast.

Who knows, as soon as he finished speaking, a child-like voice rang in his ears, "Huh! Most people want me to follow, but I still refuse. Young people, how can they be appreciated by me?"

Your blessing."

"You can actually talk!"

Wang Teng was a little surprised.

"Of course! I am from the fairy world and the king of the giant bee clan. I have been able to transform for a long time. Why is it so difficult to speak human language?"

The little bee held her head up proudly.

"Can you still transform?"

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't understand the cultivation methods of the demon clan, he also knew that it was very difficult for the demon clan to cultivate into a human form. It must at least have a strength equivalent to the Zhenwan Dharma realm.

In other words, this inconspicuous little bee in front of me is actually a powerful person in the Realm of Ten Thousand Dharma Realm?

How is it possible?

He didn't feel any power fluctuation from this guy.

I guess I'm bragging...


Seemingly sensing Wang Teng's contempt, Little Bee was a little angry, raised her head higher, and said arrogantly, "Humph! What is my identity? Do I need to lie to you? I tell you, I wish I was still in the fairy world back then.


"Then why are you following me?"

Seeing that the little bee was about to finish talking, Wang Teng quickly interrupted it. He had other things to do and didn't want to waste time here.


As if he didn't expect that his words would be interrupted, Little Bee choked, and then seemed to think of some bad memories, and the whole Bee suddenly became discouraged, "Well... I... I want to ask you a favor...


There was a bit of pleading in its tone. This was the first time in its life that it had begged for help, so it was very awkward to speak.

"No help!"

Wang Teng refused without thinking.

Although this guy had helped him block a sneak attack when he was in the cave before, if he hadn't tampered with the box, it would still be imprisoned today...

That’s right!

In fact, the talisman sealing the box was not accidentally broken, but when he got the box, he secretly destroyed the seal, wanting to see what was inside, and what was worthy of the attention of the Qijue Sect.


In his mind, he and Little Bee had already made peace with each other, so naturally he would not help for no reason.

Fortunately, although Little Bee was still a child when he heard the voice, he had lived for tens of thousands of years after all, and he was not a fool. He still understood basic human ways, and immediately made his own conditions: "Young man, as long as you agree to help me."

king, you

You are the benefactor of our giant bee clan. When we return to the fairy world, I, together with the entire giant bee clan, will repay you."

"This pie is very well drawn, but it's a pity that I have a bad stomach and can't eat it."

Wang Teng shrugged.

Based on the current situation, it is still unclear whether they can go back to the fairy world. If they cannot go back, then it will be useless no matter how many benefits Little Bee promises. ??


When the little bee reached its mouth, it was blocked again. After thinking for a while, it asked, "Then what do you need to do to help me?"

Since Wang Teng is not satisfied with the conditions it offers, it is better to let Wang Teng make his own demands.

"What do you want me to help you with?"

Wang Teng did not answer, but asked instead, whether he can help depends on the difficulty of the help. If it is very simple, he doesn't mind giving a favor.

When Little Bee heard that there was something going on, he was careless and said quickly, "I need you to transfer some immortal power to me."

"That's it?"

Wang Teng was a little surprised, this was too simple.


The little bee nodded hurriedly, as if it was afraid that Wang Teng would not be willing to help. It emphasized, "I am really the king of the giant bee clan. As long as you help me tide over the difficulties, I will definitely repay you. Our giant bee clan's

Jade dew and fine wine are excellent cultivation resources. You can have as many as you want in the future..."

"It's not impossible for me to help you, but you have to tell me the truth."

Wang Teng interrupted Little Bee again. He was not interested in this pie that he was not sure he could eat.

"Okay, you ask. But if it's a secret about our tribe, I won't tell it even if you beat me to death."

Little Bee was not punished because of her words

He was angry at the interruption, but looked at him expectantly.

"I'm not a demon, why should I ask about your demon's secrets?"

Wang Teng rolled his eyes, stopped nagging, and directly asked the things he was most curious about, "How did you get here? How long have you been here? How did you become a sacred object of the Qijue Sect?"

"I came here by accident. I was taking my clan disciples out for training when I suddenly encountered a burst of time and space turbulence. I was unlucky and didn't have time to escape, so I was sucked into it. When I woke up again,

That’s it. As for how long I’ve been here, I don’t know. I just remember that when I came here, the Qijue Sect had just been established..."

Little Bee said slowly while recalling.

Wang Teng listened quietly. On the surface, he was calm, but in fact, there was a huge storm in his heart.

The beginning of the establishment of Qijue Sect?

That was thousands of years ago!

Could it be that at that time, the space in the fairy world began to become unstable?

It seems that the fairy world is far less stable than he thought, but does this also mean that as long as he can find a weak place in the space barrier and tear up the space, he can return to the fairy world?

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, Little Bee's voice became angry, "Damn it, that piece of shit from Qi Jue Taoist is really not a thing. I fell into the poisonous jungle outside Qi Jue Sect back then, and I was going to ask people from Qi Jue Sect to find out.

I asked about where this place was, and when they heard that I was from the fairy world, they became extremely enthusiastic...

Fortunately, I thought they were all good people at the time, but who knew that they actually used me as a cultivation resource. Not only did they rob me of all my savings over the years, but they also beat me back to my original shape and locked me in a special box. They would come to me to draw from me from time to time.

They are not from our immortal world, and I don’t know what the use of those guys extracting the immortal power is..."

This chapter has been completed!
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