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Chapter 341 You, Uncle He

 Wang Yin was a little confused. The senior in front of him was obviously an accomplished person and a real monk. It was impossible for this ordinary treasure to impress him.

What treasures do you have that can impress the senior in front of you?

The only treasure that has some effect on monks seems to be the Shanhe Sheji Cauldron.

But the Shanhe Sheji Cauldron has been taken away by Wang Teng a long time ago. Now Wang Teng is about to be taken away by the Bald Crane and refined into a puppet. Of course, the Shanhe Sheji Cauldron belongs to the Bald Crane. Of course he

This Shanhe Sheji Ding can no longer be used as reward. .??.

His eyes flashed, Wang Yin cupped his hands and said: "Senior, this junior has a treasure house. There are many rare treasures in it, and there are some things that juniors can't identify. Maybe there are things that can penetrate the eyes of seniors. I don't know if it is convenient for seniors.

Move your car and follow the junior to the treasure house?"

"treasure house?"

The bald crane's eyes suddenly lit up, but on the surface he just nodded calmly.

As Wang Yin came to the palace treasure house, the treasure house was filled with treasures. There were more than a thousand pieces of various types of treasures, large and small.

Weapons, armor, elixirs, all kinds of precious materials, even a piece of fairy gold as big as a fist, and some seemingly broken ancient objects contain amazing spirituality.

In addition, there is a third-grade formation platform with a crack.

The third-grade formation platform depicts the killing formation, which is a treasure that can kill monks and is extremely precious.

"Chaos Stone?"

Suddenly, the bald-headed crane felt a sensation in his mind, and chaotic energy surged. He looked at a navy blue stone in the corner, and his eyes suddenly moved.

The bald-headed crane was extremely surprised, but on the surface he remained calm. After walking for most of the circle, he didn't collect even a single treasure.

Wang Yin, who was following him, felt uneasy and secretly thought that Bald Crane was indeed a powerful monk, but he didn't look down on any of these precious treasures.

However, after completing the entire treasure house, the bald-headed crane suddenly waved his hand, and powerful power surged out of his sleeves.

Suddenly, all the treasures in the entire treasure house flew towards him, rushed into his sleeves, and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the entire treasure house suddenly became empty.

Wang Yin, who was following the bald crane, looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned.

The bald-headed crane looked calm, glanced at Wang Yin, and said: "The treasures in the mortal world are just a pile of waste in my opinion. The reason why I want to collect these treasures is actually to cut off the cause and effect."

, to rescue you.”

Wang Yin just came to his senses after hearing this. He quickly clasped his fists and said with great gratitude, "Senior's good intentions will be remembered by the younger generation forever."

The bald crane shook his head and said: "Although the quantity of these things in your treasure house is quite large, the level is too low, and it is still not enough to cut off the cause and effect and save your life. The most I can do is extend your life for five years."

, if you want to completely save your life, you have to come up with more things."

"Spiritual stones and these resources are also available."

The bald crane spoke again.

"Oh, and the golden armor you are wearing, although it is only a top-grade mysterious weapon, it still has some value."

When Wang Yin heard this, his expression changed slightly. He looked at the bald crane, then gritted his teeth and took off his golden armor.

He was mentally disturbed by the bald crane and deceived by the bald crane. He was completely led by the bald crane, but he didn't feel it at all.

"Not bad, not bad. Although your qualifications are a bit inferior, you are still a pretty good person. I am

I am very optimistic about you, and when I expel the evil spirit from your body, I can still introduce you to my Taoist door."

The bald-headed crane opened his mouth and grabbed his golden armor: "Oh, and your storage ring. There should be a lot of resources and treasures in it. Just take it out and that's about it."

"Senior, can you really lead me into the Taoist sect? I don't know where the Taoist sect is..."

Wang Yin was stunned for a moment after being fooled, and took off his storage ring.

"Shangqing Dao!"

When it came to Daomen, the bald-headed crane blurted out a name without thinking, and the name fell.

Suddenly, the bald crane's whole body was shaken, and lightning seemed to flash through his mind.

at the same time.

As the name fell, mysterious energy surged in the void. Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, and visions appeared. .??.??

This scene shocked Wang Yin even more, and at the same time he was very excited.

What kind of existence is this Shangqingdao? Just mentioning these three words actually caused a strange phenomenon in the world!

"Please, senior, save my life and lead me into the Taoist gate!"

Wang Yin took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and bowed to the bald crane.

The bald-headed crane suddenly woke up with a start, took the storage ring handed over by Wang Yin, and wiped out the aura attached to it with a powerful touch of consciousness.

Then he said calmly: "Easy to say, easy to say."

"I will help you get rid of the evil spirit in your body now. Just close your eyes and I will use my secret technique."

The bald crane has a way of taking care of things.

Wang Teng's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but look weird as he watched the bald crane deceive Wang Yin so much that he couldn't even touch his body. Even the golden armor on his body was deceived.

I couldn't help but touch my chin and thought to myself, if Wang Yin realizes it by then, he will be pissed to death?

As expected, Wang Yin closed his eyes without any doubt.

The bald crane took out a huge hammer from nowhere.

Dark Star and Dark Moon both looked at the bald crane blankly. Do you need to use a hammer to get rid of the evil spirit?

The bald-headed crane turned around and smiled coquettishly, stretched out a finger and put it to his mouth, signaling Dark Star and Dark Moon to be silent.

Then he suddenly raised his hammer and hit Wang Yin hard on the head.

"Ah, I'll fight~!"

There was a "bang" sound.

The huge hammer suddenly hit Wang Yin's head hard. Wang Yin's body was like a cannonball, immediately shooting towards the ground and hitting the ground heavily.

His head was filled with drowsiness. He shook his head blankly, still not recovering: "Is this okay? My senior, have you driven away the evil spirit in me?"

Dark Star and Dark Moon immediately widened their eyes.

The bald-headed crane threw away his hammer and flew in front of Wang Teng in an instant. He took Wang Teng and Tang Yue and galloped directly towards the distant sky. At the same time, he did not forget to turn back and face Tianyuan King Wang Yin with a mean smile on his face:

"Hahahaha... I am not a senior, I am your Uncle He!"

As he spoke, the bald crane had transformed into its original shape, turning into a huge crane, carrying Wang Teng and Tang Yue, and rushed into the distance.

Originally, it could have just taken Wang Teng and Tang Yue away, but Wang Yin would have to wait a while to react to the powerful mental interference.

But it did not leave directly like this. Instead, before leaving, it deliberately showed its original shape and removed the mental interference to stimulate Wang Yin, just to see Wang Yin's angry look after he woke up.

This chapter has been completed!
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