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Chapter 571

The child spent three days safely, and then he was washed three times.

Yang Xuan has one more hobby every day, holding children.

But the child often cried, which gave him a headache.

Who will take care of the children is a question.

Zhou Ning is slowly recovering. The wet nurse is only breastfeeding, who will take care of the child?

"Lang Jun, the two women sent to my home are used to raising children." Aunt Guan said.

The two women stood in front, and Yang Xuan, who was holding the child, glanced at them.

"Where's Zheng Wuniang?"

Outside the door, Zheng Wuniang said: "Mr. Lang, I'm here."

"Come in."

When Zheng Wuniang came in, the two women glanced at her and then ignored her.

Zhou Zun naturally did not have time to choose a woman to take care of the children for his daughter. Zhou Qin walked the birds when he had nothing to do at home, but he had time to do this.

"The two slaves have brought many children to the Zhou family." The leading woman said with a smile.

This is the professional version.

Yang Xuan handed the swaddling clothes over.

The woman took it, hugged the baby skillfully, and moved it gently.

The child frowned and clicked his lips.


Yang Xuan's eyebrows jumped a little.

After having a child at home, I have to rest every day.

The woman patted the swaddling clothes gently and swayed slowly.


Ah Liang is obviously stubborn and won't stop talking.

Yang Xuan's eyebrows and heartbeat were beating harder and harder.

The woman glanced at him and said, "It's time to sleep."

There are many reasons why children cry. To be honest, even the biological parents often cannot figure out the reason, let alone an outsider.

A hand stretched out, "Slave, try it."

The woman glanced at Zheng Wuniang and frowned, "You?"

After they arrived at Yang's house, they found that Zheng Wuniang was staring at Zhou Ning all day long. After the child was born, Zheng Wuniang stared at the baby eagerly, as if it was her fate.

This woman is coveting the right to raise children!

Yang Xuan is still young, and the Zhou family generally believes that this uncle has a bright future. A Liang is his eldest son, and if nothing unexpected happens, he will inherit everything from Yang Xuan in the future.

Whoever can bring up A Liang will be a meritorious elder in the Yang family from now on.

The family will pay special attention to this kind of old man, not to mention the good treatment, and the children and grandchildren will also enjoy the blessings. If Yang Xuan and Zhou Ning are not merciful, they can also let her children and grandchildren study with A Liang.

In this way, our descendants will have a bright future!

Therefore, the competition for this position is quite fierce. Even Zhang Siniang was interested, but later she felt that her true job was to...seduce Lang Jun, so she gave up.

The competition started as early as Zhou Ning's pregnancy.

Now, it's the decisive battle.

Zheng Wuniang said: "Please give it a try."

The woman glanced at Yang Xuan.

Lang Jun, can this wild woman do it?

Yang Xuan nodded, "Give it to her."

The woman handed the baby over and whispered, "Be careful."

Then, she smiled reservedly.

They were raising the children of noble people, and they were extremely careful. If we were to talk about experience, she felt that she could easily overwhelm the rustic-looking Zheng Wuniang.

Zheng Wuniang said that she learned how to take care of children in Taiping, but what exactly she learned was unknown to Yang Xuan.

This is his first child, so he must be careful.

Therefore, today is also an assessment to see who is more capable.

From his point of view, he naturally hopes that Zheng Wuniang can win, but in full view of the public, he cannot cheat!

Zheng Wuniang took the child, a little restrained at first, and made the two women smile at each other.

Then, she gradually relaxed, hugging the baby and rocking it gently, humming a soft tune in her mouth, with gentleness in her eyes.


The crying sound gradually became quieter.

Zheng Wuniang hummed softly and walked slowly around the room with her child in her arms.

The child stopped crying, Zheng Wuniang wiped his tears, and then said with a smile: "Little man, look outside, it's so springlike!"

The child looked at her blankly and suddenly laughed.

Zheng Wuniang said happily: "Mr., the young man is smiling."

"Really?" Yang Xuan came over and took a look. Sure enough, A Liang was smiling.

It is meaningless for a child to laugh at this time, but Yang Xuan obviously forgot this, "He is so happy."

The two women were stunned.

Yang Xuan sat back.

"Zheng Wuniang."

"Slave here."

"From now on, Ah Liang will work hard for you."

Zheng Wuniang was startled for a moment, then she said, "Don't worry, sir, I am here, and my husband is here."

Yang Xuan smiled, "It's not that scary."

This is the Yang family's backyard, not a battlefield.

He looked at the two women and asked with interest: "I'm a little curious. They are experienced at raising children, so they should be good at it. But why can you coax the child, but they can't?"

The two women also wanted to know.

Zheng Wuniang said: "I don't even know."

The two women were frustrated, knowing that they would be returned to the Zhou family...Chang'an and the others were naturally willing to go back, but they did not want to use this failed method.

A woman asked: "There are techniques for raising children, don't you want to tell me? That is, after all, your own craft."

This is someone else's job, so it's taboo to ask.

"It's not that much of a craft." Zheng Wuniang held her child and thought for a while, which reminded Yang Xuan of those women in the village who would just hold their children and go out to gossip with their neighbors.

"When I was in Taipei, I went to help people take care of their children when I had time, and asked about the methods of taking care of children.

I just started to know a lot of methods. I wrote them down one by one and tried them one by one. Some of them worked, some of them didn't...

The slave is a little confused, thinking why?

Later, the slave figured out that children are different. Your method may work for this child, but not for that child.

Later, I went to a family to help raise a child. The woman was a bit naive, but she was very good at raising the child. The child was white, plump, and very lively.

The slave watched how she took care of the child, thinking that she must have some means. But looking around, it was all done casually.

I thought to myself, how can it be good to take care of children in such a rough way?

Later, when I took care of a child, when I was holding him, I forgot some techniques and only remembered the child. Looking at that little face, my heart softened, and the child actually smiled at me."

Zheng Wuniang raised her head and smiled: "At that moment, I understood that when you take care of a child, you should know how to take care of it, but more importantly, you must be careful."

"Be attentive." Yang Xuan thought of Zheng Wuniang's gentle smile and soft music earlier. It was obvious that his whole body was focused on A Liang.


Your love can be felt by your children.

So, he felt at ease.

Although the two women have superb skills, they lack love. Taking care of the children is more like a job for them.

The two women thought about it carefully and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Zhou Ning was also a little surprised when he learned about it.

"This is an idiot." Yang Xuan whispered about Zheng Wuniang's experience. "After that incident, she felt that she had no love in life. I gave her a hand in Taiping, and she regarded me as someone to rely on. Now the child wants her to

Take it with you, the child is her lifeblood. Peace of mind!"

Zhou Ning understood, "She just wants to find a reason to live. She used to be Lang Jun, but now she is A Liang."


"He is a poor man."

"Just be kind to her from now on."

"Yeah! That's right." Zhou Ning said, "Have you sent someone to Chang'an to report the news?"

"After three dynasties, I was sent to wash my son."

It takes three days to make sure that God will not accept you, and then you can report the news to your father-in-law.

"Aye will definitely be happy if he knows about it." At this moment, Zhou Ning felt homesick.

"Well! Let's go back together later."

"Not good." Zhou Ning shook his head.


"Now that Northern Xinjiang has fallen out with Chang'an, I would be worried if our family went back..."

"I'm worried that the emperor will detain you and your child." Yang Xuan couldn't help but smile, "Did your father-in-law give you for free?"

The emperor really dared to deceive others, not to mention Zhou Zun, Zhou Qin dared to curse, and then used all kinds of tricks to make the emperor miserable.

He is just the governor, not the governor.

Zhou Ning said: "Sooner or later you will become the governor of Northern Xinjiang."

When the time comes, his wife and children will need to stay in Chang'an as hostages.

"Maybe things will be different by then." Yang Xuan said.

"What difference could it make?"

Of course it's different.

Yang Xuan smiled.

"Mr. Lang, Madam Helian, please see me." Zhang Siniang said outside the door.

"Just rest." Yang Xuan touched his wife's cheek.

Zhou Ning turned away and said, "I haven't taken a shower and it stinks."

"It smells good." Yang Xuan leaned over and kissed her cheek, then walked away with a smile.

Helianyan was waiting outside.

"How is my wife?"


Yang Xuan pointed to the side, indicating that he should go to the side to talk so as not to disturb Zhou Ning.

Lang Jun seems to be more attentive.

"What's the matter?"

Yang Xuan stopped.

He Lianyan said: "Lately, I always feel that something is wrong. When I look at those caravans, I feel that they are secret spies, but after checking them, they are not. I am not relieved, but I feel more and more uneasy. I always feel that there is something wrong.

Eyes are watching the slave."

"You... didn't sleep well?"

Yang Xuan felt that He Lianyan had been too busy recently, "Why don't you take a rest!"

He Lianyan shook his head, "Lang Jun, your intuition is very accurate."

But I have never seen your intuition come into play... Yang Xuan asked casually: "Did it work in Tanzhou?"

"That time the emperor wanted to go out, and I felt uneasy, so I asked him to bring more guards, but the emperor refused to listen."

"Then what?" Isn't the emperor a good person?

"The emperor's uncle was splashed with feces and water."

Later, He Lianyan went to find Uda and said, "Mr. Lang ordered you to take a bodyguard and follow my instructions."

Standing behind He Lianyan was Jiang He'er, who nodded.

Uda asked: "What to do?"


"Remember to take turns to stare, otherwise you will be easily recognized if you keep seeing each other."

Yelujue and several Eagle Guards were watching the show at the sideshow.


"It's good here." said an Eagle Guard.

"It's not bad." Yelujue said, "You can watch the sideshow instead and keep an eye on Zhou Se."

Eagle Guard said: "You are not allowed to set up stalls across from the government office because you are worried about being stared at. But Yang Gou doesn't mind. This is why God wants to kill him!"

"Be careful!" Yelujue scolded softly, but in a relaxed tone. Obviously, he agreed with this view.

On the wooden shelf, Liang Huahua was doing somersaults.

Below, Qian is teaching Eryang.

"Second brother is here!"

Yelujue saw everyone in the juggling class looking behind him and slowly turned back.

Wang Laoer came chewing dried meat.

"Two sheep!"

"Second brother!" Eryang stopped learning. He ran over and raised his head and asked, "Second brother, aren't you doing anything today?"

"It's done!" Wang Laoer asked her, "How was your study?"

"It hurts so much!" Eryang said with tears in his eyes, "I have to stretch my tendons. It hurts so much that I can't even stand still."

"Just wait for a while." Wang Laoer gave her a piece of dried meat and rubbed the top of her head.

"Second brother." Liang Huahua somersaulted down from the shelf.


Wang Laoer waved happily, but did not notice that several men looked ugly.

"It's the second child of the crazy devil king!"

"Are we still staying here?"

Everyone looked at Yelujue.

Yelujue shook his head without any hesitation.

"Change places!"

Someone whispered: "Someone has come out from Zhouli."

Yelujue turned around and lowered his head slightly.

Zhou Lamenzi smiled and said something, and then He Lianyan came out first, flanked by his confidant Jie Long, and behind him a group of guards.

"Sexy fox!" Yelujue sneered, "When she was in Tanzhou, she hid under the wings of the emperor and struggled to survive, relying on her ability to read people's eyes. Now that she is in Chenzhou, she relies on her ability to make a living on the bed.

Li. Yang Gou is Zhou's son-in-law, I want to see how long she can be proud of her."

There are many things going on in the backyards of wealthy families. It is said that there are several lives in the wells of every wealthy family...and they are all women.

In the eyes of everyone, beauties like He Lianyan should have long been forbidden to Boss Yang. Even the common people gossiped after dinner and speculated on how many women Boss Yang could have.

"Stare!" Yelujue immediately went to the military camp.

Most of the pedestrians around the military camp will not stop. This is spontaneous. According to Yue Er, there are secrets here. If you have nothing to do, just stare at the secrets. If not, who will arrest you?

An eagle guard followed him and whispered: "Those guards have dispersed, they are near Zhouli."

"I saw it." Yelujue said: "It seems that Yang Gou also felt something. Before a war, information comes first. Whoever gets the information about the opponent first will be invincible."

"It's not easy to get close to the military camp."

"Then sneak into the surrounding houses."

In the afternoon, an Eagle Guard quietly sneaked into a house to the west of the military camp.

There was no dog in this house, so he easily sneaked in, avoiding the owner's usual haunts, and found shelter in a utility room on the side.

The utility room was a thatched house. He started to dismantle it from the inside and made a hole that could accommodate people in and out.

He climbed up and lay on the roof, feeling quite comfortable with the thatch underneath him.

What a great place!

Here you can see the situation in the military camp.

On the school field, Chen Zhoujun was practicing.

On the first day, he gained a lot. After going back to report, he received praise from Yelujue.

"He Lianyan is still wandering around like a headless fly." Yelujue encouraged his subordinates, "Cheer up, once we can know the time of Chenzhou Army's attack and the strength of the troops in advance, the first contribution will be ours. The commander-in-chief will reward and punish you.

Obviously, there is no way we can return to Ningxing."

They have had enough of Tanzhou. If they could return to Ningxing, they would be willing to be ordinary Eagle Guards.

The next day, the Eagle Guard was still lying on it observing.

"Yang Gou is here!"

Yang Xuan was surrounded by people and entered the military camp.

"Is this about to start?"

The first success was achieved...the Eagle Guard was overjoyed.

He carefully looked around and saw no one from He Lianyan.

"That coquettish fox is just a bitch. It's a pity that such a beauty can't taste it."

Eagle Guard changed his position and lay down comfortably.

"We were watching her back then, but this bitch didn't know anything about it. Today, Yeye is in Lin'an. If you have the ability, just come! Here, Yeye will fight with you for three hundred rounds, hey hey hey!"

Footsteps came from the left.

"Woof woof woof!"

Several big dogs were led by people and rushed over menacingly.

Eagle Guard froze, then comforted himself, "Just passing by."

He Lianyan appeared in the alley.

Turn your eyes and look to both sides.

"Get on the roof!"

The chapter descriptions and book reviews are not displayed for the time being, but they can be seen in the author's background and should be restored soon.

I saw everyone’s comments when the eldest son was born, and Jazz was very happy to be on the same channel as everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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