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Chapter 572 Taiping County! That's a good place

Eagle Guard quietly wanted to crawl down into the house.

"Get on the roof!"

Uda shouted.

They have to climb for a long time!

Eagle Guard comforted himself like this.

The two accompanying Horned Dragon Guards, one on each side, flew over.

Eagle Guard's eyes narrowed, and he didn't care about the movement, so he burrowed underneath.

A few pieces of thatch flew up.

A horned dragon guard was in mid-air, his eyes turned and he stared at this place.


"Break open the door!" He Lianyan rushed into the house with others.

"Young man..." The master came out and knelt down in panic.

"Enter the house, don't come out!" He Lianyan pointed to the left, where two big dogs were let loose and rushed over, barking wildly.

"Go in quickly!" said a guard: "We are catching spies!"

The owner was stunned, then patted his thigh, "As a dog says, those ground rats dare to come to our Chenzhou to spy on us? The boss and the second."


Two big men came out.

"Bring the guys, the deal is coming!"

Guard: "..."

The Eagle Guard landed and rushed to the right.

The alley there is more complicated. If he is fast enough, he can rush into the crowd first.

Eagle Guard has the ability to quickly disguise himself, and in just a moment, he can make himself unrecognizable to others.

On the right wall, a person suddenly climbed up.

"This road is blocked!"

Eagle Guard exerted force on his feet, the soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground, and his knees felt sore. He then turned to the other side.

Get out!

At least send a message to your companions!

Just go through two alleys and there will be companions ready to rotate.

He ran all the way and looked back.

Two big dogs rushed at the front, followed by a group of guards.

I can escape!

Eagle Guard wanted to laugh.

"Boss, get out of the way!"

Eagle Guard turned around, and in front of him were the father and son of this family.

A big man held a wooden stick and struck hard.

Eagle Guard easily avoided it, and the second big man swept his leg.

If he didn't have to run away, Eagle Guard felt that he could deal with these two idiots in an instant.

He jumped up easily and avoided this leg.

The old man in front threw away his stick and knelt on the ground, "I don't dare anymore!"

As timid as a mouse!

Eagle Guard rushed over.

The old man shook his right hand and shook it at the Eagle Guard.

The noose quietly and accurately wrapped around Eagle Guard's neck from behind.

Eagle Guard subconsciously reached out to grab the rope around his neck.

The old man stood up, pulled hard, and said proudly: "In those days, many good men fell on my noose, you pull, you pull again!"

Eagle Guard tried his best, but after his neck was tightened, he had difficulty breathing and couldn't exert any force.

"Have you finished pulling?" The old man chuckled and pulled hard with his hand.


Eagle Guard was pulled by him and fell helplessly to the ground.

The two sons rushed forward from the left and right in perfect coordination.

"This is not our business, it is your enemy. Don't be cruel," the old man ordered, "You are worth living and talking!"



The two sticks whipped the Eagle Guard and howled miserably.

One of the guards shouted: "Be careful he has poisonous fangs in his mouth!"

"The boss does the hands, the second does the feet." The old man gave the order skillfully.

The two brothers took action, and the elder brother held down somewhere on Eagle Guard's body. Eagle Guard felt sore all over. The second brother punched Eagle Guard's leg, then went over and reached out to dig into Eagle Guard's mouth.

"Aye, there's nothing!"

The old man said angrily: "Nothing!"

Guards appeared in front, but obviously the credit had nothing to do with them.

Helianyan ran over with people.

The old man held up his hand and said, "I've seen the lady!"

He Lianyan had just witnessed the tacit understanding between father and son, and praised: "Well done!"

A Qiu Long Guard was puzzled, "This method is quite good. Where did it come from?"

The old man smiled flatteringly, "It used to be peaceful."

"Taiping County! That's a good place!" Qiu Longwei asked casually: "What did you do originally?"

"Sap guy."

"Lang Jun, we captured a Northern Liao Eagle Guard."

He Lianyan went back to report the matter.

"Eagle Guard?" Yang Xuan first thought of Changling.

I don’t know what happened to that woman.

"Have you ever tortured me?"


"Then go and have a look."

Yang Xuan turned around and said, "Tell my wife that I'm going out."

"Yes." Hua Hong blessed her body, then she covered her mouth and smiled, "Mr. Lang is more and more in love with his family now."

The two of them went out together.

"How was it discovered?"

"Lang Jun went to the school grounds to review Chen Zhoujun. He thought that if someone wanted to pry, it would be at this time, so he led people to patrol the rooftops and found this person."

"Being able to capture someone alive shows that you are well prepared."

Learn to praise your subordinates. Every compliment will bring you a more enthusiastic and full work attitude.

"Our people are a step late."

"Who caught him?"

"Old Taiping."

"O man of peace! Honest!"

In the prefecture, the officials all came to pay homage to the Eagle Guards of Northern Liao Dynasty.

"The envoy is here."

"Is there nothing left to do?"

Yang Xuan said calmly.

Everyone dispersed quickly.

Eagle Guard knelt on the ground and raised his head, "You are indeed young."

"Still handsome!" Wang Laoer shouted.

The old thief coughed dryly and said, "You don't need to tell me."

This idiot did it on purpose!

He Lianyan wanted to laugh, but when she saw Yang Xuan standing there calmly with his hands behind his hands, he was suddenly startled and felt that Yang Xuan had an indescribable smell at this moment.

You said that maturity is not comprehensive, it's like...it seems like you have found your own roots and have more confidence.

Yang Xuan said: "If I ask you about confidential information, you will probably refuse to tell me. So, to be more simple, what kind of news is Tanzhou asking you to wait for to find out? Say, don't suffer any more, and send you on your way cleanly."

Eagle Guard bachelor said: "We are never afraid of torture, you have wasted your efforts."

The old thief rushed over, pinched both ends of his cheeks, reached in, and stirred roughly.

When I took it out again, there was something in my hand.

"Just at the root, if you bite it, there should be a rare poison inside."

The old thief opened the fang and sniffed it.

"Torture!" Yang Xuan and He Lianyan went to the side and whispered about this.

"Little Pan!" the old thief shouted.


Pan Sheng is here.

"Come and serve this noble man!" The old thief pointed at the Eagle Guard.


Looking at Pan Sheng who was in high spirits, Yang Xuan wondered whether he would create an army of tomb robbers in the future.


The Eagle Guard howled miserably.

He Lianyan said: "Eagle Guards are all tough guys."

Yang Xuan said calmly: "The so-called tough guy never relies on will."

"What is that?" He Lianyan asked.

"Faith!" Yang Xuan said: "The will will be destroyed, but the faith can be unwavering. What does the Eagle Guard rely on? It is will, but there is no faith. Look, within a quarter of an hour, he will definitely speak."

"I don't believe it, how about Lang Jun make a bet with me?" He Lianyan smiled sweetly.

"Okay! What are you betting on?" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

"The bet is owed first."


Wang Laoer, who was watching the fun, accidentally glanced at him and said, "Hey! The fox's eyes are so fierce!"

Pan Sheng's technique was a bit unfamiliar, but the old thief was always there, explaining the gaps between the muscles and meridians, as well as the pain points. A group of people around him were listening.

"Master..." Pan Sheng pointed to the people around him, implying that the secret had been leaked.

The old thief said confidently: "If you don't give me guidance, it will be a mistake to start!"


In less than a quarter of an hour, Eagle Guard couldn't stand the old thief's ancestral tactics and confessed.

"Tanzhou Helianrong ordered us to find out the date of Chenzhou's dispatch of troops, the number of the army, and the news about the leading generals!"

Yang Xuan waved his hand and turned back to check the room.

"This is to find out the movements of our army." Han Ji said: "In this way, I thought that if the information was found, Tanzhou would send troops."

This is also Yang Xuan's judgment, "But Tanzhou is unwilling to garrison troops to control the tiger troops. This shows that there is discord between He Lianrong and Zhang Zhuo, and they are even suspicious of each other. In this way, even if they send troops, it is impossible to cooperate."


Cao Ying said: "What Lang Jun means...will He Lianrong watch?"

Lu Qiang said: "I feel that he will lead the army on the side and look for opportunities to move out. If possible, he will wait until we and the Tiger Control Division are both injured, or when we are about to win, and take action to reap the benefits."

"You have finished what I have to say." Yang Xuan said with a smile: "It is said that one person is short-term, so a good man must have several helpers."

After knowing Tanzhou's thoughts, Yang Xuan and others began to discuss how to deal with it.

"Send someone to Tanzhou's frontline sentry to investigate. If you find that the army is dispatched, report it immediately." Han Ji stroked his beard, showing Zhuge Liang's wisdom. "In addition, if possible, I think we can mobilize the merchants from the Tiger Control Department.

, let them pass on the news, saying that Lang Jun will definitely destroy the Tiger Control Department this time..."

"This is a threat!" Lu Qiang said appreciatively: "I have always admired Mr. Han's resourcefulness."

Han Ji smiled, "Lang Jun's plan is the sharpest, but I'm just a talker."

The three of them looked at Yang Xuan, who was thinking about the matter. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "I have nothing to plan. This battle is just to act according to the situation. As for what Lao Han said about ordering the businessman to send a message, it is psychological warfare. You can add some...

…Come down during the war, let bygones be bygones, and the leader will come down with his troops to surrender, and you will be rewarded generously.”

Psychological warfare plus financial temptation, both hands must be grasped!

He thought for a while and said, "Moreover, ask Zhan Ya if there are any enemies of Zhang Zhuo in the Tiger Control Department, and try to bribe them."

He tapped his fingers unconsciously and said: "Gather the businessmen from the Tiger Control Department and I will talk to them personally."

Opposite Zhou's house, Yelujue said calmly: "That brother is gone, but we still have to keep an eye on him."

"I'm afraid it's hard to keep an eye on the military camp." Someone smiled bitterly.

"Passing by!" Yelujue said, "Pretend to be passing by."

So, that afternoon, the Eagle Guards took turns passing by the outside of the military camp.

When the army is about to go out, it will first stop training to let the soldiers recuperate.

This is the most obvious signal.

On the second day, there were more than ten people outside the military camp.

Men and women were scattered around, looking lazy.

"Yue Er, if you don't do business, aren't you afraid that your wife will get angry?" A woman stood under the eaves with her hands in her sleeves, looking... like a street kid. She raised her head and asked Yue Er.

Yue Er said proudly: "My Erlang can now take care of everything on his own."

The woman was surprised, "Oh! That's rare, it shows how smart you are."

"That's good!" Yue Er said with a smile.

"It's started!" Uda shouted from the side.

Helianyan is at the gate of the military camp.

Jielong said: "Madam, what can these people do?"

He Lianyan said: "These are the Jianghu people that Lang Jun said. Lang Jun said that although they are inconspicuous, their eyesight is first-class poisonous. Let them stare at the people coming and going around, maybe they can gain something.


"Bang!" Jielong wanted to sneer, but Helianyan slowly looked over and said quickly: "You are wise!"

"Remember, we are living under someone else's roof!" He Lianyan said, "If you want to integrate, you must take the initiative to make meritorious deeds."

"Madam, when will this kind of life end?" In Tanzhou, he was dependent on others, but in Chenzhou, he was dependent on others. There was no sense of security in such a life. Jielong felt a little sad.

"Actually, Mr. Lang treats me well." He Lianyan said, "I haven't avoided many things. However, those around him are a little wary of me."

"You don't regard us as your own." Jielong said dissatisfied.

"My husband allows me to be in charge of secrets and espionage matters because he treats me as his confidant." He Lianyan really admired Yang Xuan's mind and courage, "As for the other people, think about it, if we had

When I was still in Tanzhou, the emperor's uncle suddenly hired a woman from the Tang Dynasty. Do you dare to believe her?"

Jielong understood, "That's all, this life was sold to Lang Jun. We don't care what other people think."

"Yes!" He Lianyan said: "Everything is fine here, but I feel like... I have no roots and am floating all over. I don't know when I will fall down."

Jielong said: "When you have children, you have roots."

Helianyan was startled.

She suddenly understood where Yang Xuan's recent changes came from.

From children!

After having a child, Yang Xuan's whole temperament changed.

It has a bit more of what many people call a mature flavor, also called masculinity.

When can I have a baby?

Helianyan thought for a while.

"Hey! Madam, look!" Jielong whispered: "That old man!"

Yue Er was bragging about his good sex with the woman, but the hand behind his back quietly pointed at a man who had just passed by.

The guards looked at Uda.

Uda nodded vigorously, "Fuck him!"

Several guards quietly surrounded him from all sides.

When the man found out, he ran away.

Uda smiled ferociously and said, "Yeah, I've already prepared a bow and arrow!"

Ahead, more than a dozen guards stood with their bows and arrows drawn, and the leader of the guard roared like thunder, "Kneel down and spare your life!"

The man was still running wildly.

"Fire the arrow!"

The sound of the bowstring is like thunder.

The man was hit by arrows in both legs and fell to the ground.

"How did you find out?" Jielong came up and asked.

Yue Er said calmly: "My old profession! What you eat is your eyesight! Even if it is a female fly that flies in front of my eyes twice, I will recognize it!"

There is another alliance leader, thanks to "Huaze Chives"


This chapter has been completed!
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