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thank god

There are indeed many spells in Jixia Academy, so much so that there are more than a hundred spells that He Chen can choose from, so much so that he had to write a book specifically describing spells.


Didn't this just hit He Chen's heart?!

There is no job in Jixia Academy that allows monks to learn all the spells, but He Chen has the ability to learn through any book!


From the perspective of the monks at Jixia Academy, He Chen, who had asked the question, stopped chatting and concentrated on reading the book.

In fact, at this time, He Chen had already entered the consciousness space through this nameless book.

In this space of consciousness, more than a hundred figures intersect one after another. It is obviously the narration of a spell, and it is just one figure.

After all, it is just a book that introduces spells without any real content. The combat power of this individual figure is much stronger than those in martial arts books, but compared with the current He Chen, it really has no resistance.

He Chen was just flying high in the sky, constantly bombarding him with spells. The knowledge about various spells was like a tide, constantly flowing towards He Chen.

The knowledge about magic is indeed much stronger than ordinary knowledge, and the magic knowledge described in this summary is even stronger than the magic knowledge learned before.

At least, it is obviously much better at blocking the brain.

As a result, He Chen was so painful that he rolled around in the sky in the consciousness space for the first time.

Even though there are only a few pieces of knowledge, it can make my head hurt. This knowledge is naturally extraordinary.

Here, the general meaning does not seem to be simple.

He Chen was in pain while digesting these knowledge, and he clearly felt that the person who wrote this book did not seem to be the creator of this spell.

This is not to say that the writing is not good, but that in He Chen's opinion, the mind of the person who wrote the book is clearly higher than that of the creator of the spell.

Moreover, the knowledge contained in the descriptions of the multiple spells obtained by He Chen were basically written by the same monk!

Isn't it said that there is no job in Jixia Academy that can learn all the spells? The monk who wrote this book has clearly learned all the spells in this series, otherwise how could he write it so clearly?

Or is it that the monk who wrote this book learned it secretly?

Water system.

Spiritual energy system.

Wood system.

Earth system.


Each individual figure was killed by He Chen, and a series of knowledge was taken into He Chen's heart and digested automatically.

Speaking of which, none of the spells in it has specific practice content. Due to the high level of skill and precise writing of the few people who wrote this book, there is only a corresponding description in this book without specific directions.

To be honest, He Chen, who had learned these knowledge, had almost no way to recreate the spell on his own.

However, this does not mean that He Chen learned it in vain.

After learning all this knowledge, He Chen felt that his understanding of the entire world had become deeper even though he could not learn any spells.

This may sound mysterious, but it is indeed true.

As far as the water element alone is concerned, He Chen feels that he has gained more from studying this book than he did when he first learned about water escape.

On the surface, this book is about classifying techniques, but He Chen, who has completely learned this book in the consciousness space, clearly sees through this layer that the author has mastered a series of paths.

What is classified is magic, but the thoughts and methods of classification are clearly indicating the understanding of heaven and earth!

If we say that the previous realization of water escape allowed He Chen, who had only seen one road in the water, to see more water roads around him.

Such knowledge now allows He Chen to clearly see how to prioritize and form his own framework in a complicated road with no beginning or end!

Moreover, there is more than just water.

In addition to the water system, there are also the spirit system, the wood system...

One by one, for all the categories with many spells in Jixia Academy, He Chen was indeed unable to learn the spells, but the framework of this category had been roughly formed in his mind.

And when the well-fitted frames of these doors are put together and intersect with each other, they seem to form a whole world.

There is not a single magic technique in a magic book, but you can get a glimpse of the world painted by others.



He Chen took a long breath, frowned slightly, and put down the book in his hand with a tired look on his face.

First, I was half asleep and half awake for an unknown number of days while water escaping, and then I was traveling for a whole day in flying escaping. After that, I took the monks in the Lun Dao Palace to experience the water column water escape technique for more than half an hour. Now I have absorbed it all my life.

A whole heavy volume.

During the whole process, He Chen didn't sleep for a moment. The mental consumption was too great.

Although the list of spells at this time was all in He Chen's mind, he really did not have the energy to filter out three or five of the more than one hundred spells.

"Taoist Priest, I have roughly read this spell book, but I am too tired today. I will go back to rest first and choose again tomorrow, right?"

"Of course you can, but there are rules in the academy. This spell catalog cannot be taken out of here. Fellow Daoist He, you can go back and have a good rest first, and check it out next time you come."

"Well, okay, then I'll go back first."

He Chen cupped his hands towards the monks at Jixia Academy, then changed his mind and headed towards his courtyard.

This time I slept in bed again, and slept all day long.

When I woke up, it was bright again.

Logically speaking, He Chen should obviously go to Zhihuiyuan at this time to continue selecting spells. However, he had already memorized the entire book in his heart, so he could select it directly in his heart without going out.

He Chen had no intention of keeping the Water Column Water Escape Technique and used it to open up a sect, and planned to teach it directly to Jixia Academy. In this way, he would be able to obtain five spells.

So, which five spells to choose?

"Five spells..."

He Chen stood up and looked at the skylight. All the spells recorded in the book were going through his mind one by one.

He had already learned so much about the water system through other monks, so there was no need to continue studying at Jixia Academy and choose the water system.

In the final analysis, He Chen did not build his foundation with water in the beginning, and he did not want to continue practicing the water system.

From the bottom of his heart, He Chen wanted to delve into the mysteries and magic of the entire world, not just water. If he only knew water, he would not be considered a god. He was clearly just a narcissus.

And in the spell book, after all, there are spells that are on the same level as his water column water escape technique, and there are naturally not a few spells that attract He Chen.

Spells at this level really have the meaning of an immortal.

For example, in the essence and spirit system, you can use the god of other things to strengthen your own god, or the magic of others;

Another example is the wood-based magic that can make flowers bloom, grow, and all things grow with just one thought;

Another example...

This chapter has been completed!
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