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Chapter 438: The Psychedelic Mirror and the Soul-Drumming Drum

 The restrictions here are indeed strange. The places the four passages lead to are not fixed, and once you enter, you cannot retreat.

The three people walked into the same stone gate one after another, but they were not together, but were randomly separated. The whole process was very natural, without any abnormality.

In front of a spiraling bluestone staircase, Mo Juren, who was suddenly teleported here, couldn't help but be startled for a moment, and then came back to his senses.

Neither Xu Qingcheng nor Han Li have to worry about themselves. Therefore, even if they are separated, there is no need to worry too much, just take care of yourself.

He didn't waste any time, and immediately climbed up the steps. The steps were much longer than expected, and it took him a full meal and he still didn't reach the end.

Mo Juren looked slightly surprised, and couldn't help but become curious about the target that was about to arrive.

In fact, he has no shortage of ancient treasures, elixirs or techniques, and getting one is just the icing on the cake. However, after all, these are the things left by ancient monks, and each one is of high value. There is no guarantee that there will be any.

An unexpected surprise.

After walking about a hundred feet further, I finally saw a flash of light. Mo Juren's expression moved slightly, and he immediately speeded up until he turned a corner and an ordinary square exit appeared in his sight.

Dark yellow sky, gray fog, no blue sky and red sun, everything is dark and unclear.

This is the world behind the exit. It is actually an unfathomable, huge cylindrical space. It is surrounded by thick fog, making it impossible to see through at all, and the position where he is standing is actually a window opened in the fog wall.
There is a white jade long bridge about tens of feet long in front, suspended in the sky out of thin air. The dragons and phoenixes built on this bridge are extremely exquisite. One end is connected to the exit, and the other end is leading to a floating structure in the central area of ​​the space.

Four Corner Loft.

This building is more than thirty feet high and is divided into two floors. The entire building is made of beautiful jade, shining in the void, like a fairy palace on Qiongtai.

Above the entrance of the pavilion, there is a golden plaque with three powerful ancient characters written on it:

‘Baoguang Pavilion’.

Seeing this name, Mo Juren was stunned. He didn't expect it to be here. Doesn't it mean that Han Li was randomly sent to another place?

It's normal to have second thoughts. Those four portals are changing at any time, and no one can be sure of the final result. As for Han Li, he hopes he can reach the attic where the elixirs or exercises are stored, so that he won't find nothing.

Shaking his head slightly, he stopped staying and immediately stepped onto the Jade Bridge.

It has to be said that the environment here is not generally dangerous. The two sides of the Jade Bridge are pitch black, like an abyss. Just a glance at it will give you chills in your heart.

Although his consciousness was powerful, he was unable to detect the situation below at all, and his mind was even slightly shaken.

This subtle feeling made Mo Juren's heart tremble. He immediately speeded up his steps and crossed the jade bridge as quickly as possible to the area in front of the attic.

As he got closer, he finally saw the whole view of the attic clearly. It was simple in shape and huge in size, giving people a sense of majesty and majesty.

The entrance is a semicircular arch, about two feet high, and its surface is covered by a yellow light curtain. I originally thought it was used to block the road, but after a little trial and error, I discovered that it can be passed directly.

He no longer hesitated and strode forward immediately. When he passed through the arch, he saw the attic hall on the first floor.

In front of the line of sight, there are rows of round jade platforms with a height of several feet, ranging in size, all made of white crystal jade. There are a lot of them and they are evenly distributed throughout the hall.

There was a flash of light on the jade platform. It turned out to be semicircular masks of different colors, and what was sealed inside was obviously the ancient treasure stored here.

However, the quality of the treasures here is obviously not very good, and only a small part has been selected and taken away. The truly valuable ones still have to go upstairs.

Mo Juren, who had known about it for a long time, only glanced at it and stopped paying attention, and instead headed straight towards the teleportation formation not far away.

There was a flash of white light, and he had appeared on the second floor. Unlike the first floor where a large number of exquisite jade platforms were built before, this place was much 'simple'.

There is a huge spherical light mask in the central area. Other than that, the surrounding area is completely empty and there is nothing else.

However, even in such a simple environment, the quality of the treasures it possesses is much higher than below.

Inside the light mask, which is about ten feet high, dozens of ancient treasures of different shapes are floating quietly, including scrolls, jade tablets, round bowls, black flags, etc., all of which are shining with dazzling spiritual light.<


Joy flashed in his eyes, and he immediately punched the light mask in front of him. What a magical power he had, and ordinary restrictions would have been shattered directly. However, the light mask in front of him was completely different. Under such a powerful attack

It only blasted out a half-foot-diameter hole, and it instantly returned to its original state.

"This..." Mo Juren couldn't help but look slightly surprised. The strength of this restriction was really beyond his expectation. After a pause, one of his arms suddenly lit up with golden brilliance, and then suddenly raised it up, slashing towards him like a sharp blade.


In an instant, there was only a roar, and a crack was opened directly on the light shield. Taking this opportunity, he quickly dodged into the light shield. And the crack that was cut open also followed.

Healing is as good as new at an extremely fast speed.

"What a pity!" Looking at the dozens of ancient treasures suspended in the air, Mo Juren couldn't help but sigh. With so many treasures, how great would it be if he could take them all away? However, he could only think about it, he really

Can't do it.

In the original fate line, Han Li's imaginative approach was quite good. With the help of the special gold-eating insects, he could take advantage of the loopholes and take away two items. This was already a big harvest, and he happened to have 10,000 of these insects in his hand.

It has been hatched, so you can definitely give it a try.

Looking at the treasures scattered everywhere, the Five Elements Ring and the dark red cloak that were supposed to be obtained by Han Li were also among them. In addition, there was a dark small drum with black light shining all over, and a golden

Oval mirrors are also his favorite things.

As for other items, such as strange blades, tokens, black flags, etc., you can probably guess their uses, but don't care much about them.

How to choose?

Mo Juren couldn't help but ponder. These treasures are not necessary for him. He already has a lot of ancient treasures in his hands. One more and one less will not have much impact.

However, even if you don’t use it yourself, you can use it to send it in. For example, the five-element ring and the blood-colored cloak are absolutely rare treasures for ordinary monks in the elixir formation stage, and they can greatly improve their ability to fight or save their lives.<


After some weighing, he planned to choose the Five Elements Ring and the Cloak. After all, these were things that had been confirmed in the original destiny line and could definitely be of extraordinary power. As for the other things, it wasn't that he didn't want to, it was useless just to think about them. Instead, it was better to seek stability.


The plan in my mind was made, and I was going to release the gold-eating insects to get the treasure immediately. However, at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in my mind. It seemed that I could try another method?

This is obviously a space-type restriction, and it is a very high-level one. Unless you find the center of the restriction and then use brute force to break the entire space covered by it, there is almost no other way to fight. Once the device is touched

Once the restriction is set, it will be involuntarily teleported away immediately.

This is obviously unrealistic. It is impossible for those old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage to think of it, but no one does it, so it is obviously impossible to succeed.

Although he has strength comparable to that of a strong person in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he also does not have that kind of confidence.

However, when he was planning to copy the method used by Han Li, he suddenly received a hint of inspiration and thought of the Five Elements Edict he possessed. This unconventional method involving laws might also be effective.

After all, Han Li's imagination came from Xin Ruyin's conjecture about the restriction of space. That is, as long as the monks can find a way to completely and temporarily cut off their spiritual power from all energy communication in space, there can be no trace of it.

Contact. In this way, the space restriction will not have an effect on people.

Although this is just a theory, as Mo Juren, who knows everything well, it can be confirmed to be correct. Han Li's use of gold-eating insects to swallow the spiritual energy around his body and isolate himself from the surroundings is a living example.

In contrast, the effect of the Five Elements Edict is far beyond the simple devouring of spiritual energy by gold-eating insects. It has already involved laws, isolation, and even controlling spiritual power is not difficult.

Over the years, as his research on the Five Elements Order has gradually deepened, his control has become more and more proficient. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to help Han Yunzhi overcome the difficulty of instilling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, which is the consumption of mana and spiritual consciousness. Because in order to completely isolate the surrounding spiritual power, it is natural to issue five edicts at the same time, and the consumption can be described as terrifying.

He has not forgotten the process of that time. In just a moment, all his magic power and spiritual consciousness bottomed out, and he had to practice in seclusion for three months before he recovered as before.

That is without external pressure, but it is different here. There are powerful spatial restrictions around it. While isolating the spiritual energy, you must constantly fight against it, which may consume far more than expected.

Furthermore, this is the Xutian Temple, and maintaining sufficient mana and spiritual consciousness is the most important thing. Taking risks for a few dispensable ancient treasures is indeed not worth the gain.

He has more important things to do, whether it is the 'Xu Tian Xing Dou Diagram' or the 'Xu Tian Cauldron', that is the real goal.

After some weighing, he finally made a decision. Naturally, he had to take possession of the treasures here, but he couldn't be greedy for too many. Just choose a few that you liked as much as possible, and you could give up the rest.

And if he only takes a few important items as much as possible, preferably not too far away from each other, then it will be much simpler. It only takes a short time for him to complete, and the consumption of mana and spiritual consciousness is within an acceptable range.


After all, he is already in the late stage of pill formation and has successfully cultivated the third level of Dayan Jue. He is no longer what he used to be. At least if he persists for a while, it will not have much impact.

Do whatever you want, and scan the sky again. After roughly delineating the range of several magic weapons, your mind moves accordingly. The black, white, green, red, and yellow orders appear one after another, and then they become

A layer of mysterious five-color light armor completely enveloped it.

Mo Juren immediately felt that all the mana around him was blocked. It was a kind of isolation at the level of rules, and there was no trace of contact with the outside world. Of course, his own consumption was also extremely rapid, and his mana and spiritual consciousness were rapidly decreasing.

Naturally, he did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately grabbed the nearest dark red cloak. At that moment, the originally calm space began to change, and countless blue lights swept in. However,

When it comes into contact with the five-color light armor, it seems to be subject to some fundamental restrictions, making it difficult to penetrate at all.

Faced with such a situation, instead of giving up, the rich blue light became more intense, eroding crazily towards the five-color light armor.

Mo Juren could feel his consumption increasing rapidly, and without wasting a moment, he grabbed several nearby ancient treasures as quickly as possible.

Because the range has been selected in advance, the treasure collection speed is also extremely fast. When you feel that your mana consumption has reached 20%, you immediately give up without hesitation.

Without the obstruction of the five-color light armor, blue light poured in instantly. Mo Juren felt like the world was spinning, and he disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in a strange stone room.

As soon as Fang stood still, he immediately looked around cautiously and found that there were no other monks there, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

You know, at this time, he is holding five ancient treasures in his hands. If others see it, unnecessary twists and turns will inevitably occur.

It's okay for monks in the Danjie stage, at least they can silence them in time. If it's a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage, it will be really troublesome. After all, being able to bring out so many treasures at the same time is obviously too abnormal.

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Putting away his thoughts, he briefly glanced at the five ancient treasures in his hand, which were a dark red cloak, a golden mirror, a black drum, a silver strange blade, and a cyan token engraved with a picture of an alien beast.

After just one glance, he put them all into the storage bag, and then took them out one by one and inspected them carefully.

Needless to say, the dark red cloak is the one Han Li got, and it is most suitable for escaping. In the original fate line, this treasure has come in handy many times, saving the opponent's life.

Mo Juren chose this treasure because he also prepared it for Han Li. As for the Five Elements Ring, it was abandoned by him because it was too far away.

The golden mirror and the black drum were the two ancient treasures he was most looking forward to. After inspecting them, a look of satisfaction suddenly appeared on his face.

He didn't know the names of the two treasures, but he simply tested their functions. After the former was sacrificed, it could actually emit a strange hallucinogenic light, drawing the enemy's consciousness into the illusion created inside the mirror.

Among them, it is definitely a nightmare for monks with weak spiritual consciousness and weak will.

As for the black drum, it is a sound attack treasure. After being sacrificed, it will make bursts of weird drum sounds, which can shake people's hearts.

These are definitely two ancient treasures of good quality. They may achieve surprising results when used against some special enemies in the future.

In comparison, the final silver monster blade and the cyan token are much worse. The former is just a simple attack ancient treasure with unsatisfactory power, while the latter has the spirit of an unknown monster sealed in the token.

The power is also not high.

The reason why he collected these two ancient treasures just now was because they were close and he would not waste time. Therefore, he was not frustrated at all and took it as a courtesy.

Having harvested five ancient treasures at once, what else could he be dissatisfied with?

Somewhere in the stone room was the exit passage, but he did not leave immediately. Instead, he found a place, swallowed the elixir, and sat cross-legged to practice.

It was only a few breaths of effort, but it consumed a full 20% of his mana and consciousness. Although it did not have much impact, he still did not intend to take risks. It would be best to recover for a while first.

The next third level, 'The Wonderful Illusion', is actually nothing. In his state of mind, he won't be afraid at all. On the contrary, after passing the wonderful illusion, the real test will come.

For this, he must be fully prepared.

This practice lasted for more than half a day, and with the help of a large number of top-level elixirs, I finally made up for the consumed mana. In the past few days, a lot of Xuanyin liquid has been refined, and I had already swallowed a drop before, so that

Now the recovery speed of spiritual consciousness is also extremely fast.

No longer scrupulous, Mo Juren's eyes suddenly opened, and then he stood up and walked towards the passage ahead.

This chapter has been completed!
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