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Chapter 583: Golden Bone Spirit

 Unlike the Netherworld Valley, the Sea of ​​Bones is not located in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, but in an extremely remote place.

Mo Juren flew all the way, and after leaving the mountains, he continued flying for more than half a month before gradually approaching his destination. As he continued to get closer, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth became increasingly thinner, until he reached the edge of the Bone Sea, when the spiritual energy completely disappeared.


Flying to the ground, I stared straight ahead, and what I saw was the endless white ocean. If I hadn't known what it was like in advance, I would have thought it was covered with heavy snow.

What shocked him even more was that the endless sea of ​​bones was filled with some strange power, and anything related to spiritual energy would be absorbed by it.

The reason why he flew to the ground was because he felt that the speed of spiritual power flowing out was increasing rapidly when he used Escape Light.

He had known this before, but when he actually saw this situation, he still found it unbelievable.

"It seems that we can't continue flying on the journey ahead, so we can only walk on foot." Mo Juren shook his head slightly, but began to think about his next plan.

His only real purpose here is to hunt down the 'Spirit-eating Bone Demon' and obtain the 'Bone Spirit Son' mentioned in Wu Guang's memory. It has nothing to do with experience or anything.

This strange object born from white bones may not only be able to increase bone strength as recorded, but may also have other uses.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, in short, this time we must make a big effort to hoard a sufficient amount of this treasure. In the future, not only will I use it, but my wives, daughters, and disciples will not be left behind.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate anymore and immediately strode forward towards the sea of ​​bones.

At this time, he had completely sealed off his spiritual power and turned to perform secular Qinggong, which was not slow at all.

The outermost area was very calm, and there was no sign of life. Instead, it was deathly silent, and the silence was terrifying. It was not until a few days later that the situation finally changed when it penetrated deep into the inner area.

"Boom..." Suddenly, a huge white shadow suddenly appeared among the bones somewhere in front. Looking closely, it turned out to be a giant white-bone python with a length of seven to eight feet.

"The soul-eating bone demon!" Instead of being afraid, Mo Juren showed a look of surprise. He finally saw this legendary life.

This python's entire body is made of white bones, and its surface is covered with a layer of white light. Its movements are not clumsy at all, but are extremely flexible. There are white flames flickering in its empty eyes. At this moment, it is staring at him, although it does not look like

The monster's gaze still made Mo Juren feel the cold killing intent.

"Interesting!" The corners of Mo Juren's mouth raised slightly, and in the next moment, he suddenly raised his head and shot forward. Before the python could react, his arm was suddenly cut off like a sharp sword.

Although it was just an ordinary blow, it contained terrifying power. It condensed directly into a golden sword light and instantly cut the giant python into two pieces.

It's not surprising that he killed the opponent so easily. According to Wu Guang's memory, the life born in the sea of ​​bones is called the 'Spirit-eating Bone Demon'. There are many of them and they are divided into different levels. After killing

There is a chance to get the Bone Spirit Son, but there are also advantages and disadvantages.

The giant white bone python in front of us is only the lowest level. The flame of life is white, and there are three levels of cyan, red and gold on it. The further you go, the more powerful it becomes, and the bone spirits that are born become more and more precious.

The task given to him by Wu Guang's ancestor was to obtain a 'Golden Bone Spirit', which was not only stronger, but also because the chance of its birth was extremely low.

The white soul-eating bone demon is only equivalent to the Qi-training stage level, while the golden one is already comparable to the great demon in the transformation stage. And because it occupies a favorable location and has extremely strong soul-eating characteristics, its true strength is much stronger.
Ordinary great monsters in the transformation stage are no match for them. Only those with extremely powerful monster bodies can truly hunt them down and have a chance to obtain the ‘Golden Bone Spirit Son’.

Even among the dragon clan, there are not many practitioners who have obtained this thing in history. The ancestor of Wu Guang arranged such a task for him, which shows that he really has high expectations for it.

Putting away his thoughts, Mo Juren looked directly at the white-bone python that had been chopped into two parts, and was about to cut off the other person's head to check whether there was a 'Bone Spirit Son' exploded.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred. The white flames in the eyes of the giant python suddenly beat violently, and then, wisps of gray-white energy suddenly surged out from the surrounding white bones, all of which were absorbed by the flames.<


After a while, the giant python that was originally broken into two parts actually recovered to its original state, displaying much more powerful momentum than before.

"What is this? Immortality?" Mo Juren frowned and waved his arm again to slash at the giant python. This time he chopped it off directly on the head, splitting its huge head in half, and the white flame was also directly struck by it.

Slap it away.

The giant python did not resurrect, but the white flames turned into dots of starlight and instantly dissipated in the surroundings. Nourished by these energies, the originally lifeless bones around them actually showed a trace of spirituality.

"This 'Spirit-Eating Bone Demon' is indeed difficult to deal with and can be killed, but in a sense it is immortal. Moreover, because of its ability to absorb spiritual energy, any spiritual attack is meaningless. Instead, it will eventually become this piece of land."

Nutrients for the growth of the Sea of ​​Bones." Yin Yue's cooing call sounded in her ears, and it was obvious that she was also extremely surprised by this situation.

"I can't say it's completely meaningless. At least it can be used in emergencies, but it's certainly not simple." Mo Juren nodded in agreement, especially that slap just now was a pure spiritual attack, although it 'killed' the bones.

The python was eventually absorbed by the Sea of ​​Bones.

He wasn't too worried about this. His physical body was so powerful that he could move forward and backward, which was enough. Without any delay, he used Qinggong again and jumped away like a sharp arrow.

As he continued to go deeper into the sea of ​​bones, the number of 'soul-eating bone monsters' he encountered along the way began to increase, and their strength became more and more powerful. However, no matter whether they were white bone monsters, cyan, or red, they were no match for him.
He pushed forward almost all the way, and if Wu Guang saw it with such ease, his jaw would probably drop.

The strength of individual bone demons may be inferior, but they are invincible. Especially the red bone demons are already equivalent to the level of condensed inner elixir. With such terrifying numbers, even the great demons in the transformation stage are no match and can only wander away to avoid them.

, look for opportunities to move forward.

It was unbelievable that Mo Juren was taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard. As more and more bone demons were killed, he finally got what he wanted and got the long-awaited 'Bone Spirit Son'


It is something similar to an inner elixir, which contains extremely pure energy. The higher the level, the purer and greater the energy.

Mo Juren collected a lot of them along the way, including white, cyan, and red ones, but he has not seen one of them yet, except for the most valuable golden bone spirit child.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Somewhere in the Bone Sea, the fierce battle continued. Mo Juren moved around like lightning, constantly harvesting the lives of the bone demons, and did not stop until the last red bone demon was killed.


But at this moment, a majestic aura suddenly came from a distance, which immediately shocked his mind. When he turned around, he saw a giant white-bone bear with a height of more than thirty feet.

Compared with the previous bone demon, this one is obviously very different. The aura it exudes is extremely terrifying, and the empty eyes are flashing with golden flames.

"Gold level!" The moment he saw the giant bear, Mo Juren suddenly showed a look of surprise that he couldn't hide. Yes, it was a surprise. In his eyes, this was not a formidable enemy, but a genuine treasure.

Before the other party could get close, he shot away. Such a performance made the giant bear stunned for a moment, and then became furious after reacting.

In an instant, the two sides met each other, and the giant bear raised its fist as big as a millstone and slammed it at the opponent.

Compared with the huge size of the giant bear, Mo Juren can be described as "tiny", even smaller than the size of the opponent's finger.

But because of this, he had the advantage of flexibility. The giant bear couldn't aim at the opponent at all and hit the ground directly.

"Boom..." Under the huge force, bones were scattered in all directions, and a huge hole was made on the spot. Before the giant bear could check the results of the battle, the next moment, his body suddenly shook, and then turned directly to one side.

Falling down suddenly.

The golden flames in the giant bear's eyes were beating violently, as if it was suffering some great pain. Looking at its feet, a leg bone like a huge stone pillar had already been broken.

This was naturally Mo Juren's masterpiece. He took advantage of the opponent's lack of time to react and struck decisively, cutting off one of his legs.

The process was a bit beyond his expectation. The strength of the opponent's leg bones was not even a bit stronger than the previous ones. In other words, he had infinite power, otherwise he really wouldn't have been able to succeed.

The severe pain caused the giant bear to fall directly into a violent state, and the dazzling golden light from the sudden burst of golden flames in his eyes directly enveloped its entire huge body.

Not only that, endless gray-white energy emerged from the massive white bones around them, converging rapidly towards the golden light.

"Want to recover! Dream!" Mo Juren has seen this situation more than once. This is the talent common to almost all 'Spirit-eating Bone Demons'. As long as they are in the sea of ​​bones, they can continue to recover.

In this regard, he has long summed up a way to deal with it. Its recovery takes time. As long as it is interrupted in the process, it can completely destroy the opponent's plan.

With his thoughts moving, a long golden stick several feet long appeared. It was the Red Golden Ape's 'Ruyi Yao Golden Stick', and it was also the weapon he had prepared for this trip to the Bone Sea.

Without any hesitation, he shot straight towards the giant bear's head. The moment he got closer, the Ruyi Yao Golden Stick smashed wildly like a rolling storm.

At this time, the giant bear has not yet recovered, and is lying on the ground. Facing this crazy attack, it can only deal with it in a hurry.





After a violent explosion, Mo Juren stood with a stick, but the giant bear was already dead. Its huge head was smashed to pieces, and the fire of life disappeared.

There is no skill in this battle, everything is purely a competition of strength. Unfortunately, although the giant bear is powerful, there is still a huge gap between him and Mo Juren, so it is not surprising that he ultimately failed and died.

Mo Juren was too lazy to pay attention to this, but searched carefully among his shattered skulls. Suddenly, he found something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he raised his arm, and a golden light flew directly into his palm.

This is a fist-sized bone bead with a dazzling golden light all over its body. It is very similar to the inner elixir of a monster, and it contains majestic energy inside.

"The Golden Bone Spirit Son is indeed not comparable to the previous ones." Yinyue also sensed the difference and said happily.

"I was lucky this time, it exploded right away." Mo Juren nodded, put it away and continued,

"I have entered the depths of the Bone Sea, but I have never encountered such a top-level soul-devouring bone demon until today. It can be seen that there are not many people who can cultivate to the golden level."

"It's a pity that the suppression of spiritual consciousness here is even more severe, otherwise it would be easy to sense it." Yinyue also sighed softly.

"If it was really that simple, I'm afraid it wouldn't be our turn and we would have been killed by the Jiaolong clan long ago." Mo Juren shook his head slightly, without any disappointment, and continued,

"Let nature take its course. No matter how many you find, it won't be a loss anyway. Besides, the 'Red Bone Spirit Son' is also not bad, and it's easier to get."

After the words fell, he did not delay and continued to move forward.


Two years later, Wu Guang left Netherworld Valley, and his state of mind once again experienced great growth.

Full of confidence, he immediately went to the Sea of ​​Bones and entered alone, planning to make a fortune with his own strength.

It's a pity that the growth of mentality can't play a big role in the situation of the Bone Sea. Facing the endless "Spirit-eating Bone Demon", I only persisted for a few months, and I couldn't even enter the core area, and even fell into crisis.

In the end, I had to take out the summons token and ask for help.

Mo Juren arrived quickly and didn't say much after seeing the other party. He first helped him out of the siege, and then took him directly out of the sea of ​​bones.

In this regard, Wu Guang could only sigh, but he had no reason to refute at all. Since he couldn't even reach the central area, how could he complete the task with his own ability?

"Take the things and hand them over when you get back." From somewhere in the air, Mo Juren took out a white jade box and handed it to the other party without hesitation.

"This is..." Wu Guang's heart moved, and then he slowly opened it with some excitement. In an instant, golden light emerged, and a golden bone bead the size of a thumb came into view.

"Golden bone spirit child!" Although he had already speculated, Wu Guang was still a little uncontrollable excited after seeing the real thing. Not only because of the preciousness of this thing, but with this thing, he can complete the old thing.

It is a task assigned by the ancestors, and secondly, other tribesmen will look at him with admiration when they learn about it.

The difficulty of obtaining this object is too high. It not only requires sufficient strength, but also a lot of luck. Otherwise, don’t even think about it.

Over the years, there have been many members of the same clan who have entered the Burial Dragon Abyss, but not many of them have actually been able to obtain the ‘Golden Bone Spirit Son’, and each of them has spent a long time.

Unlike the person in front of him, he has already gained something in just over two years. He even instinctively guessed in his heart that the opponent would probably have more than this one.

Of course this is just a guess, but for some reason, he always feels that the possibility of this is very high.

This also made the fear in his heart become stronger, and a thought that he had had before resurfaced again, and suddenly became extremely determined.

This chapter has been completed!
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