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Chapter 11 Teacher's Banquet

The house where Master Mosheduo lived was very large. In addition to being a single-family three-story building, there were seven or eight rooms on each floor.

The quiet environment is very suitable for magicians and magic apprentices to delve into knowledge.

Especially the side room that Master Mosheduo pointed out to Thain. After entering it, Thain found that he could gather his mental power a little faster. It should be that there was a hidden magic circle in the room that played a related role.

Magicians' path of cultivation and truth exploration may seem boring to outsiders, but Thain, who is in the side room and absorbs knowledge and nourishment, doesn't think so.

"Introduction to Alchemy" and "Basic Knowledge of Fire Elements" are both courses that Thain has taken before, but he never thought that with the content notes marked by Master Mosheduo in the two magic notebooks, he could still discover so much.

There are many knowledge points that have not been explored and noticed before.

The two magic notebooks cannot be read in one day. At the end of the day, when Thain's stomach was growling, he only briefly browsed the five pages of "Introduction to Alchemy" and absorbed and understood it in detail.

Just two pages of knowledge points.

Apart from anything else, these two books are enough for Thain to digest and absorb on his own in a month or two.

No wonder Master Mosheduo would give them to Thain, probably thinking that during this period, Thain could recover from his injuries.

As for the initial meditation method, Thain has not yet contacted it immediately.

He had to eat the meal one bite at a time. Although he didn't get any clear hints, he had a vague feeling that Master Mosheduo seemed to value the two parchment notes handed to him more than the meditation method.

After all, the former is just a touch of spiritual inheritance recorded by Master Mosheduo, while the latter is a note written down word for word by the master with a pen.

To put it more simply, the initial meditation method is a technique passed down from the lineage of Master Mosheduo. Perhaps Master Mosheduo also inherited it from his predecessors.

But those two magic notes are Master Mosheduo's own, the crystallization of his wisdom and knowledge.

Spellcasters in the wizarding world generally attach great importance to the inheritance of knowledge. Although this is the territory of black magicians in the Underdark, the group of black magicians is still a category of magicians.

At the end of the day, the feeling of hunger in the stomach and the "thumping" sound of the magic quartz clock in the living room indicate that it is already late.

Just when Thain was thinking about whether he should say goodbye and leave his mentor, the door of the room he was in gently opened.

A strange-looking human-shaped metal frame appeared in his field of vision. A faint red light emitted from the top of the metal frame, followed by a stiffer voice: "Master Mosheduo asked you to go to the restaurant on the second floor.

Please come with me for dinner."

The metal frame in front of me is obviously an inanimate object.

The appearance and origin of the other party made Thain curious. As an official black magician, Master Mosido, his power and strange methods made Thain fascinated.

In the process of studying with Master Mosheduo, I believe that the magic and mysterious phenomena of higher levels will be revealed to him one by one.

When Thain followed the metal shelf to the second floor, he found that Master Moses had already arrived and was sitting at the main seat in the restaurant.

And in addition to Master Mosheduo, there were two other people in the restaurant at this time, sitting on either side of Master Mosheduo.

The man on the left is a man wearing a light yellow magic robe. Apprentices at the Black Magic Academy usually wear black robes, but it is rare for the man in front of him to be wearing a metallic yellow magic robe.

The person sitting on the right side of Master Mosheduo is a slightly younger-looking woman, but she is obviously older than Thain.

A black robe covered most of the other person's figure, leaving only a fair face that remained fresh in Thain's memory.

"Haha, here we come." Master Mosheduo's usually sinister face now revealed a slight smile.

After nodding to Thain, he introduced Thain to the two disciples beside him.

"This is the new disciple I have accepted as my master. I can be considered your fifth junior brother."

"If he usually has any magical knowledge or elements that he doesn't understand, you two should give him timely guidance." Master Mosheduo told the two disciples beside him.

"Yes, Master." The two disciples on the left and right replied respectfully.

Strictly speaking, Thain should call the two people in front of him "Elder Brother" and "Third Senior Sister".

Senior Brother Zorro is the longest disciple of Master Mosido. Although he seems to be inconspicuous, Thane feels a heavier sense of oppression from him.

The strength of the other party is obviously higher than that of ordinary senior apprentices. As for whether he has reached the level of a formal black magician, it is not yet known. Thain feels that his strength may be equal to that of the academy supervisor.

The strength of the third senior sister Fei'er was introduced by her as a senior apprentice.

Thain could tell that among his two senior brothers and sisters, the third senior sister was more enthusiastic, and the senior brother nodded gently to him to express his approval.

With the strength and depth of knowledge of the two senior brothers and sisters, it is not a problem to teach Thain, a mere low-level apprentice.

After all, as an official black magician, Master Mosido has a lot of magic research and experimental projects at hand, and he often takes on alchemy tasks entrusted by other magicians.

Naturally, there is not much time to devote to teaching Thane.

The master leads you in, and practice depends on yourself.

Before Thain thoroughly understood the two magic notebooks and was promoted to an intermediate apprentice, Master Mosido probably did not give him many teachings in person.

As a dinner for four people in the restaurant, there are several delicious dishes with rich colors and aromas and some strange-looking desserts.

I don’t know if it’s because this is the first dinner that Sean has when he comes to Master Mosido, or because Master Mosido and his two disciples have always been so extravagant.

Among the several delicacies on the table, one of them was the black mackerel fish that Thain wanted to eat with Lina two days ago.

And the rest of the dishes look similar to the black shark scale fish, and are cooked from demonized creatures or even monsters.

It was also during the meal that Thain learned from the more enthusiastic Senior Sister Mayfair that the human-shaped metal frame that was brought up before him was an alchemy puppet designed and developed by his mentor.

It's just that this puppet is still in the semi-finished stage, so it looks like just a shelf.

Although the combat ability is not outstanding, it is enough to be a servant in daily life.

Moreover, during Master Mosheduo's experiments, this alchemy puppet could sometimes lend a hand, making it easier to use than ordinary apprentices.

At the dinner table, the person who mainly communicated with Thain was Senior Sister Mayfair.

On the other hand, senior brother Zorro frequently communicated with his mentor in low voices.

Due to his strength and knowledge base, senior brother Zorro is estimated to be the most capable of Moxido's three current disciples to communicate with him and even discuss the existence of academic research on magic.

Thain vaguely heard the two talking about a "fire element fission generator", but what exactly it was, Thain, who was of low strength, was at a loss.

Just in the shallow conversation with my senior sister Fei'er, I frequently took aim at the delicacies on the table in front of me.

This was the first time for Thain to eat so many demonized creatures.

Especially, according to senior sister Fei'er's introduction, the main ingredient of the unattractive dish located in the center of the dining table is actually derived from the hind legs of the high-level Warcraft Ice Lion Rabbit.

This was a monster overlord stronger than the giant saltwater crocodile. When Thain inserted a piece of meat into his mouth, he was first froze by the coldness contained in this dish.

This chapter has been completed!
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