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Chapter 1361 Father's Responsibility

Chapter 1361 Father’s Responsibility (Second update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

"...The current situation is like this. Please ask the Emperor to immediately arrange for a special envoy to visit France, Rome, and Austria in order to resolve the Allied Powers' actions to divide and disintegrate our "Imperial Alliance."

On January 21, Prime Minister Qian Degong proposed to His Majesty the Emperor on behalf of the cabinet.

A few days ago, when the situation in Persia was deteriorating, news was received from the European continent that in addition to sending secret envoys to hold secret talks with Germany, Italy, and the United States, Britain also proposed a marriage to France - a British princess to marry the French emperor.

After an emergency meeting and discussion, the cabinet officials concluded that at this critical moment, the allies should not be allowed to drift away, and decided to use both favor and force - the threat, the empire should organize a ship review to demonstrate the empire's powerful maritime power; the benefactor, the visit of a special envoy.

In fact, there is another option - to marry with France, but no one mentioned it sensibly. After all, there have always been questions about the affair between Emperor Zhu Da and Empress Eugenie, and even the bloodline of Napoleon V.

Spread in countries around the world.

Although this rumor will be self-defeating as soon as the princess is married, but... no one dares to mention it, and no one will mention it, because if it is true... then the proposer will definitely lose his future.

"On this visit, we should promise the interests of all the allies participating in the war and conduct final negotiations... Of course, although these have been reached long ago, in order to consolidate the alliance, certain interests can also be coordinated, such as Rome

And France is eager to obtain 356mm naval guns and nickel steel armor manufacturing technology."

Emperor Zhu nodded slightly:

"Well, these technologies are what they desire. Now that the empire has mastered the 380mm naval gun and carburized armor steel technology, the 356mm naval gun and nickel steel armor manufacturing technology can be transferred to them..."

The empire's technology transfer to the Allies has always been limited. At least it needs to ensure that the empire has a generation or half a generation of advantages. This is to prevent problems before they happen. After all, there are no eternal friends between countries, only eternal interests.

"Your Majesty, regarding the British attempt to marry Crown Prince Edward and Princess Maud to France and marry into the French royal family, we must do our best to stop it..."

Qian Degong knew France's card, but in his opinion, the French emperor's marriage was still unresolved, which was a hidden danger to the empire.

The British's idea of ​​​​marriage today will definitely not succeed, but what about the future? In the future, if other countries deepen their relations with the French through this method, thus constituting France and the Empire as enemies, then

The empire will definitely pay the price.

Who can guarantee the future?

It is precisely because of this that Qian Degong did not dare to bet on this issue. That's why he made this suggestion.

"It will definitely be stopped! And no matter what, Napoleon V will never marry Princess Maud."

Are you kidding me?

Marrying with the British means putting aside the conflict of interest with the empire. As a father, Emperor Zhu Da would not allow this to happen.

What is Victoria's nickname?

European grandmother!

Almost all European royal families have her descendants, but it was that guy who spread hemophilia throughout the entire European royal family, causing the European royal families to suffer greatly. The country that suffered the most was Russia!

The crown prince’s hemophilia was even one of the reasons that directly led to the collapse of Great Russia!

As a father, how could he let his child marry a hemophiliac, causing the blood of the imperial royal family to be contaminated and spoiled by them, and endangering the entire family?

Moreover, there is a brother-killing feud between Judy and England. Even though he is not very opposed to political marriage, the British princess... must avenge Eugène first. In fact, Judy has not done so until now.

One of the most direct reasons for getting married is that there is no suitable partner. There is no need to consider it in the Ming Empire. They are all his half-sisters. As for the Austrian Habsburg family, they have a history of intermarriage and bad genetics. Elizabeth

The son who died of love was a typical psychopath. Naturally, Judy didn't want the royal family's bloodline to be contaminated by them.

As for Russia, there is a suitable one - Xenia Alexandrovna Romanova, but she is the daughter of Alexander III. The problem arises again, her aunt, Maria Alexander

Drovna married his brother.

According to Huaxia, this generation is different! Of course, Emperor Zhu Da would never allow another marriage between France and Russia.

After all, after Britain, strategizing and dismantling Russia will become the top priority in future work.

These reasons were intertwined, which directly caused Judy's marriage to be delayed.

"I thought that the French Emperor's marriage issue must be resolved after all. After all..."

What does it mean that the emperor is not anxious and the eunuch is anxious?

Isn’t this just asking about other people’s affairs when you are busy with your own affairs?

"Qian Qing's family, that is a matter for the French royal family, what does it have to do with the empire!"

His Majesty's reminder made Qian Degong hurriedly lower his head and said:

"Yes, I have overstepped my bounds. Regarding the matter of sending a special envoy, Your Majesty is requested to make a decision as soon as possible."

Feeling a little tired, Emperor Zhu nodded:

"As the Lord has suggested, you can decide for yourself as to who should be selected."

The female officer on the side nodded to Qian Degong:

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, your Majesty needs to rest..."

Qian Degong raised his hands knowingly and said:

"Yes, your Majesty, please take care of yourself and I will take my leave."

As soon as Qian Degong left, Emperor Zhu Da let out a long sigh. Qian Degong's reminder was indeed a wake-up call - the French emperor had never married a wife and had no heirs, which was indeed a hidden danger!

If something unexpected happens, wouldn't it mean making a wedding dress for someone else?

No, this matter cannot wait any longer.

Just at this moment, a female official dressed in Hanfu came in to report that it was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who asked for an audience.

"Tell him to come in."

As soon as Zhu Youlin entered the door, he bowed:

"My son has met my father."

"No gift,"

Emperor Zhu Da asked:

"When I went out, I saw Qian Degong."

"I met Mr. Qian."

Zhu Youlin nodded and said:

"Prime Minister Qian must be here because of the situation in Europe..."

"Yes, there is one thing. I want to hear your idea."

Then Emperor Zhu Da revealed the fact that Napoleon V had not married yet and his worries.

Listening to His Majesty's analysis of the benefits to the Empire of Napoleon V and his descendants, Zhu Youlin said. "His Majesty Napoleon V has always been extremely friendly to the Empire. It is conceivable that his descendants will also continue the pro-Ming policy, but really

Until now, his unresolved marriage is really not good for the empire, well..."

After thinking for a while, Zhu Youlin suddenly laughed and said:

"Father, I have a suggestion that I don't know if it's feasible..."


"Marriage with the Bourbon Orleans family!"

Zhu Youlin's suggestion made Emperor Zhu Da's eyes bright. After the July Revolution of 1830, the Bourbon dynasty was overthrown again. After a compromise between the republicans and the royalists, the throne was succeeded by Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, a branch of the Bourbon royal family.

, began the rule of the Bourbon-Orléans branch of the Capetian dynasty or the Orleans dynasty of the Kingdom of France, also known as the July Dynasty. It was later overthrown in the February Revolution of 1848, and the Second French Republic was established. Then Louis Napoleon relied on

The election restored the French Empire, but this did not prevent the royalists from supporting the Orleans family.

"What the so-called royalists in France protect is the throne of the Orleans family. Until now, they still have extensive influence in their domestic politics. If His Majesty Napoleon V can marry him, it will mean the integration of the two families, which also has

Conducive to the political stability of the French Empire."

Emperor Zhu Da nodded in approval and praised his son's suggestion.

"Your suggestion is very good!"

Not only is it good, it is simply perfect. The marriage between the Napoleon family and the Orleans family can directly bridge the divided political arena in France. The royalists can be directly integrated into the Bonapartist faction, and the strength of the republicans and other factions is not worth mentioning.


"If the Orleans family has someone of the right age, they can find a way to facilitate this. For France, this is definitely a good thing..."

For Judy, this is a good thing. For Emperor Zhu Da, who is his father, what has he been most worried about? It is the impact of the divided political environment in France on Judy's throne.

Even in name only, my father and brother have sweated and shed blood for France, but so what?

After all, the Bonaparte family has an unfair position!

When one day the French forget the sweat and blood shed by the Bonaparte family, then Judy's throne will be in danger.

But now marriage is an opportunity...

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This chapter has been completed!
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