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Chapter 1362 Construction

Chapter 1362 Reading and Construction Style (Third update, please subscribe)

Author: Xiaoyu’s Destiny

Chapter 1362 Reading and Construction Style (Third update, please subscribe)

When Napoleon V received the suggestion of "marriage with the Orleans family" from his mother, he was shocked and then sighed.

"He is truly worthy of being an emperor comparable to Napoleon!"

Seeing her son's surprised look, Eugenie smiled and said,

"Your Majesty, what do you think? Are you willing?"

"Yes, of course I do!"

Napoleon V said directly.

"Why not? You know, this is the best choice for the French Empire."

Napoleon V had never objected to political marriage. After all, in his view, this was the price to pay for being an emperor, and this political marriage was the best choice for the Second Empire.

“I just don’t know if there are any suitable candidates of the right age!”

In fact, it doesn't matter even if you are a few years older...it's just a political marriage.

However, the Orleans family does have a princess of the right age-Isabelle de Orleans. She is the eldest grandson of King Philip I of the Orleans Dynasty and Louis-Philippe Albert, the eldest son of the crown prince Ferdinand Philippe de Orleans who died young.

·Fourth daughter of d'Orléans.

But at sixteen, she was just the right age.

Perhaps the Orleans family has billions of wealth, but one thing that is certain is that they are more eager for power, and in the Second Empire, where the rule is becoming increasingly stable, the possibility of their restoration is almost zero. It is for this reason that after the Duke of Orleans took over,

After receiving the Second Empire's intention to marry, they quickly reached an agreement, and then marriage negotiations between the two families began.

What does their union mean?

It means the combination of tradition and modernity - the union of the Bourbon dynasty and the Bonaparte dynasty, which also means that the divisions within the empire have been bridged.

"The French Empire has never been so stable and powerful as it is now!"

When the news of the marriage between the two major families came out, the entire French Empire was rejoicing. From the city to the countryside, from the French mainland to the colonies, all the French people were cheering for the news, but there was something strange in the British Embassy.

There was a lot of sighs, not only because their idea of ​​​​marrying with the French royal family was shattered, but more importantly because the benefits of the combination of the Bourbon dynasty and the Bonaparte dynasty for the Second Empire were obvious.

"Since the French Revolution, the division of France will end with this marriage, and the turbulent political situation in France will also end with this. In the past, what we faced was a divided France. But from now on, what we have to face is

The right thing is a united France."

Why did the British Ambassador lament like this?

This is because France’s political scene has never been stable since the French Revolution. Even during the Napoleonic Empire, its political scene was in chaos, and the same was true after the fall of the Napoleonic Empire. After the fall of the Orleans Dynasty, until now, French politics

Royalists appeared in the world, and they were divided into Bonapartists and Orleanists, opportunists, centrists, progressive and radical Republicans, a mixture of ultra-nationalists and Catholic parties. This situation often

This led to unstable alliances when the country faced problems, which of course led to chaos in French politics.

It is precisely because of the turmoil and chaos in the political situation that France has suffered serious internal strife, which has even affected the development of France.

But now it's all over, at least to a certain extent. For the French Empire, this wedding is undoubtedly the best gift to the empire.

Just as the French Empire was preparing for this wedding, on the other side of the world, Emperor Zhu Da once again visited his loyal Yingtian. The reason why he arrived here was not only because it was the capital of the empire, but also

A more important reason is for the ship review.

This ship review is the largest in the history of the empire. Why?

Of course it was to spread the empire’s might thousands of miles away, to intimidate it!

In the early morning of February 17, the royal cruise ship "Suzaku", carrying Emperor Zhu Da, Crown Prince Zhu Youlin, important ministers, celebrities and more than a hundred foreign dignitaries, slowly sailed out of the city under the escort of more than ten ships of the Imperial Navy.

Sky Harbor.

After the white royal cruise ship sailed to the open sea, one hundred and twenty-four imperial warships were arranged in more than ten parallel columns, spread out on the ten-kilometer-square sea outside Yingtian!

Regardless of the tonnage of the warships, all warships are hung with flags of various colors from bow to stern. Officers and soldiers are all dressed in white navy uniforms and stand neatly beside the ship's side. At this time, the sea outside Yingtian can be said to be full of masts and masts, covering the sea and sky, with giant iron-clad cannons.

, awe-inspiring!

The "Suzaku" first sailed in front of the lead ships of each column. When the "Suzaku" passed by, all the lead ships immediately fired salutes. For a while, the sea was filled with the sound of thunder. When the last round of salutes was fired,

After finishing, the "Suzaku" turned around and sailed to the scheduled ship viewing point.

"This is the fleet of the Ming Empire!"

Emperor Zhu Da, who was on the "Suzaku", said with emotion.

Thirty-four years ago, when I first came to Nanhua, not to mention the fleet, even all the ships put together could not compare with the "Suzaku". The "Suzaku" was specially built by Emperor Zhu Da.

A 10,000-ton large royal cruise ship, this is the emperor's throne ship, and its name also has a special meaning "Suzaku".

At this time, more than a hundred guests were on the upper platform of the "Suzaku" accompanying His Majesty the Emperor during the ship review.

On that throne, Emperor Zhu Da was holding a delicate telescope and looking at the more than a hundred modern steel warships on the sea.

His heart is surging!

But who can not be shocked by such a magnificent scene?

At this time, Emperor Zhu Da even thought of the British Royal Navy's ship review in another world. Even a hundred years later, the world was still shocked by it.

But what now?

The reason why the empire holds this naval review is to let the white people on the viewing platform feel what it means to be shocked! One thing is for sure - all of them are deeply shocked now.

When Emperor Zhu Da sighed, the commander-in-chief of the naval review, Admiral Shen Yaozu, Minister of the Navy, walked up to the throne with a saber in his hand:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, the fleet formation at sea has been prepared for review. Your Majesty respectfully requests your order to review!"

Putting down the telescope, Emperor Zhu Da nodded and said:

"let's start."

"Sea lineup begins!"

Following the order, the flag was quickly raised on the mainmast of the "Suzaku", and at the same time the signal soldier sent out a signal through a light signal.

The ship review has begun!

The old group has died and a new book club group has been established: 739209015. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss and deduce the plot together.

(End of chapter)

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