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Chapter 347 Destruction is also an advertisement

When did the war end?

No one knows, but what is certain is that the criterion for the end of the war should be the complete disappearance of the resistance.

"In other words, no matter when the prisoners are released in the future, it will be directly related to whether the Argentines resist."

Sitting in the comfortable special train carriage, Zhu Xianhai said in a relaxed tone.

"Yes, this can tell everyone, tell them through the announcement, that this is a sign of the end of the war. As long as there are still people resisting, the war will not be over. Since the war is not over, there is no need to consider the issue of releasing prisoners."

"Lord, they are the hostages!"

As the staff member who has been following his lord for the longest time, Qian Deshan directly stated his lord's true intention.

"Prisoners are hostages. It's not that we don't release them, but because of the resistance of the resistance elements, the captured Argentine officers and soldiers are still unable to return to their hometowns and to their families. In this way, the families of the captured Argentine soldiers will inevitably feel sorry for them.

Resistance elements are hostile because their resistance has led to the imprisonment and even death of their family members. To a certain extent, the family members of the captured Afghan army are likely to become our collaborators!"

What you said is too direct. It makes us look like bandits and robbers, kidnapping hostages. Of course, there is no essential difference, it is just a different term.

Zhu Xianhai said with a smile.

"That's pretty much it. We can't talk about hostages. We just leave the issue of prisoners of war to the Argentinians to choose. If they choose to resist, the prisoners will not be released. If they choose to cooperate, the prisoners will be released. But there will definitely be people who are different because of each other.

There are many reasons for resisting us, and this makes it impossible for the prisoners to be released, and the division of the people is not destined."

Zhu Xianhai's tone seemed a little helpless, but in fact? He was also very proud and turned the prisoners into weapons - weapons to divide the Argentines.

To say those people were hostages completely underestimated him. They had a more important role.

"When facing invaders, many people will share the same hatred. Therefore, after European colonists invaded a region, such as the British in India, they would artificially create divisions, such as between Muslims and Hindus.

, between the Sikhs and the Hindus, they created artificial conflicts and antagonisms to divide the people. When the conflicts between them became intense, they naturally ignored the existence of the intruders. This is what they

The art of ruling that land."

Colonial rule is a technology. Why can Europeans conquer such a large territory with a small number of people? To put it bluntly, they are studying human nature.

Historically, when the Ming Dynasty attacked Annam, it ended up being lonely. It lost all its troops and retreated in despair. But just a dozen years ago, the French conquered southern Vietnam with only a few hundred people.

Years later, they conquered the entire Vietnam. Is it just weapons? Of course not, they are artificially creating conflicts! They create conflicts between ethnic groups and regions, and implement their rule from a detached position.

If not for the wave of national independence after World War II, even the French rule over Vietnam might have lasted another 100 years. The same was true for the British in India, and their rule was extremely stable.

The so-called post-war independence wave was only formed under the double blow of the US imperialism and Mao Zedong. If we only look at their local rule, it can be maintained without the influence of external forces.

Even if there are some uprisings and riots, they will not affect the overall situation.

Of course, these successful experiences of colonial rule can be used for reference and can be learned. Now Zhu Xianhai is just treating others in the same way, let alone using prisoners of war. In the future, there will be Italians, Hispanics, and mixed-race people.

Well, if necessary, anything that is conducive to governance can be used.

"But what if they give up resistance?"

Lieberg, as deputy chief of staff, asked rhetorically.

"If they give up resistance, won't this plan fail?"

"Can't fail!"

Qian Deshan smiled.

"Chief of Staff Li, you have to know that there are 1.6 million people in Argentina. Some of them will definitely choose to cooperate and some will choose to resist. How can there be no resistance? There are no men in Argentina? Even if only one person is still resisting,

It must be a state of war. After all, the definition of a state of war is determined by us."

Qian Deshan replied, which made Lieberg helpless for a while. The longer he lived with these Chinese people, the more he discovered that each of them was a natural strategist. They could always come up with something that made him feel incredible.

ways to solve some problems.

He believed that even if there was really no resistance locally, they would do everything possible to create some resistance.

As long as this state of war can be maintained, they can rule those areas according to their own wishes.

"Okay, let's not talk about this problem. Now, since we have proven to the world the power of the "Air Battleship" through this battle, then we must continue to show its power to the world. After all, the "Air Battleship"

Well! This is our advantage!"

Zhu Xianhai blinked again, but then the most comfortable and joyful smile appeared on his face, as if to tell others that he was in a good mood now!

How can it be bad?

After several demonstrations of power, the aviation technology trees of Britain, France and other European and American powers can be slightly distorted!

What does it mean to have a big tail?

When they have built hundreds or even thousands of airships, and when manufacturers and airship forces have formed a huge alliance of interests, they will continue to go down this path even if they know it is crooked.

Why is this happening?

Because of the interests of manufacturers - it is difficult for manufacturers that produce airships to switch to aircraft production. The two are completely different.

The officers who drive the airship cannot become pilots, and the two control methods are completely different.

Just like the dispute between aircraft carriers and battleships in history, conservative forces (the party with vested interests) will do everything possible to hinder the development of technology.

Distort their technology tree!

What could be more joyful than this?

"Destruction! We must let everyone see what kind of destruction our airship troops can bring to people."

Sitting lazily on the sofa, Zhu Xianhai felt extremely comfortable.

"The whole world must see its power. Of course, more importantly, the people of Buenos Aires must see how vulnerable they are in front of the air battle fleet!"

Why is the whole world building battleships?

To put it bluntly, it is because of the power of battleships that ordinary warships are vulnerable to them.

This is what Zhu Xianhai needs, he needs to use Buenos Aires as a demonstration of strength to prove to the world - to the British and French the power of the airship!

"But, sir, originally the British and the French were very interested in our airships. Wouldn't this make them even more eager to get our airships?"

Lieberg asked with some confusion.

"Could it be that Sir is planning to sell the airship?"

"The one who knows me is Berg!"

Zhu Xianhai laughed loudly.

"Yes, I do have this idea. Airships are just like battleships. Since Britain and France can build warships for other countries, then of course we can also sell airships. Moreover, this will also help us repair our relationship with Britain.

Relations - after all, we need to import battleships from Britain."

Replacing an airship with a battleship seems to be a good idea!

Zhu Xianhai waved his hand casually and said.

"However, if you want to sell your airship at a good price, you must have advertising, and Buenos Aires is the best living advertisement!"


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