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Chapter 348 The Value of Utilization

The fall of Trenkraken!

Adolf Alsina surrenders!

The news spread like lightning along the telegraph lines all the way to Buenos Aires. For a moment, the entire city fell into silence.

Silence is terrifying, but even more terrifying is fear.

"We're screwed!"

After receiving the telegram, Sarmiento had this thought in his mind - what did Adolfo Alsina's surrender mean?

That’s nearly 50,000 troops!

Almost their entire army. After these armies surrendered, it meant that the main force of the Buenos Airi Provincial Army disappeared!

This means that there are almost no troops between Trenkraken and Buenos Aires, and the rest are mostly local civil defense teams.

Can they withstand those barbarians, no, can they withstand the attack of the Nanhua army?

"Sir, we must mobilize everyone immediately, sir, otherwise, they will soon reach the gates of Buenos Aires."

"Oh my God, they're going to loot the whole city..."

"Sir, we must ask the Brazilians for help as soon as possible. They can also help us..."

Among the suggestions given by the cabinet members, what Sarmisto felt was not suggestions, but fear, a sense of uneasiness from the bottom of his heart.

Adolf Alsina surrendered. How could that damn guy surrender?

"Why did he surrender?"


Major General Matoro replied.

"Sir, according to General Alsina's last telegram, it was because of the bombing by the South China Army's airship unit that they suffered extremely heavy losses. According to the description in his telegram, more than half of his men

People were killed or injured due to air-dropped darts or bombings by the spaceship troops. They also lost almost all their artillery in the bombings, and the troops have completely lost their combat effectiveness..."


"Yes, these are all cowardly excuses. Without the cannon, they still have rifles, bayonets, and their teeth!"

"They should kill the Nanhua Army with their teeth. How can they surrender? Shameful guys..."

There was a loud rebuke all around. No one among the dignitaries in the cabinet would excuse Alsina. Now someone needs to take responsibility for the failure, and that person must be Alsina.

What a bunch of politicians!

Major General Matoro thought to himself, and at the same time he felt a little uneasy - the South China Army was about to attack.

He was an old acquaintance with the Nanhua Army. Although he was defeated by the Nanhua Army, he escaped with his "flexible mind".

Then as an adjutant, he was promoted along the way with Mitre. Even if Mitre lost the position of president two years ago, it did not hinder his position in the Ministry of War. He was already a general.

But now, what about the general?

Once defeated, it will become nothing more than a target for politicians to shirk their responsibilities.

"General Matoro, what do you think?"

Sarmiento looked at the silent Matoro and asked. Although he is from Mitre, this guy is a professional officer, and he must have better suggestions.

"I think even if we want to ask Brazil for help, we must prove that we are capable of resisting. Otherwise, why would the Brazilians ask for help from a loser?"

"you are right."

Sarmiento nodded and said.

"And the British, if we don't show our value, the British will abandon us too!"

Those who are helped by God must first help themselves; those who are helped by others must first strengthen themselves. The ancients of China understood this truth, and certainly the President of Argentina, Samisto, also understood it.

"So, we must mobilize all the forces we can mobilize. We must stop them here. This is related to the survival of Argentina!"

"Yes, that's it. We must let everyone see our determination to defend the country!"

After Sarmiento said these words, he stood up again and said.

"You should immediately formulate a plan, mobilize all our forces, distribute our weapons to the citizens, and tell them that now that the South Chinese have captured Trenkraken, as long as they go further, they will reach the City of July 9th, and then there will be Bu

Enos Aires! Tell our compatriots, no matter where they come from, that once the South Chinese occupy this place, they will take away their property, ravage their women, and burn them just like the Indians once sacked this city.

House of……"

In Sarmiento's view, the South Chinese are a group of bandits just like the Mapuche people. In fact, in Argentina's official reports, they even deliberately confused the relationship between the South China and the Mapuche people, and even confused the two.

In the name of progress and civilization, the purpose is actually to turn South China into a barbaric party in order to "make a name for itself". This is the trick that European colonists are best at.

Now, in order to mobilize the people and encourage their enthusiasm to defend their homeland, it is reasonable to slander the South Chinese people.

"I went to the British Embassy to ask for their help. Their warships are on the Rio de la Plata. Now, the British must show their attitude!"


It has become Sarmiento's last life-saving straw, and what makes him even more gratified is that two days ago, two British battleships had sailed into the La Plata River and docked in Buenos Aires

's pier.

Those are two armored battleships!

More than a dozen giant cannons, coupled with the reputation of Great Britain, were enough to intimidate Nanhua and prevent them from taking any rash action.

"Please rest assured, Sarmiento, my friend, Britain will always be a friend of Argentina. The reason why London sent the most powerful warship of the Royal Navy is to send a message that we, Great Britain, will always stand with Argentina.

On the side!"

Faced with Samisto's request for help, Edward Thornton, the British ambassador to Argentina, still stood on Argentina's side verbally as in the past.

However, what he mentioned is also true. The "Minotaur" and "Hector" sent by London are indeed the most powerful warships of the Royal Navy, and their purpose is to show support for Argentina and come to join the team.

, is Britain's military deterrence.

This kind of gunboat diplomacy is the norm in European diplomatic circles. It is not a big deal at all.

Sarmiento was naturally moved by his statement. Fortunately, the British were on his side. As long as there were British warships on the Rio de la Plata, those South Chinese would not dare to occupy the city.


After Sarmiento left with a lot of thanks, General Henrys asked.

"Edward, do we really want to be on their side?"

"My general."

Edward Thornton smiled.

"I just told him that Britain would always be on Argentina's side, just Argentina's side."

After saying this, Edward burst into laughter.

A diplomat's commitments are always changing based on reality. Perhaps before this, he had repeatedly expressed support for Argentina, but now?

It is impossible for Britain to go to war with a country over Argentina.

"It seems that you have decided to abandon them?"

General Henrys' tone was very calm. During his naval career, he had long been accustomed to this scene. Britain had abandoned friends who were of no use value more than once.

"No, I have abandoned them."

Shaking his head, Edward Thornton said in an extremely calm tone.

"It's that Argentina themselves have not proven their value. If they can prove their value in the future, of course we cannot abandon them. But if they have no use value..."

By that time, it will not be Great Britain that has abandoned them. It will be that they themselves have abandoned themselves.

As the president of Argentina, Sarento certainly knew the rules of this game. After he left with gratitude, he immediately gave instructions to his secretary.

"Okay, now we have obtained the British's commitment, but if we want the British to fulfill their commitment, we must mobilize all our forces. Only in this way can we win their support..."

When he said these words, Sarnto's tone was full of helplessness.

But what can he do? This is the basic rule of the game in international diplomacy. If a country has no use value, no one will stand on its side.

If you want to gain the support of other countries, you must show your strength and let powerful countries see the value of using it. Otherwise, there will be no place for it to survive on the international stage.

"Sir, are we going to mobilize everyone?"

"Now we have no other options."

Sarnto sighed.

"We must turn Bueno Aires into a fortress and block their steps here. Only in this way will the British be on our side and the Brazilians will be able to send their troops here.


Where does Argentina's future lie now?

That means foreign interference.

But what if they can't resist their attack? I don't know why Sarnto suddenly had an ominous thought in his heart.

"God bless! At least the British are still on Argentina's side now. As long as we show our value, they will definitely not stay away..."


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