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Chapter 351 People in troubled times

“Armies from other provinces such as Santa Fe, Córdoba and Antler Rios are all focused here... All the people are gathered here, and the same great emotion is stirring in all the voices.

…Withdraw your hands from the sacred Argentina…We are ready to defend the honor and dignity of Argentina at all costs…The Italians have joined in this holy war…We Germans will also take part in the war to defend our fatherland.

China... We, the Germans, Italians, French, English, Irish and Greeks living in Argentina will always regard Argentina as our homeland... We must unite as one and sacrifice for him... We Russians

...Poles, Latvians...please allow me to make a statement as an Argentinian...We are united, resist the invasion, and are willing to die for our country..."

On the streets of Buenos Aires, politicians and agitators loudly promoted this impassioned congressional speech.

Argentines will fight to defend Argentina!

However, there is a question about how many Argentines there are in Argentina. At least in the so-called Republic of Argentina, there are definitely not many Argentines who were born and raised in Argentina.

The so-called Argentines come from all over Europe. When they came to this place, they became the so-called Argentines. They became the so-called masters of this land.

In Argentina, these "masters" from foreign countries united together in the face of the "invasion" of the South Chinese. It seemed that on this day, Argentines appeared in the world.

Under the slogan of defending Argentina, tens of thousands of troops from other provinces entered the city and became the defenders of the city. Almost every man in the city took up arms. They have

Some held flintlock muskets from the Revolutionary War, some held Enfield rifles, and some held the latest Remington rifles. Although the Civil Defense Corps used a variety of weapons and had chaotic command, they

But their confidence was high, and it seemed that they could really stop the Nanhua army's attack.

Under this call, everyone seemed to be moved by patriotism, and they were willing to sacrifice for this country, even their own lives.

However, for Angela, who had just arrived in Buenos Aires, what she felt was anger.


Standing in front of her door, Angela looked at the officers occupying her home and said.

"Why do you live in my house, colonel? My husband is also an army officer. You have no right to commandeer my home."

In any case, Angela did not expect that when he arrived in Buenos Aires and wanted to move into his own home, his house would be occupied by a group of soldiers who did not know where they came from.

As the host, she cannot even drive these guests away from her home.

"Madam, please understand that everyone is protecting Buenos Aires now. We can't sleep on the streets. Before you arrived, no one lived here, so the government let us live here. So.

, I hope you can understand, madam, I'm sorry, if you really don't have a place to live, I think there should be somewhere to sleep in the attic, but..."

The officer looked at the beautiful lady and the girls behind her and reminded.

"Madam, I need to remind you that there are a group of men living here, normal and lonely men."

Are these the so-called defenders of Fuichi Noice? Is this how they defend this country and the people from barbarians?

But their every move is the real savage. It is these people who have the nerve to say that they are the protectors of this land.

"You and God will be ashamed of your actions!"

Angela said angrily.

At this moment, Angela suddenly felt that the South China soldiers who rescued her from the deserters were the real gentlemen.

They never took anything from her, but instead saved her, and gave her food and weapons so that she didn't starve and could protect herself.

But what did these self-proclaimed defenders of Argentina do?

They are simply a group of robbers.

A bunch of bandits!

But what's the use?

Looking at the homes occupied by soldiers, Angela had to face the reality - she was homeless. Standing on the roadside, she looked at Anna and Emily helplessly.

"Anna, I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be like this..."

Looking at the girls, Angela's tone was full of apology.

"Angela, I think we still have other places to go. Angela, do you remember Aunt Sherry? Maybe we can stay at her place."

Angela was no stranger to Cherie, she was the girls' aunt, but that woman never returned home after marrying the British guy.

If you go to her place now, will she welcome you?

But for the refugees in a foreign land, they had little choice. When they stayed at the home of Anna's Aunt Shirley, the war was still going on.

For Wang Taisheng, the woman he rescued a few days ago was just an experience he had on the battlefield. In the following days, although the army occupied the railway, it was heading northeast towards Buenos Aires.

Although the main force of the Argentine army had surrendered on the Trenkraken side of the Lis attack, the resistance of the municipal civil defense teams along the way was still very tenacious.

On November 15, Wang Taisheng's infantry company fought a bitter battle with the civil defense team entrenched in Andrew Town.

Like many towns, it is guarded here by the Civil Defense Corps. Compared to the army, their resistance is resolute and brave. There are large expanses of cotton growing in the open fields around the town, and the white cotton bolls are glowing on the dead stems.


The roar of the artillery shells carried a dull whistling sound, and the shells exploded into plumes of smoke at the edge of the town.

Wang Taisheng, holding the Type 67 rifle, lay silently in the crater. There were two corpses next to the crater. They were Argentinians who were killed in the bombing. Lying there, he observed the front. There was only less than 100 meters from him to the enemy trench.

From a hundred meters away, not only can you see the shaking heads, but you can even see their appearance clearly through the scope.

When he saw a white man through the scope, he took aim calmly and fired a shot. The gun fell to the ground, and when the bullet hit the man's head, he even saw a cloud of blood mist flying up.

Afterwards, Wang Taisheng stopped shooting. They were not in a hurry to attack. According to the company commander, in a small town like this, they should slowly clean up and try to kill and injure the defenders instead of resolving the battle with a clean attack.

If there are too many, it will be quite troublesome.


Taking a breath, Wang Taisheng calmly lay down in the crater to rest. At this time, Li Laifu crawled over along the cotton ridge and rolled into the crater quickly. He was originally a road builder, and he was also a very down-to-earth person.

"Is there any smoke?"


He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and handed it to Li Laifu, then took out a lighter and lit the cigarette, and they started smoking.

The two of them smoked for a long time before Li Laifu said.

"Taisheng, do you remember the woman you saved?"


Wang Taisheng did not react for a while.

"Saved? That woman!"

"She is so beautiful. What kind of man can find such a beautiful woman?"

Li Laifu's words made Wang Taisheng think of that beautiful woman and the flash of spring that day.

It is true that ordinary people like them cannot marry such a woman. For them, it is a blessing to find a wife.

They don't have many requirements for their daughter-in-law. They don't ask for looks or anything else. They just want a woman, a woman who can carry on the family line.

"If you don't tell me, I can't even remember it."

Wang Taisheng indeed forgot about that incident, and even forgot about the scolding he received from the squad leader after he gave the woman a gun. But it was just a scolding. After all, the squad leader also knew that the woman in chaos did not have a self-defense pistol in her hand, could she?

Survival is not certain.

Moreover, the pistol was only seized from a dead person and was not a weapon issued by the army. As the person who seized the weapon, he certainly had the right to control it.

"How could you forget such a beautiful woman?"

Li Laifu said while smoking a cigarette.

"I've thought about it. After Putrajaya is conquered, I'll learn some white ghosts, no, if I'm Spanish, then I might be able to find a suitable woman to marry and take home..."

The right woman?

What kind of woman is suitable?

Women with big butts are more likely to have children. Thinking about what the old people said, for some reason, Wang Taisheng thought of that beautiful woman again. Her butt is really not small!

I don't know how she is doing now. Wang Taisheng thought silently in his heart. Of course, he also knew that he would never see that woman again. After all, he didn't even know that woman's name.

It's just an accidental experience. I hope they can spend the next days in peace.

"Anyway, I don't know what you are thinking. After the war is over, we will find a woman like that and have seven or eight children with her. We will live a good life for the rest of our lives."

While saying these words, Li Laifu's eyes were full of longing for the future.

Even though he usually doesn't speak much, his heart is full of desire and expectation for the future.

Li Laifu, who is in a foreign country, also hopes to have a family of his own in this land.

"What are you talking about?"

Wang Taisheng took a long puff of cigarette and then said.

"It's a thousand words, but in the final analysis we have to wait until the war is over. Before the war is over, it's useless to think about it. Come on, don't think about it so much."

After taking a puff of cigarette silently, Wang Taisheng's mind once again reappeared the appearance of that woman...

This chapter has been completed!
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