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Chapter 352 Nan ??Hua won't be so shameless

There will always be many accidental encounters in life, but those encounters are destined to have no results.

Sometimes people who meet will quickly forget each other. Of course Angela, who is in Buenos Aires, has no idea that anyone is thinking about her. In recent days, she has been complaining to the Ministry of War, trying to get her back.

House, but at this time, no one seems to pay attention to her, even if her husband is an army major, so what?

In the past, they were colleagues and even friends. But now? They are just people whose whereabouts are unknown, and whose life or death is unknown.

So much so that after Angela came to the War Department, no familiar friends were willing to help her at all.

"Madam, you should understand that this is a time of war, and I believe your patriotism can help you understand all this!"

At the Ministry of War, the officer in charge of receiving her said to Angela directly.

"No patriotic Argentine will let his troops sleep on the streets!"

"If the military shouldn't be there, then should patriotic Argentines be living on the streets?"

Although Angela's rhetorical question left the officer unsure of how to answer, he still chose to remain silent.

"Sir, I am a patriotic Argentinian, but tell me where I live? Sir!"

Looking at the officer in front of her, Angela asked herself unceremoniously.

"I was willing to help the army, but the army took away my home! It was my home. Now not only can I not go home, but I can only watch you take away my home!"

"No, ma'am, it's not taking it away, I'm just letting you live there temporarily, and we will also pay the rent."

When the officer spoke, he had a smile on his face, as if he was telling her, don't worry, we will definitely not let you suffer.

"Rent? Where is the rent?"

Angela sneered.

"When the war is over, you can go to the War Department and ask for it."

Later, the officer reminded Angela as if he was showing kindness.

"You can register there later and the Ministry of War will issue you a certificate. After the war is over, the Ministry of War will definitely pay you the corresponding rent and compensation."

Looking at Angela who was still aggrieved, the officer comforted her with words.

"Madam, you are the wife of an officer. In this special period, you should know the importance of travel obligations. I think this is what your husband is happy to see, and you also hope that he will receive the same courtesy when he is out of town.


If he was still here, would you rob his house?

Angela wanted to question this person loudly, but it no longer made any sense.

These guys are just a bunch of robbers!

"Where is Mr. Minister's office?"

Angela, who was no longer too lazy to wrangle with this guy, asked.

"Madam, the minister is very busy. During this important period, he definitely doesn't have time to see you."

Facts have proved that no one will pay attention to Angela's complaint. In the end, when Angela said that she wanted to see the minister, she was even kicked out of the Ministry of War by the soldiers. If it were not because she was a woman, she might have

You wouldn't be so polite.

"What a bunch of bastards!"

Standing in front of the Ministry of War, Angela said angrily.

What she feels now is a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of her heart. She doesn't know what makes those people become so shameless.

Just when Angela was enveloped in an unprecedented sense of frustration, she felt something floating in the air. She looked up at the sky, her eyes full of surprise.

"That's snow?"

White snowflakes... no, they are pieces of paper, thousands of pieces of paper falling from the sky,

How come there are pieces of paper falling from the sky?

Everyone looked at the sky in confusion and at the pieces of paper falling all over the sky.

These leaflets were dropped by airships to warn people in the city.

Angela, like everyone else, reached out and grabbed a flyer in the air, and she saw it was written in Spanish.

"Citizens of Buenos Aires, in order to achieve peace, we will bomb key targets in Buenos Aires. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, please evacuate the city immediately..."

Not only Angela is watching, but others are watching too. People throughout Buenos Aires are watching the leaflets falling from the sky. The leaflets not only have words written on them, but also pictures - airships bombing the city.


Just these pictures can make people on the ground understand what they are about to suffer!

"We are finished, the South Chinese are going to bomb Buenos Aires with airships!"

People on the street screamed in horror. They had long heard about the horror of airships. Even the surrender of General Alsina was said to be caused by airship bombing. In many rumors, the airship dropped

Bombs can easily blow up a house and wipe out a battalion of soldiers from the world. According to some rumors, bombs dropped by airships can even cause an earthquake and level a small town.

Although no one would really believe such rumors. But absolutely no one would doubt that the airship is an extremely powerful weapon.

Moreover, they are powerless against the airships flying in the sky. They can only watch helplessly being bombed on the ground.

Although people in Buenos Aires knew that airships were scary in the past, they didn't think it was a big deal. After all, airships are war machines, and war machines are aimed at the military. They are civilians. What does war have to do with civilians?

Woolen cloth?

But now, airships are flying to Buenos Aires to bomb the city! And they all could be targets.

At this moment, all the nightmares about airships emerged in their hearts.

"Oh God! Run away!"

For the next few hours, the streets were filled with hustle and bustle, as if it was the end of the world. People were running up and down the streets in panic, and unattended children sat there howling.

Crying, the women screamed and cried in terror.

It seems that the end of the world has really come at this moment. The carriages on the street are crowded one after another, and everyone is scrambling to escape out of the city. People fleeing out of the city will fight each other to fight for the road.

They would even pull out their pistols and pull the trigger on each other to seize the opportunity to take out the city.

Under the threat of death, the entire Buenos Aires fell into unprecedented chaos.

In this chaos, no one is there to maintain order, and everyone is shrouded in fear.

If there weren't army officers there to maintain order, I'm afraid those soldiers would have fled out of the city. In this chaos, only those troops from other provinces, because they didn't know the power of the airship, just looked at it all blankly.

They may even laugh at other people's cowardly behavior.

But for most people in Buenos Aires, they may not have seen an airship, but they have no doubt about its power.

Amidst the chaos of the crowd, Angela once again left the city with Anna, Emily and their Aunt Sherry, but they did not join the team that fled out of the city, but rushed in the opposite direction.

"Go to the port. There are British warships there. They will definitely not provoke the British."

Xie Li said confidently that her dead husband was a British immigrant, and she was obsessed with the power of Britain.

In fact, she is not the only one who thinks so. Many English immigrants in and around Buenos Aires think so. They even painted a big "Union Flag" on the dock warehouse, as if they wanted to

Warning to the airships in the sky - this is Britain.

Of course, this is definitely not British territory, but this Union Jack flag at least expresses its identity to them.

They believe that with this flag, airships in the sky will definitely not target them and drop bombs.

After arriving at the port, Angela and her group came to the warehouse. When Xie Li saw the huge rice character painted on the top of the warehouse, she actually had to say proudly.

"Look, there is a British flag on the roof. They must be able to see it..."

Angela looked at the flag with doubt - is this flag really useful?

"Will this work?"

Standing on the ship, Major General Henrys looked at the huge Union Jack flag painted by the immigrants on the roof of the warehouse with some confusion, and asked Edward Thornton.

Unlike ordinary expatriates, as an ambassador, he evacuated to a warship. Compared to evacuating outside the city, a warship is undoubtedly the safest place.

No matter what, Nanhua's airships will not bomb their warships. After all, these are Great Britain's warships.

"General, whether the Union Flag is useful here depends on you!"

Being on the ironclad "Minotaur", Edward Thornton felt extremely confident.

This is an ironclad ship with a displacement of more than 10,000 tons. Its firepower is extremely powerful. With four nine-inch naval guns and 24 7-inch naval guns, coupled with the iron armor that is nearly five inches thick, it is simply invincible.

The presence.

Coupled with the more than 7,000 tons of "Hector", it is enough to make the South Chinese people in awe!

Of course, what is even more awe-inspiring is the strong national power of Britain behind the fleet. As for warships, they are just a manifestation of national power.

And all this is the pride of the British in this era!

"Of course, Mr. Ambassador, please believe that if they harm our expatriates, we will definitely not sit idly by and watch!"

Major General Henrys said directly.

Over the years, the Royal Navy has never let down the British expatriates, and it does so now.

"As the Prime Minister said - the Royal Navy will always be the most solid backing for the overseas Chinese! The reason why I had questions before was because I wanted to know if I could see this "Police Union Flag" from the sky...


After thinking about it, Henrys said.

"We have never been to the sky, who knows if those guys can see it? If they can't see it, or if they say they don't see it, we have no way to refute it!"


Rather than refuting, Henrys wanted to know how to counterattack. His cannons would definitely not be able to hit the airship, but whether the airship could attack his warship, this... I am afraid only God knows.

"They...should not be so shameless!"

When he said this, Edward Thornton felt a little uneasy. He really felt that the other party might really do this.

Is this kind of thing shameless?

It's just an excuse. If it were him, he would definitely find this excuse.

It was too far away and I didn't see it.

Or maybe because the height is too high, our view is blocked by something.

And they would also say that because the distance was too high, the bomb had some deviation under the head. This is also inevitable.

In short, if it were him, there would be countless reasons and excuses to explain it. In the end, it was just a mistake.

Edward Thornton's uneasiness fell into Henrys' eyes, making him a little uneasy,


Is this shameless?

Over the years, he has seen things more shameless than this. Even if the South Chinese people are really so shameless, he said "I didn't see it clearly".

What can they do?

He looked at the nearby port, and then at his warship, which was right next to the port.

A thought came to Henrys' mind - if a bomb fell on the warship, it would be all over.

Whether it was flying too high and not seeing clearly, or the bomb was blown away by the wind when it fell. As long as the bomb fell on the warship, they would be the ones killed or injured, and even he might become a joke.

At that time, whether it is compensation or compensation, it will have nothing to do with him. The loss of reputation will accompany him for life. If he loses his life, it will be more than worth the loss.

"Mr. Ambassador, for your safety, I think we should retreat further away from the port. What do you think?"

After making up his mind, Henrys said to the ambassador.

This damn old slippery man, looking at Henrys, Edward Thornton certainly knew what the other man was thinking and what was for his safety. This old slippery man was clearly a coward.

Okay! There is no shame in being a coward at this time.

No, not cowards. They're just doing it for a better look.

"Of course, General."

Edward Thornton said.

"A longer distance will help us better observe the effects of bombing, what do you think? General."

"Indeed, for us, it is more important to observe the effects of the bombing."

Henrys couldn't help but praise Edward's intelligence and wit. These guys can always find many reasons to cover up their timidity.

No, it's not timidity.

They just wanted to have a better observation and better understand what kind of weapon the airship is.

The British retreated!

Almost as soon as the "Minotaur" and "Hector" were lit, the people near the port had a desperate thought in their hearts - they had been abandoned by the British!


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