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Chapter 471 Iron boots set foot on France

When the "Great Eastern", known as the "Floating City on the Sea", sails into the English Channel again, even its former builders may not be able to recognize it.

After several modifications, the current "Great Eastern" not only removed the towering mast, but also canceled the giant wheel propellers on both sides, and replaced it with a new type of triple-expansion steam. Not only is it faster, but it also uses more fuel.

Shao. As an immigration ship, the "Great Eastern" has fully played its role as a "floating city on the sea" in the past few years.

One out of every five South Chinese people came to America on it!

Standing on the top deck, when these words came to mind, Zhu Xianhai was once again grateful for the wisdom of buying it. It was this ship that brought millions of immigrants to South China. It can be said that this ship is called the South China Sea.

Huali Mandarin is a great contributor to South America!

For Nanhua, it is not just a ship, but Nanhua’s difficult pioneering history, which of course must be preserved as history!

"One day, even if it is retired, a museum will be set up to preserve it forever. It is history! It is the history of the Chinese nation's pioneering progress in South America!"

While this thought was flashing in my mind, the escorting French warship sent a signal.

"Your Majesty, we have sailed into the Gulf of Seine."

Bay of Seine... Once you arrive at Le Havre in Normandy, you can go straight to Paris along the Seine River.


This is the Normandy landing of the Nanhua Army!

Thinking of another Normandy landing in history, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but smile, and his smile was even a little weird.

Looking at the French warship in the distance and the French flag flying on the mast of the warship, Zhu Xianhai laughed and Sun Hu, who was standing aside, asked.

"Has your Majesty thought of something happy?"

"Do you know why the French flag is blue, white and red?"


Thinking about that joke in later generations, Zhu Xianhai laughed.

"Because it's convenient."

"What? Convenient?"

"Yes, it's convenient. If there is a war, just cut along the dotted line. If the restoration of the royal family occurs, use the left side. If there is a revolutionary war, use the right side. If there is a foreign war, please use the middle!"

As soon as Zhu Xianhai finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter around him, and Sun Hu said directly while laughing.

"Who is this? How could..."

He originally wanted to say that he could be so "damaging" but he took it back.

Who is it?

It's just fun to humiliate the law every day.

Zhu Xianhai didn't even need to explain, someone just explained it.

"Before the French Revolution, the flag of the Kingdom of France was basically two blue flags with golden fleur-de-lis patterns on a blue ground. So there was blue, and during the Revolution they used a red flag. As for white...well, France

The traditional flag of the Navy.”

"It seems that surrender is indeed a French tradition!"

Yes, it’s an insult to the law again!

This is not a good habit. After all, according to Zhu Xianhai's plan, France will be South China's most important ally in Europe for the next ten or twenty years.

The role of this ally is to share the pressure from Britain for South China. Why did France choose to be this ally?

Because he is the second best person in the world in this era.

As the second most powerful country in the world, France has always been eager to compete with Britain for the world. From Africa to Southeast Asia, France has been looking at the vast colonies owned by Britain with envy and hatred.

But what about France?

France's colonies were nothing more than the deserts of North Africa, and even a small patch of tropical rainforest in Vietnam.

But the British are different. They have the most extensive and fertile colonies in the world. How can the French not be envious and jealous of all this?

Just provoke a war between the British and the French. When they are powerless and unable to ask about the New World, Nanhua can take the opportunity to start its own expansion.

Historically, Germany came to power by stepping on the corpse of the Second French Empire.

But what about Nanhua in the future?

Simply stepping on the corpse of an empire and ascending to the throne is definitely not enough.

At least two were trampled!

Those two?

Of course, he would step on the corpses of the Second Empire and the British Empire to ascend to power.

Therefore, you can’t insult the law anymore! For the sake of friendship!

A few hours later, the fleet sailed into Le Havre. The soldiers on the deck all looked at the port with curious eyes!

This is Europe!

Now, they have finally arrived in Europe!

When the expeditionary fleet entered the port of Le Havre, several French cruisers and gunboats were covered with colorful flags. As the fleet entered the port, the warships fired cannons one after another.

One sound, two sounds...

Continuous gunshots echoed in the air.

A full twenty-one gun salute!

This is the treatment for welcoming a head of state.

For France, this tens of thousands of reinforcements may not be large in scale, but for France, which is seriously short of troops, this is simply a timely help.

Moreover, before that, their airship had just severely damaged the Prussians and rescued 100,000 French troops!

Now, this country has sent its own army to lend a helping hand. How could those French people not be moved?

For the French in 1870, there was no good news since September.

Although 18 days ago, the emperor led 100,000 French troops to successfully break through the heavy siege of the Prussian army, the Prussians have now occupied more than 1/3 of France's territory, and 100,000 Prussian troops are approaching Paris. Just yesterday

On September 19, the Prussian army surrounded Paris.

Paris is now defended only by troops led by MacMahon, most of whom are levies.

In this case, the reinforcements from South China came from afar and became France's hope.

What they saw was Nanhua's generous helping hand and Nanhua's selfless contribution. When they learned that Nanhua's ship would arrive at the port of Le Havre at three o'clock in the afternoon, thousands of people from Le Havre

Seer citizens walked out of their homes, bringing flowers with them and waiting at the pier to welcome the Allied troops coming from afar.


What surprises will this allied force from afar bring them in the future?

Everyone's hearts are full of curiosity. In the past period of time, French newspapers have been full of reports about the Nanhua Army. It is not just a "floating city in the sky that can bring destruction", but also Nanhua's elite army. Their

The army once destroyed two countries one after another, turning the two countries into history.

Their army is not only well-equipped, but also brave and good at fighting. Each one of them is a warrior who can equal ten. For the French people who have had enough of the "incompetence" of the French army, this army from a foreign land is hope, the hope of the entire France.


On the French warship that welcomed the expeditionary force into the port, those French sailors with navy hats with red pom-poms were crowded on the deck. In the past days, it was because of their presence that the Prussians did not dare to invade this city.


"It's really hard to imagine that one day, the only people in the world who reached out to France to rescue them were... South Chinese. Well, they are South Chinese."

The tone of the officers who spoke seemed a little unnatural. Many of them still cannot equate Nanhua with the Qing Dynasty. They are two completely different countries.

"Times have really changed..."

At least in the past, they never dared to imagine that one day a group of Chinese people would come to save France. After all, their impression of China was more of that country in the east where men wore braids. But now these Chinese people

Became the savior of all France.

However, for the French, they do not have deep-rooted racial discrimination views. After all, this land was influenced by the Great Revolution.

Tens of minutes later, amid enthusiastic cheers from the people, he was greeted by the mayor, Major General Faber, commander of the local garrison, and a group of military officers.

The Nanhua army finally disembarked. Of course, the soldiers looked at the Nanhua officers and soldiers who got off the ship with pure military eyes. Even if it was just a preliminary impression, it can be seen that there is no doubt that this is an extremely capable unit. The soldiers

They range in age. But most of them are around twenty years old, and only a few are slightly older. They are about the same size as the French, and many are taller than the Europeans. Although their faces have a hint of long-distance voyage.

Tired, but still looking energetic.

Judging from their neat and solemn movements when they disembarked, we knew that they had received strict military training. The faces of these soldiers, without exception, were filled with pride for the army they belonged to. When they came ashore with the French soldiers, they were

Different from the commotion, after the soldiers landed, their commands continued to echo on the dock, and the soldiers quickly formed a square formation amid the commands.

"These soldiers are so handsome!"

The French women who came to greet them couldn't help but scream. These soldiers completely subverted their understanding of soldiers. After all, the French army is filled with a group of veterans who have served for more than ten years. They are all bearded and in their middle age.

He is an old man who is addicted to alcohol and has bad discipline.

How can you compare with these handsome and young Nanhua soldiers!

While the French women were looking at this army with admiration and even admiration, none of the soldiers looked around. They stood upright on the dock like sculptures.

Finally, accompanied by the military music played by the military band and the salute of the French, Zhu Xianhai walked down the gangway. Wearing a military uniform, he looked no different from an ordinary soldier.

The moment his military boots stepped onto this land, Zhu Xian didn't know how others felt, but there was some kind of excitement deep in his heart.

What made him so excited?

It's because these are China's iron boots stepping on the land of Europe! In another world, this is something that many people dream of.

The French Army Major General quickly stepped forward to greet His Majesty.

"Welcome His Majesty and your troops to France! Salute to you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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