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Chapter 472 Mao Qi Wants to Duel

On September 20, Paris, the capital of France, was surrounded by 100,000 Prussian troops.

Yesterday, the Prussian army arrived in the city and began to siege the city. Although Marshal McMahon, who retreated to Paris, organized the city defense and recruited soldiers under the emperor's instructions, in a hurry, the city could

How long it will last is still unknown.

The Prussian army that arrived in Paris did not even rest. They launched an attack on Paris early the next morning. In just a few hours, the North German Allied Forces poured more than 100,000 artillery shells into Paris. Although

The intensity of the artillery fire was not as intense as what they had done at Sedan, but it was still considered one of the largest artillery bombardments in history.

"Quick, quick..."

At several artillery sites outside Paris, the Prussians used Krupp steel cannons to camouflage themselves with branches, fishing nets, etc., and the artillery positions were even deployed directly in the woods to avoid exposing their positions. It must be said that

, the Prussians responded extremely quickly. After Sedan suffered an air attack, they immediately made corresponding adjustments in a targeted manner, among which the camouflage of the troops became the top priority. After all, they were really bombed.


It even caused a psychological shadow. After the Battle of Sedan, it took the Prussian army almost two days to resume the offensive - this was because they obtained intelligence.

The airship is useless!

They had used up all their bombs and shells at Sedan, and even their fuel.

Therefore, we must seize the time and capture Paris before they replenish supplies!

Hundreds of Krupp cannons are hidden in the woods around Paris. These Krupp cannons use steel rifled barrels and breech loading. In the hands of experienced and well-trained artillerymen, they can even fire

The maximum rate of fire is 10 rounds/minute. In terms of range, the effective range of the Krupp artillery can reach 3,500 meters.

The German soldiers operating Krupp breech-loading steel cannons were not worried about the French cannons at all - the French bronze front-loading cannons had a range of only about 2,500 meters.

For a whole day and night, the woods outside the city were shrouded in thick smoke, and artillery shells fell like raindrops on the French military fortifications and strongholds inside and outside Paris. After preparing the Chassebol rifle four years ago, this advanced rifle

It also changed the tactics of the French: French soldiers were required to learn to dig trenches with shovels within 30 minutes, and use their advanced rifles and secret weapons machine guns to mow down the Prussians in the trenches.

After the Prussian army physically tested the superiority of the French Chacepo rifle, they immediately withdrew their troops beyond the range of the French infantry and used superior steel Krupp cannons to beat the French army. So they relied solely on the superiority of the rifle.

It was impossible to defeat the Prussian army. Instead, the Prussian army relied on its superiority in artillery and manpower to outflank the French army, easily defeating the French army time and time again.


On this huge artillery position, officers with telescopes were always adjusting their targets, using accurate artillery fire to blow up the French positions into the sky again and again.

Under accurate and fierce artillery fire, the defensive fortresses and fortifications outside Paris were reduced to ruins. The destroyed positions were littered with dead soldiers, and flames shot straight into the sky.

But even so, whenever the Prussian army launched an attack, what awaited them was still fierce rifle fire from the French. Attack after attack was repelled again and again under the stubborn resistance.

The battle situation on the front line was quickly sent via telegraph to the Palace of Versailles, located in the southwest suburbs of Paris. This is the base camp of the Prussian army and the residence of King William I of Prussia. According to the Prussian system, the king must be with his army base camp in time of war.

Together, this is the obligation of the king as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and not the Prussian monarch who is not an imaginary king. After all, in unpredictable wartime, the issuance of various orders by the General Staff requires the king's opinions and decisions.

When the Battle of Sedan suffered a setback, William I also supervised the battle on the front line with Bismarck and Moltke Sr. After the army suffered heavy losses in the air raid, it was with his support that Moltke finally decided to march the Prussian army straight into the hinterland of France, and soon

Paris is almost surrounded.

William I's base camp was moved to the outskirts of Paris along with the large army.

"Your Majesty, the Nanhua Army is coming!"

This news cannot be said to come out of the blue. After all, in the past half month, newspapers all over Europe have been reporting on this news. This is definitely not good news.

"Where's their airship?"

William I was more concerned about their airships. After all, their airships brought a disaster to Prussia at Sedan.

Even now, he can still remember the tragic scene after the bombing. If it were not for Nanhua's airship, perhaps they would have won Sedan by now.

Even the French emperor might become his prisoner, and the war would end accordingly.

But the emergence of airships changed everything. Not only did this war continue indefinitely, but more importantly, they had to consider the threat posed by airships in every battle now.

"Did they fly to Le Havre to meet up?"

When he learned that there was no movement in the airship in Orleans, William I breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"At least, we don't have to worry about their airships now."

"Yes, Your Majesty, as long as their airships do not receive fuel and bombs, then we will be able to defeat them on the battlefield, and at least be able to block their rescue of Paris. According to our intelligence, the number of troops they sent should be around 35,000.

It is absolutely impossible to relieve the siege of Paris by relying solely on this army."

As Chief of General Staff, Moltke is still extremely arrogant to this day. This should be self-confidence! It is confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Prussian Army. Perhaps Nanhua’s airships are very powerful, but God can testify that it is because Prussian soldiers have no wings.

, if God gives them wings, then they will definitely not be afraid of that airship.

Even deep down in their hearts, many Prussian soldiers, including Moltke, had one obsession - hoping to fight the South China Army in an upright manner, of course not in the air or on the sea... Well, it can also be done on the sea, although

The Prussian navy could not keep up with the hairiness of the French, but it was certainly no worse than the South China Army.

Let’s fight the battle openly and openly on the ground!

September 2nd.

Sedan... is simply a disgrace to the Prussian army!

Since the rise of Prussia, when have we suffered such losses? Every injustice has its owner and its debtor has its owner. Now that Nanhua's army has finally arrived, let's fight in an upright manner.

For a moment, Mao Qi even thought about whether to write a challenge letter and tell the other party clearly - we will fight alone, but not with airships!

"Are you sure that their airships will not be put into the battlefield in the short term?"

"Your Majesty, the railway from Le Havre to Orleans has been cut off by us, unless they..."

Suddenly, Moltke realized the problem.

The Nanhua Army can indeed fly, and Nanhua's airships can fly! Their airships may cross the sky at any time, fly over their blockade, and then obtain supplies. Then their airships will appear on the battlefield again...

What will be waiting for them then?

It will definitely be a disaster!


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