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Chapter 517: The Great Uprising of Collapse

"damn it!"

In the study room of the manor, General Haldane paced back and forth a little anxiously, holding a pipe in his hand.

"What a bunch of despicable guys. They are simply purging. Yes, they are purging. They want to use the assassination incident to completely wipe all of us from this world!"

"Do it!"

Martinez said excitedly.

"Since they don't give us a way to survive, then we will fight them to the end!"

"Yes, general, give the order! For our honor!"

What is for honor?

There is no honor for these people. The so-called honor is actually for money. If it was for honor, they would not have surrendered in the first place.

The reason why they keep shouting for honor now is because all of them are in a dilemma.

Either life or death.

Apart from that, there is no other choice.

Looking back at his somewhat excited subordinate - his former subordinate, Haldane took a long drag on his cigarette and then said.

"Now that everyone has decided, let's do it! We must reorganize our army! Otherwise we will lose everything. Our manor and our property will be taken away by them. You return to the manor.

Then, call everyone together and tell them, for Argentina, for our freedom!”

"For Argentina's freedom!"

Several lieutenant colonels and majors in the study shouted excitedly.

If they were outdoors, they might even be so excited that they would pull out their pistols and shoot into the sky.

Soon, they all rode back to the manor. After they left, Haldane also came out and ordered the housekeeper.

"Adam, call everyone and bring weapons!"

A manor is a small town. There are thousands of people living in the town. They plant and graze for the manor owner. Of course, they also perform military service for the manor owner. At the shout of the housekeeper, the men put on their worn-out military uniforms and

He picked up his weapon and mounted his horse.


The flag of Argentina was waving, and groups of people marched on the road leading to the city.

Just as they began to assemble, the military police stationed there had already learned the news. After sending a telegram to their superiors that the rebellion had occurred, the military police and the garrison immediately gathered together and built a position outside the city.

News of Haldane's rebellion spread like a whirlwind through the nearby estates, and people continued to join his troops along the way. All of them, without exception, were flying the Argentine flag, and they encouraged each other.

"Gentlemen, for Argentina!"

“For Argentina!”

The officers riding horses encouraged each other, with smiles on their faces. It seemed that at this moment, they had regained their... power!

Yes, in the past they were militia commanders, generals, colonels, officers, and officials, but after Akito came, they lost everything.

Now, they are going to take it all back!

Of course, there are also many patriots among these people, who truly love Argentina, and many are just ordinary farmers who took up arms simply because of their love for their motherland.

Of course, they had no idea how impure the motives of those gentlemen were.

Just as they were approaching the city, several people ran over on horseback from the direction of the city. They rode their horses wildly and shouted at the same time.

"Nanhua Army, Nanhua Army escaped!"

Haldane and others were stunned by the sudden good news, and then everyone cheered. The officers even pulled out their pistols and fired while running to tell others the good news.

"Gentlemen, the South Chinese people have escaped, the South Chinese people have escaped..."

When they celebrated the "recovery" of Antrellios in Haldane, these people did not know that they had become the target of public criticism.

Of course they won't understand. For these people now, they are just immersed in the joy of victory. It seems that today and at this moment, Argentina has regained its country.


Knowing that someone was really so blind that he actually launched a rebellion, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but give Haldane a thumbs up.

"Haldane's rebellion proved that the so-called "Restoration Committee" does exist. Now, we must attack with an iron fist to completely annihilate this group of rebels, and at the same time completely crush the ambitions of those people with a heavy blow!"

It’s even more perfect than planned!

There are actually some people who are unwilling to die and choose to rebel!

This is simply giving pillows to people who are in need. Is there anything better than this?


This is the head that was delivered to my door. If I don’t chop it off, I’d be really sorry for their kindness!

"Deploy airships and armored vehicles to completely eliminate them!"

"Your Majesty, isn't this a bit too fussy? This is killing a chicken with a knife!"

Regarding Wang Youling's surprise, Zhu Xianhai just laughed and said.

"Killing a chicken with a bull's-eye knife? Since we're going to kill, what's the point of using a bull's-eye knife? This time we not only want to kill, but we also want to kill for ten or twenty years of peace! Let them know what thunder means!"

When he finished speaking, Zhu Xianhai added.

"It is to let everyone realize what the fury of thunder is! From now on, even if there is only a slight thought in their hearts, they will be terrified when they think of Antrellios! We... want

Completely razing the whole of Antlerios to the ground! Bombing with airships!”

What is the age of breech-loading guns without revolution?

Zhu Xianhai didn't know much about it, but now it's time for those people to experience what it means to be without rebellion in the aviation age.

On this day, with the issuance of an order, Antrellios's fate was already sealed. In the early morning of the next day, forty-six airships from the Ming Dynasty's aerospace force took off from the airship field west of Yingtian City. They lined up in the air.

In orderly formation, they roared towards Antlerios.

That morning, when the airship troops arrived in Antrerios, and the roar of engines came from far and near, people in the city all looked up to the sky in horror.

"Airship, it's an airship!"

It wasn't until the airship took off that the people here realized how naive and ridiculous they were. People screamed in horror, and the streets were filled with people. They were running around blindly, and at the same time, men were riding horses,

Driving in the car, they and their families desperately fled out of the city. The cars were crowded on the streets, and people's screams and cries were everywhere.

Once upon a time, they were there cheering for the local "liberation" and singing Argentina's national anthem. It seemed that Argentina had really regained its independence.

And where are you now?

Fear has taken away everyone's sanity. What they fear is the airship in the sky. After all, it once destroyed Buenos Aires.

When people were desperately fleeing out of the city, Haldane opened his eyes wide and stared at the sky. His lips trembled slightly. Only then did he realize how naive he was. What he was facing was not Argentina.

An army, and an army that can attack from the sky.

The roar of the engine rolled in like a roaring wave, and finally, as it flew over the city, the bombs began to be dropped.

Bombs weighing fifty kilograms roared down in the city. In the violent explosions, even the strongest masonry buildings collapsed, and even the church was destroyed in the earth-shattering bombing.

The whistling sound when the bombs fell brought destruction and death to the city. The decorative buildings that they were proud of from the Fourth Middle School were razed to the ground during the bombing, including churches, municipal buildings, and of course

Many luxurious homes of wealthy people were also turned into ruins during the bombing.

Just as people in the city were fleeing, dozens of armored vehicles arrived on the grassland outside the city. Before the rebels could even resist, rapid machine gunfire rang out on the grassland. From the beginning, all this

It's already doomed.

Their so-called resistance is just a joke. In fact, everything was doomed from the beginning.

It's just that these people in desperate situations want to grab the last life-saving straw. They fantasize about victory and that they can save everything through resistance, but the so-called resistance brings destruction.

The destruction was unprecedented. During the bombing, the entire city was razed to the ground. Everything became a thing of the past. Only the people holding their loved ones and crying in the ruins reminded everyone of what happened here...

This chapter has been completed!
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