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Chapter 518 Phoenix

A seemingly large-scale rebellion took only two days from the outbreak to the time it was put down. Under the attack of armored vehicles and cavalry, nearly 3,000 rebels only resisted for less than three hours, and were defeated.

They surrendered at the cost of more than half the casualties.

The next morning, Haldane, the leader of the rebels, was escorted to Yingtian.

In the former presidential palace, Zhu Xianhai met him - he was still wearing an Argentine military uniform. His face was haggard, and his eyes were full of questions. When he saw Zhu Xianhai, his instinctive reaction was this.

"Why? Why did you destroy the whole city!"

Haldane, who had lived there since childhood, saw with his own eyes how everything was destroyed in the bombings. He saw how men and women died in the bombings.

"Comply or die!"

Zhu Xianhai sneered.

"You chose your own death, take them with you! Well, even though you are a rebel, you will receive a fair trial."

"Judgement? What kind of judgment is fair for the conquered?"

Haldane seemed to know what his fate would be, and he couldn't help but mocked.

"As conquerors, you will definitely take away land and wealth from us. Now that you have got your wish, is it time to end our lives? This is the fate of the conquered!"

"You know very well that this is fate!"

Zhu Xianhai said,

"When you came to this land, who did it belong to? It was the Indians. You just thought that you were the masters of this land. Qin lost its deer and the whole world chased it away. Haldane,

Do you really think that everything you robbed is eternal? Yes, you robbed everything here from the Indians, and you thought it all belonged to you! But now times have changed, white people

Not everything anymore!”

When Haldane was being taken away, Zhu Xianhai walked to the window silently. He knew clearly that he had personally changed everything here. After this purge, more than 1,400 land oligarchs in Argentina were removed from the source, those lands.

The oligarchs are the most important group among Argentina's elite. Their inner circle consists of about 400 families who are closely aligned through social clubs and business associations. Not only do they control more than half of the land, but they also control the country.

Power, and now?

All this will be destroyed!

But unexpectedly, Zhu Xianhai was not as excited as he imagined. Because he thought about the future of himself and the new Ming Empire. The future empire will always be a sword hanging above his head. This sword has both internal and external aspects - 2.4 million said

The Spanish-speaking residents are the biggest internal trouble of the empire. This internal trouble will not be changed for at least the next 10 years. Externally, Britain is the biggest threat to the empire, because the expansion of the empire is in direct conflict with British interests.

, it is strategically advantageous to form an alliance with France, because France's energy is on the European continent, at most North Africa, and its interest in South America and the Pacific is very limited.

But in history, France’s performance in cheating teammates makes people dare not trust them at all. More importantly, France is easily intimidated!

Raising the white flag is a French tradition!

"If the French give up, won't I have to face the British pressure alone?"

Zhu Xianhai hesitated. He was not sure whether France as an ally was reliable. He could not guarantee that they would come to the aid of the empire, nor could he guarantee that they would be intimidated faster.

"Just take one step at a time! The future...leave it to the future!"

A month later, after a long trial and in the face of a large amount of evidence, more than 1,500 members of the "Argentine Restoration Council" involved in the rebellion were sentenced, although according to the law, more than half of them were sentenced to death.


But the emperor was merciful, and except for rebels like Haldane who were executed, others were pardoned from death and replaced with exile - they were exiled to Africa to contribute to the empire's rainforest colonization business.

Even with such kindness, he still suffered criticism from the outside world. In the church, some priests gave speeches in the name of worship. Zhu Xianhai pretended not to mind at all and kept a friendly smile.

But late at night a few days later, someone arrested the leaders and sent them to the newly built "little black room" prison. Why not send these priests to Africa... where they will transform into missionaries.

Since then, "people who disappear at night" has become a hot topic among Yingtian people.

A series of iron fists brought not only fear but also stability. While a civil war was destroyed, a large amount of land was confiscated, and land reform was implemented, another major event was being promoted in an orderly manner.

Of course, it is the issuance of currency. In fact, Nanhua has already issued currency as early as the initial establishment of Nanhua, from the casting of silver pesos to the silver dollar certificates of the Bank of America. Even HSBC Bank, which specializes in domestic production, has

Silver dollar certificates were issued. In this year, all larger banks would issue bank certificates, also known as silver dollar certificates. They were the kind that could be exchanged for gold and silver coins and were almost equivalent to silver notes.

Take the United States as an example. Until the Civil War, all banknotes were issued by private banks. That is to say, the government only printed 400 million U.S. dollars after the Civil War.

However, we are not the emperor of the United States, and the country must have the right to mint coins. Almost at the same time as Buenos Airi was occupied, the plan to issue new coins was put on the agenda. In the past year, through the issuance of gold and silver coins

Exchange, Nanhua bonds - also bank bonds, have replaced gold and silver coins in the market. As for Argentine banks issuing peso bank bonds, because the reserves of those banks deposited in the central bank were "robbed" by the Argentine government-in-exile, the banks went bankrupt.

It has become a piece of paper, and countless ordinary people have lost their fortunes because of it.

However, despite this, it still did not stop the pace of currency unification - after all, the market only accepted Nanhua bonds. While the currencies on the market were slowly unified, the implementation of the "National Currency Plan" aimed at directly controlling the currency issuance rights by the government was also accelerated.

During Zhu Xianhai's expedition to Europe, Nanhua's mint had already begun to produce gold and silver coin molds. However, compared to gold and silver coins, the printing of banknotes was more important. After all, banknotes were the most important trading currency in the market——

Because it is easy to carry.

In the past few months, Hu Xueyan, the governor of the Central Bank, has been paying attention to the plate making and printing work of the "Central Bank Notes". After the first batch of sample banknotes was printed, he rushed over as soon as possible

I take credit from His Majesty.

At the moment when the sample banknotes were unfolded, Zhu Xianhai was slightly stunned, stared at the banknotes and said.

"This... is the "Phoenix on Fire"!"

This chapter has been completed!
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