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Chapter 456: Ma Xiaoling on the Frontline

Chapter 456 Ma Xiaoling goes to the front line

Ma Xiaoling was soaring through space.

She was the only one in the entire Starfire Army who joined the battlefield in advance and fought side by side with the soldiers indirectly controlled by Li Yang.

There is no other reason. After receiving the teachings of Yu Chengde, she began to truly train herself, and with some incredible talents derived from her bloodline, and some strange genetic mutations, she has been transforming.

For a long time, she stood out and became the most popular person in the school by relying only on some basic education from the military school that she thought was very profound, but was actually very popular. Even "Sid Meier's Armor Experience" may not be able to catch up.

A rose with thorns that cannot be looked at directly has become the youngest and most powerful fourth-level mecha warrior in Starfire Town, and the powerful captain of the town guard.

She once imagined how she should live her life.

First help your father become the captain of the guard, and then at a certain age, find a husband who is barely the right match, start a family, and then have a fat boy or a little girl as beautiful and capable as yourself, which makes you feel like you will always live in anxiety.

The father felt a little relieved.

Then, on a sudden day, he sent away his father, who had long been inseparable from anti-aging medicine, and then took over the position of mayor of Spark Town in a natural, legal and reasonable manner, and slowly lived out his life.

During this period, Ma Xiaoling felt that with his ability, he could slowly become a good level six or level seven mecha warrior with the support of the association's salary and allowances, reach the pinnacle of his life, and become a rare strong man in Liaoyuan County.

Or, then inadvertently cross the threshold of thirty-five years old and enter the aging period, watching helplessly as they grow older day by day, their strength declines, until they die.

With such expectations in her heart, she lived a very casual life, training step by step, and then became stronger day by day, and easily left her peers in Spark Town who had risen from the bottom far behind. Moreover, with

Unlike other people who had to exert all their strength to touch the fifth-level threshold, she stood behind the fifth-level threshold from the beginning, and her improvement was just a matter of course.

Therefore, she who was originally very nervous developed a somewhat lazy character, and also found herself a hobby of playing games to pass her free time. At that time, she lived a very leisurely life, and she also knew that sooner or later she would become the leader of the entire Liaoyuan County.

The strongest person in Yangsheng City may even become the strongest person in Yangsheng City.

During this period, her nature prompted her to maintain a certain degree of sympathy for the poor people in the town, and she often used her fists and power to seek some fairness as much as possible...but she did not use her money generously.

Branch out and try to save every poor person in Spark Town. Because she also knows that this is meaningless. She doesn't have that much money, and it is impossible to feed everyone by herself. Moreover, it violates certain rules.

So don't do it from the beginning, just complete your existing responsibilities.

Until one day, a guy who seemed to pop out of a stone, who kept saying that he was a wild man in the wild, but had no wild man temperament about him, appeared quietly in this small town.

A lot of things happened later, and this guy of unknown origin brought about a lot of changes, and even her father, who was smooth on the surface but actually rigid, couldn't help but take the initiative to help him cover up suspicious signs. Then, she just started to reflect on the time she spent in the game.

Was it a mistake to put the money in, and the guy suddenly took out more money. But at the same time, she saw that the guy had been trying hard to change something, and he had been changing.

Incidentally, he also changed Ma Xiaoling.

Then, she was no longer the strongest person in Spark Town, and the distance between the two did not shrink as time went by, but instead grew wider.

Ma Xiaoling, whose life plan was completely disrupted, didn't find it interesting, only felt lost. She once thought that she, once the strongest man in the town, had no choice but to accept her fate of becoming mediocre, until...Grandpa Yu Chengde

After traveling through a hundred years, he appeared in front of him. Ma Xiaoling saw the light and realized that he had been wasting his resources and talents.

Then, she embarked on a path that truly belonged to her, a path that was inherited from the bloodline of Chengde and was even more outstanding.

She has only been the chief executive of the Moral Tribunal Committee for a few years, and she has indeed been busy during these few years. However, the busy life has not restricted her from becoming stronger, but has made her become more powerful every day, every moment, and every breath.

All become stronger and stronger.

But she has gradually lost her chance to take action, so much so that she doesn't even know how strong she is now.

Her growth came to an abrupt end when she entered cryogenic slumber, and then continued to erupt like a volcano as she and Ren Zhong awakened from cryogenic slumber.

Not long ago, during another internal selection, she once again challenged Ren Zhong, and defeated Ren Zhong, an "enemy" who was full of tricks and who knew her very well.

At that time, Ren Zhong once said to her, "Now that I want to defeat you, I will challenge you at least a hundred more times."

Ma Xiaoling said confidently: "Ten thousand times is not enough."

Immediately afterwards, she got her current position, becoming the only combatant in the Spark Army. She was also the only one among all the people present who could stand up to the members of the Frozen Army. Not only did she not fall behind, she actually won the battle.


She also got the most critical task to ensure the success rate of this operation.

The enemy in front is getting closer and closer. It is a rather ancient armor, but it seems to have been modernized. During the advance, it can always make some tiny shaking movements from time to time to avoid being trapped in a small space.

A hail of bullets, fire and beams of light came like a torrential rain.

This man is very strong and is the strongest opponent Ma Xiaoling has ever encountered so far.

The distance between the two people has been reduced to fifty meters, as if they will meet life and death in the next second.

But Ma Xiaoling did not switch to a fighting stance at all, and even the energy shield that was deliberately turned off to increase speed was not activated.

She just drew a standard arc in the air with a high maneuverability posture, and passed by this powerful opponent without any defense.

There was no interception, but the life-and-death enemy that aroused Ma Xiaoling's vigilance suddenly ignored her and launched a fierce attack on the other three teammates on both sides who were rushing towards her.

His attack was so swift and violent that the power of the armor instantly increased to a height far beyond the limit of human understanding. He completed large-scale maneuvers in a very short time with terrifying acceleration, and used close-range high-explosive guns and armor in an even shorter period of time.

The alloy knife thrown from the elbow and a slender but cold armored leg quickly killed the three teammates whose strength was not far apart. Then the armor suddenly exploded and disintegrated due to overload operation.


This is the second time Ma Xiaoling has encountered something like this.

She remembered the many explanations of the heavy responsibilities before departure, so she just sprinted with confidence and boldness, just to land on the surface of the Seeker spacecraft as quickly as possible.

There will be people to help her deal with all the most difficult opponents, and now it is just another proof.

Ma Xiaoling knew who did it and what method was used.

As one of Ren Zhong's legal wives, she knows all of Ren Zhong's secrets.

But at the same time, she was wary.

This method of being able to "turn an enemy into a friend" without any warning, taking over other people's thoughts, and allowing that person to quickly explode into abilities that far exceed his own limits when separated by more than 100,000 kilometers, is really too terrifying.

Such a large scale, almost no warning at the level of information flow, and such a considerable control effect, just imagining it makes people feel chilly.

If the holder of this ability sneaks up on a planet and then descends into the atmosphere, can he destroy an entire civilization with just one person's power, and even avoid getting blood on his hands?

Ma Xiaoling sometimes even worries whether everyone, including Ren Zhong and himself, will be quietly controlled by this temporary ally.

But at this time, she could no longer control her wild thoughts, and she successfully landed on the surface of the alloy armor of the seeker spacecraft.

Ren Zhong once told her that to the Source Star civilization, this ship named Tracer was almost invincible.

The performance of the alloy armor on the surface of the spacecraft is very terrible, and it even has a strong ability to quickly self-repair. If it is bombarded by conventional artillery fire, hundreds of warships will have to be mobilized to approach, and then all the energy weapons and physical missiles will explode.

Only when the heat energy is concentrated at one point in a very short period of time can it be blasted away.

Although the exposed media engine appears to be somewhat fragile and can even be easily burned, once it reaches its surface, trying to peel it off like an onion becomes extremely difficult.

Don't expect to successfully enter through the ejection port of the media engine, because hidden under these obvious loopholes are more exaggerated protection methods.

This is a colonial ship with little status in the interstellar war. Its weak firepower is indeed not worthy of its reputation as a product of the empire.

But in the countless tracing colonization operations in the past, its colleagues have not encountered rebellion.

This is a time with extremely low probability, but when the time period is extended to millions of years, it is always possible to happen no matter how small the probability is.

There have been native colonists who were as powerful and inciting as Ren Zhong and tried to split it open and kill the administrator inside, or do something else.

But no one has ever succeeded.

Because its defensive performance is so strong, it is probably one of the most standard turtle shells in the universe.

Its force field shield is so strong that the performance of the armor is rarely shown to the world.

But colleagues No. 154332 always completed their work efficiently and stably.

But now Ren Zhong has found two ways to break it.

One of them was renamed by Ren as the Dragon-Slaying Bomb. To put it bluntly, it was a large-yield compressed three-phase thermonuclear bomb.

The kind of high temperature that reaches almost the birth of the universe in an instant can open a big hole in the surface of this nearly invincible alloy.

But Ren Zhong told her that this was not the best choice.

Because the radial traces from the melting of this large hole will bring a lot of instability factors.

That may not form a real channel, it's a bit of a gamble.

So Ren Zhong provided her with the second method, a small identification chip.

Ren Zhong said that as long as this small chip is attached to the surface of the seeker for more than five seconds, a very simple electrical signal can cause the seeker spacecraft to open a gap on its own.


Ma Xiaoling looked back again, and saw that there were 55 larger heavy-duty Veyron X fighters moving towards this side with great difficulty under the cover of more teammates.

On this chaotic battlefield, a larger size is destined to become a more conspicuous target, but these fighters carry almost no combat equipment and can only become living targets.

Their flying speed is even slower than ordinary armor or ruin beasts.

They were hit from time to time, but they only staggered and never exploded.

Ma Xiaoling knew why.

The interior of these fighters is equipped with something similar to the core material neutron coating on the Seeker. The difference is that these extremely heavy neutron coatings are applied to the tubular structure. In order to ensure that the strength is up to standard, additional coatings are even added.

I applied two coats and the weight was excessive.

Looking at the flashing chip underneath me, I waited quietly.

In five seconds, this will open, revealing a hole leading directly to the core elevator of the Tracer.

Then the 55 Veyron fighter jets will pounce over, fall straight into the hole, expand into a structure like a cardiovascular stent, and connect layer by layer, spreading all the way inside.

Next, the mighty army will drive along this passage all the way inside.

Ma Xiaoling once asked Ren Zhong why there were 55 units. What if one or two units were shot down along the way? Wouldn't the length be enough?

Ren Zhongyan told her categorically that he only needed 55 units, because he could only get so much material and design such a structure, but it was enough. They would definitely not be shot down because he

The battle plan is perfect.

Feeling the movement under his feet, Ma Xiaoling left lightly and fell to the side to seemingly cover the incoming heavy-duty Veyron fighter.

She won't go inside.

Although I don’t know why, the heavy responsibility just doesn’t allow it.

In fact, she quite wanted to jump in and ask those old monsters who created and ruled the Source Star for thousands of years what they were thinking in their minds, and what they thought of so-called distant descendants like her.

Although cryonics technology has long appeared on the Source Star, and many high-level citizens have been experiencing it, the short thousand-year history of the Source Star still cannot support the understanding of family love that spans thousands of years.

Does the founder of Shenxun Ma family really have any family affection towards his descendants? In their eyes, we people are still just like armor, we are all tools?

In battleship No. 0001, Ren Zhong, who had already donned his battle armor, was undergoing final inspections.

In the drop bay where he was, a total of 1,200 close associates from the Spark Army, including Chen Hanyu and Qian Wangshen, were also making an emergency boarding, preparing to leave the ten-kilometer-long spindle battleship in a small aircraft.

Beside Ren Zhong, a colonial soldier said: "Actually, I don't think you need to go out in person."

Ren Zhong said distressedly: "There is nothing I can do. I didn't expect that my wife actually ran away secretly. I have to go and pick her up in person before I can rest assured. The war is over and my command is no longer needed.

Next, you can express yourself freely. As a friend, you have to give me a chance to satisfy a little vanity."


The colonial warrior replied, and it was also Li Yang who answered.

This chapter has been completed!
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