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Chapter 457 Martyrdom

Chapter 457 Martyrdom for the Country

There is nothing new about the story that follows.

Li Yang's remote mind control may not be a great weapon in a super-large-scale space war.

After all, the mechanical empire's top missiles have a range of hundreds of millions of kilometers, and there are even some "regular-level weapons" that can instantly vibrate atoms and molecules in a very large range, instantly raising the temperature in a space with a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers to more than 10,000 degrees.

"When encountering such an army, Li Yang had no chance to perform.

But this is just a special operation.

Yes, if you zoom in to the entire mechanical empire, expand the space to light years, and extend the time to tens of millions of years, the war that took place on the surface of the Source Star can indeed only be regarded as a special war involving special forces.


At this moment, in the outer layer of the Tracer spacecraft, in a special war where almost all the forces on both sides of the battle are composed of humans, Li Yang is invincible.

The super assistant brain did not increase the number of Li Yang's friends, but it greatly extended his control distance, and he no longer needed to look directly at each other point-to-point.

Li Yang was able to easily alienate the powerful warriors who had to be surrounded by at least dozens of people to resist them and become his own.

The stronger the frozen warrior, the more delicious it is in his eyes.

The last thousand elite soldiers who were relied upon by the old popsicles could theoretically destroy a low-level civilization. Under Li Yang's gaze, they were as fragile as light snow under the scorching sun and were quickly destroyed.

At the same time, a hole had been easily opened in the alloy armor of the tracer, who was invincible to civilization.

No one knew what the problem was, but the Tracer's defense system was breached so easily.

Subsequently, some colonial hackers and programmers, who were once regarded as lowly tools by them, poured in like a tide through the hole, guarded by other combat professionals.

Ying Feng once tried in vain to activate the automatic protection mechanism in the Tracer to form a final defensive front.

But what's disappointing is that the other party seems to know everything about the Tracer as well as they themselves.

Whether it is an agency trap or an automated force, it is either easily induced, or it is specifically resisted, or the operation is easily terminated by the intrusion of information.

You must know that the core programs of these automated troops use the encryption code of the regular imperial army. Even if they encounter perverted data people like pilgrims in an interstellar war, they can at least last until they empty their ammunition reserves before decisively self-destructing.

However, in front of these lowly colonial rebels, these fierce combat machines will be invaded instantly and enter paralysis mode as soon as they appear.

This is completely unreasonable.

Such a strange situation almost made the other seven people in the nine-member group mistakenly believe that the brains of Ying Feng and Ma Zhongfei had been invaded by the terrifying psychic demon opposite.

No one knew that on the back of the armor of the ninth-level mecha warrior walking at the front who was absolutely loyal to Li Yang, there was a launcher the size of an iron pot flashing brightly.

This is not a radio transmitter, but a modified ultra-high-power ghost particle communicator array. Currently, this thing is operating overload, and the human brain neurons inside are groaning in pain due to the continuous overload operation. The coolant

There is an unreasonable white mist rising from the surface.

With this level of operation, it can only last for about half an hour before burning out on its own, but it is enough for use. Because Ren Zhong prepared ten of them.

Through these internal communication arrays, Sun Ai's tentacles can contact all the smart devices she sees with sufficient strength in the shortest possible time.

Although the automatic combat machines in the Tracer are only governed by the Intellectual Brain of the Tracer, in a sense, the former "Net" and now Sun Ai also have certain management rights.

The most important thing is that Sun Ai accidentally knew the passwords of these combat machines.

The passwords were given by Ren Zhong. Sun Ai did not ask how Ren Zhong got the passwords because it was not important.

The process is not important, what is important is the result.

Quietly, Ren Zhong appeared on the surface of the Tracer with many cronies from the Spark Army, and completed a small-scale strategic meeting with Ma Xiaoling, who had been waiting here for a long time.

Some Starfire Army soldiers looked with envy at their allies who were jumping into the cave entrance one after another, but no one boldly poked their heads and looked around.

Ren Zhong, Ma Xiaoling, Chen Hanyu and others looked back and saw that the No. 0001 battleship was approaching at a not too fast speed.

Under the heavy arrangement, battleship No. 0001 seemed a little lonely in this busy battlefield.

The distance between other battleships and combat units that had jumped out was somewhat widened.

No one thinks that there is any conspiracy in this arrangement. At most, it just gives the ultimate king and the real mastermind a way to show his dignity.

In the throne room of the Tracer, the nine administrators who had cooperated with each other for more than a thousand years, who were once immature and now have gradually matured and were about to complete the first colonial mission in their lives, fell into an eerie silence.

Close colleagues just had a quarrel that was not pleasant and was destined to be fruitless.

Ying Feng and Ma Zhongfei argued hard to prove that they were not controlled and were still loyal to the empire, the emperor and their mission.

But the two of them were completely unable to give an explanation for what was happening on the ship.

However, it was impossible for the other seven people to jump up and execute these two colleagues who might have betrayed them.

The reason is very simple. The nine people have a clear division of labor and together they become a precise machine.

If these two people die, they will basically lose the ability to control the spacecraft completely.

Their denial was so sincere, but it made people unable to believe it and unable to make a decision.

The rebel army composed of colonists outside is approaching at an unreasonable speed.

The terrifying ship that can remotely control people's minds is getting closer and closer.

By this time, it was clear that the Tracer still had a lot of high-explosive missiles in reserve, but Ying Feng did not dare to press the launch button at all.

Because those crazy colonists have swooped on the surface of the spacecraft like flies on a piece of meat.

I'm afraid that as soon as a hole is opened in the launch silo and the missile emerges, it will be detonated in advance.

Although this would definitely kill them, the old popsicles firmly believed that these people would do this because of the madness of those colonists as if they were facing the enemy who killed their father.

They have lost too much.

Their mission has basically failed.

But now the apostle is still alive.

If the tracers were bombarded by their own missiles while the imperial apostle was still alive and the mission had not completely failed, they could not imagine how their family would be punished when the final information was transmitted back to the empire.

Under such complicated thoughts, Ying Feng said slowly.

"We have just calculated that the control distance of the god-level psychic demon is one hundred thousand kilometers. In one minute, we will enter its range. Do you believe our innocence now?"

At this moment, an alarm sounded on one side of the hall.

Those rebel fighters who are not afraid of death have arrived outside the hall and are engaged in a final struggle with the killing machine 001, which can close external links and has autonomous capabilities.

"We don't have much time left."

I don’t know who said something dull.

"The information has been compiled." At this moment, Ma Zhongfei, who had been silent before, suddenly raised his head and said loudly.

The others shivered, knowing what he meant.

The message Ma Zhongfei mentioned can be called their "last radio wave".

Although the carrier of information is information flow, the title "Last Radio Wave" comes from ancient memories. It should be a battlefield anecdote among the previous generation of Origin Stars before mankind entered the interstellar era.

This information is very important.

It can even be said to be the final summary of this failed Tracker mission. After this piece of information is returned to the Empire, it can determine how the family that originally sent them into the colonial plan will be treated.

A program is loaded into the tracer's brain. When this program is activated, the tracer's brain will instantly activate the highest power and release an intensity of information flow that was originally absolutely prohibited.

This information flow will become part of the cosmic background radiation and will be transmitted tens of thousands of light-years away. No star's light can obscure it, and it can even pass through black holes.

At the same time, this information will also be easily received by the other three forces that are enemies of the empire.

In the past, it was forbidden to use it because it would completely expose the location of the colonial team, attracting the prying eyes of the other three parties, killing or robbing, just like a young boy holding up a torch in a dark forest to attract bloodthirsty and ruthless hunters.


Only when the mission fails completely can the message be transmitted with such intensity.

The criteria for a complete mission failure are very simple, that is, all nine administrators are dead, the colonists are completely out of control, and the Tracer and "Net" are also likely to fall.

Now, this is the time.

Barton Augustus asked bitterly: "What plan was adopted?"

Ma Zhongfei: "The third type."

Everyone fell silent again.

The so-called third option is a complete failure.

It means that they will not mention the Pilgrims in the final radio waves, nor will they mention the failure and repair of the "Net", let alone the Imperial Apostles, pretending that they are still completely ignorant and deceived by the Pilgrims.

The imperial apostles who were supposed to join them also fell on the Source Star because of the "net".

They focused the mission's failure on the god-level psychic demon who suddenly appeared at the last moment.

Then, their failure was simply due to lack of ability to fight against the god-level psychic demons, rather than messing up the matter because of their own stupidity.

There is a premise for establishing such a message, that is, they have already acquiesced that although the apostle has not yet been controlled, there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback.

They fully accepted their failure and just wanted it to be less ugly.

Ma Zhongfei sighed, and while pulling out a high-powered pistol, he said: "Fortunately, the apostle did not complete the apostle identity authentication in the tracer. In a sense, it is also fortunate that we did not let him take over the authority of the 'Net'.

The communication function of 'Net' has not been repaired. Otherwise, I would not have been able to falsify the final message."

Ying Feng, who also pointed the gun at his own head, nodded: "Yes, we can at least pretend that we have never had any contact with the apostles."

With trembling hands, Fidina Locke put the muzzle of the gun into her mouth, and said slightly vaguely: "Do you think it is possible for the Apostle to turn the tide?"

Ma Zhongfei whimpered and said: "It's impossible. Such a powerful psychic demon will not give him any chance. This must be a complete and beautiful failure."



A hole was finally opened in a corner of the hall.

Almost at the same time, nine heads exploded completely.

A total of ten sounds were mixed together, making it almost indistinguishable.

Terrifying heat energy was suddenly released in the hall, like nine burning suns extending down the hollow necks of the nine people, completely burning their bodies to ashes.

The nine "creators" of the Origin Star Civilization and the nine C-level colonial team administrators from the Machinery Empire chose to die for their country in a way that was not aboveboard.

A huge flow of information poured out from the Seeker spacecraft like a black hole explosion and began to spread in all directions. It broke through the information turbulence accumulated by the interference bomb array at an incredible speed, and broke through the edge of the planetary system composed of the source solar wind.

The plasma layer plunges into the depths of the universe and into the depths of elliptical galaxies.

Almost at the same time, Sun Ai's voice sounded in Ren Zhong's mind.

"It worked, they said what you wanted them to say."

Standing on the surface of the tracer, Ren Zhong breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the distant starry sky above his head.

It was an endlessly dark universe, with only a tiny ray of light shining through stubbornly and tenaciously.

Ren Zhong thought about the ecliptic plane of this elliptical galaxy and thought to himself, "When I was a child, I used to think that the stars in the sky were flying fireflies. Later I learned that these were stars. Later I realized that they were not just stars, but

An extragalactic galaxy that may be larger than the Milky Way. Behind that small spot of light, there may be trillions of stars, and there are countless tragic stories between races and civilizations. I just don’t know which of those small spots of light is

Is it the Virgo Supercluster? Where is my Milky Way?"

While he was whispering in his heart, he caught another extremely hot light from the corner of his eye.

He turned away slightly and activated the armor's energy shield.

Without looking, he knew that battleship No. 0001 had turned into a little sun very close at hand.

The compressed three-phase thermonuclear bomb hidden in warehouse No. 0001 is releasing terrifying heat energy only once in its life.

The important "friend" who has accompanied him all the way to the present may be a unique mutated life form in the universe. He is obviously not a spiritual demon, but more like a demon than a demon. Li Yang is bathing in the fire.

He didn't even have time to ask the last question in his life before he fell down so humbly.

This chapter has been completed!
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