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Chapter 1017 The strong wind will rise

As this battle came to an end, the Wolf God Kingdom completely lost its fighting spirit in the past few days.

How could Ye Wutian dare to cause trouble to the Dragon King during this period of time?

Even the top ten old war gods were killed by him. The strength of this dragon king was so terrifying that Ye Wutian had completely become a coward these days, hiding in the Wolf God Kingdom and not daring to go out.

The Wolf God Kingdom has also completely given up the idea of ​​taking back the 51-kilometer border.

The Raging Dragon Army was too terrifying, and the leader, the Dragon King, was even more terrifying! The Wolf God Kingdom could only break its teeth and swallow it.

These 51 kilometers of border can only be allowed to be lost.

In order to prevent the Raging Dragon Army from launching another attack, the Wolf Kingdom even did not hesitate to use large-scale funds and manpower to build thick defensive walls on the border 51 kilometers away to resist the Raging Dragon Army.

The Mantis Kingdom next door was also frightened and built a high military wall to resist the Raging Dragon Army.

In the past few days, on the border between the Wolf God Kingdom and the Mantis Kingdom, military fortress walls were built one after another against the Raging Dragon Army. The scene was truly spectacular.

At the same time that the Wolf God Kingdom and the Mantis Kingdom were building military walls.

Within the Wolf God Kingdom, Ye Wutian was hiding in the dark, but he was never idle.

Ye Wutian knew that the Dragon King was by no means a person who would give up easily.

He knew that sooner or later he would be liquidated.

So Ye Wutian made preparations in advance. He began to secretly win over some War God families in the Wolf God Kingdom. At the same time, he also went to the Mantis Kingdom next door, as well as the Fly Kingdom... and the Spider Kingdom...

He tried to win over all the small countries around the western border...

Gather all the defeated generals who were bullied by the Dragon King and defeated by the Raging Dragon Army.

This force will become the key force for Ye Wutian's future resistance.

Ye Wutian even encouraged the Wolf Emperor to secretly recruit other small countries near the Western Region to form an alliance.

The power of the Raging Dragon Army must not be allowed to continue to expand and grow.

We must not let the Dragon King completely dominate the Western Territory, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Chen Xiu has been recuperating and practicing in the Furious Dragon Camp these days.

His potential development rate has exceeded 81, exceeding the limits of the human body. Of course, his internal organs cannot bear it.

Therefore, during this period of time, Chen Xiu has been using silver needle acupuncture to suppress internal injuries.

For this reason, his younger brother Chen Xing also came all the way from the interior and arrived in the west.

In the Furious Dragon Army base, Chen Xing teamed up to help his elder brother suppress his internal injuries.

Chen Xiu still trains crazily every day and tempers his body.

And he was vomiting blood again and again.

The cracks in his internal organs have spread all over, his strength has been developed to the extreme, and his internal organs are unbearable.

While Chen Xiu was training, he was thinking of ways to suppress internal injuries.

Chen Xiu used Chinese medicinal baths to soak the whole body again and again, and used acupuncture and cupping to suppress internal injuries and stimulate the blood and meridians throughout the body.

He is trying an unprecedented possibility, trying to use traditional Chinese medicine to suppress the collapse of internal organs.

If Chinese medicine can really suppress the damage of internal organs, then Chen Xiu will break a miracle.

Once the internal organ damage bug is solved, Chen Xiu's upper limit will be higher.

He can even reach the legendary potential development level of 90, or even... the rumored 100!

No one knows what will happen when the potential development reaches 100?

Breaking the 100 potential limit of the human body is an area currently unknown to both humans and the scientific community. No one knows what will happen.

During this time, his younger brother Chen Xing would personally go to various primitive jungles outside the Western Border to pick and find various rare and valuable Chinese herbal medicines to use to suppress his elder brother's internal injuries.

During this period, Chen Xiu's body continued to consume a lot of money. He also spent huge sums of money to purchase a large amount of precious Chinese herbal medicine from overseas...

Used to suppress injuries.

Chen Xiu did not dare to buy at home for fear that his enemies would know about his injuries.

His current condition, if his enemies knew that he had serious internal injuries, would probably have unimaginable consequences.

Almost half of the people in the martial arts world want to see him die.

So Chen Xiu must be careful.

That night, Chen Xiu soaked in the medicinal bath for another whole night.

Then use silver needles to seal acupuncture points all over the body, and use silver needles to treat and suppress internal injuries.

But Chen Xiu still couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

His younger brother Chen Xing was healing his eldest brother's injuries. Chen Xiu finally couldn't bear it anymore and tried to persuade him, "Brother... you should stop practicing... your internal organs can no longer suppress the internal injuries, and your internal organs are completely cracked.

The spread is enough, your power is already strong enough, don’t break through anymore. Please!”

Chen Xing, the younger brother, finally couldn't stand it any longer, so he finally begged this day.

I saw my eldest brother vomiting blood every day, soaked in medicinal baths every day, drank a lot of Chinese medicine, and inserted silver needles countless times. My eldest brother's body almost turned into a medicine jar.

The medicine is one-third poisonous. If the elder brother continues to drink the medicine like this, even if he can barely suppress the internal damage to his internal organs, it will have incalculable consequences for his body. The sequelae are extremely serious.

It can be said that every time my brother practices cultivation and every time he uses traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture to suppress internal injuries, he is overdrawing his life in advance.

The eldest brother's internal injuries have not been completely cured, because the internal injuries of his internal organs cannot be cured at all. There is no way to cure it! So Chen Xiu can only use traditional Chinese medicine to temporarily suppress the injury and continue to delay the injury...

But procrastination is not the answer after all.

One day in the future, eldest brother's injury will eventually break out. And when it does break out, the injury will be even more serious.

So my younger brother Chen Xing finally couldn't stand it anymore and tried to dissuade him.

Facing his younger brother's dissuasion, Chen Xiu shook his head lightly, "Don't worry, I won't die. My injury

The trend has been temporarily suppressed, which shows that traditional Chinese medicine methods are effective. As long as we study and test them, we will find a solution. There is no end to the road. Our ancestors have experienced thousands of years of history and encountered many natural and man-made disasters.

Didn’t they all survive? My mere internal injuries are nothing."

"But you are risking your life in exchange for strength." Chen Xing said with a choked voice.

Chen Xiu waved his hand, "No need to persuade me, I have made my own decision. Go down."

In the next few days, Chen Xiu continued to practice every day.

Seeing him training and practicing so crazily, he vomited blood every day.

Even the naval division couldn't stand it anymore, and the naval division tried his best to dissuade him from continuing to break through the power.

Within the Furious Dragon Army, the eight top generals also tried to dissuade him.

Everyone asked for help and begged the Dragon King not to continue practicing and making breakthroughs.

He was risking his life to break through. The sacrifice was too great.

However, in the face of everyone's dissuasion, Chen Xiu did not listen at all.

He continued to practice day after day.

Until this day.

Chen Xiu is training on the martial arts field.

In the evening and dusk, there were thick black clouds in the sky above the western border, and occasionally a few drops of drizzle fell.

A thunderstorm is about to brew.

Chen Xiu was tied with more than a dozen thick iron chains and was dragging five armored tanks while running wildly.

At this moment, a guard quietly appeared next to the martial arts arena.

"Report! Dragon King! Urgent report on the military situation in the Western Region!" The guard suddenly stepped forward and shouted.

Hearing the guard's words, Chen Xiu's voice condensed slightly?

Urgent military intelligence report? What happened again?

But just when Chen Xiu asked the security guard to come forward and give a detailed report.

The guard approached Chen Xiu, and then suddenly stabbed out a long sword from his sleeve and stabbed Chen Xiu in the neck!

This chapter has been completed!
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