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Chapter 1022 The army is approaching!

"As soon as the internal troubles were eliminated, the external troubles started again. Ha... the people of the world have been suffering from me for a long time. They all want to get rid of me soon." Chen Xiu shook his head and laughed to himself.

"Who can we ask for help from the outside? The Western Region has offended the entire Eastern Martial Arts, and no one will support us. The entire Western Region is eyeing us, and even the dark world in the West has been coveting it. There is no one we can ask for, we can only rely on ourselves.

." Chen Xiu said slowly.

Under the mask of the naval division, the beautiful eyes said solemnly, "Dragon King, maybe... we can bypass those complicated system members and directly contact the Forbidden City to request support from the Forbidden City?"

This is the only way at the moment.

The five major enemy countries in the western border have joined forces, and the border is in danger.

Bypassing those complicated reporting procedures and contacting the Forbidden City directly may be the fastest way.

"Then give it a try, but it won't make much sense. Be prepared for a full-scale battle. It's better to ask for help than to ask for yourself." Chen Xiu put his hands behind his back and said slowly.

That night, the naval division wrote a memorial all night, and asked the informants of the Furious Dragon Army to escort him personally, and rushed to the imperial capital...preparing to go up the stairs to deliver the memorial to the Forbidden City.

Night, thousands of kilometers away.

The Nulong Group's intelligence plane traveled thousands of kilometers and finally arrived in the imperial capital urgently.

The intelligence personnel secretly handed over this memorial to the Council of Elders in the Forbidden City as soon as possible!

However, this memorial... was not delivered to the Presbytery at all.

This memorial was intercepted when it was delivered to the front hall of the Presbytery.

The memorial was intercepted directly in the front hall of the Presbytery.

Then, after many twists and turns, this memorial was passed into the hands of Xu Fu.

Late at night, Xu Fu held the memorial in his hand and looked at the contents of the memorial with a sneer on his face.

Hey, is the Five Nations Alliance going to deal with the Raging Dragon Army?

This is really great news.

How could such great news reach the Forbidden City?

Since the Raging Dragon Army wants to come to the Imperial Capital for help, it means... that they are at the end of their rope.

Xu Fu has deep eyes

Sui slowly threw the memorial book into the fire pit, lit it and burned it.

In this battle, Xu Fu must see the Dragon King defeated.

Even if the territory of the Western Territory is lost, he will not hesitate.

Xu Fu, and the powers behind him, must see the Dragon King captured.

24 hours later.

Thousands of kilometers away, in the western border, the Nulong Army Base.

The naval division waited for a full 24 hours, but still did not receive a call from the Imperial Capital.

And the intelligence officer who escorted the memorial has returned.

The naval division confirmed again and again that the memorial had been delivered to the Imperial Court of Elders.

But, why is there no response?

The naval division waited from morning until evening, more than 24 hours.

Finally, the naval division determined one thing, the memorial... must have been intercepted.

"Dragon King, the memorial was intercepted and the request for help failed." The naval division, wearing a mask, reported the situation to the Dragon King.

Hearing this result, the Dragon King was not surprised. He just shook his head slowly and said, "I told you earlier that it is better to seek help from others than from yourself."

"But my subordinates really don't understand...why their informants can go straight to the Presbytery? How is this possible? Can they really cover the sky with just one hand?" Under the mask of the naval division, the voice was solemn.

Chen Xiu took a deep breath of his cigar and said calmly, "You are not from the Imperial Capital, so it's normal for you not to understand. The world in the Imperial Capital, huh... it has long been common practice to collude with each other and protect each other. They do not cover the sky with just one hand, because they are the sky.

So there’s no need to cover up.”

Hearing this, the navy division's beautiful eyes narrowed.

"You mean...there are people from them in the Presbytery??" the Marine Division's voice was solemn.

Chen Xiu blew out a smoke ring noncommittally, "I'm just guessing that that person may not be in a high position, but he must be from the Presbyterian House.

Among the people."

Chen Xiu almost guessed this.

There are people from Xu Fu in the Presbytery.

It is even said that there are people with the Huiyue Plan.

That person is not necessarily one of the top ten elders in the Presbytery.

But they must also be middle-level management within the Presbytery.

In the Presbytery, headed by ten elders, they are responsible for governing the Purple City Presbytery.

Under the Presbytery, there are also various management positions.

Chen Xiu guessed that people from the Huiyue Project had infiltrated into the Presbytery, and might have gotten into the middle management.

Therefore, the naval division's memorial submission is almost ineffective.

Their people will intercept the memorial at all costs.

It is tantamount to doing something unnecessary.

"Dragon King, what should we do next...? The five countries have formed an alliance and have been secretly increasing their troops in the past few days. If force is used, it will probably be a fierce battle." The naval division asked solemnly.

Chen Xiu sighed, "A fierce battle can only be fought once."

"Notify each branch and ask them to prepare in advance and be ready for a battle at any time. Each branch will raise the highest alert. In addition... follow my instructions..."

Chen Xiu pulled the navy division aside and gave a few instructions in a low voice.

Hearing Chen Xiu's instructions, the beautiful eyes under the navy mask condensed, and she took the lead solemnly, "Yes! I understand!"

A night of silence.

In the past few days, preparations for a war are going on in the Raging Dragon Base in the Western Territory.

At the same time, outside the western border... Ye Wutian was leading the war gods of the five countries to secretly continue to send more troops to the group, ready to launch an attack at any time.

This time during the alliance's battle, they interrupted and took advantage of the Furious Dragon Army's lack of attention, catching them off guard!

Time passes day by day.

Three more days passed.

The people of the five major alliance countries have finally gathered together.


The entire five major groups gathered secretly outside the Western Border Pass.

This gathering was carried out secretly by the five major countries so that the Raging Dragon Army could not detect it.

After all the people and horses were gathered, it was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Ye Wutian held back for a long time, and finally gave an order to directly attack!

At midnight, it is the time for all the soldiers in the Furious Dragon Group to go to bed and rest.

At this time, there were only a few border guards standing guard on the observation deck in the border city.

At this moment, suddenly outside the dark border ahead... there was a dense sound of rolling wheels?!

Immediately afterwards, the ground in the Border City began to tremble?!

At the top of the border city, several soldiers on duty from the Nulong Group turned on their searchlights in surprise and shined them towards the dark ground in front of the city!

But under this illumination, the expressions of several border city soldiers suddenly changed!

Under the dazzling searchlights, I saw in the darkness outside the city ahead...a large, densely packed motorcade, like a long dragon, crushing them in a mighty manner!!

Since these convoys did not turn on the lights and came secretly in the dark, the Raging Dragon soldiers did not notice it at all!

These convoys all turned off their lights, and the cars were painted with anti-radar paint. All cars turned on stealth mode, so that the radar satellites in the border city could not detect the presence of the vehicles.

Taking advantage of the dark night, the convoy drove straight in. It was not until they broke into the bottom of the border defense tower that they were discovered by the patrol soldiers upstairs!

When they saw the dark line of convoys below, the expressions of all the border patrol soldiers of the Raging Dragon Army changed drastically!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack and siege!! SSS level alarm!!" Suddenly, the patrol soldiers of the Furious Dragon Group shouted!!

"Diwu! Diwu...!! Diwu!!" The silent siren was sounded, sweeping over the entire border city!!

Under the city in the dark night, countless convoys swept through and surrounded, and the army pressed on the border!!

This chapter has been completed!
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