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Chapter 1059 Fight alone!

Furious Dragon Army, in front of the air force base.

A group of new pilots raised their heads in shock, looking at the fighter jet taking off alone in the sky.

All the new pilots had shock in their eyes.

"Comrade Genie... didn't you just say... that the Air Force is most taboo about acting alone? Then Lord Dragon King, why... did he... act alone??" A new pilot couldn't help but ask.

Gai Nie looked up at the sky above his head and said profoundly, "Because he is the Dragon King."

All the recruits raised their heads and watched the fighter jet flying through the sky overhead.

"Everyone's training is over! Follow me back to the command base. I'll give you half a day off today to observe and learn the Dragon King's aerial combat in real time!" Gai Nie said in a condensed voice.

A group of new recruits were immediately excited! They all followed Ge Nie to the Air Force's radar command base.

In this radar base, they can see the battle signal map on the radar in real time based on the radar signal of the fighter jet.

Half past six in the morning.

Wolf God Kingdom.

Twenty thousand meters above, a silver fighter jet was roaring rapidly in the sky!

Chen Xiu drove the fighter jet and directly turned on the stealth mode.

The entire body of the fighter jet is covered with a special anti-radar monitoring coating, which means that the Wolf God Kingdom's aerial satellites...cannot detect the signal of Chen Xiu's fighter jet at all.

At this time, he climbed the fighter jet to an altitude of 20,000 meters. This height was beyond the reach of the fighter jets of the Wolf God Kingdom. At this altitude, no military equipment of the Wolf God Kingdom could detect him.

Chen Xiu was driving a fighter jet. The speed of the fighter jet had reached its highest speed, ten times the speed of supersonic speed!

Outside the cabin, there were only endless clouds passing by, roaring rapidly!

Chen Xiu drove a fighter jet at an altitude of 20,000 meters... directly through the clouds... Based on the coordinates, he flew directly over the capital of the Wolf God Kingdom.

During the entire intrusion, no enemy troops noticed his presence at all.

Yesterday, Chen Xiu was unable to activate the stealth mode and avoid radar monitoring because he was flying an old fighter jet from the Wolf God Kingdom.

Today, he was driving Yan Xia's top M30 fighter jet because he was completely invisible. He directly avoided the layers of blockades of the Ministry of National Defense of the Wolf God Kingdom and broke into the sky above the Wolf God Kingdom's palace.

At this time, his plane was hovering over the capital of the Wolf God Kingdom, at an altitude of 20,000 meters.

At this time, a thousand kilometers away, the Raging Dragon Base in the Western Territory.

Hundreds of new pilots from the Furious Dragon Group were nervously gathered in front of the Air Force radar control room.

Under the leadership of Gai Nie, all the new pilots were nervously watching the Dragon King's lone battle.

Originally, the Dragon King broke into the Wolf God Kingdom alone... All the new pilots were still nervous and worried... They were afraid that the Dragon King would be monitored by the Wolf God Kingdom's national defense system...

But in the end, the Dragon King directly turned on the stealth mode, climbed the fighter jet to an altitude of 20,000 meters, and at ten times the speed of supersonic... he broke into the territory of the Wolf God Kingdom silently?

This scene shocked all the new pilots in the base.

You know, what is the concept of a fighter jet at an altitude of 20,000 meters?

The higher the fighter jet flies, the more serious the lack of oxygen becomes. Moreover, the temperature is sharply cold. In this case, it is difficult for the pilot to control the aircraft well.

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, a thick layer of ice will form on the surface of the aircraft because the temperature is too low.

Therefore, many fighter jets will not fly above 20,000 meters, because that is a death altitude. If one is not careful,

If the balance of the aircraft is not controlled well, if the temperature is too low, it may even cause the aircraft engine to stall... and crash directly.

But at this time, the Dragon King actually kept the fighter jet at an altitude of 20,000 meters for a long time. This was simply terrifying.

What shocked all the flying warriors even more was that the Dragon King not only maintained a flying altitude of 20,000 meters, he also increased the speed of the fighter to ten times the speed of supersonics?!

This is so perverted!

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, directly increase the flight speed of a fighter jet to ten times supersonic speed?!

At this speed, the pilot will bear a huge load.

Under overloaded pressure, in an extremely cold space, and in an extremely hypoxic environment, this is simply a triangle of death.

Very few pilots can resist these three death stacking states continuously.

But Dragon King Chen Xiu couldn't resist it at all? And he also urged the fighter jet to fly continuously for half an hour?

At this time, in the command room, all the new pilots had endless shock on their faces.

"What do you think...how should the Dragon King descend? The palace is right below the Dragon King...but once it drops to an altitude of 10,000 meters, the Wolf God Kingdom's air defense radar will fully cover it! Even if the Dragon King turns on the stealth mode, it will

It will be detected by the fully pre-covered radar! If he breaks through the altitude of 10,000 meters, he will be intercepted!" In the base, a group of new pilots were discussing in a complex and solemn manner.

Ge Nie's eyes were deep, staring closely at the radar display.

On the radar, the red dot of Dragon King's fighter jet continued to flash.

Gai Nie is also guessing, how can the Dragon King lower its altitude and break through the dense full-area coverage radar?

Once detected by radar, the air force of Wolf God Kingdom will launch an interception!

After all, it is the capital of the Wolf God Kingdom. It has a terrifying and dense fire defense, and is also equipped with a nuclear weapon to suppress it.


br> Once the Dragon King is discovered, his operation will probably fail.

There is nuclear suppression in the capital of Wolf God Kingdom. If we break in by force, we will probably die together in the end.

This is a difficult situation to solve.

The capital of Wolf God Kingdom is over 20,000 meters high in the sky.

The Mi-30 fighter jet hovered in the endless icy sky. At this time, the entire body of the Mi-30 fighter jet was covered with ice.

Because the altitude is too high in the air, the surrounding temperature is freezing, so the Mi-30 fighter jets are surrounded by ice.

Only the fighter jet engine was still releasing flames. The two high-temperature engines were spraying flames, melting the ice on the surface of the engines.

This scene is extremely dangerous.

Once this ice is accidentally sucked into the engine of a fighter jet, the engine will burn out and the fighter jet will crash.

Therefore, the pilot must carefully control the stability of the fighter jet, so that the entire fighter jet always maintains a balanced altitude and balanced speed, so as to ensure the safety of the engine.

At this time, Chen Xiu was sitting in the cabin, staring at the clouds 10,000 meters below.

The height he was at at this time was twenty thousand meters above the capital of the Wolf God Kingdom.

What he wants to do now is to break through the full coverage radar below and break into the palace.

Yesterday, Chen Xiu flew a fighter jet into the capital of the Wolf God Kingdom once.

So today, the capital of Wolf God Kingdom must be heavily defended!

Chen Xiu must dare to break into the palace of the Wolf God Kingdom first before the defense force of the Wolf God Kingdom discovers him.

However, Ye Wutian must die.

Therefore, Chen Xiu must fight in today’s battle.

With deep eyes, he adjusted the fighter's numerical values, and then... slowly turned the fighter's nose 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground!

This chapter has been completed!
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