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Chapter 1118 Destruction!

And at this moment, the terrifying space-based weapon above the head... has arrived with a bang...!!

"Boom...!!" The space-based weapon tungsten rod and hammer collided with the mountain in an instant!

The huge impact force directly penetrated the mountain...penetrating hundreds of meters deep into the mountain and reaching the bottom of the mountain!

"Boom...boom...!!" Endless power is released and spreads through the surroundings of the mountain!

The entire mountain collapsed and shattered in an instant!

A mountain several hundred meters high, under the attack of space-based weapons... actually exploded into pieces.

The entire mountain range was shattered and collapsed.

Large swaths of gravel fell down, and the mountain disintegrated. .??.

Endless smoke and dust sweep across the air!

Within a 500-meter radius of the space-based weapon, the area swept by the explosion shock wave was in a mess.

The power of this space-based weapon is too great. With fixed-point blasting, there is no chance of escape.

And below the explosion point, there is a deep pool of water.

At this time, due to the falling debris from the explosion, the entire pool was blocked by debris.

At the bottom of the pool, Chen Xiuxiu sat cross-legged, hiding at the bottom of the pool that was tens of meters deep.

Just now, taking advantage of the explosion of the space-based weapon, Chen Xiu jumped down in advance and jumped into the pool at the bottom of the mountain.

He fell to the bottom of the pool, sat cross-legged and meditated, holding his breath and concentrating, keeping his body in a breath-holding state.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain outside the water pool exploded...pieces of rubble fell, a huge impact swept across, and countless pieces of rubble fell... blocking the water pool.

Chen Xiu was stuck at the bottom of the pool, unable to get out.

The water pool has been completely crushed by piles of gravel, almost forming a mountain.

Chen Xiu held his breath and hid at the bottom of the pool to escape.

But at this time he was also trapped at the bottom of the pool and could not escape.

There are countless gravels on the pool... almost piled up into a mountain.

No matter how powerful Chen Xiu was, he could not dig out the small hillock of rubble on the pond.

This is beyond human power.

He is waiting.

His lung capacity is extremely large. In this ordinary breath-holding state, he can maintain

Lasts nearly ten hours.

So he has enough time to wait.

The other party has used space-based weapons, and I believe that troops will be sent to inspect the scene soon.

Chen Xiu was not in a hurry to escape.

Although he was trapped at the bottom of the pool, he had enough lung capacity, so he took his time and waited.

Sure enough, half an hour later, countless armed helicopters roared over from the scene of the explosion ruins.

Numerous ground troops arrived on the scene.

The mysterious ground troops began to investigate the scene, looking for the body of the target person Chen Xiu.

They dug through huge pieces of rubble, trying to find the body.

If hit by a space-based weapon, Chen Xiu would definitely die.

So they tried to find the body and bring it back to life.

They used excavators and explosives to blast at fixed points, blowing up the entire pile of rubble and rubble again...

Entire pieces of rubble were dug out piece by piece.

It took more than six hours to excavate these rubble piles.

It wasn't until late at night that they excavated the bottom of the pool beneath the pair of gravels.

At the bottom of the pool, Chen Xiu closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in meditation. He had been holding his breath for ten hours.

His ability to hold his breath was almost at its limit.

There was almost no oxygen in his lungs.

But fortunately, his prediction was accurate, and the forces behind the scenes did arrive at the scene and dug to the bottom of the pool.

They are looking for Chen Xiu's body.

Chen Xiu opened his eyes at this time and silently walked around the group of people.

He found a gap and drilled directly through the gap in the rubble.

Chen Xiu took a deep breath of air, allowing as much oxygen as possible to be inhaled into his lungs, and allowing the blood throughout his body to regain oxygen.

Then he teleported with his body, and his speed directly increased to nineteen times supersonic speed!

At a terrifying speed, his figure quickly flew past and retreated!

At such a speed, some members of the nearby troops did not notice his departure.

Because the speed is too fast, the human eye cannot see his figure clearly.

Chen Xiu evacuated quickly...

Not a single trace of clues was left.

Chen Xiu successfully created the illusion that he had been killed.

The space-based weapon exploded and the huge impact shook his body to pieces, leaving no trace of residue.

This is the illusion Chen Xiu wants to create. He is trying to deceive the enemy in this way.

At this time, the ground search troops were still digging and searching for Chen Xiu's body.

Excavators were excavating piles of rubble one after another, trying to find Chen Xiu's body from the pile of rubble.

But they didn't know that the real Chen Xiu had already evacuated... .??.

In the dark night, Chen Xiu looked indifferent and quickly passed through the uninhabited primitive mountains and rushed towards the imperial capital city.

This time he managed to avoid the space-based weapon attack.

Although he was lucky enough to survive again, Chen Xiu could feel that... this second attack with space-based weapons was more precise and terrifying than the one in the Wolf God Kingdom overseas!

Obviously, the previous time in the Wolf God Kingdom was the first time that space-based weapons were used. Therefore, many details, aiming accuracy, strike speed and time were not coordinated well. Therefore, Chen Xiu could easily use his body skills and speed to avoid it!

But today, the second attack of this space-based weapon... has obviously learned the lesson from the failure of the first attack.

The second attack with space-based weapons... is faster and strikes more accurately!

Today's space-based weapons are extremely accurate to the meter level!

The strike range is directly within a few meters of Chen Xiu's body!

If Chen Xiu hadn't jumped into the tens of meters deep water pool, he would have escaped the disaster.

Otherwise, no matter how fast Chen Xiu's movement skills were... he wouldn't be able to escape.

Before Chen Xiu can teleport out, the energy shock wave of the space-based weapon sweeps across, and Chen Xiu is still shaken to pieces.


Chen Xiu looked solemn as he was on his way.

The strike range of space-based weapons is becoming more and more precise, which makes Chen Xiu feel a little uneasy.

In addition to nuclear weapons, the other party already has weapons that can kill Chen Xiu.

If space-based weapons are used for the third time, the accuracy will be even higher.

Chen Xiu had no confidence in avoiding it.

Chen Xiu looked solemn at this time and rushed towards the imperial capital city.

He must arrive at the Imperial City as soon as possible.

Only by entering the Imperial City can he be safe.

In the Imperial City, they would never dare to use heavenly weapons.

Otherwise, it will be a devastating blow. With such a large population and urban buildings, they are not able to withstand the wrath of heaven.


Inside the Imperial City.

The imperial capital city is destined to be restless tonight.

The explosion of space-based weapons was quickly covered up by relevant departments.

At the explosion site, many nearby villagers saw the white light falling from the sky and the loud explosion on the entire mountain.

However, these eyewitnesses and villagers were quickly controlled by relevant departments and taken away for interrogation.

Obviously, the relevant departments are deliberately suppressing the news to prevent the explosion of space-based weapons from being exposed.

All witnesses were detained and brought in for interviews.

And the relevant departments quickly released a message stating that the explosion last night was a temporary military exercise nearby, and they were conducting a missile test near the top of the mountain.

The military exercise has now ended.

But the entire area near the top of the mountain was completely sealed off.

Night, Imperial Capital City, Prime Minister's Mansion.

Xu Fu sat in front of the study with a solemn expression, writing calligraphy.

Xu Fu was waiting and stayed up all night.

He is waiting for news.

"Report!" At this moment, the solemn voice of a subordinate finally came from outside the study door!

This chapter has been completed!
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