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Chapter 1143 The power of hatred

On the martial arts field, all the defeated soldiers looked at their Qingye God of War in disbelief??

This God of War actually wants them to commit suicide?

Isn't this... too cruel?!

They just lost the battle and made no mistakes... Why did they commit suicide?

For a time, all the defeated soldiers were dissatisfied and unwilling to obey military orders.

This is suicide.

Who wants to commit suicide??

They all have families and children, some old and some young!

They all have worries on their bodies, and no one wants to die!

What's more, they didn't commit a capital crime, so why did they commit suicide?

They are just little warriors under their command. The one responsible for directing the battle is the leader Yagami Harasha.

It was Yagamiharasha's misjudgment of the battle situation that led to the failure of the battle.

Does this defeat have anything to do with ordinary soldiers like them?

But Yagami Aoba said coldly, "Everyone, only your death can turn failure into anger and let the other soldiers in the base feel the rage of revenge. Only then can morale be restored. For the sake of the overall situation, you...

…must be sacrificed.”

"This is the highest military order! You must obey it." Yagami Aoba looked around at the sea of ​​people and said coldly.

All the soldiers at the scene were silent, but everyone was resisting and unwilling to agree.

"I know that you are all senior and junior, but if you disobey the military order and commit suicide, then... it will be your family members who will die. Our Yagami family holds the information and data of all your family members and relatives." Yagami Aoba's eyes flashed.

Coldly, he said slowly.

He is using the families and relatives of these soldiers to threaten them.

Brush~! After hearing this, the defeated soldiers looked extremely pale and embarrassed...

Family members and relatives, this is their biggest weakness!

"Everyone, this is your only opportunity to contribute to our Shenque Python Group. Don't you cherish it? I promise you that as long as all of you commit seppuku and commit suicide, then... my Shenque Python Group...

We will give each of you and each household... 10 million yuan in compassionate payments! 10 million yuan per household! This money is enough to allow your children and future generations... to have food and clothing without worries for a lifetime." Yagami Aoba said in a solemn voice.

Brush~! Hearing the number ‘10 million’, all the defeated warriors present were finally moved.

Everyone clenched their fists, struggling and wandering.

Wandering between a huge pension of 10 million and death.

In fact, they had no choice at all.

If they don't agree to commit suicide, then... the result waiting for them... will be more terrifying than death.

If they disobey the highest military orders, they will be imprisoned in war zone prisons.

And their children and their families... will also be oppressed from generation to generation in this life.

This is an ending that cannot be chosen.

In the end, the defeated soldiers clenched their fists... nodded... and agreed.

Ten million, although for the powerful class... is just a little bit of their pocket money.

However, for these ordinary people, this ten million is a huge amount of money that they will never make in their lifetime.

The members of Shenque Python only have an annual salary of 100,000 yuan. They will never earn 10 million yuan even if they work hard in their lifetime.

But, this ten million...for Yagami Aoba, is just his pocket money for a week.

A sports car bought by Yagami Aoba is worth hundreds of millions. The military diving watch he currently wears on his wrist is sold for more than 10 million.

Ten million, for a powerful kid like Yagami Aoba, is just the price of a watch.

But for these soldiers in front of them, it is indeed a wealth that they can never reach in their lifetime.

In the end, the group of soldiers clenched their fists and agreed to commit suicide.

Seeing their agreement, Yagami Aoba's face showed a sneer of approval.

People always have weaknesses.

As long as they have family, parents, wives and children, then these are their greatest weaknesses.

These weaknesses will cost them everything, including their lives.

Use a small sum of 10 million per person to make them commit suicide and improve the group's taxis


What a bargain.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Shenque Big Python, the martial arts field of the temporary base.

The defeated soldiers knelt on the ground with determination on their faces.

Prepare to die.

All of them drew their swords.

This scene caused other members in the base to be alarmed...

Countless members in the base rushed to the martial arts arena, trying to stop him.

"Comrades... we are all brothers! So what if you lose the battle... there is no need to commit suicide!"

"That's right! Living is hope!!"

"Everyone, you all have families and children! Don't overthink it! Put down the knife! It is common to lose a battle... There is no need to blame yourself, it is not your fault!" Countless members of the base around him came up one after another.

He advised before.

But the defeated members fell to their knees with determination on their faces.

"We failed, that is, we failed... and even caused the war god Yagami to be beheaded... We are guilty! We have no face to face you! We have no face to face the Shenque Python Group! We... deserve to die!!" The defeated members

Their faces were full of determination, and they violently inserted the sword into their abdominal cavities!

"Puff... Puff... Puff...!!" One sword after another was inserted into their own abdomens one after another!

Commit seppuku, what a cruel and decisive method of suicide?

"No...!!" Not far away, Yagami Aoba pretended not to know. He pretended that he had just received the news... and then he rushed over immediately.

"Sirs, don't do it...!!" Yagami Aoba rushed forward anxiously and shouted to stop him!!

But the defeated soldiers had all committed suicide!

Everyone fell to their knees... and committed seppuku collectively!

Everyone knelt down and committed suicide!

Blood dyed the entire ground of the martial arts arena red...

"No...!!" Yagami Aoba rushed to the martial arts field. Seeing the cruel scene in front of him, Yagami Aoba's eyes were blood red, and tears... rolled down his eyes!

Yagami Aoba's acting skills are really good. In this scene... he successfully deceived all the warriors present.

All the soldiers present thought that Yagami Aoba War God... shed tears because he felt sorry for the members who committed suicide.

But they don’t know that all this was disguised by Iori Aoba!

His tears were forced out. Everything was just a show.

Because it was he, Yagami Aoba... who personally gave the order and forced these soldiers to commit suicide!

Yagami Aoba will use this show to inspire the morale of all the soldiers of the Shenque Python Group present!

Turn failure into anger!

"Bah!" Yagami Aoba knelt down on the ground, his eyes were blood red, "You are all my subordinates... you are all the bravest warriors of my Shenque Python Group... you... you... shouldn't die... wrong

It's not your fault...it's my fault...it's my fault...it's me, it's me who didn't protect you...it's my fault!"

Yagami Aoba knelt down, facing the group of corpses who had committed seppuku, his eyes were blood red, and he looked up to the sky and shouted angrily, "Chen Xiu...! I, the Shenque Python Legion... are sworn in with you!! I swear, I will definitely do it!"

Pull out your human skin and twitch your veins! Revenge for the brothers who committed suicide tonight...!!"

On the martial arts field, all the warriors' eyes were bloodshot and they shook their fists and roared, "Revenge...!! Revenge!!"

"Kill the Dragon King!! Avenge blood...!!!"

Endless angry shouts echoed throughout!!

On Yagami Aoba's face, which was full of grief and anger, there was an imperceptible cold arc flashing at the corner of his mouth.

Everything is in his plan.

He successfully used these defeated soldiers to commit suicide, arousing the anger of all soldiers in the entire base.

Turn failure into anger!

From this moment on, all the warriors have only one belief, to kill the Dragon King! To avenge the blood hatred of these brothers who committed suicide!!

Hatred is often the best weapon in war!

With the determination of revenge, the war can be invincible!

Use hatred and create hatred to win the war!

Today's Yagami Aoba has used hatred to the extreme in war!

This chapter has been completed!
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