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Chapter 1205 Humanoid Silkworm Chrysalis!

Countless firefighters were dispatched, and a large area of ​​​​ground security teams... sealed off the entire Shanhai Pavilion building.

At this time, countless flames were still coming out of the cracks under the Shanhai Pavilion building...

The firefighters immediately took action, holding high-pressure water cannons and aiming at the cracks in the ground to put out the fire!

But at this time, the entire underground level 20 had been swallowed up by a sea of ​​​​fire.

There is also a large amount of nuclear radiation and high-voltage power leakage...

The firefighters couldn't get in at all... they could only use high-pressure water cannons to flush the ground outside.

This fire burned from night to noon the next day.

In the end, a large number of firefighters invested countless amounts of chemical fire-extinguishing dry powder in the underground fortress... and finally used chemical means to forcibly suppress the fire.

This special group of firefighters all wore radiation-proof and current-proof protective clothing, and they were preparing to personally sneak into the Shanhai Pavilion underground base to carry out comprehensive fire extinguishing.

Before leaving the base, this group of firefighters were all screened. These firefighters were dispatched by members of the Huiyue Project organization.

Every firefighter must go through layers of political review, and all sign a confidentiality agreement before going down to the bunker!

When they go down to put out the fire, no matter what they see or what happens, the whole process must be kept highly confidential! Everything they see in the Shanhai Pavilion base must be kept secret! Even after they come out, they are not allowed to reveal the secret!

Because Shanhai Pavilion is Daxia's top-secret intelligence base! Therefore, this group of firefighters must abide by the confidentiality code. Anyone who leaks information will face the crime of leaking national security secrets!

At this time, all the firefighters entered the bunker...

The entire bunker has been bombed into ruins. Although most of the fire has been extinguished, there are still a lot of residual fires burning...

On the ground of the bunker, residual high-voltage electrical energy is still being released from time to time.

A firefighter just sneaked into the bunker, but he accidentally stepped on

There was a puddle in front of me.

"Zizzi!" In an instant, the high-voltage electricity hidden in the puddle spread directly to the firefighter's body!

The fire extinguisher's face was pale, and his whole body twitched and trembled violently... In the end, he fell directly to the ground and was completely electrocuted to death.

The other fire extinguishers present looked solemn and pale!

"Everyone is alert!! The bunker contains a lot of high-voltage electricity! Be careful! Don't touch anything with water...water can conduct electricity! Remember to be careful!" the fire-fighting captain reminded in a solemn voice.

At the same time, engineers also sneaked into the bunker immediately, intending to solve the high-voltage problem and directly cut off the high-voltage switch.

On the 20th floor of the bunker, firefighters put out the fire while carefully sneaking into the next floor.

Along the way, they kept putting out the burning fires.

But as they continued to go deeper, they discovered that...the closer they got to the bottom, the fiercer the fire below.

The fire on the ground floor... is still strong... the flames are burning...

Along with the high-voltage electricity, there is also a large amount of high-concentration nuclear radiation.

The nuclear radiation sirens equipped by the firefighters were constantly blaring.

The siren shows that the nuclear radiation here has exceeded the standard by a large amount.

The firefighters took complete precautions before carefully sneaking into the 20th floor underground.

They used a large number of water cannons and dry powder fire extinguishers to put out the blazing flames.

Then they carefully dived deep...

"Captain... look... in the sea of ​​​​fire in front of you... there seems to be an area... that blocks the sea of ​​​​fire?" Suddenly a firefighter shouted solemnly!

The captain and other firefighters looked along the center of the flames...

Sure enough, in the blazing endless sea of ​​fire... there was an area that completely blocked out the sea of ​​fire??

"Captain, there seems to be a person lying in the center of the sea of ​​​​fire?" Another firefighter reminded solemnly.

The captain's eyes narrowed, and he led the team members closer to the sea of ​​​​fire again, looking at the depths of the burning sea of ​​​​fire...

The black figure lying in the middle of the sea of ​​fire does indeed look like a human figure??

"It seems to be a woman??"

"Within a few meters around her... the fire did not burn her? How is this possible? Can she withstand the flames??" This made all the firefighters' expressions freeze??

Logically speaking, a living person would have been burned to ashes in the depths of this raging fire.

But the figure was still lying in the middle of the sea of ​​fire.

And what’s weird is that the figure lying on the ground seems not to be affected by the sea of ​​fire at all??

She was just lying on the ground...surrounding her...within a two-meter radius around her, countless flames could not get close to her.

This weird scene made all the firefighters look shocked?

Is there anything special about this person? Why can't this blazing fire get close to her?

"It looks like...she may still be alive. Break in and save people!" the fire chief ordered in a solemn voice, immediately!

So a group of firefighters nodded solemnly, put on layers of thick protective clothing, and rushed directly into the sea of ​​​​fire...trying to save people.

The captain rushed the fastest. He rushed into the sea of ​​fire and endured the raging high temperature. But when he rushed to the woman's side, the captain was frightened by the woman's appearance!

This woman was currently curled up on the ground, her whole body looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

Her body seemed to be wrapped

With a layer of ferocious skin.

The skin on the surface has been completely burned and twisted, pitch black, mixed with flesh and blood.

These layers of flesh and blood formed a silkworm chrysalis on the surface, wrapping her body.

And beneath the surface skin, there seems to be a new layer of skin?

At this time, this woman was like a silkworm chrysalis.

Her true body... just curled up in a silkworm chrysalis shell made of flesh and blood.

"What is this?!" A firefighter looked completely shocked when he saw this scene.

"It seems...a humanoid silkworm chrysalis??" another firefighter said in a shocked voice.

He reached out in shock, wanting to touch the woman wrapped in a flesh and blood silkworm chrysalis.

"Don't touch! Be careful!" the captain hurriedly stopped him!

But as soon as the captain finished speaking, the firefighter's hand in protective clothing gently touched the silkworm chrysalis.

In an instant, a terrifying high-voltage current suddenly burst out from the silkworm chrysalis!

"Zizzizi!" The terrifying high-voltage current penetrated the firefighter's body!

The firefighter was so shocked that he almost became a lunchbox.

Fortunately, the captain had quick eyesight and quick hands. He stepped forward and kicked him out.

The firefighter was kicked several meters away. The terrifying high-voltage current finally disappeared.

At this time, the firefighter was lying on the ground, his face turned pale.

"Captain! This humanoid silkworm chrysalis carries extremely strong voltage... What on earth is this..." The firefighters looked extremely solemn.

They were all frightened by this humanoid silkworm chrysalis.

"Captain! This humanoid silkworm chrysalis carries a large amount of nuclear radiation?! The radiation value has seriously exceeded the standard!" Another firefighter also solemnly reminded! At this time, the red lights on their nuclear radiation detection equipment kept flashing warnings!

This chapter has been completed!
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