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Chapter 1216 Showdown!

Following the order from leader number one.

In this experimental base factory, the dormant warehouses hidden in the warehouses were all opened.

The genetic warriors who had been lying in the dormant chamber containers with various wires and tubes plugged into their bodies opened their eyes one after another.

This group of genetic warriors are all excellent genetic weapons with a potential development rate of over 80.

At this time, they were all awakened. A famous genetic warrior stood up from the dormant warehouse, his body flashed, and he surrounded and killed Chen Xiu in the direction!

This group of genetic warriors all received instructions from Number One in their minds.

Dr. Li was their controller, and Dr. Li gave them an order to kill Chen Xiu.

At this time, this group of genetic warriors did not stop and rushed away with a flash of movement!

In the experimental base, Chen Xiu faced off against a group of genetic warriors!

His sword kept slashing past, chopping groups of genetic warriors to the ground.

Blood stained the entire experimental base red.

But the genetic warriors are endless and they kill endlessly.

No matter how strong Chen Xiu is, after such a high-intensity wheel battle, Chen Xiu's physical strength is gradually exhausted...

His body could no longer bear it.

If he keeps fighting like this, he may be exhausted.

Chen Xiu gritted his teeth and could only prepare to turn around and evacuate.

At this time, in the Bluetooth headset, Ning Dongxia also learned that Chen Xiu was under siege.

Ning Dongxia immediately took the princess in red and rushed directly to the experimental base, planning to rescue Chen Xiu.

However, I don’t know if Chen Xiu can delay it until Ning Dongxia comes to rescue him.

Just when Chen Xiu was besieged by a group of genetic warriors and was forced to retreat.

Suddenly... on the top of the laboratory factory, a beautiful figure suddenly jumped down from the top of the factory that was more than ten meters high!

Chen Xiu raised his eyes and saw the beautiful figure leaping down from the air. His pupils shrank?!

Isn't this the Divine Phoenix?

Why did she turn back halfway?

I saw the divine phoenix jumping from the top of the factory more than ten meters high!

Her right hand suddenly raised the phoenix blade!

There was a terrifying high-voltage current flashing through her pupils! Her whole body was covered and wrapped in the terrifying high-voltage electricity!!

Countless voltages gathered together... and condensed on the dagger of the Divine Phoenix!

The divine phoenix's delicate body suddenly crashed down towards the ground!

"Zizzizi...!" Terrifying high-voltage electricity swept across her body! Countless electric lights condensed on the dagger!

On the ground, the genetic warriors all shrank their pupils when they saw this!

A group of genetic warriors waved their weapons fiercely and were about to attack!

"Boom...!" Divine Phoenix's body fell to the ground hard like lightning!

Her lightning dagger was thrust into the ground!

"Zizzizi...!!" The endless terrifying high-voltage electric light swept around!!

Within ten meters of Shenhuang’s body!

All genetic warriors

Everything under your feet... was swept away by the terrifying high-voltage electric light!

The few genetic warriors standing at the front were even unable to withstand this terrifying high-voltage electricity. Their bodies were violently twitching and trembling when they were hit by the electricity!

The rest of the surrounding genetic warriors were also slightly stiffened by the high-voltage electricity!

Although the sword of Divine Phoenix was only inserted into the ground!

But the terrifying high-voltage electric light that emerged from her sword directly attacked all genetic warriors within a ten-meter radius in a one-sided manner!

Under the attack of high-voltage electricity, the bodies of this group of genetic warriors were violently pulled out, and their body movements were frozen and paused for several seconds.

Divine Phoenix's electric attack bought Chen Xiu some time.

Chen Xiu's expression condensed, and he suddenly teleported upward!

The Dragon Vein Sword swept across, carrying a dragon roar!

"Aww...!" The Dragon Vein Sword penetrated the void, and the dragon roared!

Chen Xiu's sword instantly cut through the throats and bodies of the genetic warriors!

"Puff puff...!" The long sword passed quickly! A group of genetic warriors were hit by electric current, causing their movements to be sluggish for a few seconds.

These few seconds are enough to decide their life or death.

When facing a top swordsman, a few seconds can mean the difference between life and death.

Chen Xiu's sword was as fast as lightning, slicing their necks and tracheas almost instantly!

Groups of genetic warriors covered their necks, their pupils constricted... with disbelief.

But blood was already gushing out from their necks.

They had no chance to resist, and their bodies fell to the ground one after another!

"What are you coming back for? Have you figured it out? Are you going to join me?" Chen Xiu asked, holding a long sword and splitting a genetic warrior who rushed forward with one strike.

Shenhuang's beautiful eyes were cold. She withdrew the dagger from the ground and said coldly, "We have different positions and we can't be together. I'm just here to eliminate these witnesses."

When Chen Xiu heard this, his eyes narrowed. He understood instantly.

Is Qin Buxu planning to kill all the witnesses in this experimental base?

To hide his daughter's secret?

Hehe, this Qin is not hungry, he is really cruel and ruthless.

If he becomes ruthless, will he even kill the people in Huiyue's plan?

This experimental base is the base of the Huiyue Project.

"Let's join forces briefly, Chen Xiu. Let's destroy them together." Shenhuang's beautiful eyes were cold and she said slowly.

Chen Xiu doesn't mind joining forces.

He nodded and replied with one word, "Yes."

"I'll paralyze them, and you'll be responsible for harvesting them." Shenhuang said in a cold voice.

Her figure turned into a beam of lightning and rushed in front of the group of genetic warriors again.

"Electric energy!" Shenhuang suddenly raised his hands!

In her body, countless high-voltage electrical energy swept through and gathered together crazily again!!

Then the next second, she slammed both palms to the ground!

"Zizzizi...!!" In an instant, countless high-voltage electricity swept out from her palms!

High voltage current spreads to all directions instantly!!

This chapter has been completed!
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