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Chapter 1287 The main god of lust and crime dies!

Chen Xiu and Wuming continued to dive... almost to a depth of 600 meters under the sea.

At this depth, the human body simply cannot bear it...if an ordinary person would have died long ago.

But Chen Xiu and Wuming held their breath... and continued fighting at the bottom of the sea more than 600 meters away.

The swords of the two men collided wildly.

Chen Xiu's eyes were cold. He and Wu Ming fought for thousands of rounds, with neither victory nor defeat.

But at this critical moment... Chen Xiu's potential development rate suddenly exceeded?!

His physical potential broke through again during the battle with Wuming!

Potential development degree reaches 87!

Although it was just an ordinary breakthrough of 1, for Chen Xiu, his strength has skyrocketed!

Any breakthrough of 1 is a sudden increase in strength, speed...endurance.

This 1 can already determine the outcome.

Under the sea, Wuming's pupils shrank during the battle with Chen Xiu!

He didn't expect that crazy man Chen Xiu... could break through under such circumstances?!

Originally, Chen Xiu and he were about equal in strength, but now Chen Xiu broke through 1! But Wuming was at a disadvantage!

"Clang, clang, clang...!" Chen Xiu's sword was faster, and he clashed with Wuming fiercely. Wuming could clearly feel that he was somewhat outmatched!

This man's attack methods have become more powerful and fierce!

Wuming's expression finally changed! He turned around suddenly and retreated!

This god who ruled over sexual crimes actually turned around and fled at this moment!

With a potential development rate of 92, Wuming's level of strength could not be compared to Chen Xiu's development rate of 87.

Wuming turned around and quickly surfaced on the water... trying to escape Chen Xiu's pursuit.

But after his death, how could Chen Xiu let him go so easily?

Chen Xiu's sword has already struck hard!

In the endless waters, behind Wuming, countless sword shadows are coming! Chen Xiu's sword skills are so fast that he can use Ten Thousand Swords to Return to the Sect in the water! Countless sword shadows are overwhelming... and are heading towards Wuming!

Wuming's pupils shrank and he swung his sword to block!

"Clang, clang, clang...!!" Most of the sword shadows were blocked by him! But there were still dozens of swords... that split open Wuming's body fiercely!

Wuming's body was covered with sword wounds, and blood overflowed from the wounds, dyeing the water around him red.

There are a few sharks not far away

I smelled the smell of blood and swam over immediately.

Wuming's expression changed even more when he saw this. Chen Xiu's eyes were cold, and he teleported and swam up!

His sword was as powerful as a rainbow and struck Wuming fiercely!

"Clang clang clang...!" Wuming could resist Chen Xiu's sword at first, but gradually he could no longer hold on!

Chen Xiu's attack was too swift and fierce, and Wuming couldn't defend himself at all.

"Poof!" Finally, Chen Xiu's figure passed by Wuming... The evil-killing sword left a deep sword mark on Wuming's shoulder.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiu turned around again and attacked Wuming from behind!

"Poof!" A sword penetrated Wuming's back again.

Chen Xiu appeared in front of Wuming.

The next second, Chen Xiu teleported again... "Poof!" Wuming's chest was penetrated.

"Puff... Puff... Puff...!!" Chen Xiu's figure kept teleporting back and forth along Wuming's body as the center!

Every time he teleports, there will be one more sword wound on Wuming's body.

And each one is a penetrating fatal wound!

Wuming's eyes were frightened, and he wanted to run away, but the wounds on his body were already dripping with blood... which slowed down his movement!

Only then did Wuming truly feel the fear of being dominated by death!

He is the master of the judgment of sexual crimes! The existence that dominates martial arts in the world, at this moment... is being tortured and killed like this by a young man in his twenties?

"Puff...! Puff... Puff!!" As Chen Xiu's sword continued to penetrate Wuming's body!

Wuming vomited blood and was seriously injured!

He endured the severe pain and swam towards the upper water!

There are members of the Adjudicator on the sea, and they can protect him.

At a depth of tens of meters above the sea level, hundreds of judges are searching for Chen Xiu's whereabouts.

At this time, this group of judges also saw two figures below them quickly rising up.

A figure covered in blood is being hunted!

The faces of these judges were frozen?! ​​They looked at each other!


I mistakenly thought that the man who was being chased with blood all over his body was Chen Xiu.

Because in their eyes, the nameless Lord God is invincible and cannot be hurt.

So these judges mistakenly thought that the seriously injured person was Chen Xiu.

In the water, a group of judges looked at each other, drew their swords, and surrounded the seriously injured person!

But when this group of judges surrounded the seriously injured person, the pupils of all the judges shrank violently?!

All the judges are confused?!

Because the seriously injured person turned out to be their ruling god, Lord Wuming!!

In the sea area, I saw the nameless Lord God in extremely miserable condition. His whole body was penetrated by sword wounds...blood continued to overflow from the wounds on his body! It dyed the nearby water source red. .??.

There are dozens of sharks all around, following eagerly, ready to hunt at any time.

How can this be?!

How could their nameless main god be so seriously injured?!

At this time, behind Wuming, Chen Xiuxiu was holding a long sword and coldly pursuing him!

When Wuming saw this group of judges, he finally found a life-saving straw! He suddenly signaled to the group of judges' subordinates! Let them stop Chen Xiu!

Then Wuming took the opportunity to float up with all his strength!

At a depth of tens of meters in the sea, hundreds of judges suddenly flashed their body skills and chased Chen Xiu!

Hundreds of adjudicators tried to stop Chen Xiu!

A cold arc flashed at the corner of Chen Xiu's mouth, and his body flashed! An afterimage could even pass by in the water!

"Pfft...!" A judge had just drawn his sword, but before he could react, his body was pierced by Chen Xiu's sword!

As soon as another judge swam in front of Chen Xiu, before he could attack... his neck was penetrated by the evil-killing sword, and blood spurted out from his neck!

"Puff... Puff... Puff...!!" Chen Xiu's body technique continued to kill in the underwater waters!

Wherever he passed, the judges were killed one after another in vain.

Almost the entire sea area was stained red with blood.

Chen Xiu's figure is like a ghost on the sea floor, constantly teleporting in front of hundreds of adjudicators!

His speed was so fast that these judges could not

Caught him, and now he became a hunter.

One person hunts hundreds of Adjudicators.

These judges are all super warriors with a potential development level of over 70 or 80, but in front of Chen Xiu... they are like ants, so vulnerable!

Most adjudicators are genetically mutated warriors.

It was through the power of genetic mutation that they reached such a high degree of development.

How could this kind of genetic warrior who relied on quick upgrades be Chen Xiu's opponent?

In the blink of an eye, for more than ten minutes, hundreds of judges in the water were all executed, leaving no one alive.

The corpses of hundreds of judges floated slowly in the water and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Only endless blood floats on the sea.

At this time, the silent sea level was already stained red with blood.

Several cruise ships on the sea are also slowly sinking.

On the cruise ship, a group of judges looked at the blood-red sea level in shock.

At this moment, a figure suddenly snorkeled up on the blood-red sea level and emerged from the sea level.

That figure was clearly Wuming.

At this time, the Lord of Judgment Wuming was extremely miserable. His whole body was covered with sword wounds and blood. He swam towards a warship in horror!

The warship had not been sunk yet and was still floating on the water.

"Guard me to the boat!" Wuming shouted anxiously with a trembling voice!

On the warship, all the judges looked shocked. They didn't understand what happened? How could their nameless Lord be so seriously injured?

A group of judges hurriedly threw down a lifeboat and sailed towards the nameless Lord God.

Wuming also swam quickly towards the lifeboat!

But at this moment, suddenly, a figure suddenly came from below the sea area!

"Pfft...!" On the sea level, a figure held a long sword and stabbed forward fiercely!

The long sword penetrated directly through the nameless Lord God's back... and penetrated out of the chest!

"Uh ah...!" Wuming howled in horror! His entire body was directly knocked several meters high above the sea level!

Chen Xiu held a long sword and stabbed it directly from the sea water, flying the nameless top into the air!

This chapter has been completed!
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