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Chapter 132 Need me, can you kill him?

Are these killers coming... to blow up her Future Group building?

How cruel is this?

If Chen Xiu hadn't arrived in time.

I'm afraid that her entire Future Group building will not be protected.

At this time, Ning Dongxia felt extremely confused and complicated.

She had already dialed the patrol room number as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, a large number of patrol investigation team members rushed to the scene to conduct investigation and evidence collection!

However, after members of the patrol room conducted an on-site investigation, they were unable to find any clues behind the scenes.

I don't even know who is the mastermind behind it.

The members of the investigation team could only bring these hundreds of corpses back to the bureau first.

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia also cooperated... and were taken back for questioning.

After his innocence was confirmed, it was self-defense.

Then let him leave.

Night, deep.

Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu walked out of the patrol building.

"Ding ding ding~!" At this moment, Ning Dongxia's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang!

Ning Dongxia picked up the phone.

"Dr. Ning...Security Captain Shi Xiaoyong...he lost too much blood...he had hundreds of stab wounds all over his body, and the last half of the blade was stuck in his lung...the surgeons couldn't pull it out...the situation is critical..." In the phone call,

One of his subordinates reported with an anxious and solemn voice!

Huh~ When she heard the urgent report on the other end of the phone, Ning Dongxia's face suddenly condensed.

"Wait for me, I'll bring the equipment right away...!" Ning Dongxia replied anxiously!

Soon, she brought the most advanced AI intelligent medical equipment...

Then he asked the bodyguard to drive and drove urgently to the hospital.

Ning Dongxia rushed into the intensive care operating room with medical smart equipment.

Put on sterile surgical clothes, start operating the machine, and perform emergency surgery.

She is a medical expert by training.

And the security captain Shi Xiaoyong was in danger because of protecting her company...

Tonight, she will save Shi Xiaoyong at all costs!

But, in the operating room, time passed by minute by minute.

Twenty minutes have passed.

Ning Dongxia controls AI intelligent medical equipment, but it is completely useless.

The broken knife... was stabbed hard into Shi Xiaoyong's lungs, and even... almost pierced his heart.

Just move the blade a little.

Patient Shi Xiaoyong's left lung was bleeding heavily.

Can't handle it at all!

Now, all I can do is watch him wait for death.

At this time, Shi Xiaoyong was lying on the operating table, and the entire thoracic bone was opened.

His face looked extremely weak and pale.

Blood is still spilling out.

The entire operating bed was dyed red.

In front of the bed, Ning Dongxia and a group of surgeons all looked extremely anxious.

Even Ning Dongxia’s AI medical equipment was unable to remove the broken blade from the patient’s chest.

Moreover, AI medical devices have been intelligently analyzed.

The result was obtained.

The patient's surgical success rate is only 1%!

At this time, outside the surgical ward.

Chen Xiu was leaning against the wall, wearing a neat tuxedo and suit, puffing out smoke rings lightly.

At this moment, the operating room door suddenly opened.

Ning Dongxia rushed out anxiously.

"Chen Xiu, do you know Chinese medicine? Help me, look at... Shi Xiaoyong's injury, can you treat it with Chinese medicine?!" Ning Dongxia asked with a hint of anxiety in her voice.

At this time, even she and her AI medical machine were helpless.

She could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor and ask for help from Chen Xiu.

Bodyguard Chen Xiu showed off his unique skills in traditional Chinese medicine not long ago.

Maybe, it’s not necessarily true that he has the means to diagnose and treat it.

Chen Xiu held a cigarette in his mouth, raised his head... and glanced at her.

"How much?" he asked calmly.

If you let him take action, you will naturally have to pay him.

"If you can save Shi Xiaoyong, I will give you double this month's salary!" Ning Dongxia said anxiously and solemnly!

"Okay." Chen Xiu threw the cigarette butt at his feet and stamped it out.

Then he turned directly into the operating room.

Arrive at the operating table.

At this time, Shi Xiaoyong was lying on the operating table, his chest had been opened, and his body was dripping with blood.

On the chest, I saw... a broken machete, inserted directly into his left lung.

This knife was inserted into his chest during the bloody battle with the thugs just now.

At this time, the entire knife broke inside the chest and penetrated deeply into the lungs.

It can't be pulled out at all.

With a slight pull, blood from the lungs gushed out crazily, and even the heart on the left chest... would bleed over a large area.

This knife became the last straw between Shi Xiaoyong's life and death.

Chen Xiu's eyes were calm, and he sterilized and disinfected his hands.

Then, he said to the surgeon on the side.

"Prepare Chinese medicine silver needles immediately." He said in a calm and indifferent voice.

Very strange.

As a bodyguard, he actually knows the skills of Chinese medicine.

What's even more strange is that since you are a Chinese medicine practitioner...you should wear silver needles with you.

In Chinese medicine, acupuncture is life.

The needle is there.

The needle dies and the soul dies.

This is the admonition that every Chinese medicine master will ask him to keep in mind before he starts practicing Chinese medicine.

But Chen Xiu, a Chinese medicine doctor, did not wear any silver needles on his body.

There is only one scalpel specially designed for traditional Chinese medicine.

He raised his right hand slightly.

The silver scalpel suddenly appeared.

It is in the shape of a willow leaf.

It is a scalpel specially designed for traditional Chinese medicine.

Soon, the doctors in the operating room also brought silver needles specially designed for traditional Chinese medicine.

This silver needle was borrowed from the traditional Chinese medicine clinic of the hospital, specifically from the traditional Chinese medicine doctor.

Chen Xiu took out the silver needle.

Start inserting into Shi Xiaoyong's body.

A total of 24 silver needles.

were inserted into Shi Xiaoyong's body respectively.

In front of the operating table, Chen Xiu held the silver needle in his hand and inserted it slowly.

All the medical staff around him looked nervously and complicatedly.

All 24 silver needles were quickly inserted into Shi Xiaoyong's body.

In an instant, all the blood vessels in his body were sealed.

The blood on the left side of his chest, lungs...his wounds...surprisingly, was miraculously stopped!

This makes all the medical staff present in disbelief?


Is the hemostasis technique of traditional Chinese medicine really so miraculous?

Complete the acupuncture points.

Chen Xiu then did something that shocked all the medical staff present.

I saw that he actually woke up the patient who was under anesthesia... Shi Xiaoyong.

at this time.

Shi Xiaoyong, lying on the operating table, was awakened from an anesthetic coma...

Chen Xiu looked calm, looked at Shi Xiaoyong on the operating table, and said slowly.

"There is a 20 cm long broken knife inserted in your left chest. Now you need surgery to remove the knife. I will perform the entire operation myself."

"I'm going to wake you up now. Keep breathing normally and maintain a good heartbeat. Within ten seconds, you can take out the broken knife." Chen Xiu spoke calmly and said slowly to Shi Xiaoyong on the hospital bed...

Because, the broken knife was inserted... only a few millimeters away from the heart.

Danger may arise at any time.

There may even be a possibility that Shi Xiaoyong will never wake up again after taking out the knife.

Therefore, Chen Xiu directly awakened Shi Xiaoyong.

Keep his heartbeat strong.

In this way, the situation where Shi Xiaoyong could not wake up was avoided.

The doctors present looked shocked when they heard Chen Xiu's words...

Is he going to... directly perform surgery and remove the severed knife while the patient is awake?


This is unprecedented!

Ning Dongxia on the side also had a dull and pale face.

This Chen Xiu, his surgical behavior is simply too bold.

On the hospital bed, Shi Xiaoyong's voice trembled and he said weakly, "I, I haven't asked for a wife yet, and I don't want to die yet..."

Chen Xiu's eyes were cold and he said calmly, "As long as I'm here, you can't die."

After saying that, he began to use a scalpel to slowly cut open Shi Xiaoyong's left lung, and began... to remove the remains of the severed knife for surgery.

All the medical staff present held their breaths and watched this scene.

On the operating bed, Shi Xiaoyong's voice trembled slightly, and he endured the severe pain and asked, "Brother Chen, can you teach me kung fu?"

"Okay." Chen Xiu responded while operating.

"After the operation is completed and you can handle it, I will teach you." Chen Xiu said calmly and calmly.

At the same time, his scalpel had already cut open Shi Xiaoyong's left lung.

Start by taking out the cutting knife.

This time, the broken knife was slowly taken out inch by inch.

During the entire process, no blood came out of Shi Xiaoyong's left lung wound.

The heart is still beating.

Shi Xiaoyong gritted his teeth, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and endured the severe pain.

Although his whole body was still under anesthesia, at this time... he was only conscious.

But he could still feel the heartbreaking pain in his chest.

This severe pain made him miserable, but he could only endure it.

Ten seconds later.

Finally, the broken knife was slowly pulled out from Shi Xiaoyong's left lung!

Surgery, successful!

As for Shi Xiaoyong, his face was pale... In the end, he was unable to take advantage of the severe pain.

On the operating table, I fainted.

And the operation has been successful.

"Sew." Chen Xiu took back the knife in his hand.

He said to the surgeons beside him.

Several surgeons looked solemn.

He hurriedly stepped forward and began to suture Shi Xiaoyong's wounds!

Suture his lungs!

Then, suture the wound and chest!

This operation was a success!

Chen Xiu held a cigarette in his mouth and passed by Ning Dongxia.

"Remember, your salary is double this month." He reminded lightly.

Then, he walked straight out of the intensive care operating room...

The next day.

early morning.

Tan Gong Villa.

Ningdongxia stayed up all night last night.

Future Group was almost blown up.

Within the group, nearly half of the security personnel were killed or injured.

This kept her up all night and made her feel restless.

Ning Dongxia got up early in the morning and rearranged the group's security affairs.

Issue an order to increase the budget for security expenditures.

Improve the group's 24-hour security and protection capabilities.

And at the same time.

Early in the morning, the police station finally made a call.

"Director Ning, after comparing the bodies of the killers last night and the evidence and clues at the scene, we still...cannot find out the murderer and..." On the phone, the captain of the patrol room reported in a complex and dignified voice!

When I heard the police report on the phone...

Ning Dongxia's pretty face became complicated.

In the assassination last night, the hundreds of killers didn't leave even a single clue?

This made her feel complicated and uneasy.

"The biggest suspect is the head of the Bai family, Bai Shanchuan. I suspect that he was behind the entire case! In the past few days, I have been assassinated more than once by people sent by him!" Ning Dongxia held her mobile phone and spoke.

Said solemnly!

"You'd better conduct a comprehensive investigation of Bai Shanchuan!"

On the other end of the phone, the patrol captain also had a complex look on his face after hearing the name "Bai Shanchuan".

"Director Ning...this...we don't have any evidence...it's hard to arrest...and we can't investigate...after all, Bai Shanchuan...is the president of the Chamber of Commerce...his status is extremely special...if there is no substantial evidence...

...We, we don't have that investigative authority..." On the phone, the patrol captain's voice was complex and solemn, and he reported the report.

"Director Ning... this case... is too difficult. It is really difficult to solve the case for a while. These days, you'd better be fully prepared and be on alert at all times to prevent danger." On the phone, the voice of the patrol room captain

He reminded solemnly.

It's not that they don't solve the case.

It's just that this case is too difficult.

Not supported by any strong evidence.

It's not easy for them to just randomly arrest people.

After all, this is a society ruled by law.

Bai Shanchuan took advantage of this and perfectly avoided any moral and legal risks.

Therefore, he still does whatever he wants outside.

Ning Dongxia held her mobile phone, her beautiful eyes complex and solemn.

She held the phone and was silent for a long time.

The whole assassination case.

All risks were avoided by Bai Shanchuan.

No clues about his Bai Shanchuan could be found at all.

Therefore, the patrol room could not arrest him at all.

"I understand." Ning Dongxia replied with a complex voice.

"These days, I will be more vigilant."

She hung up the phone helplessly.

At this time, her face looked a little pale.

Although he knew clearly that the murderer behind the assassination last night was Bai Shanchuan.

However, she had no other choice.

The system in Jiangnan cannot control Baishanchuan at all.

Chen Xiu, who was dining in front of the dining table, suddenly raised his head and glanced at Ning Dongxia lightly.

"Do you want my help? Can I help you get rid of him?" Chen Xiu asked calmly.

Ning Dongxia: "..."

"Don't cause trouble again. The consequences of killing are very serious. You have already killed his son. Don't kill anyone again." Ning Dongxia advised in a complicated voice.

"What's more, the opponent is Bai Shanchuan. There are countless guards around him. You can't kill him." He said with a complicated face and shook his head.

But Chen Xiu looked indifferent and didn't care.

He took a deep breath of cigarette and said calmly, "Give me a commission and I will kill him for you."

Ning Dongxia:……

[The author has something to say]

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This chapter has been completed!
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