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Chapter 1412 Personality Fusion!

Ivanka's pretty face turned pale when she saw this, she turned around and ran away...

But how could Chen Xiu give him a chance to escape?

Chen Xiu teleported forward and killed Ivanka almost instantly!

But after killing Ivanka, he discovered that this Ivanka was also a fake! A clone!!

Looking at Ivanka's body lying on the ground, Chen Xiu's face turned cold. .??.

At this time, Ning Dongxia had already extracted the memory of the brain-computer interface from the mind of clone Ren Nishang.

According to the memory extraction, I know...

This Ren Nichang is indeed a clone of Ren Nichang back then.

Back then, after Ren Nichang was arrested... they wanted to interrogate Yan Xia's important military information from her. Ren Nichang refused, and was eventually killed. They stole Yan Xia's important military information from her brain. And, her

Brain cell cloning, a new Ren Nishang was cloned. She was a clone. When she was born, she was a baby. But her genes have been improved and can use scientific instruments to accelerate her growth. Her growth rate in one day is ten times faster than that of others.

times. She lives for one year, which is equal to ten years for others. In three years, she has grown into a 30-year-old adult. You can control the speed of her growth.

Ning Dongxia used brain-computer interface technology again to extract the memory of this Ivanka clone.

Based on her memory, she quickly found out where Ivanka’s true identity was!

Ivanka's true identity is hidden on the eighteenth floor of the base, in the core area!

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia looked at each other, and they immediately set off to pursue the core area on the 18th floor of the Umbrella Group!

According to memory, Ivanka’s true identity is hidden in this eighteenth-level underground area!

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia chased them all the way...

At this time, on the eighteenth floor underground, Ivanka's real body also discovered the crisis. She immediately mobilized a large number of genetic warriors... to try to intercept Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia.

And Ivanka’s real body also plans to retreat and escape!

But Chen Xiu has already broken through to 99! His strength is terrifying! The group of people from the Umbrella Group in front of him can't stop him at all.

He fought all the way and went directly into the Umbrella Group! Finally found Ivanka's true identity!

Ivanka’s real face changed suddenly when she saw this?!

She didn't expect...that lunatic Chen Xiu could actually find her hiding place!

Ivanka's expression suddenly changed and she immediately fled!

At this time, the clone of Ren Nishang, who had just been knocked unconscious, finally woke up from the coma.

Ren Nishang's clone stood up groggily.

As soon as she woke up, she received a call from Ivanka.

Ivanka summoned her over to cover Ivanka’s departure!

Ren Nishang's clone had a complicated expression and immediately turned around and rushed in the direction of Ivanka...

Ren Nichang quickly arrived at Ivanka's location. She directly covered Ivanka and tried to escape from the base!

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia are chasing each other all the way!

But there is still one step missing!

Ivanka seems to have been prepared! So she made plans to evacuate one step ahead!

Ivanka was already on the fighter jet and was about to flee.

But at this moment, the clone sitting on the fighter jet, Ren Nichang, suddenly took action and stabbed Ivanka in the back!

Ivanka's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief?!

I was actually betrayed by my most loyal clone??

Ivanka, who was part of the Umbrella Group, was completely killed.

The fighter jet crashed hard and eventually exploded!

The clone Ren Nishang parachuted away at the critical moment.

The entire umbrella group was directly destroyed by Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia!

The underground fortress of the Umbrella Group was directly detonated by Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia!

All clones were destroyed.

This move caused shock throughout the continent?!

The state immediately dispatched the FBI to investigate.

But Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia had already fled the country.

And the clone of Ren Nishang escaped to no one knows where.

However, when Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia were about to leave the country, they were suddenly intercepted by genetic warriors from the Huiyue organization.

Countless top gene warriors frantically intercepted Chen Xiu, trying to intercept them in Zaizhou. They did not want them to return to the country.

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia fought all the way and killed hundreds of top genetic warriors on the spot.

But this time the genetic warriors sent by the Huiyue Organization are extremely terrifying. They are all genetic warriors who are powerful at the Grand Master level!

Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu were hunted down by terrifying genetic warriors overseas. They were all super genetic warriors at the master level!

The two experienced a life-and-death battle and almost died here!

The dual personalities are also here, gradually merging and becoming the true identity of Ning Dongxia!

Ningdongxia merged the personalities of Chixia, Andong, and Mie. Only Galaxy remained unfused.

She is still independent.

Seeing that they were defeated, Ning Dongxia merged four personalities at a critical moment!

When Ning Dongxia merged her personality, her body became extremely weak.

Mentally weak and in constant struggle.

Chen Xiu has been taking care of her.

The reason for Ning Dongxia's split personality was finally revealed.

Dark winter.

It is another personality that split out when Ning Dongxia suffered trauma in her childhood.

The Black Angel will protect the subject Ning Dongxia when Ning Dongxia is threatened.

When Ning Dongxia was a child, her father was addicted to alcohol.

The mother, on the other hand, only wanted to poison her daughter.

I want to poison my daughter to death so that she can go back and inherit the power of the family. Because her mother is the eldest princess of the family. She needs a perfect body to inherit the family business. Now Ning Dongxia has dragged her down.

This led to Ning Dongxia's split personality.

Split out another personality to protect yourself.

It’s the second personality, Chixia.

Ning Dongxia, especially Chi Xia, harbors immense hatred for her mother!

Chixia is a little girl's personality. It is the split personality of Ning Dongxia when she was 10 years old. At that time, her mother tried to poison her...persecute her. She also tried to light it with a match and burn her to death...

Ning Dongxia was frightened and split into this second personality.

I have retained the negative and terrifying memories from when I was ten years old. The hatred, fear, and hatred towards my mother are all stored in this third personality, the poison.

She has strong poison-making ability and chemical talent, which is even better than Ning Dongxia! She is a master in using poison!

Moreover, he is also proficient in concealed weapons! He is good at using homemade concealed weapons.

Characteristics: Her pupils are blood red. She wears red clothes.

Characteristics Habit of biting a lollipop in mouth. Loves sweet tooth

Weapon Poison. Poisonous Nail Cover

Then, there is her second personality.

In her third personality, An Dong, there is also a violent and domineering black personality in her body. She calls herself An Dong.

He has a cold personality, is domineering, and is shady. He will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals! He is cruel and ruthless. His eyes are blue.

The dual personalities share each other's memories.


But the two personalities have their own values ​​and ways of thinking.


Black is very strong. It is an aggressive personality that split off when Ning Dongxia was 15 years old. She is a protective entity. Because she was continuously bullied by her classmates and attacked by her mother, she needed to fight back and resist! She was also violently bullied in school...

The split of the Black Angel's personality represented her first direct resistance!!

Black Angel has a strong innate learning ability and almost a photographic memory. She only loves to learn various martial arts moves and killing techniques!!

The weapon is a titanium alloy iron chain! Made of sx ultra-rare earth. On weekdays, the iron chain is wrapped around the waist.

The characteristic is that her pupils are blue.

Characteristics: He wears black clothes and leather jackets. He smokes cigars and never leaves his body. He likes to drink high-strength brandy.

The fourth level of personality... Gray Eyes - Name Destruction 50

She does not need weapons, her own body is the most powerful weapon! She knows all the martial arts in the world! She can know any weapon! It is comparable to AI artificial intelligence! She can copy the enemy's kung fu. She has a strong ability to copy martial arts.

The craziest demonic personality!

It only appears when experiencing a special life and death crisis!!

The character is bloodthirsty! Extremely crazy! Just for killing!!

Kill the five permanent members.

She is the murderous personality that split out when Ning Dongxia was assassinated by her mother's royal family when she was a child!

At that time, she was about to be killed. She was killed and killed. She was named Mie. She was very murderous. Many agents in Ning Dongxia Company were Mie.

You can also have overlapping personalities! Red, blue, gray... are fused together to have three pupil colors! That personality has the memories of three people at the same time! It is more powerful and terrifying! (In fact, it is the state in which Ning Dongxia gradually heals. In this state, the memory is all

It can be integrated.) This is a new personality that comes out later...

The experiences of these four personalities were all explained by Ning Dongxia.

Chen Xiu finally understood why Ning Dongxia had so many multiple personalities!

After Chen Xiu's constant care, all of Ning Dongxia's personalities finally merged together!

The memories, abilities, and martial arts talents of the four personalities are all integrated into Ning Dongxia's main body memory!

From then on, Ningdong and Xia will be extinct, red summer will be Ningdong and summer, and dark winter will also be Ningdong and summer!

And her strength has also skyrocketed!

In the battle with this group of genetic warriors from the Huiyue Organization, Ning Dongxia directly broke through to the Grandmaster level!

This chapter has been completed!
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