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Chapter 148 Everything is ready, the killing array is arranged!

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Shanghai City, inside the International Church.

At this time, the entire church funeral scene.

Major Jiangnan local media organizations, journalists, and business daily reporters also came to the scene to broadcast the funeral on an unprecedented scale.

The deaths of the Bai Shanchuan family... can be considered pitiable.

a month ago.

My son Tianjiao had just died in an accident.

The result, one month later.

I, Bai Shanchuan, also died in an accident.

The funeral of father and son.

It was only a month apart.

This has to make people sigh.


There are still a few people present who know the inside story.

All clues actually point to a mysterious figure...

Chen Xiu.

And at this time.

The center of the church.

Zhang Tengzheng was wearing a black tunic suit, with a white daisy pinned to his shoulder.

He stood calmly in the International Church, quietly... waiting for the man to appear.

"Chen Xiu, will you come..." Zhang Teng murmured to himself with calm eyes.

His eyes were staring straight at...outside the church door...

He is waiting!

Wait for that prey to appear!

Today, a huge amount of 50 million yuan was spent to hold this funeral!

Moreover, well-known media organizations from all over Jiangnan were invited.

Dozens of media broadcast live!

Everything, just to... stimulate the prey, Chen Xiu's appearance!

Lure the beast into the urn.

The battle of trapped beasts!

Today, the entire International Church...is destined to be surrounded by enemies on all sides.

The entire church, within a radius of one kilometer, has already been ambushed by Zhang Teng!

Along the surrounding area of ​​the church, in the dense woods... there are already... two thousand armed forces of the Zhang family lurking all over!!

A total of two thousand people were lurking in secret, ready to attack!

Today is destined to be a...Hongmen Killing Banquet!

Everything is ready.

Arrange the killing array!

Everything is just waiting for the prey, Chen Xiu... to take the initiative!


Time passed minute by minute!

Zhang Teng stood in the International Church and waited for nearly two hours.

But still, there was no waiting... for the prey to appear.

Zhang Teng's beautiful eyes were calm and indifferent. He slowly raised his wrist and glanced at the precious... Patek Philippe watch worth five million.

On the watch, the diamond-encrusted hand was... pointing in the direction of '10 o'clock'.

Already, ten o'clock in the morning.

He has been standing and waiting in the church for two full hours.

However, the prey, Chen Xiu...has not yet appeared.

The entire International Church was... filled with guests from all walks of life who came to pay their respects.

At this time, these guests were also a little impatient.

However, Zhang Teng did not say anything about disbanding the funeral.

Naturally, these guests did not dare to get up.

I can only endure the boredom and continue to sit in the church and wait.

Zhang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked outside the church.

A cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Chen Xiu, until now, still haven’t come?

Could it be that he is afraid?

Murderous intent flashed in Zhang Teng's eyes.

Today, he spent a lot of effort to make such a killing move.

Then Chen Xiu, how could you not come?

He slowly took out his cell phone.

Find Chen Xiu’s office phone number.

Then, I made a phone call.

And at this time.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Future Group, headquarters.

Private bodyguard office.

Chen Xiu was sitting in the office with his legs crossed, holding a cigarette in his mouth, holding a novel book in his hand, and reading lightly.

He had completely forgotten about Zhang Teng's funeral invitation, and he didn't even care about it.

"Ding ding ding~!" At this moment, suddenly...his office landline phone rang rapidly!

Chen Xiu was slightly startled.

I took a look at the caller ID. It was an unfamiliar local number?

He answered the phone in confusion, "Who is it?"

There was silence on the phone desk for a few seconds, and then a deep and cold voice came, "Zhang family, Zhang Teng."

Hearing this name, Chen Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Oh? It turns out to be Mr. Zhang. What do you want from me at this noon?" Chen Xiu held the phone and asked calmly.

Zhang Teng's deep and cold voice came from the other end of the phone, "Chen Xiu, today... I'm holding a funeral banquet for President Bai Shanchuan, and I specially invite you to come. Why don't you come?"

"Could it be that you are afraid and don't dare to come?" Zhang Teng asked slowly on the phone with a calm and indifferent voice.

In the bodyguard's office, Chen Xiu crossed his legs, held the phone, and replied lightly, "Who do you think you are? If you ask me to come, I will come? Then wouldn't I be very embarrassed?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Teng clenched his phone tightly and gritted his teeth on the other end of the phone!

Through the phone, you can hear Zhang Teng's heavy breathing.

It was an angry breath.

It can be seen how angry Zhang Teng is on the other end of the phone.

"Chen Xiu, it's in vain for me to look up at you. I thought you would be a figure. I didn't expect you... you're just an ant, as timid as a mouse."

"If you are scared, just tell me. I will let you live a few more days." Zhang Teng's voice was as cold as ice on the phone, and he said coldly, "It's just that you probably won't be alive for a few more days.

I have blocked all ports in Jiangnan and all channels out of the province. From the moment you killed Bai Shanchuan, you were already a dying person. No one who offends my Zhang family can stay alive in Jiangnan.

.You are no exception."

In the office, Chen Xiu held the phone and sneered with disdain, "Mr. Zhang, your threat... is as cliche as a TV series or novel. Can you try something different?"

On the phone, Zhang Teng gritted his teeth!

You can hear the grinding of his teeth!

"Chen Xiu... I, Zhang Teng, swear that you will not survive 24 hours." Zhang Teng's voice said ferociously on the phone with gritted teeth!

"Oh, really, then I'll be waiting for you." After Chen Xiu finished speaking, he didn't bother to talk to the other party and hung up the phone directly.

Who hasn’t heard the threats?

Chen Xiu didn't take it to heart at all, just a threat.

However, after hanging up the phone.

Chen Xiu sat in the office and took a deep breath of cigarette.

I always feel like being threatened...if I don't come to the door, it seems...it's quite unjustifiable.

After all, the other party has staged such a large-scale battle... and invited so many TV media to go there.

Such a big battle is over.

Are you just preparing it for yourself?

If Chen Xiuruo didn't go to this battle, he would really be disgraced. 'The other party's kindness?'

That’s all.

Chen Xiu put out his cigarette butt and stood up.

Since the other party invites you sincerely.

Then he might as well go to the funeral.

He was very curious, what kind of drama could Zhang Teng set up?

Chen Xiu walked out of the office.

I came to the chairman's office next door and said hello to Ning Dongxia.

"I'm going out for a while. You stay in the company and don't go out casually." Chen Xiu said calmly.

In the chairman's office, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were stunned and she looked at him doubtfully.

"Where are you going?"

Chen Xiu replied lightly, "Baishanchuan Funeral."

Ning Dongxia: “…????”

Hearing this sentence, Ning Dongxia was stunned...


This madman is going to... Bai Shanchuan's funeral???

"Don't you know... that funeral was a Hongmen Banquet???" Ning Dongxia reminded with a solemn face!

Chen Xiu nodded, "I know."

Ning Dongxia:……

"I know, then why are you going? Aren't you going to die??! Zhang Teng will never give up today! If you go, it will be worse than the worst!" Ning Dongxia reminded with a solemn face!

Today, the situation in Jiangnan is changing rapidly.

Ning Dongxia doesn’t want anything to happen to Chen Xiu!

Once something happens to Chen Xiuruo, her future group will also be in danger.

Chen Xiu now shoulders the heavy responsibility of security for the entire Future Group by himself.

Chen Xiu is very important to the group's security!

"Bai Shanchuan has set up such a big battle and hosted a banquet himself. If I don't go, wouldn't I be denying him face?" Chen Xiu said lightly.

Ning Dongxia: “…???”

When did this happen...

"He's trying to kill you! Why don't you give him face??" Ning Dongxia's pretty face was complicated and anxious. It was hard to understand what was going on in this man's mind at the moment!

Why is it that the things in this man's mind are all weird and completely different from others!

"Of course you have to give face. After all, it's the other party's kindness."

"You stay in the company obediently. I'm not around, so be careful not to run around." Chen Xiu's eyes were calm and he explained calmly.

Then, he suddenly turned around and left the office.

"Hey... don't go... you are trying to steal a wolf from a tiger's mouth! Send it to the door yourself!" Ning Dongxia's pretty face was complicated and anxious, trying to catch up and stop him...

But how could she stop Chen Xiu?

No one can stop what Chen Xiu wants to do.

And at this time.

Ten kilometers away.

Jiangnan, International Cathedral.

At this time, a large number of guests were sitting in the entire church and had been waiting for a full two hours.

At this time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

They waited from eight o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock in the morning.

But the arrival of Chen Xiu has not yet been seen...

All the guests were sitting a little impatiently.

The media reporters at the scene were also speechless as they waited.

If it weren't for the scene, Zhang Teng would still be there.

These people have long since left.

At this time, due to Zhang Teng's face, they could only stay at the scene.

Zhang Teng didn't speak.

Who dares to leave the scene?

"Sir, do we... have to wait any longer? If we put it down again... the body in the coffin will almost rot..." On the side, a subordinate with a complex expression stepped forward and asked cautiously.

Zhang Teng stood on the memorial platform with complicated eyes.

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his Patek Philippe watch.

At this point, another twenty minutes have passed.

Zhang Teng's expression was a bit complicated and cold.

It seems that Chen Xiu, that ant, does not dare to come after all.

He was still afraid after all.

The methods of provoking generals are useless.

It's a pity that the scene was completely destroyed by the dragnet that cost thousands of people today.

Zhang Teng turned his head and glanced aside. There was a somewhat rotten corpse in the mahogany coffin.

Bai Shanchuan's body has been stored for several days. It is summer now and the climate in the south is hot and humid.

This corpse could no longer be stored, and its skin was beginning to rot.

It exuded a disgusting faint corpse odor.

A hint of gloom flashed in Zhang Teng's eyes.

"Withdraw. Inform the funeral team to carry the coffin and prepare to bury Chairman Bai." There was a hint of resignation in Zhang Teng's tone.

Today, the prey dare not come out.

He spent so much resources and effort to set up a Hongmen Banquet, but it will all come to nothing.

In the International Church, the scene was... a funeral procession, beating gongs and drums, Taoist priests reciting scriptures and dancing with mahogany swords.

A group of men in suits carried the body in the coffin.

Prepare to go to the cemetery and bury President Bai's body.

In the church, countless guests stood up together with complex expressions on their faces.

I thought that today... I would have a good show to watch.

As a result, the prey did not appear.

What a disappointment.


Zhang Teng, dressed in a black tunic suit, walked up to the coffin in a serious manner.

He pretended to be respectful and bowed to Bai Shanchuan's corpse.

"President Bai, have a good journey."

"We will remember your contribution to Jiangnan's business community," Zhang Teng said slowly with a solemn and respectful expression.

His words are so hypocritical and hypocritical.

It was completely faked in front of so many TV reporters and so many live broadcasts.

Everything is just for show and establishing a persona that values ​​love and justice!

What the people on the live TV don't know is... Zhang Teng has already taken away all the assets in Bai Shanchuan's name behind his back!

The only thing left is the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce... President's seat, which he has not yet won.

This Baishanchuan is ruthless and cruel.

This is a complete hypocrite.

However, just as Zhang Teng finished saluting and bowing.

When people are ready to carry the coffin, leave the church and go to the cemetery.

At today's funeral, a dragnet was set to kill everyone.

In the end, all that was left was to disband.

Zhang Teng was a little depressed.

And right now!

Suddenly, outside the church, a subordinate... rushed into the church anxiously...!

"Young Master...come...come...!!" The subordinate's voice was so anxious that he couldn't even speak clearly because of his nervousness.

Zhang Teng's eyes narrowed and he asked, "What's going on? Please tell me clearly?"

The subordinate's voice was anxious and solemn, trembling and anxious as he said, "Crazy...crazy Chen Xiu...he, he is here...!!"


When he heard this sentence, Zhang Teng's pupils suddenly... shrank!

He raised his head suddenly and looked out... along the door of the church...


I saw only the outside of the church, a few hundred meters away.

A black Mercedes-Benz sedan... was slowly parked outside the church square.

The car door opens.

A young man in a neat suit slowly got out of the car.

With a cigarette in his mouth and calm and deep eyes, he was walking towards the International Church step by step...!

Chen Xiu?!

It’s Chen Xiu...!!

Crazy Chen Xiu, he... is here...!!

In the International Church.

When Zhang Teng saw...that figure in a suit outside the church...

The corner of his mouth finally... raised a deep and inexplicable arc.

It was vicious, cold, cold...and vicious!

Endless emotions intertwined together to form a ferocious smile.

Zhang Teng was smiling, smiling coldly, "It's finally here."

At this time, in the church, countless guests present also turned their heads and looked outside the church door...

I saw it outside the church door and in the square.

A figure in a black suit, holding a cigarette in his mouth, with calm eyes, came slowly... step by step.

Inside the church.

Zhang Teng slowly took out the walkie-talkie, spoke into the walkie-talkie, and ordered, "Everyone, maintain the killing formation and be ready."

As Zhang Teng issued this order.

Surrounding the International Church, within a radius of one kilometer.

Two thousand thugs lurking in secret, all lined up!

International Church, on the square.

Surrounded by countless woods.

A dark sea of ​​people slowly emerged.

On the square on the left.

The sea of ​​​​people, a dense mass of black people, slowly rolled in.

Immediately afterwards, in the square on the right, another dark sea of ​​people slowly emerged.

In the center of the square.

Chen Xiu raised his eyes slightly and glanced from the corner of his eyes to the left and right sides.

Then, he turned his head again and glanced behind him...

I saw, behind him.

The dark sea of ​​people kept emerging.

Right, approaching slowly.

Today, this is a killing array!

An unprecedented killing array!

"Hey, what a grand Hongmen Banquet." Chen Xiu glanced around and raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

Facing this, the sure-kill formation has been prepared.

Chen Xiu, however, did not retreat... instead advanced.

He took a deep breath of cigarette, and then... stepped onto the stage!

This chapter has been completed!
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