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Chapter 180 Which is faster, the bullet or the knife?

Outside the presidential private room, it was completely dark, and hundreds of gun-wielding thugs rushed in!

A series of hot weapons were all aimed at Chen Xiu!

The scene is depressing and cold!

Chen Xiu's eyes were calm, he sat on the chair, raised his eyes slightly, and glanced outside the corridor of the private room.

I saw that outside the corridor... it was completely dark, surrounded by countless killers holding thermal weapons.

Seeing this scene, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes in the box were calm and indifferent. She seemed to have expected before coming that tonight was destined to be a Hongmen Banquet.

Therefore, she has already been mentally prepared.

Seeing this scene at this time, I was not surprised.

Chen Xiu sat at the dining table, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath, "Master Du, is this the battle you prepared?"

"With just this little strength? Are you looking down on me, Chen?" Chen Xiu's tone contained a hint of sarcasm and disdain.

This is a disdain for the hot weapon killer outside the box corridor.

When Emperor Du Zhan heard what he said, he also laughed, sarcastically.

"Chen Xiu, Chen Xiu, why are you so stubborn even if you die at a fraction of the cost?"

"Do it, kill him!" Emperor Du Zhan suddenly narrowed his eyes and shouted sharply at the killers outside the box!

As Emperor Du Zhan drank it!

Outside the box, countless gunmen loaded their weapons with hot weapons... The hot weapons were locked directly and aimed at Chen Xiu...!!

Chen Xiu, on the other hand, raised his hand calmly and lightly tapped the Huawei military watch on his wrist.

Electromagnetic interference mode is turned on.

An invisible electromagnetic wave invisible to the naked eye spreads in the air instantly.

At this time, outside the corridor of the box, the group of gunmen already had ferocious faces, holding guns and pulling the triggers fiercely!

"Click, click... click..." The sound of dozens of firearms pulling their triggers echoed in the air.

However, what is surprising and shocking is that...those hundreds of firearms...actually seemed to have suddenly malfunctioned, with no bullets being fired at all??<


Although these killers pulled the triggers of their firearms... their thermal weapons and firearms... completely malfunctioned?

Can't fire at all?!

In an instant...outside the corridor, the group of thermal weapon killers looked at each other...with shock and confusion on their faces??

They checked the firearms in their hands... only to find that there was nothing wrong with them?


What on earth is going on?

In the presidential box, Emperor Du Zhan also noticed something was wrong?

He said angrily to the group of killers at the door, "What are you doing here, a bunch of losers?!! I asked you to shoot, didn't you hear??!"

The group of killers outside the door looked complicated and embarrassed, and explained, "Second Young Master... we... the guns in our hands... seem to have all malfunctioned... the bullets are all loaded, but... they can't fire...


The killers gave complex explanations.


Hearing these words, Emperor Du Zhan was so angry that he was half-dead!

What the hell is going on?!

"Waste! A bunch of waste!! I asked you to prepare in advance and adjust the guns and ammunition...Are you deaf? Are you all eating shit?!" Emperor Du Zhan yelled angrily!!

Something happened at the critical moment and he was so angry!!

In tonight's round, every minute and every second may be life-threatening!

This group of rubbish simply succeeds more than fails!!

In the corridor outside the door, the group of killers were also extremely frustrated...

These firearms... they had already checked them in advance before setting off...

Confirm that there is no problem, all the bullets are loaded, and you can fire at any time.

But...why at this moment...all the firearms malfunctioned??

This is...too weird??

What kind of supernatural event happened?

The group of killers stood there, holding malfunctioning firearms, and they were speechless...

They checked the firearms repeatedly...looking extremely ugly.

In front of the dining table, Chen Xiu blew out a smoke ring and said calmly, "Second Master Du, let your subordinates stop wasting their efforts. Their firearms and electromagnetic valve control switches... have been interfered with by me, and these firearms are useless.



Upon hearing these words, Emperor Du Zhan's expression suddenly changed!


His pupils stared at Chen Xiu in disbelief...

Unexpectedly, it was Chen Xiu who did it??

How did he do that?

In less than a few minutes... all the firearms of hundreds of subordinates were jammed and malfunctioned?

But at this time, Emperor Du Zhan couldn't think about that much anymore!

He stood up suddenly and stepped back!

You have to retreat outside the box door!

A few days ago, the scene of Zhang Teng being kidnapped...and killed is still vivid in my mind.

He, Emperor Du Zhan, doesn’t want to be treated as a hostage!

Just now, because there were hundreds of people outside the corridor who were intimidated by force...that's why Emperor Du Zhan dared to sit in this box, feeling confident.

At this time, the guns of the gunmen outside the corridor all malfunctioned...

Emperor Du Zhan was also panicked and wanted to retreat!

But Chen Xiu raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly, "Mr. Du Er, as the organizer of this banquet, why are you leaving in a hurry? You haven't finished drinking yet? Stay here and have a few drinks with me.


Chen Xiu said, suddenly stood up and took a step forward.

In an instant, his body teleported and moved directly in front of Emperor Du Zhan.



br> Emperor Du Zhan’s entire face changed suddenly!

"Falcon!" he yelled out the window!

"Bang...!!" There was a gunshot outside the box window!!

A long and narrow sniper bullet suddenly shattered the floor-to-ceiling window glass of the box and shot towards Chen Xiu's temple!

It's a sniper!

Emperor Du Zhan is well prepared for an ambush today!

A sniper was posted a hundred meters away from the restaurant box, on standby! Ready to hunt down the target person, Chen Xiu!

At this time, as Emperor Du Zhan drank, the sniper finally attacked!

The sniper bullets carried terrifying killing power and shot towards Chen Xiu!

"Wha...!" And at the moment when the sniper bullet... was about to hit Chen Xiu's head.

Chen Xiu raised his right hand, and a scalpel appeared.

"Dang...!" Chen Xiu held a scalpel and struck hard at the sniper bullet!!

The entire sniper bullet was split in the air and exploded!

The sniper failed!

When Emperor Du Zhan saw this, his expression suddenly changed...!

He tried to recoil in horror!

However, before he could react.

The silver scalpel in Chen Xiu's hand was instantly... pressed against his neck.

As soon as the sharp blade touched the skin of his neck, it cut a deep bloody gash in the skin.

"Master Du, try moving again, my knife... will penetrate your trachea." Chen Xiu held the scalpel on his neck and said slowly.

"You can try, is your sniper's bullet faster, or my knife?"


At this moment, Emperor Du Zhan's expression suddenly changed with horror and turned pale!

His body was frozen in place, trembling!

"Everyone... stop... stop... stop it!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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