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Chapter 204 One-star God of War, Wu Jian!

Future Group Building, downstairs.

With the appearance of Wu Jian.

The expressions of everyone present were shocked...disbelief??


In the Jiangnan War Zone, how could the one-star War God and Wu Jian War God suddenly appear here???

Lu Quan, the boss of the patrol room not far away, also looked solemn at this time?!


How could Wu Jian, the God of War from the Jiangnan War Zone, suddenly appear here?

Jiangnan War Zone, doesn't it... never involve things in the city?

The theater department is only responsible for defending the country.

It never involves urban security issues.

But today, how could anyone come from this war zone?

Moreover, here comes a one-star war god??!

All around, all the members of the patrol room also looked solemn and confused...shocked??


Jiangnan War Zone, Wu Jian, God of War, is here??

What exactly is going on here??

The Du family's thug army is in the sea of ​​people.

Prince Du Jinglei's eyes were cold and stern, staring at Wu Jian uncertainly.

"General Wu, I have admired your name for a long time. But I don't know why you are here today?" Du Jinglei asked in an uncertain voice.

As a gangster underground family, the Du family has nothing to fear from heaven and earth.

However, facing the Jiangnan War Zone, I was still afraid.

This is the military war zone!

We have the best real armed forces and the best combat weapons!

They are born for war!

If you want to be in the war zone, just send out a brigade and you can wipe out the entire Du family!

Therefore, Du Jinglei had to be cautious at this time! He asked cautiously!

Wu Jian's eyes are calm, his eyebrows are like swords, and his eyes are like mountains.

He reached out and patted Chen Xiu on the shoulder.

Word by word, he solemnly said, "I am here for my little brother, Chen Xiu."

"Chen Xiu is my brother Wu Jian. Anyone who dares to touch him will touch my Jiangnan Martial Arts District."

As Wu Jian finished speaking.

The whole air was instantly...depressed!!


What does Wu Jian’s words mean?

He is blatantly trying to support...Chen Xiu!!

At this time, Wu Jian was standing next to Chen Xiu.

A war zone, a star war god, openly standing up for Chen Xiu.

This kind of scene is unprecedented!

At this time, there was also the armed helicopter hovering in the sky.

The helicopter's gun port was slowly descending, targeting Du Jinglei in the crowd below!

This is a deterrent!

Du Jinglei's pupils... shrank violently...!!

With shock, horror, disbelief??!!


Jiangnan War Zone...Wu Jian, the one-star war god, actually came forward to protect Chen Xiu??


This is simply!

Seeing that at this moment, Chen Xiu was about to be forced to death and surrounded and killed here.


But suddenly, moths appear frequently!

Forces are constantly coming forward, trying to stop and save Chen Xiu?!

This made Du Jinglei crazy and furious!

But at this moment, Du Jinglei was shocked and horrified, and even more so!

The Jiangnan War Zone actually came forward to protect Chen Xiu??


In the Jiangnan War Zone, how could such a combat department stand up for a secular person?

How? How is it possible?

Why is this Chen Xiu??

What qualifications does he have to be protected by the Jiangnan War Zone?

At this time, Prince Du Jinglei's eyes were shocked, and his face was uncertain! His face became extremely embarrassed!

"General Wu, this Chen Xiu killed my brother. I, the Du family, have to avenge my brother's murder." Du Jinglei's voice was solemn. He suppressed his inner anger and spoke in a discussion-oriented tone, "If... General Wu can network

Let's be open and let my Du family avenge this deep revenge! One day, my Du family will definitely thank you very much! My Du family also really wants to be acquainted with a hero like General Wu!"

Du Jinglei's words are profound and there is something in them!

He wanted Wu Jian to stop interfering in this matter.

As long as Wu Jian gets out of the way, no one will stop him.

From that day on, his Du family will definitely be grateful!

The bustle in the world is all for the benefit of the future. The bustle of the world is all for the benefit of the future.

Du Jinglei believed that as long as the interests were in place... Wu War God would definitely be accommodating.

And this is also an opportunity for the Du family to take advantage of the opportunity to climb onto the high branch of the Jiangnan War Zone!

But Du Jinglei had just finished speaking.

Wu Jian shouted with disdain, "Your Du family...? I, Wu Jian, don't even bother to get to know such a dirty family! Today, if you touch Chen Xiu, you will touch me, Wu Jian. You, the Du family, can give it a try."

> Wu Jian's eyes were calm and he looked around at the entire audience.

Facing the surroundings, this dark army of Du family thugs.

Wu Jian stands alone in the audience.

He and Chen Xiu stood side by side.

There was no fear in the eyes of these two people.

Wu Jian is naturally not afraid.

There was an armed helicopter above his head, locked at all times.

Moreover, even if there is a fight.

He, Wu Jian, is not afraid of the army of ants in front of him.

It’s just Hedoerer…

In Wu Jian's eyes, he is no different than an ant.

What's more, he has a medal on his body.

He represents the entire Jiangnan War Zone!

Only the Du family dares to start a war today?

The entire Jiangnan War Zone, with an army of 300,000, is at your service at any time!

As for Chen Xiu, his eyes looked around.

He was not afraid even if he smoked lightly.

Five thousand people, so what?

As many as come, kill as many as you come.

At this time, Du Jinglei was holding a sniper rifle, his face... extremely embarrassing and pale!

This... today, this Wu Jian is destined to protect Chen Xiu!

This, today's revenge, I'm afraid...it will be difficult to avenge it again!

Du Jinglei gritted his teeth, clenching his teeth tightly and making a crunching sound!

If he takes action today, I'm afraid... it will cause unimaginable consequences.

Wu Jian was present.

Du Jinglei didn't dare to take action.

What this kind of mafia family fears most... is the Military War Zone.

Du Jinglei's veins popped up on his forehead.

Holding back his anger.

Finally, he suddenly waved to the Du family thugs from all directions and ordered, "All members of the Du family obey the order! Put away the knife...! Withdraw...!!"

Following the order from Prince Du Jinglei!

At the scene, all the Du family's thugs looked extremely embarrassed and complicated.

In the end, all the Du family's thugs could only draw their swords and then sheath them.

Those Du family gunmen could only put away their guns.

At this time, the Crown Prince gave orders and they had to obey.

Du Jinglei's face was cold and complicated, and he walked step by step in front of Chen Xiu.

He knelt down and picked up... his brother's headless and bloody corpse from the ground.

At the same time, he also picked up his brother's bloody head.

Wrap your head in a suit and pin it to your waist.

Then he carried his brother's body, turned around, and left.

After taking two steps, Du Jinglei stopped again.

He turned his head and stared at Chen Xiu behind him.

Then, he looked at Ning Dongxia at the entrance of Future Group not far away.

"Winter is coming, and your Future Group will not survive this winter." Du Jinglei said in a cold voice.

Then, he just carried his brother's body, turned around, and left!

Behind them, the Du family's thugs, who were surrounded by darkness, all turned around and left with stern expressions on their faces...

But just when the group of Du family thugs were about to leave...

But he was stopped by people from the patrol room.

"Du Jinglei, ask your people to hand over the thermal weapons! Otherwise, they will all be taken back for review!" Lu Quan, the boss of the patrol room, said angrily with a stern look on his face!

Today, I saw the Du family holding firearms with my own eyes, how could I let them go?

In the past, it was impossible to convict because there was no evidence.

And now, the Du family has already taken out their firearms. This is a blatant crime of smuggling firearms!

This batch of firearms must of course be turned over!

Du Jinglei's face was stern and full of anger!

"Who dares to take away my Du family's guns?!" Du Jinglei was furious at this moment. Did he want his guns taken away before he left?

How can you bear this kind of anger? He directly angrily yelled at the boss, Lu Quan!

Although he is afraid of Wu Jian.

Because Wu Jian is the God of War in the Jiangnan War Zone, he can command thousands of troops with just one order.

However, Lu Quan is just the boss of a patrol building...

The Du family is not afraid!

Just a white man, the Du family has dominated the underground aristocratic family for hundreds of years...why be afraid of it?

And just as Du Jinglei finished speaking.

One hundred meters above your head.

The armed helicopter hovering in mid-air suddenly... slowly dropped its fuselage height.

Then, the gunship's gun port was instantly locked and aimed at Du Jinglei.

The blast holes are preheated and ready to fire at any time!

At this moment, Du Jinglei felt a chill all over his body, and cold sweat broke out all over his back!

holed by a gunship helicopter

Locking and aiming, what does this... feel like?

The threat of death!

"Wu War God...what do you mean by this?!" Du Jinglei asked in a complex voice, pretending to be calm.

"Hand over your firearms and respect the city's laws." Wu Jian said word by word with calm eyes.

Although he was in the Jiangnan War Zone, he never cared about urban security matters. ??

But since today, he has arrived at the scene.

Then don't mind helping the patrol room again.

Du Jinglei "..."

He doesn't need to care about the threat from the patrol building.

Because he knew that the patrol house did not dare to touch him.

However, in the Jiangnan War Zone, Wu Jian's threat... he dare not not care!

Because he knew...Wu Jian would definitely dare to order the fire!

In the Jiangnan War Zone, we are not afraid of the Du family.

Du Jinglei's face was serious and he gritted his teeth.

Finally, he suppressed his anger and gave the order.

"Everyone, put down your firearms and weapons and disarm!" When Du Jinglei shouted these words, his teeth were clenched and veins were pulsing on his forehead.

In the end, all the thugs from the Du family, numbering in the thousands, all disarmed!

Thousands of broken-back machetes, as well as hundreds of thermal weapons and firearms... were all turned over and brought to justice!

After paying the weapons.

This group of Du family thugs finally left...

Seeing thousands of people getting into commercial vehicles, starting and speeding away...

The boss of the patrol room, Lu Quan, has a deep and cold expression.

He stared at the scene of the Du family's motorcade speeding away...

There was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

"Boss, when...can we arrest this group of underground organizations?" Beside him, an intern who had just been admitted to the patrol room asked cautiously in a complex voice.

The intern's fists were clenched and filled with indignant anger.

How can a gangster force do whatever they want in the city and ignore the rules?

This is the tragedy of a city.

Boss Lu Quan's fists also slowly clenched.

His eyes were like swords, staring at the Du family's motorcade that was speeding away...


"When winter comes, not a single one of these social evils will be left behind. All of them... will be arrested and brought to justice."

The boss, Lu Quan, spoke in a dignified voice, word for word.

This is the guarantee he made!

This is not just a guarantee of land power.

It is also the guarantee of the entire organization behind him!

no matter who?

Any evil forces involved in gangs, violence, violating laws and disciplines, harming society, harming the people, and harming the city will be eradicated!

It is urgent to crack down on crime and eradicate evil!

Lu Quan turned his head and faced the War God Wu Jian not far away, slowly raised his right hand and saluted!

Wu Jian nodded slightly, gave a military salute, and replied.

"All patrol members! Collectively! Withdraw...!" Lu Quan gave the order.

All members of the patrol room also got into the car and evacuated...

At the gate of Future Group, groups of people evacuated group after group...

At the entrance of the entire group, calm returned.

Only Wu Jian was left alone, as well as the armed helicopter overhead, hovering in the air.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Wu Jian reached out and patted Chen Xiu on the shoulder, regardless of the blood-stained suit on his body.

"It's okay." Chen Xiu shook his head, "Want one?"

He took out a soft Chinese stick and handed one to Wu Jian.

Wu Jian was not polite and took the cigarette.

They each lit one and took a deep breath.

"Brother Xiao Chen, last time... thank you for your diagnosis and treatment. My father's injuries have improved a lot and his body is recovering well." Wu Jian said with a hint of gratitude in his tone.

Chen Xiu stopped and said, "It's just a matter of hands."

"By the way, why are you here suddenly?" He suddenly looked at Wu Jian and asked.

"I called you." At this moment, an orchid female voice came from behind.

Ning Dongxia stepped on high heels and walked up to Wu Jian.

This time, Wu Jian suddenly arrived and came to the rescue, which was one of Ning Dongxia's second rescue methods.

Her first step was to call the patrol room.

Let the patrol house go around and confront the Du family.

But she felt uneasy.

Therefore, the news that Chen Xiu was besieged was revealed to the Jiangnan Military War Zone.

Chen Xiu took action before and saved the old God of War in the Jiangnan War Zone... Mr. Wu.

This is a life-saving grace.

Therefore, Mr. Wu’s son, Wu Jian... after learning about this incident.

Wu Jian immediately took a helicopter and came in person to conduct the


Ning Dongxia stepped forward, bowed lightly to Wu Jian and saluted.

"I've met General Wu. This time, thanks to General Wu's rescue." Ning Dongxia said with a respectful voice and a cautious salute.

Wu Jian is the new generation of war god in Jiangnan, ranked one star.

Taking over his father's duties.

Ning Dongxia saluted him out of respect.

Wu Jian nodded lightly. He didn't have a good impression of businessmen like Ning Dongxia. Soldiers and businessmen should always keep a distance and not get too close.

Chen Xiureo looked at Ning Dongxia meaningfully.

This woman's methods are getting deeper and deeper.

"By the way, Brother Xiao Chen, I thought you only knew medical skills... Just now, I saw you take action... I'm a little curious? Have you been a soldier before?" Wu Jian asked with a curious look on his face and a hint of solemnity in his eyes.


As a soldier, how could Wu Jian not see through Chen Xiu's move just now?

Every move has the shadow of an army's killing spree.

Every move is a top killing move.

This terrifying skill is by no means simple.

At this time, Wu Jian became a little curious about Chen Xiu's identity.

"I used to be a special forces soldier for a few years. Then I served abroad as a mercenary and went to the battlefield for a few years. I just came back recently. Now, I have become Mr. Ning's bodyguard." Chen Xiu held a cigarette in his mouth and spoke in a calm and nonchalant tone.


Wu Jian's eyes were calm and he kept staring at Chen Xiu's eyes.

It seemed that he wanted to see in this man's eyes whether he was hiding any lies.

People in their military department have learned top interrogation techniques.

Once a person lies, there will be subtle changes in the pupil changes in the eyes, the dodge and movement of the eyes, and the breathing rate.

Therefore, as long as Chen Xiu lies and conceals it, Wu Jian will be able to detect it.

However, just now from the tone of Chen Xiu's words.

Wu Jian did not detect any element of lying.

"Oh? Brother Xiao Chen, are you from the special forces? May I ask which unit number you have?" Wu Jian asked curiously.

"Sorry, military secrets cannot be disclosed." Chen Xiu shook his head.

Wu Jian understood and nodded, "Yes, I understand."

Some secret special forces numbers are highly confidential.

Even though Chen Xiu has retired, some numbers cannot be disclosed.

Wu Jian understood this, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Wu Jian tentatively asked Chen Xiu some other questions about working as a mercenary overseas...

Chen Xiudu answered calmly without any flaws.

After asking, Wu Jian's vigilance became lessened.

The war situation abroad is currently in turmoil.

Wu Jian's entire family has an important task to guard the Jiangnan coast and protect their family and country.

Therefore, beware of the infiltration of any overseas espionage forces.

At this time, Wu Jian gave up his doubts about Chen Xiu.

But what Wu Jian didn't know was.

He guessed wrong.

The reason why he didn't see that Chen Xiu was lying.

Just because Chen Xiu's anti-reconnaissance and anti-interrogation capabilities...are higher than his!

Chen Xiu is indeed a spy agent.

However, his identity is from the north, Kyoto...

The center of that imperial city...

His mission is top secret.

Even Wu Jian is not qualified to know.

Wu Jian nodded, then took out a red invitation from his arms and handed it to Chen Xiu.

"This is?" Chen Xiu was confused.

"In a few days, it will be my father's 99th birthday. My father has called your name and invited you, Brother Xiao Chen, to come. When the time comes, Brother Xiao Chen and Ms. Ning, I hope you two can come to attend." Wu Jian

He explained in a calm voice.

Chen Xiugang wanted to refuse.

Ning Dongxia, however, had already taken the lead and agreed, "Well, okay. When the time comes, we will definitely be there on time."

Today's Ningdong and Xia are well versed in the ways of the world.

She knew that attending Mr. Wu's birthday party would add a lot of connections.

It can also improve your status.

Today, Ning Dongxia has just been promoted to the top president of the Baidao Chamber of Commerce.

She naturally needs this opportunity to improve her status.

In this society, people who are not tall cannot stand firmly.

Ning Dongxia is trying hard to climb up.

This is called taking advantage of the situation.

But Chen Xiu frowned slightly.

"No time." He got straight to the point and spat out two words.

"Sorry, we are not free that day, so we will not come to participate."

The original Wu Jian still smiled when he heard Ning Dongxia's words.

But when I heard Chen Xiu’s words.

Wu Jian's brows also frowned slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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