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Chapter 299 The era cannot tolerate you!

In front of the Ten Thousand People Conference Hall.

Zhang Yongqing, who was sitting on the chair in the front row, was so angry that he was shaking all over.

"Bang!" Zhang Yongqing slammed the table!

The mahogany coffee table in front of me was so photographed that it cracked!!

"Ning...Dong...Xia...!! You...! You are looking for death...!!" Zhang Yongqing looked ferocious and stood up from the chair suddenly!!

But he just stood up.

Behind him, a large number of Bai Dao members of the Chamber of Commerce also stood up immediately!

Countless voices of support for Ning Dongxia came and went, echoing over the hall of tens of thousands of people!!

Zhang Yongqing's angry voice was instantly covered up by the countless voices...

On the stage.

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were cold, scanning Xu Haoshi, Huang Yilan, Zhang Yongqing... and the group of underground members behind them...

"You bunch of rats! Just you, do you want to be the president of the Jiangnan Baidao Chamber of Commerce?" Ning Dongxia asked coldly.

"Have you made any contribution to the development of business? Have you contributed to the market? Apart from squeezing the market and harming consumers, what else do you have left?"

"How long do you think you can earn this kind of black money? You scum and rat shit! It's not that you don't tell the time, the time has not yet come! The official department will definitely eradicate it!! There is no room for you in a bright and clean world.

Scum of society!!" Ning Dongxia asked several questions in succession, forcing the members of the underground forces in the audience to look angry and gnash their teeth!

In the audience, the tens of thousands of members of the Bai Dao Chamber of Commerce stood up one after another at this time!

Countless people support Ningdongxia!!

They know nothing about the business world and have been suppressed and exploited for too long.

They need to resist! Someone needs to stand up!

At this time, Ning Dongxia was the one taking the lead in the resistance!

She completely shouted out in the audience what all the members of the Baidao business community wanted to say introspectively, but had never dared to say!

Almost everyone stood up and started to support her!

Ning Dongxia stood on the stage. At this time, she was definitely not fighting alone.

She has tens of thousands of Baidao members of the Chamber of Commerce in the audience, supporting her!

Dark evil will eventually be defeated!

This piece of Jiangnan needs light!

Justice is needed!

Need to be fair!

On the stage, Ning Dongxia held the microphone and looked around the audience at all the members of the Baidao Chamber of Commerce who had stood up.

With a hint of solemnity in her eyes, she said, "Indeed, our Future Group is indeed in a state of loss at this stage."

"But, what I did was fair and aboveboard!"

"I am promoting industry innovation and reform!"

"You underground forces, have you ever considered what the industry prospects are? Do you understand what policy trends are?"

"Our country's biomedicine, medical equipment... and other high-precision medical technologies are all our country's shortcomings! In our country, a large number of medicines every year, including hospital surgical equipment, can only be imported from abroad. This is a matter of

The security of the country! It concerns all of us!”

"Those Western forces abroad rely on high-tech industries to monopolize the world! If there is any dissatisfaction or friction, they will directly block the imported resources and directly block the neck of our country!"

"You may not know

Tao, our country is a big producer of ventilators. It can manufacture hundreds of thousands of medical ventilators every year. This is one of the pillar industries of medicine in hot summer. But! These ventilator factories can't make any money at all! Even, every year

Struggling and wandering between the line of food and clothing! It even needs state subsidies and relief! With such a large production volume, why not make money?"

"Because technology is monopolized by foreign countries! No domestic company in our country can develop the engine of a medical ventilator on its own! We can only spend huge sums of money to import engine parts from abroad! Our medical technology will always be blocked by foreign countries! If this happens

Friction...foreign countries stop importing engines. Then countless ventilator factories in our country will close down and go bankrupt!"

“In our country’s hospitals, a large number of equipment, MRI machines,

Can be imported from abroad! Why? Because we don’t have enough technology, no one is willing to spend money and operate at a loss... to engage in medical research and development, to engage in technology research and development, to engage in these thankless things!"

"So, we will always be stuck by foreign countries!"

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were calm, she looked around the audience and said slowly, "My Future Group is indeed not making any money at this stage. It is even losing money every year."

"But, I am promoting innovation and reform in the industry! My future group has invested more than 10 billion in medical research and development! I am just a woman, and in your eyes, I am indeed humble. But, I want to break the blockade of technology in the hot summer

, the pattern of being choked by others!"

"Do you know how much economic benefit it will bring to the country once this technological blockade is broken? What kind of prospects will it bring to the Jiangnan business community??! It will bring great benefits to the society, the people, and the entire Yanxia pharmaceutical industry.

How much blessing will it bring??" Ning Dongxia asked back!

"Forget it. If I tell you this group of underground forces, I'm also talking to Niu Tan Qinqi, you bunch of rat shit, who only want to monopolize and make quick money... Harvest white enterprises, harvest small and medium-sized enterprises, harvest the money of ordinary people? What's your conscience?


"Now you make money by selling land, real estate, loan sharking, smuggling, and illegal activities by evil forces. What about the future? In the next five, ten, thirty years... what do you rely on??"

At this time, Xu Haoshi, who was on the hosting stage, was finally furious!

He grabbed the microphone from the female host on the side and said angrily, "If you lose money, you lose money! You still find so many excuses to excuse me?! Ning Dongxia, is this your excuse?"

When Xu Haoshi said these words, he wanted to fight back.

But Ning Dongxia stared at him coldly.

"I am losing money, but I am promoting innovation! Any innovation, reform, and research and development! It is not always smooth sailing! Someone always has to stand up, bear the losses, and bear the criticism!"

"The country needs an innovative economy and real real industries! Not monopolies, speculators, and evil forces that violate laws and disciplines like you!!"

"Think about when we were on the chip and were blocked by the other side of the ocean... What were you doing?! Think about when we were humiliated by the West technically. Think about when our 5G communications were intercepted and blocked by foreign countries.

...What are you doing??"

"In addition to harming our common people and consumers, what else do you have left?? Raising up land prices and housing prices. How much value have you created for the times and society?? Usury

, harming college students. Raising house prices, speculating in real estate... hoarding land... harming house buyers and ordinary people. Illegal fund-raising, financing fraud, harming ordinary people. Robbery, violent demolition... smuggling, drug trafficking, pornography, gambling...

Look what you are doing?!" Ning Dongxia asked step by step!

At this time, although her voice was not loud, it seemed...with a penetrating power!

That is the power behind the support of countless members of the business community!

"You are a bunch of social scum! If we don't get rid of you, Jiangnan's economy will never rise! If you don't get rid of it, Jiangnan's business community will never have peace! Do you still have the qualifications to stand here? Do you still have the nerve to run for president of the Chamber of Commerce?

Who gave you the courage and face?!" Ning Dongxia's voice was stern, and she attacked all the underground forces in the room with an angry retort!

"Although I am losing money, what I do is scientific and technological innovation that benefits the country and the people! I am promoting the development of science and technology in the hot summer! Promoting the progress of medical technology in the hot summer! Promoting the progress of human intelligence AI!!"

"These will drive the entire era! They will be bound to the national destiny!"

"If my plan is popularized, countless cancer patients will have curable diseases and medicines! It will make Yanxia's technological level leap forward by thirty years! It will surpass the other side of the Atlantic!"

"And you! You underground forces, you are eating steamed buns with human blood, are you worthy?! The times cannot tolerate you." Ning Dongxia's voice was clear and loud, with a force that echoed throughout the audience! .??.

The scene was silent for a second.

Then the whole audience, all the members of Bai Dao, stood up together.


The whole audience applauded!

Thunderous applause!!

On site, in a hall with thousands of people.

All members of the Baidao Chamber of Commerce, stand up together!

Thunderous applause!!

Xu Haoshi stood there on the stage, his face changing ashen!!

This is being pointed at the nose and scolded by this woman Ning Dongxia in public!

This is simply an unprecedented shame and humiliation for Xu Haoshi!!

Originally, Xu Haoshi wanted to take this opportunity to completely derail Ning Dongxia and cause her support rate to drop completely!

Let everyone in the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce stop supporting her.

Can the result be achieved??

Who would have thought that it would backfire?

Ning Dongxia's words... caused everyone in the audience to support her?!

Her support rate has completely filled the audience!

Xu Haoshi clenched his fists tightly, his face was livid, and he said angrily, "Ning Dongxia! You are so naive! What you said is just your fantasy!"

"Who knows when your bullshit plan will succeed? What's the difference between your empty talk now and bragging? Idiots talk in their dreams, who doesn't?" Xu Haoshi fired back angrily!

At this time, he must regain his support and control!

"Ning Dongxia, don't you have major scientific research technology? What kind of technology, show us? ?! If you can't produce so-called technological achievements today, then you are cheating!"

"If you can't produce technical results, don't blame me for being rude! Even if all the members of the Baidao Chamber of Commerce at the scene don't speak, then I, Xu Haoshi, will have to severely punish you, a liar, on their behalf! Sitting in your position and not seeking your duties,

You are not worthy of being the president of this chamber of commerce!" Xu Haoshi retorted angrily!

Ningdong Xia Mei

He raised his eyes lightly and glanced at Xu Haoshi, who was not far away on the hosting stage.

"Oh? What, Mr. Xu, are you planning to use force?" A sarcastic smile appeared on Ning Dongxia's red lips.

"Do you think that you underground rats can escape from Skynet Huihui after what you have done? You guys will all be captured in less than two years!!

"Ning Dongxia's voice was cold and stern, and she shouted angrily, "You also want to control the Jiangnan Baidao Chamber of Commerce? If the Chamber of Commerce is really controlled by you! Then within two years, all members of the Chamber of Commerce will be forced to get involved in gangs, right? By then, everyone will

They all need to be caught and sentenced!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was silence in the audience!

All the members of the Chamber of Commerce had complicated and solemn expressions.


This is what they are most worried about.

If the Xu family, the Zhang family, the Huang family... these underground families once take control of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce.

By then, the entire Jiangnan business community will probably be doomed. They will all be squeezed out and forced to engage in gray industries.

At that time, once it is investigated.

Everyone will be caught!

"You are so presumptuous! Ning Dongxia, who do you think you are? You can decide the life and death of my underground world with just one mouthful? What a crazy tone!!" Xu Haoshi said with an angry expression, "Ning Dongxia, quickly bring out your so-called technology.

Look?! Don’t change the topic!”

"Tonight, you can either show us your so-called achievements?! Or, you can step down as the president of the Chamber of Commerce!"

"Otherwise, you will never leave this conference hall alive!" Xu Haoshi said in a cold and angry voice!

This is not a threat!

But, fact.

At this time, outside the Chamber of Commerce building, a dark crowd of underground crowds had surrounded the entire long street!

Along the Chamber of Commerce building, within a radius of one kilometer, everything is blocked!

Today in Ningdongxia, even if you cut your teeth, it’s hard to fly!

"Choose one of the two? Ha." Ning Dongxia smiled.

She stood on the stage, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath. "You underground rats, you want to touch me? Are you talking nonsense?"

Xu Haoshi, who was on the host stage, also laughed, with a cold and sarcastic smile.

"You are so stubborn even when you are about to die? Outside the whole building, there are all people from my underground world." Xu Haoshi said with a sneer in his voice, "Ning Dongxia, you are alone today, why do you rely on me, and can you still be so crazy??"

And right now!

Suddenly, "Boom...!!"!

The door to the ten-person conference hall was violently blasted open!

The force was so powerful that even the door was blown away!

The thick mahogany door flew hundreds of meters away... across the sea of ​​countless people at the scene... and then flew towards the host stage!

"Boom...!" The thick hall door panel was directly inserted into the ground in front of Xu Haoshi!

It was only an inch away from hitting Xu Haoshi.

"Leave it to me!" A deep and cold voice came from outside the gate!

Everyone in the audience was stunned and shocked?

Countless people at the scene turned their heads and looked towards the gate at the rear...

Xu Haoshi, who was on the presiding stage, also looked cold and ferocious. He raised his head suddenly and looked out the door of the hall...

This chapter has been completed!
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