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Chapter 314 Living Dead, Eve of Dawn!

The moment the door of the experimental base slowly opened.

Outside the gate, Chen Xiu, who was originally standing, suddenly... disappeared out of thin air??

No more traces.

Outside the experimental base, the open door stood still for a long time.

"Master? Are you still there?" The mechanically synthesized voice continued to slowly echo in the air.

However, Chen Xiu was nowhere to be seen.

A few minutes later, the two metal doors of the experimental base slowly closed!

At this time, in the experimental base on the negative fourth floor.

Chen Xiu's figure is walking through it!

His body walked through the dark corridors of the base.

The whole person wore a suit and avoided various corners where he might be monitored.

Just now, the door to the laboratory base opened.

Chen Xiu had long noticed something was wrong.

Because, in the entire underground experimental base, there is an... AI artificial intelligence brain, controlling it.

Therefore, once Chen Xiu stood outside the door.

The moment the door opens, Chen Xiu may be discovered by the AI ​​intelligent brain on the spot.

Therefore, he took one step ahead of others, avoided it, and disappeared outside the door.

In this way, the AI ​​artificial intelligence brain cannot detect him.

And, just after the door opened, after waiting for a few minutes.

The metal gate of the base slowly closed.

Chen Xiu said it was too late and then he took the opportunity to flash, opened his agent suit, and sneaked into the experimental base through stealth!

at this time.

Tianwake Project, inside the experimental base.

Chen Xiu's figure is sneaking among them!

Throughout the experimental base, in the corridors... there was a strong smell of formalin floating in the air, as well as a faint smell of blood.

Go through the corridor.

Based on the stolen documents and clues about the nail removal plan... he groped towards the laboratory base, the core central laboratory...

The entire central laboratory.

In fact, it is the core of the Tianwake Plan.

Located in the center of the laboratory.

Here, there is a huge AI artificial intelligence host.

This host is on and operating 24/7.

In order to avoid being discovered by the host.

Chen Xiu turned on the invisibility function of the agent suit jacket.

The so-called stealth function is to turn on electromagnetic interference reflection and radar shielding.

Let infrared rays, cameras, thermal sensors, etc.... be unable to detect his existence.

Interfering equipment cannot detect it.

Chen Xiu's entire body was almost hidden in the darkness, making it impossible for infrared cameras to detect him.

He sneaked into the central area of ​​the experimental base.

The entire central area is blocked by special bulletproof glass.

Chen Xiu quietly cracked the code lock.

Opened the bulletproof glass door.

He came to the center of the laboratory


The center of the entire area covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

There are special scientific research equipment and instruments placed in rows!

In the very center, there is also a super-large Zhuji computer that is more than ten meters tall!

This master brain is... the master brain machine of AI artificial intelligence!

At this time, it seems to be falling into sleep and has not yet been awakened.

This is the first time that Chen Xiu has actually sneaked into Ning Dongxia's secret laboratory!

He used a Huawei spy watch to quietly take photos of all the medical equipment around him, and uploaded the data to the headquarters.

According to the information displayed in the Pull Out the Nail Project document, the last location of the three... missing agents was... in the negative fourth floor experimental base?

Chen Xiu searched quietly in the experimental base, but didn't find anything?

The entire experimental base is very large, covering tens of thousands of square meters.

The data shows that the last place where the three agents disappeared was in the central experimental area?

While Chen Xiu was searching, he had been careful to avoid all cameras and radars.

But it was not discovered?

With a solemn look on his face, he turned on the Huawei Agent Watch and clicked on the radar 3D scanning detection function.

Soon, the detector of the Huawei watch started to activate the sonic radar and began to detect.

Finally, after some detection on the Huawei Watch, feedback appeared on the LCD screen of the watch!

The LCD screen of the watch showed that... there was actually a radar feedback blind spot at the foot of where Chen Xiu was standing...

Radar is an electromagnetic signal source with ultra-high signal.

It can feedback and penetrate any object.

Only, it is impenetrable to living organisms.

Therefore, people often use radar instruments to detect...whether there are life forms in a certain area?

At this time, the radar detection found that there was no feedback from the feet where Chen Xiu was standing?

Could it be that there are living organisms underground in this central laboratory?

As soon as Chen Xiu stepped on his leather shoes, an infrared laser cutting beam instantly appeared on the tip of the black leather shoes.

He used his special agent leather shoes to slowly cut an arc on the ground beneath his feet.

Then Chen Xiu stepped hard.

Suddenly, the arc sank.

Underfoot, a hole appeared.

His face is solemn?

Is there still space underground in this central base?

There is actually a layer of space hidden beneath this underground experimental base?!

In other words, this negative fourth floor experimental base? I'm afraid...it's not just the negative fourth floor.

Also, the existence of the fifth underground floor?!

Chen Xiu jumped up, and in an instant... he jumped down towards the arc underground!

Chen Xiu jumped down instantly.

when his body falls

The moment of the square ground.

His expression suddenly hardened!

The entire underground space on the fifth floor was pitch black! You couldn't see your fingers!

The temperature is extremely low.

It’s like an entire huge icehouse!

But there was a strong and pungent smell of formalin floating in the air! There was also the fishy smell of blood!

Chen Xiu's face hardened. He took out a pair of agent glasses from his suit pocket and put them on.

Click on the night vision function!

When he turned on the night vision function, he glanced around!

The next second, Chen Xiu's pupils shrank violently!

What did he see?!

In the entire underground space on the fifth floor...

Surprisingly... there are rows of... giant morgues!!

Through night vision glasses, Chen Xiu could clearly see... the scene in the dark night!

The entire base is on the fifth floor, just like a morgue, with rows of morgues standing in rows!

Chen Xiu stepped forward and slowly opened a drawer in the morgue.

In the drawer of the freezer, there was a pale, cold corpse lying there...

The entire corpse was soaked in a special transparent liquid solution...

It seems to be to keep the body from rotting?

Chen Xiu continued to open these cabinets...

The freezer cabinets are all filled with naked corpses!

Each corpse was soaked in transparent liquid.

Their faces are covered with transparent masks...

There is no breath of life anymore.

Looking at the whole row, they are all corpses, all dead people...

The fifth underground floor is actually a hidden morgue?!

Chen Xiu looked solemn as he inspected the condition of these corpses.


He suddenly discovered that these corpses seemed to have tubes inserted into the backs of their heads??


Since he is dead, why do he still have a catheter inserted?

Chen Xiu took off the mask from the corpse's face and checked the corpse's breathing?

His face suddenly turned cold?!


These bodies... are still alive??

They are not corpses!

But a living, breathing person!

There is still breath and breathing in their noses!

However, his breathing was extremely weak...as if he was no different from a dead person.

They have become the living dead.

That is, a vegetative state.

All the cells in the body are dead.

Only the brain tissue and heart are left... still beating and running... maintaining the living body and living weakly.

Chen Xiu opened the cabinets in the morgue's freezer one by one...

Hundreds of cabinet drawers...

Rows filled with bodies...

Not a dead person,

But living is more painful than death.

They lay in the freezer cabinet, only breathing.

Chen Xiu finally found the three bodies of the missing agents of Shanhai Pavilion in the cabinet!

It shouldn't be said to be a corpse...

Instead, the three bodies of the missing agent!

The bodies of the three missing agents, Sheng Yang... Lu Zhiqi, Xia Jinlong... were lying cold in the cabinet drawer.

The three of them were all wrapped and soaked in transparent liquid.

All three of them wore transparent protective masks on their faces.

The three people also had electrode catheters inserted into the backs of their heads.

Chen Xiu looked solemn.

What kind of research is this woman Ning Dongxia doing??!

Actually, a living body is needed for such an experiment?!

Chen Xiu tried to wake up these three agents...

However, he called these three people several times,

But these three people showed no reaction at all.

They closed their eyes, lying in the container of liquid... and had completely fallen into a deep coma.

Only the heart is still beating.

Only the brain is still functioning.

This is a vegetative state.

Chen Xiu checked the physical condition of the three people.

The bodies of these three people were already dead.

Only the brain and heart are still beating.

Standard vegetative state.

Even Chen Xiu, who is well versed in traditional Chinese medicine, could not turn them around and save them.

Vegetative state has always been the biggest stubborn disease in traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Even experienced doctors and experts in Chinese and Western medicine at home and abroad cannot overcome this problem.

Chen Xiu filmed the information and data of these three people, as well as the live video, and uploaded it to the headquarters organization...

Three missing agents were suddenly found.

This is a major discovery!

Chen Xiu soon discovered countless living animal bodies on the fifth floor of the experimental base!

Wild boars were soaked in the liquid in the container. Countless wild boars, monkeys... various animals... all had catheters inserted into their bodies!

These hundreds of animals, like humans, have become plant bodies.

They only breathe and don't move.

Hundreds of animals, all with electrode tubes inserted into them?

What on earth is this going to do?

Chen Xiu followed the electrode tubes in the brains of the three people and searched for the source...

He wanted to see which source these hundreds of electrode tubes inserted into the brains of vegetative people were connected to?

Chen Xiu followed the complicated wires and pipelines to find the source...


He followed the complicated wires and pipelines to find...

Found the connection point to the source!

The source of the connection between these hundreds of wires... surprisingly, it is... the super large AI master machine in the central laboratory on the negative fourth floor?!

This chapter has been completed!
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