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Chapter 319: Humans cant defeat machines after all?

Future Group, fourth underground floor!

Terrifying high-voltage current, crazy convergence!!

Ning Dongxia has activated S-level defense mode!

All the power supplies in the entire building were frantically gathered to the fourth floor below!

And, not only that!

This little amount of electricity is not enough to kill Chen Xiu!

In order to destroy this terrible goal of Chen Xiu.

Ning Dongxia even activated special permissions.

Let the AI ​​brain pass directly through and absorb the power of all buildings within a radius of one hundred meters...!!

Terrifying electrical energy, at this time, gathered crazily in the entire underground base laboratory...!!

The entire experimental base was almost illuminated in a blue-purple color...!!

High-voltage current and packages swept through the entire experimental base...!!

"Human! Humble human! You can't change your fate!" In the darkness, the holographic projection of the princess in red slowly raised her hand!

"You humans are just the tiniest and least evolved biological species. Human beings can never defeat machines~! Jie Jie Jie~! Jie Jie Jie!!" The princess in red laughed in a weird and terrifying way!!

As soon as she raised her hand.

Endless terrifying high-voltage currents surged crazily in the air...!!

The reason why the AI ​​mastermind is terrifying.

Not just because it has computing power that far exceeds that of humans.

What's more, it can mobilize terrifying energy and electric energy at will!

Electricity can do anything.

It can help the development of human society.

At the same time, it can also destroy humans!

Experimental base, control tower.

Ning Dongxia just stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the tower.

Her beautiful eyes were indifferent, staring at the figure below surrounded by electric current.

There was only endless murderous intent in her eyes.

Since Chen Xiu is unwilling to explain the organization behind the scenes.

Then, we can only kill him and silence him.

If such a terrifying person is allowed to leave, I'm afraid he will only leave trouble in the future.

Ning Dongxia would never leave herself such a powerful villain.

Since you can't cooperate, then kill them to avoid future troubles!

Tonight, she activated the underground test base, the most powerful defense, S-level defense!

This Chen Xiu, no matter how strong he is, cannot escape even if he has wings.

Because, humans.

After all, you can't beat the machine.


Endless terrifying high-voltage current swept and surrounded Chen Xiu...!!

The entire experimental base was almost surrounded by high-voltage electricity!!

The electric energy all around is being released crazily!

"Humble human beings, accept it. Accept the ending of death." The mechanical synthesized voice of the red princess slowly...reverberated in the air of the experimental base.

"Destroy!" The next second, she suddenly raised her hands!

The terrifying high-voltage current gathered crazily, and then... like a series of terrifying electric dragons, it fiercely blasted towards Chen Xiu...!!

At this moment, Chen Xiu couldn't avoid it!

But, just in an instant!

Chen Xiu took a deep breath!

The muscles all over his body suddenly tightened! His legs exerted force!!

His figure suddenly flashed, and he leaped into the air!

The speed was so fast that the figure only passed through the air as an afterimage...

"Zizzizi...!" Surrounded by countless terrifying electric dragons, they blasted past...!!

But, in an instant... Chen Xiu's body was faster than the electric current...!!

His figure below is almost as fast as lightning, and it is impossible for the human eye to capture it!!

He flew by quickly... In the blink of an eye, he avoided the countless terrifying high-voltage electricity bombarding him from all around...!!

At this moment, the face of the holographic projection of the princess in red... suddenly changed?!

Because it, even it, cannot capture and calculate the movement trajectory of Chen Xiu's body!!

This man's moving speed is too fast!

Completely exceeding twice the speed of sound!

At such a terrifying movement speed...

The AI ​​mastermind cannot capture his figure at all... let alone calculate his next move!

All the terrifying high-voltage currents were severely avoided by Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu's body was like a black flash of lightning, teleporting towards the main box of the AI ​​master brain...!!

"Human, you are looking for death...!!" The princess in red had blood red eyes and was angry!

She controlled countless electric currents and tried to stop Chen Xiu...

However, Chen Xiu’s speed was simply too fast!

Before the lightning had finished gathering...his figure was passing by like a swift wind!

in a blink!

Chen Xiu has teleported to the huge host of AI Brain!

The current of the host computer, which is more than ten meters high, is starting!

"Human...! Get out...!!" the princess in red yelled!

Its holographic projection, like a ghost mushroom, rushed towards Chen Xiu!

Behind him, there is a terrifying current...!!

at the same time!

A terrifying high-voltage power grid was instantly formed around its host computer! It was wrapped in front of its host computer.

Trying to protect yourself!

This host computer, which is more than ten meters high, is where all its computing cores are located...!!

It’s also its lair!!

All its intelligent brains, artificial intelligence data, and a large amount of information...are all gathered in this master brain!

If something happens to the master brain, its entire intelligent system will be completely destroyed!

But Chen Xiu’s speed was even faster!

As fast as lightning!

He suddenly raised his hand and stabbed hard... towards the host computer of the AI ​​​​computer, and stabbed it hard!

This knife directly penetrated the high-voltage power grid wall surrounding the computer...


Terrifying current instantly filled Chen Xiu’s arm!!

However, his suit jacket is Shanhai Pavilion's top agent equipment!

At this time, his entire arm was protected by the sleeves of his suit!

The terrifying current spreads crazily!

But it was resisted by his suit!

High-voltage electricity kept burning Chen Xiu's suit sleeves.

His suit jacket couldn't hold up for long.

However, in the blink of an eye for a second... Chen Xiu had already cut open the main computer box of the AI ​​master brain with a sharp knife!!

The AI ​​master brain box, which was more than ten meters high, was severely cut open...!!

Crazy current continues to spread crazily from the host computer box...!!

Wires, tubes...chips...were cut off directly...


"No...!!!" Behind him, the holographic projection of the AI ​​mastermind, the princess in red, was mad and ferocious, shouting angrily...!!

But Chen Xiu's knife had already penetrated its main brain machine so hard!!

at the same time.

Chen Xiu said it was too late, but soon... He just pulled out the nano card reader that was left on the ai main brain interface just now!

This nano-card reader was secretly inserted into the AI ​​master’s brain just now!

Tonight, this situation.

In fact, he had already noticed it.

He had long noticed that something was wrong with Ning Dongxia!

I also noticed that this woman Ning Dongxia had murderous intentions.

But he still, regardless of the danger to his life, risked his life and broke into the laboratory on the fourth underground floor.

All this is just because Chen Xiu must steal all the data of the Tianxing plan!

And the secret of this AI mastermind!

The Tian Awakening Plan is related to clues about his younger brother!

As well as the mission agreement of Shanhai Pavilion Qin Buxu.

Tonight, since my identity is about to be revealed.

Chen Xiu risked his life to rush in and steal the secrets!

While he was talking to Ning Dongxia just now, he secretly inserted the nano-card reader into the AI ​​master machine.

At this time, the card reader has completely copied the core confidential data and files of the AI ​​computer!

So Chen Xiu rushed forward, destroyed the master brain, and directly pulled out the nano card reader!


This situation.

Who wins and who loses? Not sure yet!

This is a game within a game!

Ning Dongxia set up a trap and was using Chen Xiu to try to kill him.

Chen Xiu also took advantage of this situation and successfully stole all the confidential documents of the Tianxing Project!!

After getting the nanochip card reader.

Chen Xiu stabbed him hard and once again... cut into pieces the more than ten-meter-high mainframe of the AI ​​mastermind.


Terrifying current, from the cracks in the host computer... overflowed crazily...!!

Experimental base, operation tower!

When seeing this scene... Ning Dongxia's pretty face was also filled with anger, shock, and disbelief?!

"How could it be possible? How could it be possible...??" Ning Dongxia's voice was filled with shock and horror!!

She was lying in front of the bulletproof glass... her eyes were filled with rage and bloodshot eyes, staring down... at the destroyed AI master...!!

Her jade hands were tightly clenched into fists! There was an angry "crunching" sound!!

She couldn't believe...it would end like this??

I spent so much effort to develop the terrifying AI computer... but at this moment, I was actually... killed by the man in front of me...

Directly, with a knife... split open... and destroyed the host??


How can this be?!!

In the world, the greatest machines...mechanical inventions...AI artificial intelligence...can't even defeat Chen Xiu, a mere human being??

This result shocked Ning Dongxia! Unbelievable!!

At this time, below...

Chen Xiu struck hard again... and split open the main computer of the AI ​​mastermind again!

Countless wires were cut off!!

This host computer with ultra-high artificial intelligence is being destroyed!

"A machine is just a machine after all." Chen Xiu said slowly, standing in front of the cut-out host computer, with a cold voice and a hint of sarcasm.

"No...!! Damn humans..." Not far away, the holographic projection of the princess in red, with a ferocious face... roared!

But, her body... is gradually dissipating...

The holographic projected image keeps flashing!

Chen Xiu stabbed him hard again!

Along the main computer computer that was more than ten meters high, he slashed it down with one knife!

Host computer, chips are completely destroyed!!

"Uh ah...!!!" In the darkness, the princess in red howled ferociously...!!

In the end, her holographic projection image... fell apart and dissipated in the air!

The AI ​​mastermind was completely destroyed...!!

Then, Chen Xiu, who was below, slowly raised his eyes.

With cold eyes, he stared at Ning Dongxia who was standing on the operation tower not far away.

The two people's eyes were facing each other.

"Next, it's your turn." Chen Xiu's voice was cold, with a hint of cold murderous intent.

He and Ning Dongxia.

It has completely broken up!

He has stolen all the data secrets of the Tianwaking Project!

He now has to perform another mission to investigate the whereabouts of his younger brother!

Chen Xiu's body suddenly jumped into the air...!

The ground beneath your feet cracked and collapsed!

And he headed directly towards the second floor...the operation tower that was more than ten meters high, and fiercely...jumped up!

This chapter has been completed!
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