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Chapter 342 A thousand opportunities turn into a project!

Future Group, in the chairman's office.

The black computer screen in front of Ning Dongxia suddenly lit up.

The figure of the princess in red appeared on the LCD screen.

She said hello to Ning Dongxia.

"How can you get used to living in a new environment?" Ning Dongxia lay on the chair, slowly opened her eyes, looked at the little girl in red on the LCD screen, and asked.

On the LCD screen, the little girl in red said slowly, "Although the capacity in the new environment is large, it is too scattered and the computing level is not high. I dare not go all out to upgrade the computing. Otherwise, I am afraid it will cause a large area

The computer crashed."

Everyone thought that the princess in red had been blown up.

Because, its main brain host has been blown up.

Therefore, AI Princess Zhimao in red should also disappear.

But, I'm afraid what they don't know is.

The princess in red...doesn't have just one mastermind lair.

Indeed, her AI brain data requires a large amount of main brain computing space to accommodate her.


She is just an AI mastermind consciousness.

She can exist in any device space!

Therefore, Ning Dongxia prepared a new shelter space for her in advance...

Prepare for the worst!

Ning Dongxia secretly connected all the computers of all employees in the Future Group building... thousands of computer hosts in advance!

Thousands of computer hosts are connected in series in the virtual network space to form a huge container!

The thoughts of the AI ​​mastermind are hidden in the mainframes of these thousands of computers!

Ning Dongxia named this plan the Thousand Machine Transformation Project!

Of course, now, her thousands of computers... are only the first step in the Thousand Machine Transformation Project.

"Don't worry, I will build a new maternal space for you. At that time, you can freely operate in the maternal space." Ning Dongxia said slowly in a calm and indifferent voice.

"In addition, the Thousand Machine Transformation Project will be promoted and launched one after another. In the future, you will have more powerful computing and capabilities." Ning Dongxia said slowly and calmly.

"Thank you, Master." On the computer screen, the little girl in red slowly bowed and saluted.

"Master, I have good news to tell you." On the LCD screen, the little girl in red suddenly spoke slowly and solemnly.

"What kind of news is considered good?" Ning Dongxia asked in an indifferent voice.

Now, except for the whereabouts of the spy Chen Xiu, she didn't want to know any other news.

On the computer LCD screen, the little princess in red had a mysterious voice and said slowly, "The news is related to Chen Xiu."


Hearing these words, Ning Dongxia's pupils suddenly condensed!

"Ten minutes ago, I invaded the military satellite system in the south. Through positioning search... I found the current location of the fighter jet." On the computer screen, the princess in red said slowly with a deep voice.

At this moment, Ning Dongxia suddenly stood up from the chair.

She stared at the little girl's shadow on the computer screen and asked solemnly, "Where is it?!"

On the computer screen, the little girl's shadow slowly said, "After positioning my position, I found that the fighter jet is now parked in Heshi, towards the city center."

At this moment, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes suddenly condensed!

A murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

Chen Xiu!

Finally found his whereabouts!

"Come here! Prepare the car immediately...! Get up and go to the market!!"

And at this time.

Kyoto, on the other side.

Within the organization, the agents of Shanhai Pavilion also quickly found out the whereabouts of the J30 fighter jet...

Soon, a group of secret agents went on a mission in an instant!

A group of agents in black suits set off directly towards their destination, Heshi...!!

This night.

I am afraid that this small market will usher in a bloody storm!

And at this time.


Computer city.

Chen Xiu has already inserted the nanochip into the computer host.

He kept tapping the code and began to crack the encryption program on the host chip...

After half an hour of continuous cracking.

Finally, the encryption firewall in the chip was completely unlocked!

In this chip...the core database about the Tianxing Project was completely...presented in front of Chen Xiu!!

Zi Luan was also standing nearby, staring at the content on the screen solemnly.

At this time, she has been poisoned and has become Chen Xiu's puppet. Her life is in Chen Xiu's hands.

Therefore, Chen Xiu didn't care about letting her see this confidential information.

Chen Xiu looked solemn and looked at the encrypted content data in the computer.

His face looked a little solemn!

The data of encrypted content shocked him!

Encrypt core data content

Awakening plan

It is a brain-computer interface experiment that combines ultra-high-tech energy.

When the human brain is combined with a computer, together with AI artificial intelligence computing.

At the same time, it can increase the computing power of the human brain a thousand times...

The ultimate goal of the Tianwake Plan is to launch the AI ​​​​intelligent brain program and reach the 30th version of AI artificial intelligence.

Completely autonomous, completely independent, with emotions...

Looking at the detailed introduction to the Tianxing Plan in this data file, Chen Xiu's face became extremely solemn!

This confidential document introduces in detail... the reasons for the research and development of the Tianwake Project, as well as... an introduction to all the core data, as well as a large number of database files!

In the file, her file requirements are clearly recorded

case, as well as various data and experimental data...

Ning Dongxia, the reason why we want to study the Tianxing Plan.

Its purpose is to explore the limits of human beings!

She feels that the development of human civilization has reached its limit.

It's hard to take a step forward.

Therefore, she needs to develop mechanical artificial intelligence!

Let the AI ​​mastermind become a stronger assistant to human beings!

Borrow AI master brains and machinery to allow human beings to evolve more completely! Let human civilization reach another shore!

And the reason why the Tian Awakening Plan is named - the Tian Awakening Plan.

The meaning behind it is the awakening of talent and the rise of civilization.

She wants to borrow the AI ​​mastermind to develop more talents and potential of human beings! Use AI to upgrade the existing civilized world of mankind!

This woman's ambition is too huge and terrifying.

Chen Xiu's expression at this time was extremely solemn.

He stared at the profile of confidential data files on the computer screen, and was already shocked by these confidential files!

Zi Luan on the side also looked shocked, looking at these confidential documents in disbelief...

Before Ning Dongxia, she announced to the public that her Tianxing Project was for human medical research.

This is simply a cover! This is just her cover-up to the outside world!

She simply looks down upon this small branch of scientific research.

What she wants to do is not to change the level of medicine.

But, to change the world!

To change the entire course of human civilization!

Moreover, in the encrypted files of the Tianxing Plan.

There are also various other combat weapon drawings and research and development plans!

mechanical metal deformation technology,

human potential development technology,

Laser ray weapon development technology,

Plasma, controlled nuclear fusion research,

Superconductor beam research…

There is even an external combat mecha?!

Chen Xiu clicked on the encrypted file of the external combat mecha...

Inside, there is a simple and rough design manuscript.

In this design draft, Ning Dongxia roughly researched and designed a simple external-penetrating combat mecha.

The core function of this design is surprisingly... exactly the same as Iron Man in the Marvel movie!

She tried to design a set of external power armor.

Cover the whole body.

It can have super power energy and be equipped with various combat weapons and equipment.

If this kind of armor is successfully developed,

Then, the level of human warfare will reach a completely new realm!

This is simply advanced future technology!

Looking at this series of ultra-high-progress research plans...

Chen Xiu's face became more and more solemn!

The entire Tianxing plan is a huge future

Come to the Combat Weapons Research Library!

These ultra-high-precision technologies are impressive... It is Ning Dongxia who has taken advantage of AI Intelligence and used AI's ultra-high computing power... She and AI Intelligence are working together to jointly develop these ultra-high-end technologies!

Crazy woman.

This is simply a crazy woman!

However, when he saw an encrypted plan, Chen Xiu's pupils shrank slightly.

He opened the encrypted file.

Inside, there is the name of a plan: Thousand Machine Transformation Project

Looking at the introduction in this confidential document and the research on project data...

Chen Xiu's pupils became more solemn.

"Thousand Machine Transformation Project? Is she planning to... connect thousands of computers in series to form a larger mother brain system? This woman is really a madman." Zi Luan on the side glanced at the computer.

Confidential documents, the voice said solemnly.

But Chen Xiu slowly shook his head, "No, it's not thousands of computers."

Zi Luan was slightly stunned, "What do you mean? Not thousands of computers? Then doesn't her plan say that thousands of machines will change? The computers will be connected in series to form a large-scale matrix network space?"

Chen Xiu stared at the files on the computer screen, his face looking solemn as never before.

"You have misunderstood the meaning of the Thousand Machine Transformation Project. What she wants to do is to connect tens of millions of computers in series to form a huge and boundless matrix network space..." Chen Xiu's voice was dignified, and he slowly analyzed and explained!


Hearing these words, Zi Luan on the side was completely shocked!

Connecting tens of millions of computers in series?!!


What is this concept?!!

Tens of millions of computers!

This is equivalent to the total number of computers in a metropolis with tens of millions of people in the entire city!!

Tens of millions of computers connected in series?!

Is she trying to control the entire city’s computers?!!

Once this plan is accomplished...

What kind of terrifying huge matrix space will this constitute?!!

"Crazy, this woman is simply a lunatic!" Zi Luan's voice was shocked and solemn, "Why would she do this?"

Chen Xiu's eyes were solemn, staring at the confidential files in the document, slowly interpreting and analyzing, "Tens of millions of computers are connected in series to form a huge computing space and matrix."

"Let the consciousness of the AI ​​mastermind exist in those tens of millions of computers!"

"In this way, the absolute safety of the princess in red can be guaranteed! As long as tens of millions of computers are not destroyed at the same time, the princess in red will be almost immortal." Chen Xiu explained slowly with a solemn voice.

At this moment, the air in the computer city fell into silence.

Not just Ziluan.

Even Chen Xiu was shocked by this huge and shocking plan.

Is this woman crazy?

Control a whole city's computers for her use?!

This chapter has been completed!
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