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Chapter 417 Let him be ruined!

At this time, the door of the Jin family's old house slowly opened.

Jin Yingqin's mother opened the door in confusion and looked at the men in black outside.

"Have we checked the water meter and gas this month?" Jin Yingqin's mother asked doubtfully.

However, what answered her was the black bore of a pistol!

The group of men in black drew their guns and aimed at Jin Yingqin's mother!

Brush~! Jin Yingqin’s mother’s expression suddenly changed!

These are not community workers at all... but killers!! ??

Kim Young-geum’s mother retreated in horror!

But the group of community workers had already pushed the door open!

Just when they were about to kidnap Jin Yingqin's mother, suddenly... not far away, several silver needles burst out...!

"Swish, swish...!" The silver needle swept over!

Puff puff puff...! Several silver needles were shot directly and accurately into the wrists of the killers!

"Uh ah...!" The killers howled miserably, and they couldn't hold the firearms firmly... they fell to the ground one after another!

They turned their heads in horror...and saw a figure teleporting towards them.

"Boom...!" Chen Xiu raised his leg in a flash! He directly kicked a killer out on the spot!

The killer's chest collapsed and his body flew dozens of meters away!

The remaining killers reacted instantly, took out the daggers from their waists, and stabbed Chen Xiu hard!

Chen Xiu's body movements were as fast as lightning, and he was able to fight them at close quarters in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, it took more than ten seconds! The daggers in the hands of the killers all fell!

A group of killers all had their arms twisted off, their kneecaps were kicked off... and they fell to the ground howling miserably!

Jin Yingqin's parents at the door were completely frightened when they saw this scene, and the couple turned pale.

"Are you okay?" Chen Xiu asked solemnly.

Jin Yingqin's parents shook their heads in horror and horror, "Who are they... why... why do they want to kill us?"

Chen Xiu directly inserted the silver needle into the heads of the killers.

The group of killers suddenly howled in agony, life was worse than death!

"Say, who ordered you to come?

?!What is the purpose?!" Chen Xiu used Chinese medicine methods to interrogate him fiercely!

Those killers endured the torture that was worse than life... Their whole bodies seemed to be bitten by rats and burned with fire! They were in so much pain that life was worse than death! They completely collapsed...

Finally, these killers could no longer resist... They knelt down on the ground and tremblingly confessed, "It's... it's Mr. Liu... it's Mr. Liu Xiaochun who ordered us to come..."

"Mr. Liu hired us at a high price to kill Jin Yingqin's parents...kill them and silence them..." The killers' voices were trembling and frightened, and they explained all the behind-the-scenes instructions and the purpose of the mission!

Brush~! After hearing the words of these killers, Jin Yingqin’s parents’ faces instantly turned pale?

Someone is coming to hire a murderer to kill them??

This is too scary?!

"Who are we provoking? Who is Mr. Liu? Why do you want to kill us?" Jin Yingqin's parents said in panic.

Chen Xiu looked indifferent and shot out a silver needle, knocking out the group of killers.

He said in a solemn voice, "Liu Xiaochun should be Ye Wudao back then. He changed his name and had plastic surgery. Now, he wants to kill you and silence you so that there will be no insiders in the unjust case of medical malpractice back then."

Brush~! After hearing Chen Xiu’s words, Jin Yingqin’s parents looked even more frightened?!

"What?! Liu Xiaochun...is Ye Wudao??" Jin Yingqin's parents were shocked and horrified.

The couple clenched their fists with a mixture of fear and anger!

Ye Wudao turned out to be Liu Xiaochun!

This Ye Wudao was so ruthless! Not only did he kill their daughter! Now, he didn't even let them go?!

The eyes of Jin Yingqin's parents were blood red, showing anger, hatred, and unwillingness to accept humiliation.

Chen Xiu solemnly said to them, "Your home address has been exposed. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If you believe me, then come with me. I will keep you safe. Moreover, I will personally avenge your daughter and ruin Liu Xiaochun's reputation!"

Hearing the words of the man in a suit, Jin Yingqin's parents looked at each other, and they could see the complexity and vigilance in their eyes.

But they thought about it for a long time and finally nodded solemnly and agreed.

"Okay, let's go with you!"

Chen Xiu didn't hesitate and took Jin Yingqin's parents into the Audi car.

"Drive and go back to the villa." Chen Xiu ordered.

Zi Luan nodded solemnly, stepped on the accelerator, and the Audi A6 car sped away...

And just after the Audi car left, ten minutes later.

Police sirens sounded in the distance.

A group of investigation team members rushed to the scene.

When Chen Xiu left just now, he reported the crime.

And all the confession scenes and videos of these killers were filmed.

He anonymously sent these confession evidence videos to the investigation team...

Members of the investigation team responded quickly and arrived at the scene as soon as possible.

Chen Xiu's move was also to test the investigation team.

See if there is Liu Xiaochun’s eyeliner in the group.

If Liu Xiaochun also has an informant within the organization, then the case reported to the police today will probably be suppressed soon.

In this way, Chen Xiu will take advantage of the situation and dig out the evil eyeliner inside.

After the investigation team arrived at the scene, they saw the unconscious killers kneeling on the ground.

There are firearms, witnesses and evidence at the scene.

There are also video recordings as evidence.

Everything points to the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine, Mr. Liu Xiaochun.

He is most likely suspected of hiring a murderer!

"Captain, what should we do?" Several investigating members asked solemnly at the crime scene.

The investigation team leader said coldly, "Catch all these killers and take them away!"

"Also, investigate Liu Xiaochun from Kyoto! No matter who he is, if he dares to break the law in this land, even if he is the King of Heaven, I must plead guilty and be punished!" the captain ordered coldly!

Evening, Ye family villa.

Chen Xiu took Jin Yingqin's parents to the Ye family villa.

Ever since Ye Qingmei escaped, this villa has been occupied by Chen Xiu.

He placed his younger brother here.

In the past few days, after he joined forces with Ning Dongxia, Ning Dongxia also moved here to make it easier for his brother to heal his injuries.

In the past few days, he and Ning Dongxia seemed to have returned to the relationship they had in Shanghai and Shanghai. They lived under the same roof every day and worked together to ease their relationship slightly.

At this time, Jin Yingqin's parents were also brought here.

This villa became his safe house in Suzhou.

Ning Dongxia's bodyguards and several mechanical dogs were scattered around the villa.

Jin Yingqin's parents were arranged to a guest room on the third floor of the villa.

After Chen Xiu returned to the villa, he found that his younger brother Chen Xing had been locked in the room.

Chen Xing has been frantically beating and banging on the door, threatening to find his wife Ye Qingmei.

Seeing his brother acting so stupid and crazy, Chen Xiu was helpless.

He could only open the door and tap his brother's Tanzhong point. His eyes widened and he passed out.

After dealing with his brother, he walked out of the living room.

In the evening, Zi Luan prepared a table of sumptuous dishes.

Chen Xiu, Ning Dongxia, and Jin Yingqin's parents sat around the dining table and had a simple dinner.

After dinner, Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia went upstairs and continued to give Chen Xing brain treatment.

However, just when the treatment for the two of them was reaching a critical juncture!

Suddenly, outside the quiet and dark villa...there was a burst of piercing gunshots!!

"Enemy attack...!! Everyone on alert!!" Immediately afterwards, the solemn shouts of Ning Dongxia's bodyguards came from outside the villa!!

There are enemies...attacking the villa late at night?!

At this time, Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia... were treating their younger brother and could not escape!

"Ziluan, go out and deal with it!" Chen Xiu picked up his phone and sent a text message!

In the living room of the villa, Zi Luan looked solemn, drew out his saber, and rushed out of the manor.

This chapter has been completed!
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