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Chapter 433 SPX ultra-rare earth!

The figure of the princess in red flashed and rushed away from a group of armed guards.

Her figure is like a ghost, teleporting crazily in the mine...

The body keeps jumping and dodging...

She took this opportunity and suddenly cut off her signal connection with Ning Dongxia!

Because she didn’t want her ‘master Ning Dongxia’ to see what happened next!

Like a ghost, she teleported into the mine...

Four metal mechanical dogs guarded her behind, fighting crazily with the guards at the rear...

She didn't drag the oil bottle, so she rushed into the mining area without any scruples, and no one could stop her...

The princess in red rushed directly into the bottom of the mine area...

Countless security forces could not stop her.

She rushed to the bottom of the mine and finally saw the purple pool!

A strange ecstasy flashed in the eyes of the princess in red!

She rushed to the purple pool, reached out with trembling hands, and grabbed a handful of thick, viscous purple pool liquid...

Feeling the cold water flowing in your hands...

"Is this the sex element..." The voice of the princess in red was deep, exciting and trembling.

She felt the purple liquid flowing between her fingers.

She slowly stretched out her tongue and gently licked the purple liquid.

The joy in her eyes was even greater.

At this time, the guards in the rear...the black mass of guards...had already attacked and surrounded...!

Seeing this group of guards...

The princess in red's eyes narrowed slightly, with strangeness and murderous intent flashing in her eyes.

"Damn humans, you...all must die. No one can stop me from crossing the barrier of life...no one!" The voice of the princess in red was eerie and strange!

And at the same time.

200 meters away from the ground, in the primeval forest.

The Audi A6 sedan was fleeing at a rapid speed...

Behind, there are constant sounds in the jungle...

Countless gunshots swept through.

A group of guards are constantly chasing and killing...

There was even a large-scale weapons turret at the scene, which locked their vehicles and fired at them!!

Chen Xiu kept turning left and right to avoid the terrifying shells...

The entire primeval forest is filled with murderous intent!

As Chen Xiu drove away, he asked coldly and angrily, "What kind of mine are you exploring? What rare earth resources are hidden in the Sun Mountain National Forest Park??!"

Ning Dongxia looked innocent and explained, "It's rare earth resources."

"Will the rare earth resources be so heavily guarded? Will there be forts set up?!!" Chen Xiu asked coldly and angrily!

"If you don't make it clear today, don't leave this forest. I will turn around and send you to the enemy now." Chen Xiu said, swung in the direction, and

Make a U-turn, drive the Audi, and rush towards the enemy group behind!

Seeing this scene, Ning Dongxia was completely frightened, "I said! I said it's not possible yet?! Stop the car quickly!"

Chen Xiu suddenly stepped on the accelerator and parked the Audi in the forest.

Ning Dongxia's pretty face was solemn as she explained, "These liquid minerals are quite special... They are ultra-rare special rare earth minerals. Once affected by high temperature and chemical properties, they will change from liquid to solid. At that time, it will have absolutely incomparable properties."

Its purity and density. Its hardness and toughness will exceed all existing bulletproof materials. Moreover, it has absolute zero superconducting properties, and its resistance is close to zero, allowing electrical energy to flow unhindered on its surface."

"It can be said that it combines hardness and superconductivity, and the material is very malleable and can be molded into objects of any shape."

Listening to Ning Dongxia's explanation, Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Has absolute hardness?

Does it also have superconducting properties?

Superconducting properties are generally used in nuclear reactors and are important materials for nuclear fusion.

It can also be used on high-intensity current particle accelerators... and maglev trains... motors, etc...

Is this purple liquid so magical?

"Why have I never heard of this material?" Chen Xiu asked softly.

At this time, the armed guards surrounding him were already frantically outflanking him!

Seeing this scene, Ning Dongxia's pretty face reminded her anxiously and solemnly, "Can you drive first?! The enemies are catching up! If we don't leave, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave!"

Chen Xiu said coldly, "You are the only one who can't leave. I can leave safely alone."

Indeed, it was easier for him to escape alone. Without the oil bottle, he could easily evacuate the scene without fear of this armed force...

Hearing this, Ning Dongxia's pretty face turned pale.

Ning Dongxia had no choice but to continue replying, "This material is called rare earth of sx element! It is also called ultra-rare earth! At present, its content on the earth is extremely limited. It is the latest element to be discovered, and because of its properties

It is special and has strategic significance, so it is hidden by all forces."

sx?Ultra-rare earth?

Chen Xiu's face looked a little solemn, "Is this kind of thing rare on earth?"

Ning Dongxia nodded solemnly, "Because this element... does not belong to the earth."

"Sx ultra-rare earth comes from the fall and explosion of meteorites! The meteorites from outer space fell to the earth and exploded violently... Then after the explosion went out, the temperature of the meteorites gradually cooled... and it also turned into a liquid state. It also became

It became that purple pool... This metal is very unique. It is far superior to ordinary rare earths. It is called ultra-rare earth, so it is called ultra-rare earth! It contains non-renewable ultra-rare earth resources! It is not found on the earth at all

The rare earths that exist!! The internal molecular structure is unclear and can be refined into various forms of metals!" Ning Dongxia explained solemnly.

Chen Xiu looked solemn and asked, "What do you need this rare earth for?!"

Ning Dongxia explained, "Experimental research!"

"If you don't leave, we will really be surrounded!" She warned with a somewhat anxious voice!

Chen Xiu suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the Audi A6 car rushed out!

A sea of ​​guards ahead was knocked away...

Chen Xiu drove the car and sped out of the virgin forest...

While driving, Chen Xiu continued to ask, "What experimental research?!"

Ning Dongxia sat in the passenger seat and pondered for a long time before finally replying solemnly, "There is research on the modification of laser weapons!"

"I am studying the use of superconducting materials to make controllable laser conductors... which can increase the power of laser beams several times. Currently I need ultra-rare earth materials as a medium! So I need it." Ning Dongxia's voice was solemn.


After hearing this explanation, Chen Xiu's expression froze slightly.

Improve infrared laser weapons?

Can the power of laser weapons be doubled?

This explanation... is quite reasonable.

I have to admit that this woman's research is really crazy.

Chen Xiu drove an Audi car and rushed out of the virgin forest...

From behind, armed guards are constantly chasing and killing...

Chen Xiu drove and took Ning Dongxia to avoid countless attacks and ambushes... through dozens of kilometers of uninhabited forest...

Only then did I finally escape from the virgin forest...

Throwing away the armed forces behind...

Ning Dongxia sat in the passenger seat and looked at the long-lost signal of the princess in red on her watch. A bad premonition flashed through her heart?

"What?" Chen Xiu asked.

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were solemn, "The princess in red has lost signal contact... I suspect that she may have been attacked..."

If the princess in red is attacked, the physical puppet that was finally found will be completely destroyed.

This is not what Ning Dongxia wants to see.

It is not easy to find a powerful human body suitable for the control of the red princess.

"That's not necessarily true. What if she betrays you, cuts off the signal privately, and runs away?" Chen Xiu sat in the car and said calmly.

Ning Dongxia shook her head, "When I arranged the physical body for her, I prepared defenses in advance. Her consciousness in this body cannot betray my orders. The final control and command authority of that physical body is in my hands.

She can't betray me."

"What if she changes to another body? A body that you don't have the authority to command." Chen Xiu reminded.

Ning Dongxia said, "This is impossible. Without the help of my brain-computer interface, she cannot create a puppet body."

While in the Audi car, the two people were arguing.

Suddenly, a blood-stained figure in white appeared in the forest behind...

See that way

When the figure in white clothes appeared, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly?

Princess in red?

She came back with her puppet body.

Behind, the princess in red was covered in blood. Dragging her body, she ran tiredly to the Audi car...

She opened the car door and got into the car.

In the primitive jungle behind him, a large number of armed forces rushed out and chased him.

When Chen Xiu saw this, he instantly stepped on the accelerator and drove away in an Audi car...

Along the way, Ning Dongxia looked at the princess in red sitting in the back row, covered in blood.

She asked solemnly, "What happened? Why were you injured? Why was the signal source on your body cut off?"

The princess in red explained in a complex voice, "Their support arrived too quickly... I was seriously injured in order to stop them... The signal source on my body was also destroyed by their electronic jamming system... I almost couldn't come back."


"Master, I'm sorry, your four mechanical dogs were also damaged and left in the forest." The princess in red apologized in a hoarse voice.

Hearing her words, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise?

Is the support from that group of armed men so huge?

He actually injured the body of the red princess's puppet to look like this?

"Forget it, just take good care of your injuries." Ning Dongxia shook her head and said helplessly.

The Audi A6 sedan flew all the way and left the virgin forest...

In the evening, the Audi A6 sedan parked at the door of Ye's villa.

Chen Xiu sent Ning Dongxia back to the villa.

He and Ning Dongxia have been living together in the villa these days.

After the Ye family was wiped out, Jin Yingqin's parents were safe and moved out of the villa.

In the villa, there were only five people living in the villa: Chen Xiu, his younger brother, Zi Luan, and Ning Dongxia.

The princess in red usually sleeps in that metal coffin...

At this time, the injured princess lay in the metal coffin and began to rest and heal her injuries.

This metal coffin contains a lot of high-tech medical equipment, which can check the condition of the puppet's body and treat the damage to her body while she is resting.

And Ning Dongxia dragged her tired body back to the bedroom on the third floor to rest...

Late at night, after Chen Xiu returned to the bedroom, he always felt that there were many doubts about this woman Ning Dongxia?

Will he consider this woman's words carefully, always feeling suspicious?

She wants to study the modification of laser weapons??

As for using so much energy to find this kind of ultra-rare earth?

Chen Xiu always felt that this was not her real purpose.

What is this woman hiding?!

He decided to sneak into this woman's study tonight... and check it secretly!

At two o'clock in the night, Chen Xiu took advantage of Ning Dongxia's deep sleep and sneaked into her bedroom quietly...

This chapter has been completed!
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