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Chapter 446: Practicing the Golden Bell!

On the top floor of Suqi Building, Su Yushiyu was dragging Ding Xue into the bedroom. He threw Ding Xue on the bed, and he was about to show his bestiality...

There was a "pop!" and all the electrical systems in the entire building suddenly shut down and exploded.

All lights and electrical equipment in the building were turned off.

The lights in the bedroom also went out instantly.

As soon as Su Universe unbuttoned his shirt, the power went out and the bedroom fell into darkness! ??

His face was frozen?! ​​He was immediately alert!

"What's going on?!" Su Yuzhou shouted outside the office.

But there was no sound outside the office?!

At the same time, Ding Xue suddenly stood up on the bed... She suddenly picked up a lamp on the bedside table and threw it at Su Yuzhou!

Su Universe waved his hand, 'Boom...!' Ding Xue was blown away on the spot!

Su Universe had already noticed something was wrong at this time. He locked Ding Xue in the bedroom and then left the office directly.

It was pitch black outside the office. Su Yuzhou stepped across the office floor and found that it was sticky under his feet, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

He took a closer look and saw corpses lying at his feet through the dark office.

Someone invaded?!

The power outage was not an accident!

Su Universe's expression condensed.

He sneered and looked around the dark office, "Huh...who is it? Come out!"

But in the darkness, there was no response.

Suddenly, behind Su Universe... there was a burst of sound breaking through the air!

Su Universe's pupils froze, he turned around suddenly... and punched out suddenly!

"Bang...!!" Behind him, a young woman's figure came rushing towards her, and a palm swept over her!

Su Universe's fist collided hard with the young woman's palm!

Su Universe stayed put, and the tiles beneath his feet were dented by an inch.

The young woman on the opposite side... was directly knocked away several meters.

The young woman flew out upside down, soared into the air... and landed firmly on the ground.

Her eyes were mechanical and cold, staring at Su Yuzhou opposite.

"Potential development degree... 76?" The young woman's dark red eyes stared at Su Universe.

Her voice was mechanical and hoarse, and she was the princess in red!

This is her puppet body.

The AI ​​consciousness of the princess in red has calculated Su Universe's strength level after an instant calculation.

Su Wang Su Universe, not only has a high position of authority... but he himself is a top super master!

Potential developer!

His potential development level has reached 76!

How terrible is this?!

"Who are you? How dare you break into our Su Qi headquarters without knowing your life or death?" Su Yuyushu looked coldly and walked towards the woman step by step.

The princess in red looked cold and stern, and her figure appeared again.

A sudden attack!

"Boom, boom, boom...!!" The princess in red's voice was as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, she had launched another attack on King Su...!!

At this time, in the dark night, Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu had quietly sneaked into the office bedroom... to rescue Ding Xue...

"Boom, boom, boom...!!" The princess in red's movement was like lightning, and the long knife in her hand stabbed towards Su Yuyushi like crazy...!

Every move is fatal!!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of sword techniques have been launched!

But Su Universe is faster than her!

He raised his hand like lightning, constantly resisting the long knife of the princess in red...!

In the blink of an eye, the princess in red's hundreds of killing blows were all resisted...

The princess in red has blood-red eyes. She has an AI brain and has computing power hundreds of times greater than that of humans.

She quickly calculated the loopholes in Su Universe's moves.

The princess in red suddenly drew her knife... and slashed hard at Su Universe's left shoulder!

But when the long knife slashed hard on his shoulder... the picture of muscles and bones being split apart did not appear...

Just listen to "Dang...!!"!

The long knife slashed at Su Universe's shoulder, but it was unable to split his flesh at all...it only left a shallow concave mark on the skin of his shoulder!

Swipe~! Seeing this scene, the expression of the red princess puppet changed?!

"Henglian golden bell...iron shirt?!" The princess in red looked shocked?!

She didn't expect... Su Yuzhou would actually become a golden bell and an iron shirt?!

This powerful and powerful external skill is the unique skill of Shaolin!

The outer tendons, bones, skin and flesh cause the density of human skin, muscles, and bone cells to increase dramatically, to a terrifying level. In this way, a thick layer of calluses will appear on the skin of the martial arts practitioner, and the subcutaneous muscles will thicken crazily, and the bone density will increase.


It can make martial arts practitioners invulnerable! It can resist any cold weapon attacks!

The princess in red looked at Su Yuyu in shock... No wonder he was so tall and muscular, it turned out to be a golden bell!

Su Universe suddenly grabbed the long knife on his shoulder and broke it with all his strength!

"Clang!" The long knife broke!

"Get out." He punched out!

The princess in red was blown away on the spot...!

"Boom!" The princess in red was blasted dozens of meters away, and her body was hit hard on the ground.

However, before she could react...Su Universe in front of her had already flashed towards him!

Su Universe was like a Mount Tai, crashing down on him!

The princess in red suddenly turned around to avoid it!

"Boom...!" The place where she was lying just now... Su Universe stepped down hard with his foot, causing the ground to collapse in an instant.


The smoke and dust are endless!

"Strength level...s level, bone strength...ss level...body resistance level sss level..." The princess in red tumbled to her feet and stood up, staring closely at Su Universe not far away, muttering to herself.


She had already analyzed Su Universe's physical characteristics in an instant.

"Su Universe, you are very strong." The princess in red said with a solemn voice.

She is an AI artificial intelligence, without the false emotions and pretense of humans. The Su Universe in front of her is more powerful than her physical body. The princess in red did not hide it and admitted it directly.

Su Universe sneered, teleported, and rushed to the princess in red!

He directly raised his hand, grabbed the princess in red by the neck, and lifted her up in the air!

"Did that bitch Ning Dongxia send you here?!" Su Universe asked in a cold voice. .??.??

"Of course, I am her most loyal servant." Although the princess in red was being strangled, there was no fear or panic in her voice.

"Su Universe, I have withdrawn from tonight's battlefield. Your chance of winning is 20. I sincerely advise you that it is best to surrender. It will be difficult for you to win."

Hearing this, Su Universe smiled, "Who do you think you are, and you dare to decide the life and death of me, Mr. Su?"

And at this moment, the originally dark lights in the entire building suddenly lit up!

The power system in the building has been restored.

All lights are on.

I saw a large group of bodyguards rushing upstairs!

"Report to King Su! Someone invaded the building and destroyed the building's electrical system! The electrical system has been repaired by us!!" the bodyguards reported in solemn voices!

"Where are the intruders?!" Su Universe asked coldly.

A female secretary carrying a schoolbag slowly stepped forward and reported, "Report to King Su, the intruders have already gone upstairs... We are still investigating and setting up controls. The building has been sealed by us and they cannot escape."

This female secretary’s name is Wushuang.

He is one of Su Universe's most capable right-hand men.

She is a person with a very weird personality. She carries a black schoolbag on her back. No matter when and where she is, the schoolbag on her back never leaves her body.

Although everyone was confused, they didn't dare to ask more about her schoolbag.

Because someone once opened the zipper of her schoolbag out of curiosity...

Then the man's head fell to the ground.

From then on, the schoolbag on her back became a taboo in the company.

No one dares to ask about the schoolbag of the incomparable female secretary.

After hearing Wushuang's report, Su Yuzhou looked solemnly towards the bedroom...

In the bedroom, the female secretary Ding Xue suddenly disappeared?

Ding Xue was rescued?!

Su Universe's expression condensed?!

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

Is this weird woman in front of him here to distract him?

And just now, while they were fighting, Ning Dongxia sneaked into the bedroom quietly and rescued Ding Xue?

"Damn it!" Su Universe yelled coldly and angrily!

He didn't want to let go of Ding Xue's newly acquired piece of meat!

"Completely seal off the building and activate the A-level security system! You must find the whereabouts of the intruder!" Su Universe said angrily!

"Yes!" Wushuang, the female secretary, bowed gently.

Just when she bent down and bowed, the schoolbag on her back moved slightly.

At this time, the Suqi Building was on the 50th floor.

Ning Dongxia was supporting Ding Xue and fled all the way.

Dozens of mechanical dogs cleared the way ahead, using infrared lasers to break open code locks and doors.

Chen Xiu, on the other hand, was holding a cigarette in his mouth and followed behind calmly, taking their place.

Ding Xue was covered in injuries at this time, and she was extremely weak even when walking. If it weren't for Ning Dongxia's support, she might not be able to walk.

"Xiaoxue, hold on...we can leave soon." Ning Dongxia said solemnly as she helped her walk downstairs.

"It's okay...Dr. Ning...I can hold on..." Ding Xue said in a weak voice.

"I have wronged you this time...I have made you endure such danger. After you go back, I will grant you any compensation you want." Ning Dongxia said in a complicated voice.

This time when the tiger is away from the mountain, if Ding Xue doesn't pretend to be her.

Then she might not be able to carry out her plan.

Ding Xue played a key role.

But she also took huge critical risks.

If Ning Dongxia doesn't show up tonight, Ding Xue may be in bad luck.

Ding Xue slowly shook her head and said in a condensed voice, "My life... was given to me by you, Ning Dong... This life belongs to you... As long as I can help you... even if I die for you... I will


Chen Xiu, who was following behind him, his face froze slightly when he heard these words?


Ding Xue’s life was given by Ning Dongxia??

It seems that there is an unknown secret between this female secretary and Ning Dongxia?

But Chen Xiu was too lazy to ask questions at this time and evacuated with them...

But just when they had just evacuated to the next floor, the 49th floor... they suddenly discovered that... the entire 49th floor... had been surrounded by a dense sea of ​​people!

The 49th floor has been completely blocked! A sea of ​​people surrounded us!

Ning Dongxia's expression suddenly changed, and she hurriedly tried to turn around with Ding Xue and evacuate upstairs...

But at this time, there were also bursts of footsteps coming from upstairs!

The floor shook! There was also a large black mass of thugs upstairs rushing downstairs!!

Ning Dongxia and others... were directly surrounded on the 49th floor.

This chapter has been completed!
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