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Chapter 459 Miao Territory, Shenlong Cult

Chen Xiu's body technique is as fast as lightning!

He kept coming forward and defeated them one by one!

"Poof...!" Two more silver needles were shot directly into the neck and trachea of ​​a poison master!

The poison master covered his neck and felt that his trachea was completely severed... and blood kept pouring out from his neck!

He shivered and fell back, his breathing getting weaker and weaker, and finally he fell to the ground with a pale face.

As a famous poison master was killed.

The controlled darkness around him was filled with poison, gradually losing control.

Each poison master will control his own corresponding poison group.

And as those poison masters were killed...the sound of the flute was interrupted...the poisons that were originally controlled by them all woke up...

Countless poisonous creatures fled in fear.

The principle of the poison master is to cultivate poisons from childhood, nourish the poison with corpses, so that the poisons gradually become obedient and spiritual, and then use the sound of the flute to hypnotize and control the poisons... so that the poison insects can be controlled by the poison master


With the death of the poison master, these controlled poisons instantly lost control. Due to their instinctive reaction, the poisons immediately fled in panic...

Almost instantly, the entire terrifying poison formation was defeated instantly!! A famous poison master was killed!

Corpses fell to the ground one by one!

Chen Xiu's body technique is as fast as lightning, and he attacks like crazy!

The poison masters finally got scared, turned around and ran away with fear and trembling...!

But how could Chen Xiu give them a chance to escape?

"Puff puff...!" Chen Xiu's movement flashed forward... and the silver needle swept out and shot out!

The silver needle was extremely accurate and hit a famous poison master...

A famous poison master screamed in fear and fell to the ground.

Several poison masters fell to the ground, and before they had time to escape... they were directly devoured by the poisonous insects that fled in terror on the ground!

Losing the control of the flute, these poisonous insects have begun to attack indiscriminately, and even poison masters can eat them together.

Soon the poison masters who fell to the ground were bitten by poisonous insects, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a pile of bones. All the flesh and blood on their bodies had been eaten away!

Poison masters were killed one after another, and their bodies fell one after another.

In the blink of an eye, only the last leading poison master, Old Man Gao, was left.

The old man Gao was trembling with fear and turned around to run away!

But Chen Xiu was faster, teleporting in front of him almost in the blink of an eye.

Old Man Gao's pupils shrank, and he played the bamboo flute in his hand crazily! At the same time, several flying insects swarmed out of his sleeves! They shot towards Chen Xiu!

These tiny flying insects are hidden in the sleeves of Old Man Goriot. Each flying insect carries a large number of highly virulent germs! Once bitten by these flying insects, you will be poisoned and die!

Chen Xiu shot directly with a silver needle!

Hundreds of silver needles... shot at the flying insects attacking in mid-air!

Extremely accurate!

Countless flying insects were shot down!

Chen Xiu stepped forward and the silver needle shot out!

"Puff puff...!" The silver needle directly hit the acupuncture point of Old Man Gao's body!

Old Man Gao felt his body stiffen for an instant and was unable to move!

With a bang, the jade flute in his hand fell to the ground.

Chen Xiu stepped forward and kicked the jade flute into pieces!

Countless Gu insects around them instantly lost control...and fled away in terror...

The entire poison formation was completely defeated.

All poison masters were killed.

The poisons fled in all directions...

Chen Xiu's eyes were cold, he slowly stepped forward and grabbed Old Man Gao's neck.

"Tell me, where do you come from!? Who ordered you?!" Chen Xiu asked coldly and cruelly!

Old Man Gao refused to explain and gritted his teeth.

Chen Xiu directly inserted the silver needles into Old Man Gao's body acupuncture points one by one...

Old Man Gao endured the severe pain and fell to his knees, trembling all over!

But he still refused to explain!

Chen Xiu wanted to strengthen the torture acupuncture again.

Suddenly... Old Man Gao's eyes turned blood red! Then, the whites of his eyes stood out!

"Poof!" In Old Man Gao's eyes, astonishingly... white maggots suddenly crawled out! Countless flying insects suddenly rushed out!

Countless flying insects flew out of Old Man Gao's eyes and mouth... crazily!

Countless poisonous substances poured out of Old Man Gao's mouth and spread directly towards Chen Xiu's arm!

Chen Xiu’s pupils condensed!

This old man actually has so many terrifying Gu insects in his body?!

He treats his body as a voodoo basin! His whole body is filled with voodoos! This is too terrifying!

This scene happened too suddenly! Before Chen Xiu had time to react, the poisonous thing had already climbed up his arm, bit open the skin of his arm, and penetrated into his arm!!

Chen Xiu directly tapped the acupuncture points and sealed the acupuncture points on his arms! Locking the blood vessels so that the insects in the skin could not continue to crawl in!

He ignored his injuries for the time being and wanted to continue interrogating Old Man Gou!

But Old Man Gao suddenly smiled ferociously at this moment, and the flesh and blood on his chest suddenly exploded!

Countless poisonous spiders crawled out from Old Man Goriot's chest!

This old man's body is filled with highly toxic poisons!

At this time, he and Chen Xiu will die together!!

Countless poisonous spiders crazily crawled towards Chen Xiu!

Almost instantly, Chen Xiu was surrounded by poisonous spiders!

Chen Xiu's face hardened, and he suddenly shouted loudly, "Get out...!!"

Sound waves swept across! Carrying terrifying and thick high-pitched waves!

His roar was like a Shaolin lion's roar, with sound waves sweeping through it layer by layer!

"Boom, boom, boom...!!" Every poisonous thing on his body was knocked away!

Sound can kill people, and it can even kill poisons.

When infrasound waves of a certain frequency reach a certain intensity, they are enough to shatter human eardrums, making it unbearable for some creatures.

This is an infrasonic attack, a sonar attack.

This kind of attack is now frequently used on various military equipment.

In the ancient martial arts of Yanxia, ​​the Shaolin Lion Roar Kung Fu utilizes this principle.

Chen Xiu also used this principle in his roar.

His roar was filled with terrifying inner energy, and the sound wave frequency vibrated across it!

All the poisons on the body were knocked back!

There were also some poisonous spiders that had no time to escape. They were shocked by the sound waves directly on his body and exploded on the spot!

Countless venom splashed on Chen Xiu's suit, but he remained intact.

His potential has been developed to the extreme, and his body's immunity is so strong that he can resist almost all poisons in the world!

The poisonous spider poison can't hurt him at all.

Chen Xiu drew some blood and used his inner strength to force out the poisonous insects that had crawled into his arm.

At this time, the poisonous creatures around them had all fled away in fear...

In the entire Barren Mountain Village, there was only desolation and chaos...

The corpses of poison masters and poisonous corpses all over the ground were witnessing the bloody battle that had just happened...

Ning Dongxia and others finally returned to safety.

"Chen Xiu...are you okay?" Ning Dongxia stepped forward anxiously to check his body.

"Are you injured?! Don't move! I'll take care of your wound! Antibiotics! Anti-venom serum! Come and get it!" Ning Dongxia saw the wound on his arm, her pretty face suddenly became anxious and solemn, and she shouted to her subordinates!

Seeing Ning Dongxia looking so anxious... Zi Luan's pretty face not far away was a little complicated...

Ning Dongxia, this woman, seems to be getting closer and closer to Chen Xiu...

The secretary Ding Xue on the side also had a pretty and complicated face... Dong Ning seemed to be becoming more and more attracted to this man?

what to do?

Could it be that Ning Dong, who is as cold as an iceberg... is really going to fall in love with this common man in front of him?

Ding Xue's mood was also a little complicated.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

Ning Dongxia anxiously stepped forward to bandage Chen Xiu's wound and inject anti-venom serum.

But Chen Xiu declined.

"It's okay, I can handle this little poison." Chen Xiu said calmly, but did not let Ning Dongxia bandage it.

He is well aware of his own physical condition, and this toxin is nothing to him. His physical potential has been developed, and his Rendu and Du meridians have been opened up by his grandfather since he was a child. He has been using traditional Chinese medicine since he was a child.

Through physical training, he has developed strong body resistance to poison since he was a child.

"It's a pity that he died because we couldn't interrogate the secrets from him." Chen Xiu looked at the dead body of Old Man Gao on the ground with a complicated expression. ??

"I can try to use a brain-computer interface to extract the memories from his brain?" Ning Dongxia suggested.


Brain-computer interface? Hearing this, Chen Xiu was slightly stunned. He nodded and agreed to let Ning Dongxia try it.

Ning Dongxia then called her men to lift the medical equipment from the Mercedes-Benz. Ning Dongxia inserted the electrode catheters into the head of Old Man Gao's body one by one.

She plans to use brain-computer interface technology to forcibly extract memory data from the head of Gao Lao...

After a person dies, the electrical memory in the brain will not disappear immediately. The memory data in the brain will gradually dissipate after 24 hours, with the complete death of the brain tissue...

At this time, Old Man Goriot had just died, and the memory in his brain still remained.

Ning Dongxia was able to use brain-computer interface technology to try to extract Old Man Gao's memory.

With the insertion of the click catheter...the brain cells of the deceased Old Man Gao were connected to the electrode catheter.

The current in the electrode catheter is released in the brain cells of the deceased, creating a biological connection with the neurons of the deceased.

Brain-computer interface, connection successful!

"We found his remaining memories in his brain! We can extract them!" Ning Dongxia said in a solemn voice.

Chen Xiu stood aside and watched this scene with a solemn expression.

Unexpectedly, Ning Dongxia's medical technology has reached such a stage... that it can extract the memories of the deceased?

This is too scary.

If this method is mastered, most of the murder cases in the world will be solved.

In the world, the dead will no longer have secrets. Of course, this is limited to corpses whose death time does not exceed 24 hours and whose brain cells have not been destroyed.

At this time, the other end of the brain-computer interface was connected to an LCD screen.

The memory image in the mind of the deceased Old Man Gao was completely displayed on the LCD screen at this moment!

Frame after frame, like a movie reel, are played continuously...

These picture fragments are exactly the memory shapes in the mind of the deceased...

What is the shape of the memory image in the mind of the deceased... At this time, what is the shape of the memory image displayed on the LCD screen...

One memory picture after another is connected in series.

This method is equivalent to extracting data files from a USB disk.

The human brain is actually a very large biological USB disk.

A large amount of memory data is stored in the hippocampus area of ​​the human brain.

But this is a huge technological barrier.

The human brain is a biological entity, while a USB flash drive is just a mechanical entity.

These are two completely different memory storage tools.

In the past, scientists were unable to retrieve memories because they could not directly connect to the memory area of ​​the human brain.

But now, Ningdongxia has broken this technical barrier.

She can connect her medical equipment to the human brain!

Brain-computer interface data!

> She treats the human brain as a data USB disk and connects it to the computer!

In this way, the memory data in the human brain can be extracted!

On the LCD screen, memory fragments continue to appear and play...

There are even voices from those images in the memory of the deceased...

Ning Dongxia began to analyze the memory data of the deceased...

From the memory data, Ning Dongxia analyzed and learned that the deceased's real name was Luo Chenzi.

He was one of the five guardian elders of the Miaojiang Shenlong Sect.

When the Shenlong Sect was destroyed... this Luo Chenzi was one of the remnants who luckily escaped...

Over the years, he has been assisting a mysterious master??

Now, they have established a new Gu Poison Sect called... Five Poison Sect?

Analysis based on the fragments in memory...

Ning Dongxia probably has the identity information of this Luo Chenzi.

"I analyzed the memory data in his brain... He is a remnant of the Dragon God Sect. Now he and his master have established a new sect, the Five Poison Sect. Over the years, he has been fighting for that mysterious master and the Dragon Sect.

Service." Ning Dongxia said with a solemn voice.

"According to the memory data analysis, this time...the Five Poison Sect suddenly ambushed us, and they secretly colluded with Su Universe! Su Universe informed them of our coordinates in advance and asked the Five Poison Sect to deal with us," Ning Dongxia continued.

Analyze and report the data in the memory of the deceased.

After hearing Ning Dongxia's report, Chen Xiu's expression condensed slightly.

He got the key clue.

The deceased’s name was...Luo Chenzi?

Are they really the remnants of the Shenlong Cult back then?

Now, they, the remnants of the Shenlong Sect, have established a new Gu Poison Sect, called... the Five Poison Sect?

And this Luo Chenzi is not the leader of the Five Poison Sect.

Behind him, there is a mysterious master??

"Can you find out the identity of the master behind him?" Chen Xiu asked with a solemn expression.

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes shook her head, "The memory data in the deceased's mind is somewhat incomplete and damaged. I have only been able to extract a small part of the data... the rest are all damaged and cannot be extracted."

"Currently, the identity of the mysterious master behind him cannot be found."

Hearing this, Chen Xiu's expression condensed slightly.

Who could be the mysterious master of the Five Poison Sect?

Is he the poison master’s enemy who was surrounded and suppressed by grandpa back then?

"By the way, I found a small memory fragment in the mind of the deceased Luo Chenzi. You can take a look." Ning Dongxia said suddenly.

She clicked on a short memory video on the LCD screen.

This video was extracted from the mind of the deceased Luo Chenzi.

The memory data in the mind of the deceased can not only be presented in the form of pictures, but also in the form of videos.

As long as the memory is coherent in the mind of the deceased, a memory video can be formed.

In the memory of the deceased, a beautiful figure wearing a purple dress appeared...

The beautiful figure's voice was as cold as frost. She was standing in front of a forest of maple leaves, and she was slowly playing the jade flute. In front of her, a gigantic python that was tens of meters high was slowly raising its bloody snake head.

That giant python was controlled by that beautiful shadow.

In the memory video, you can clearly feel that the deceased was shaking...

It was fear and horror.

After the beautiful figure finished playing a jade flute, she slowly said, "Su Universe from Sujiang Province called, saying that the remnants of the Chen family from back then have appeared in Gusu... Luo Chenzi, please send a master Gu master there immediately.

...Kill the remnants of the Chen family and bring the heads of the two brothers to see them."

In the memory video, the voice of the beautiful figure is cold and charming. The sound is very nice, but it gives people a feeling of panic and fear.

In the memory scene... Luo Chenzi knelt down respectfully and saluted, "Yes... Master, please rest assured, I will definitely bring the heads of the two remaining members of the Chen family to see you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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