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Chapter 467 The unbearable pain of memory!

Early morning.

Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiucai drove off-road vehicles back to the virgin forest on the outskirts.

At this time, silly Chen Xing was still sleeping in the tent.

Zi Luan and Ding Xue had already gotten up, and they were making a fire to cook.

Around the tent, a group of bodyguards were guarding the surroundings.

Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu pushed the door open and got out of the car, and walked to the tent.

"Is there anything strange about Ah Xing last night?" Chen Xiu asked.

Zi Luan shook his head, "Nothing is wrong. Your brother is fine. He is still sleeping."

Chen Xiu opened the door of the tent and took a look at his younger brother sleeping in the sleeping berth of the tent... then he felt relieved.

"Ding ding ding!" At this moment, Ning Dongxia suddenly received a call from one of her subordinates.

"Director Ning...half an hour ago, Huang Quan's killers suddenly intercepted and killed our Group A's truck fleet and robbed our ultra-rare earth resources!" A subordinate reported in a solemn voice on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, really?" After hearing the news, Ning Dongxia was a little surprised, but not too worried, "I know, let's just grab the gun. Is Group B and Group C still safe?"

This time the ultra-rare earths were transported, Ningdongxia divided them into three groups, abc group three.

The goods of Group A are completely fake! They are all fake ultra-rare earths! Group A deliberately revealed them to the hostile forces to attract their firepower.

The real ultra-rare earth cargo was secretly transported by groups b and c...

On the other end of the phone, the subordinate reported, "Group B is safe and has shipped goods out of Sujiang Province...but Group C is in trouble...Su Universe has already reflected it, and he has now completely blocked Sujiang Province...We are still

The remaining half of the freight cannot be sent out!"

Hearing this, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Universe blocked Sujiang Province in advance?

This did not surprise her.

Group C cannot be transported out, which is a problem.

"Hide the goods first and wait for the opportunity before sending them out." Ning Dongxia said in a cold voice.

"Yes." On the other end of the phone, the man nodded solemnly.

Ning Dongxia then hung up the phone.

It seems that she has to stay in Suzhou for a while.

She could not leave until the goods of Group C were safely sent out of Sujiang Province.

"Ning Dongxia, the goods have been grabbed. When will the things you promised me be completed?" At this moment, Chen Xiu had already stepped forward and looked at her with cold eyes.

Ning Dongxia promised him that he would help Ning Dongxia snatch ultra-rare earth resources, and Ning Dongxia would help him cure his brother.

This is the basis for their cooperation.

At this time, the ultra-rare earths have been successfully snatched.

It's Ning Dongxia's turn to fulfill her promise.

Ning Dongxia's pretty face was calm and she glanced at Chen Xiu lightly.

"What if I say, someone doesn't want your brother to regain his sanity?" Ning Dongxia suddenly spoke profoundly.

Chen Xiu's pupils froze and he grabbed her neck, "Who?"

"Ghost King." Ning Dongxia said in a calm voice, "Two days ago, I reached a cooperation agreement with him. His Huangquan organization...helped me obtain ultra-rare earths at all costs. But the Ghost King only has one request, which is that I don't want to be cured.

Good morning, brother."

As soon as these words came out, the air suddenly became cold.

Chen Xiu's pupils shrank... with an unprecedented killing intent!

Underworld...Ghost King!?

"So you agreed to him?" Chen Xiu pinched Ning Dongxia's neck a little deeper.

Ning Dongxia's pretty face turned pale because she couldn't breathe.

When the bodyguards around him saw something was wrong, they all took out their firearms and aimed at Chen Xiu!

"Put down Ning Dong immediately!!" A group of bodyguards locked guns on Chen Xiu, tit for tat!

The scene was depressing and suddenly cold!

But Chen Xiu didn't listen to the bodyguards.

He pinched Ning Dongxia's neck and said coldly, "Whoever dares to take a step forward, I will break her neck."

The scene is stalemate.

But Ning Dongxia did not resist.

"Aren't you curious why the Ghost King wants to prevent your brother Chen Xing from recovering his IQ memory?" Ning Dongxia asked in a weak voice.

Chen Xiu's cold and murderous eyes... flashed with a trace of complexity and surprise, "Why?"

He really couldn't guess what Huang Quan and the Ghost King were thinking.

This ghost king acted erratically... making it difficult for Chen Xiu to predict.

Ning Dongxia's pretty face was weak, and she said slowly, "Actually, I don't know the reason... I'm also curious, why does the Ghost King prevent Chen Xing from recovering his memory? What does he want to hide?"

"So, I decided to cure your brother and restore his memory. This way we can know what the Ghost King wants to hide." Ning Dongxia said calmly.

Chen Xiu stared at her for a long time.

Finally he let go of her neck.

"Cough cough cough!" Ning Dongxia gasped and coughed, and two deep bruises appeared on her fair neck.

She was about to suffocate when her neck was caught just now.

"You really don't care about women at all." Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes gave him a cold, white look, and her tone was resentful.

"Stop talking nonsense and prepare for treatment." Chen Xiu stared at her and said.

Ning Dongxia was not ambiguous. At this time, she moved a brain-computer interface surgical instrument from the car.

This time, she will join forces with Chen Xiu again... to diagnose and treat Chen Xing!

Ning Dongxia would not be stupid enough to agree to the Ghost King's request.

Her cooperation with the Ghost King was based on mutual use.

After the Ghost King cooperated, he sent people to rob her of ultra-rare earths...

Then after she cooperates, she will definitely cure Chen Xing's disease.

Ning Dongxia vaguely felt that the reason for Chen Xing's stupidity... was not simple.

Only by curing him can we know what the ghost king is hiding.

Medical equipment was carried into the tent.

His younger brother Chen Xing was sleeping. Chen Xiu used silver needles to seal his acupuncture points so that he could remain in a deep sleep coma and not be awakened by the treatment.

"What can you do to cure Ah Xing?" Chen Xiu asked with a cold voice.

Ning Dongxia solemnly said, "Some time ago, through the whole brain cell screening of the brain-computer interface, I have discovered the cause of your brother's brain lesions. There was inflammation and damage in the memory area of ​​his hippocampus. A large number of virus cells grew, and in

His brain is full of bacteria and viruses. These viruses must be removed before he can be cured."

"These viruses and bacteria have completely grown and adhered to your brother's brain cells. My Western medicine cannot completely remove them. You also know that Western medicine is very effective and overbearing. If I want to kill your brother's brain,

The only way to remove the viruses and bacteria in the body is through chemotherapy, which is a powerful sterilization method. But this method will also kill your brother’s original normal brain cells. By then, your brother will probably be brain-dead, and the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Hearing this, Chen Xiu's face became solemn.

"My traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture can do this. The Nine-turn Resurrection Needle can separate viruses from brain cells and kill virus cells." Chen Xiu said in a solemn voice.

Ning Dongxia nodded, "That's what I mean, this time I will

The doctor is the assistant, and you are the primary therapist. I need to make use of your traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture skills. The medical effect of traditional Chinese medicine is gentler and not as overbearing as Western medicine. To save your brother this time, I can only rely on your acupuncture."

After the two communicated and communicated, the operation began soon!

Integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Ningdongxia has opened up medical equipment.

Chen Xiu took out the silver needle.

The Nine-turn Resurrection Needle requires a total of 108 silver needles!

Chen Xiu had hundreds of silver needles hidden in his body. At this time, he sterilized each silver needle with alcohol...and then inserted it into his brother's acupuncture points one by one!

Chinese medicine is soft, Western medicine is domineering.

This has always been the view in medicine.

The effects of traditional Chinese medicine are gentle and cause little damage to the body.

As for Western medicine, the effects of medicine and surgery are too overbearing. Although Western medicine has obvious and immediate effects... it does great damage to the body.

Sometimes, when faced with special illnesses, only Chinese medicine can save them.

The silver needle penetrates the body.

Chen Xiu inserted all 108 silver needles into his younger brother's body.

Then he began to twist and lift the silver needle skillfully.

His technique is extremely gorgeous, and the silver needles are like silver threads in his hands.

Each silver needle is inserted into a different acupuncture point, and then twisted...change a degree.

Traditional Chinese medicine examines the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body, which is completely different from the method of Western medicine.

Ning Dongxia used medical equipment to carefully observe the condition of patient Chen Xing's brain cells...

Chen Xiu is using acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine internal energy to separate the viruses and normal brain cells in Chen Xiu's brain.

Time passed minute by minute.

It's already noon.

Chen Xiu's forehead was covered with sweat, and he continued to use silver needles to kill the virus.

At this time, the silver needles had turned dark black.

These are viruses and bacteria... extracted from the brain and adsorbed on the silver needles.

Chen Xiu threw away all the 108 black silver needles.

Then he replaced a new batch of silver needles to kill the virus in his brother's body again.

My younger brother Chen Xing was lying in the tent. Although he was unconscious, his face was shaking slightly and you could feel that... he was in pain.

The newly replaced 108 silver needles... turned black again.

That's a lot of viruses and bacteria... adsorbed on the surface of the silver needle.

Chen Xiu replaced another batch of silver needles.

Ning Dongxia was on the side, carefully observing the operation.

This was her first time to see the magic of traditional Chinese medicine at such a close distance.

Chinese medicine is so extensive and profound that it can even treat such difficult-to-diagnose and treat conditions.

And at this moment.

Suddenly...the unconscious Chen Xing...suddenly opened his eyes.

He held his head hard...the pain felt like it was exploding!

"Uh ah...!" Chen Xing's face was twisted and ferocious.

"Calm him down!" Ning Dongxia reminded solemnly from the side, "Most of the virus in his brain has been cleared... In the hippocampus, the memories that originally belonged to him... are gradually recovering... He is suffering the destruction of memory.

The pain! It seems that there are too many painful scenes in his memory..."

Chen Xing's memory is recovering bit by bit!

But he is also suffering from severe pain!

After amnesia, memory recovery is a very painful process.

Countless memories that make you feel pain, sadness...joy...despair will all flood into your mind again...

In your mind, you seem to be reliving those painful or beautiful experiences... all over again!

Many patients with amnesia often lose their memory because they have experienced despair and pain, and finally their brains cannot bear it.

After they lose their memory, most people will choose to continue to lose their memory. In their subconscious, they do not want to remember that cruel past...

Therefore, many patients with amnesia cannot be cured for life because they choose to continue to lose their memory...

At this time, Chen Xing is suffering from the pain of this kind of memory destruction!

Looking at Chen Xing struggling in pain... As the elder brother, Chen Xiu also had red eyes.

But he did not stop and continued acupuncture treatment.

He tapped his brother's acupuncture points to calm him down.

Chen Xing must recover his memory.

Whether it is for the revival of the Chen family, or to uncover Chen Xing's unknown and tragic past in the past seven years... he must restore his memory!

"Uh ah...!!" Chen Xing's brain was in constant pain as if it was exploding!

Chen Xiu continued to perform acupuncture surgeries on his younger brother.

The silver needles gradually turned gray...

Chen Xiu pulled out the silver needles, changed a new set and continued to insert them into his brother's acupuncture points...

Gradually, the color of the silver needle becomes lighter and lighter, from gray...to light gray...and then...eventually the silver needle will not change color!

The infection and inflammation virus in my brother's mind has been completely eliminated!

And Chen Xing... couldn't bear the pain of this memory. He covered his head and couldn't bear it... fell into a deep coma on the spot...

"Don't wake him up, let him sleep for a while. See if he can remember anything after waking up." Ning Dongxia said solemnly from the side.

Chen Xiu looked at his unconscious brother with tears in his eyes.

He covered his brother with a quilt, and then... slowly walked out of the tent.

Chen Xiu came to the side of the virgin forest, squatted down, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

Only smoking can calm his mood.

Ning Dongxia walked aside and glanced at him lightly, "Won't you give me one?"

Chen Xiu took out a cigarette from his soft Chinese cigarette case and handed it to Ning Dongxia.

Ning Dongxia lit it up and took a deep breath.

"Ahem, cough, cough." She choked a few times and curled her lips and said, "This soft Chinese is really hard to smoke. It can't be compared with ladies' cigarettes."

Chen Xiu ignored her and squatted on the ground smoking a cigarette.

"Are you looking forward to it? If there are no mistakes in this treatment, your brother should be able to remember everything when he wakes up." Ning Dongxia said calmly.

"Thank you." Chen Xiu blew out a smoke ring and replied with two words.

Thanks to Ning Dongxia's assistance this time, he would not have been able to cure his brother by himself.

"Don't rush to say thank you yet. Your brother hasn't woken up yet. It won't be too late to say 'thank you' when he wakes up." Ning Dongxia said calmly.

The two of them just smoked and waited for a long time.

But throughout the afternoon, Chen Xing fell into a deep coma... and never woke up.

Until late afternoon.

Ding Xuecai suddenly ran over anxiously and reported anxiously, "Director Ning...Mr. Chen...Chen Xing...he's awake!"

Brush~! After hearing this, Chen Xiu's face hardened and he rushed towards the tent.

Ning Dongxia also condensed her beautiful eyes slightly, turned around and followed!

This chapter has been completed!
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