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Chapter 517 Fathers grievance!

Chen Xiu's pupils froze, and he slowly opened the encrypted file in the USB flash drive!

In the first encrypted document, after clicking it... there is a special df document inside.

Clicking on the document...a line labeled "Death Certificate of Criminal Chen Jinhuo" suddenly appeared!

Brush~! Seeing this document, the expressions of Chen Xiu and his younger brother Chen Xing changed. Is this document the death certificate of their father?

Chen Xiu slowly pulled down the death certificate document. When he looked at the content on the document... Chen Xiu's expression finally changed suddenly!

This document is dated seven years ago, which exactly matches the cause of my father's death.

The document records the cause of his father's death... Everyone thought that their father, Chen Jinhuo, was shot.

Because my father committed a capital crime back then, according to normal laws in the hot summer, he could only be punished by firing squad.

But at this time, the document in front of me showed that...the cause of his father's death was poisoning?!

This document is the result of the forensic examination that year. All autopsy results are recorded in the following documents...

Criminal suspect Chen Jinhuo

Place of death: Jinling City No. 7 Detention Center.

Autopsy type autopsy, laboratory analysis.

Conclusion of the cause of death: The deceased took a large amount of highly toxic traditional Chinese medicines such as cinnabar, aconite, aconite, mercury... The internal organs were penetrated by the poison, and he died of massive internal hemorrhage.

The apparent motive for death was suicide, but the possibility of homicide was not ruled out.

In the document, there are also photos of the scene taken when my father committed suicide...

When they saw the photo, the eyes of the brothers Chen Xiu were red.

Lu Yuanyuan's face was complex and pale at the side.

Looking at this forensic autopsy document...

The faces of Chen Xiu and his younger brother Chen Xing were as solemn as ever!

At that time, they all thought that their father was shot to death...

Because when my father was arrested in Jinling, the whole of Jinling was under lockdown...

Chen Xiu and his younger brother couldn't enter Jinling at all... so they didn't know the situation in Jinling...

But at this time, when they saw the autopsy report, the two brothers' expressions suddenly hardened!

Unexpectedly, my father died of poisoning?!

According to the forensic autopsy report... my father died of severe poisoning from traditional Chinese medicine.

The forensic doctor was unable to determine whether Chen Jinhuo committed suicide or was murdered.

Chen Xiu and his brother looked at each other.

"Cinnabar, Aconite, Aconite, Mercury... My father would never have used these materials to make poison during his lifetime. This is not like our Chen family's traditional Chinese medicine poison recipe... It is not like my father's method." His younger brother Chen Xing was silent.

After a long time, he finally spoke.

Chen Xiu was silent for a long time, and then slowly said, "According to dad's character, it is impossible for him to commit suicide by taking poison. Back then, he was still trying to commit crimes and appeal to Kyoto. How could he commit suicide in prison?"

Chen Xing's face condensed, "So... dad didn't commit suicide?! Dad died of suicide?!"

At this moment, the air was filled with solemnity!

Chen Xiu lit up a cigarette and took a deep breath. "Someone knew that my father would overturn the verdict, so after my father was sentenced to death and a few months before the execution, he deliberately poisoned me to death."

Coming to this conclusion, the Chen brothers looked solemn and cold.

Back then, their father Chen Jinhuo committed a capital crime in Jinling.

But my father did not plead guilty, but kept appealing his grievance!

But in the end, my father died. He died in Jinling.

At that time, the two brothers Chen Xiu had no idea how their father died, and they could not even see their father's body.

Back then, Chen Xiu was still the God of War in the Western War Zone.

He used his contacts in the war zone to find out that his father's death was probably related to the top ten aristocratic families in Jinling...

So, he went to Jinling to kill...

Make a big fuss in Jinling.

Later, he committed a felony and was expelled from the military.

After many twists and turns, he later joined Shanhai Pavilion and became a secret agent.

Look at this death certificate.

Brother Chen Xiu looked solemn and cold.

My father's death could never be suicide.

I would like to ask, would a person who wants to appeal and reverse the verdict suddenly commit suicide by taking poison?

This is totally inconsistent with my father’s motivation!

Even if my father died, he should have been shot.

He committed suicide by taking poison before being shot.

It was obviously homicide!

Back then, someone didn't want his father to overturn his conviction! He didn't want his father to live.

"Brother...who do you think murdered dad?" Chen Xing asked solemnly.

Chen Xiu's face was condensed, and he shook his head slowly, "Since ancient times, Jinling has been a place with heavy military forces, and the forces are entangled in complicated ways... But the top ten financial groups cover the sky with one hand, and my father's death, no matter what... is inseparable from the top ten financial groups and families.


There are ten major financial groups in Jinling. They are the top financial groups in the entire East China region! They have trillions of assets! When these ten major financial groups join forces, their assets are almost as rich as that of a small country.

My father died unjustly in Jinling. This matter must be related to the top ten aristocratic families.

"Brother, when you made a big fuss in Jinling, didn't you find any clues?" Chen Xing asked solemnly.

Chen Xiu looked complicated and shook his head slowly, "Back then, I killed three consortium families in a row and tried to get clues from them, but they were too stubborn and couldn't get anything out..."

Chen Xiu's words were spoken calmly, but when Lu Yuanyuan heard it, he was extremely shocked...

Did Brother Chen Xiu make a big fuss in Jinling back then?

You know, Jincheng is an important place for military strategists. It has been a rich land in the south of the Yangtze River since ancient times, and aristocratic families are rampant...

A place where all kinds of powerful plutocrats are everywhere.


Brother Xiu can actually cause trouble in Jinling??

And also destroyed three financial groups??

What is the concept of consortium?

In the hot summer, it is not simple for anyone to be called a 'rich family'!

Those are all super capital families with a net worth of trillions!

Brother Chen Xiu...is he so powerful??

Lu Yuanyuan's pretty face was confused. She felt as if she had come into contact with another world that did not belong to her.

Chen Xiu continued to open the next document.

The next document is an electronic photo of a handwritten blood letter!

The handwriting in the photo of this bloody letter turned out to be my father’s notes!

I don’t know where the original copy of the blood letter is, but in this document, Forbes used high-definition photos to capture the contents of the blood letter.

Letter content appeal!

The major supervisory departments in the imperial capital and the leaders of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association! I, Chen Jinhuo... reported the top ten financial groups in Jinling with my real name! They teamed up to frame me... They deliberately created highly toxic Chinese medicine packets and replaced my original Chinese medicine... causing me to miss.

Poisoning that patient... was a big mistake! All of this was framed by the top ten aristocratic families behind my back! I reported it with my real name... I have found important criminal evidence of the top ten aristocratic families...

But the content of this bloody letter only contained a few short lines.

The remaining half... seems to have been torn off.

Looking at this bloody letter, Chen Xiu and Chen Xing's expressions suddenly condensed.

Both brothers have murderous intent in their eyes!

This bloody letter is my father's note.

In the letter, my father has already named him... saying that the top ten financial groups framed him!

At that time, my father went to Jinling to treat the stubborn illness of a big man.

But in the end, during the treatment process, the big shot was killed by him.

Later, the investigation team discovered a large number of uncommon and highly toxic medicinal materials among the ingredients of my father's Chinese medicinal materials!

The father was immediately arrested and brought to justice. He was sentenced to death for poisoning the big shot!

Witnesses and physical evidence at the scene are there!

My father couldn't argue at all.

But after his father Chen Jinhuo was arrested, he kept complaining and appealed!

This poisoning and murder scandal shocked the entire East China region that year...

Because the identity of the big shot who was poisoned was too terrifying!

Until the end, my father died suddenly...

This time the controversy over the poisoning and murder case in Jinling finally subsided.

It seems that my father's death must be related to the top ten financial groups!

Chen Xiu opened the next document. Is it a video file?

Chen Xiu clicked on the file in confusion.

The content of the video document appeared on the laptop screen.

Fu Bo's figure... appeared in the video screen.

At this moment, Lu Yuanyuan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, with a complicated expression!

Grandpa has been missing for many years.

Now she saw her grandfather's familiar face in the video file... This made her emotionally complex and full of mixed feelings.

The video was shot in a car.

Fu Bo took his mobile phone and recorded this video.

In the video, Uncle Fu said with a solemn expression, "Eldest Master, Second Young Master... when you see this video... I may have encountered something unexpected..."

"After the master's accident, I secretly sent people to Jinling, used my connections and resources, and found some evidence clues in Jinling. The first evidence was... the master's autopsy death report. At that time, Jinling announced to the public that the master was shot and executed.

Dead. But the autopsy report clearly clarifies that the master was poisoned. Moreover, the autopsy report revealed that the composition of the poison used by the master to commit suicide was very strange. These traditional Chinese medicine poisons are not the poison-making techniques that Chen's traditional Chinese medicine is good at.

.I suspect that someone secretly made poison and then poisoned the master!"

In the video, Uncle Fu looked solemn, "I also found another clue, which is the highly toxic traditional Chinese medicine formula that the master left behind when he was accused of murder! That formula... recorded the poison formula in detail... I have

I have seen that formula! That formula... is enough to prove... that the poison was not developed by Master at all! Because that highly toxic formula was not developed by our Chen TCM doctor!"

Uncle Fu said with a complex expression, "But unfortunately... that formula... just after I obtained it through special means, it was snatched away by a mysterious woman in Aurous Hill..."

In the video, Fu Bo said in a complex voice, "That woman was masked, and she has a strong ability to steal... I couldn't catch her, but when she was fighting with my men, she accidentally left behind a jade pendant.

... That piece of jade pendant was accidentally grabbed from her neck when my men were fighting with her. On that piece of jade pendant, there is a pattern of a leaf engraved... I guess her surname may be Ye. This jade pendant is me

The jade pendant on granddaughter Lu Yuanyuan’s chest..."

After hearing what Uncle Fu said, Chen Xiu picked up the broken jade pendant in his hand.

Piecing the broken jade pendants together, sure enough... the jade pendant was carved with a leaf pattern.

Lu Yuanyuan on the side was also shocked at this time.

A few years ago, when her grandfather gave her this jade pendant, she had been curious about the meaning of the leaves on it.

Grandpa didn't explain much at that time.

Only then did Lu Yuanyuan know the reason.

This jade pendant was snatched by grandpa from that mysterious woman. This jade pendant is also a huge clue!

Following this jade pendant, it is very possible to find clues about the mysterious woman!

And that highly toxic formula is in the hands of the mysterious woman.

Chen Xiu and his younger brother Chen Xing looked at each other.

A mysterious woman, maybe her surname is Ye?

The brothers looked at the jade pendant for a long time.

In the video file, Uncle Fu's voice was solemn... he explained, "The eldest young master, the second young master... If you want to clear my name, you must find that poisonous formula! That poison formula can attract my name! And if you want to clear my name, you must find that poisonous formula!"

The forces involved behind that formula are enough to convict the top ten financial groups and families!"

Fu Bo's voice continued... But at this moment, Fu Bo's expression suddenly changed in the video!

"The eldest young master, the second young master... someone is chasing me! It's probably people from the top ten financial groups! Since I came to Aurous Hill, they have been secretly chasing me and preventing me from investigating... I want to withdraw first! Wait.

When you see this video, remember... you must find the owner of the jade pendant!"

In the video...the car suddenly started...and sped away...

At this moment, in the video, countless bullets burst out...

Fu Bo huddled in the car, and countless bullets shot through the window glass... A fierce gun battle took place in the video...

The video screen was interrupted...it went dark.

Looking at this video picture...

Lu Yuanyuan's eyes turned red, and tears couldn't stop falling.

"Did my grandfather die in Jinling? In this gunfight?" Lu Yuanyuan asked with a choked voice.

Chen Xing looked complicated and shook his head slowly, "No... Uncle Fu did not die in Jinling that year. He later managed to escape in Jinling, and then came to Gusu City to find me..."

"I was in Gusu City at that time..." Chen Xing told Lu Yuanyuan from beginning to end about Uncle Fu's death in Gusu.

She is the granddaughter of Uncle Fu, and she has the right to know the cause of her grandfather's death.

"In the end... Uncle Fu was killed by the five major traditional Chinese medicine families in Jinling in order to save me..." Chen Xing said slowly with a complex expression.

"I'm sorry! Yuanyuan! Your grandfather died because of me." Chen Xing slowly lowered his head and apologized.

Lu Yuanyuan sat there, sobbing uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face.

"I want to know if my grandfather's death is related to the top ten financial groups in Jinling?" Lu Yuanyuan asked in a complicated voice.

Chen Xing was stunned for a moment, then nodded belatedly, "It's related."

"Based on my secret investigations over the years, I found out... that the top ten aristocratic families in Jinling have probably not disappeared, but have been secretly controlling the commercial situation of the entire Sujiang Province. Including my five major families in Gusu City

The family of traditional Chinese medicine is very likely to be controlled by the top ten aristocratic families."

Two brothers, Chen Xing and Chen Xiu, have been investigating the cause of their father's death over the years, but they were not ruthless enough at the time, so they could not use gray means to investigate the clues.

After all, Uncle Fu is the old housekeeper of the Chen family, and Jiang is still very old. He immediately used gray means to go to Jinling to investigate clues. Therefore, he found many important clues.

But Forbes died in the end, and the clues were taken away.

The two brothers, Chen Xing and Chen Xiu, have gradually changed their personalities in recent years. Now the brothers have begun to use gray means to investigate.

But unfortunately seven years have passed since my father's case, and no matter how they use gray methods, they can't find much useful information.

"Yuanyuan, don't worry, we will avenge your grandfather's revenge for him!" Chen Xing couldn't bear it when he saw her crying all the time, and wanted to pat her shoulder to comfort her.

As a result, he found that his hands were still broken and he could not lift them.

He could only comfort him with words.

Lu Yuanyuan's beautiful eyes turned red, and she suddenly fell to her knees with a bang.

"Yuanyuan, what are you doing??" Chen Xing and Chen Xiu were both stunned when they saw this scene.

Chen Xing hurriedly wanted to step forward and help her up.

But Lu Yuanyuan fell to her knees and refused to get up.

"Brother Chen Xing, can you teach me martial arts... I want to learn kung fu..." Lu Yuanyuan knelt on the ground and begged solemnly.

Hearing this, Chen Xing was stunned?

The eldest brother Chen Xiu on the side was also stunned.

"Yuanyuan, learning martial arts is very complicated...and once you get involved, it's difficult to get out. Fighting in the arena is not for you." Chen Xing shook his head and refused.

This girl is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't want her to step through the gate of the world.

Jianghu is a road of no return.

Chen Xing didn't want to harm Lu Yuanyuan.

But Lu Yuanyuan knelt down and said in a solemn voice, "Brother Chen Xing... I have killed the prince of the Cui family today. Even if I don't want to join the Jianghu... Jianghu will not let me go. The people from the Cui family will not

Let me go...please teach me kung fu! I want to protect myself, my family...and protect the entire Lujia Village!"

Chen Xing looked complicated...

Indeed, Lu Yuanyuan killed the Cui family prince today, and she completely involved herself in this dispute...

"Don't worry about Cui's consortium. My eldest brother and I will take care of it. We will destroy the Cui's consortium. You will be fine," Chen Xing said.

But Lu Yuanyuan shook her head, "Even if there is no Cui Group, what if there is another Cui Group... If I don't have the ability to protect myself, those bad people will always bully and oppress us... I don't want to live like this anymore.

It’s been a long time since I was bullied and humiliated...Brother Chen Xing, please accept me as your disciple! I want to learn martial arts!"

Lu Yuanyuan knelt down and even kowtowed to Chen Xing.

Upon seeing this, Chen Xing hurriedly tried to help her up, but the girl refused to get up.

At this time, Chen Xiu who was on the side slowly stepped forward and said, "Axing, since Yuanyuan wants to learn, then you can try teaching her."

Hearing his elder brother's words, Chen Xing turned his head in surprise.

"Brother...but she is really not suitable for the world..." Chen Xing shook his head.


br> Chen Xiu lit a cigarette and said, "It's her own choice. Even if you don't teach her, she will be like a river and lake. When the time comes, she won't have the skills to defend herself, and she will be even more dangerous. Instead of doing this, it's better for you to teach her earlier.

She is good at martial arts and can defend herself well."

From the moment Lu Yuanyuan shot Cui Mobei today, she had already entered the arena.

She is no longer a simple high school girl.

After hearing what his elder brother said, Chen Xing was silent for a long time.

Then he nodded slowly, "Okay, Yuanyuan... Since you want to learn... then I... will teach you."

At this moment, Lu Yuanyuan, who was kneeling on the ground, raised her head and cried, "Really? Brother Chen Xing?!"

Chen Xing nodded, "You should go back to bed early. Get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. If you can get up, I will teach you martial arts."

"Okay!" Lu Yuanyuan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a solemn and excited voice.

She stood up tremblingly and went back to wash up and go to sleep.

That night, Chen Xiu used traditional Chinese medicine bone-setting techniques to restore the joints of his brother's hands.

Chen Xing's elbow and shoulder joints were reset.

His arm is back to normal.

Chen Xiu also used silver needles to remove the congestion in his hands to stimulate blood circulation.

Although Chen Xing's joints have been restored, his hand was broken after all.

He still has some difficulty moving his hands these days.

The next day, early in the morning.

Lu Yuanyuan got up on time as expected.

After she finished washing, when she walked out of the room, she found that Brother Chen Xing had also woken up and was sitting in the living room making tea.

Chen Xing couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that she could really get up.

"Let's go, follow me downstairs." Chen Xing took Lu Yuanyuan downstairs, and then began to instruct Lu Yuanyuan in martial arts moves on the grass downstairs.

He first taught Lu Yuanyuan the most basic way to hold the silver needle and the starting position.

I originally thought that this girl Lu Yuanyuan would be difficult to learn...

After all, not everyone can learn the hidden weapon of acupuncture, which requires a lot of skill and talent.

But I didn't expect that this girl Lu Yuanyuan would get started very quickly?

In just half an hour, this girl has already mastered the starting position of the silver needle...

Chen Xing couldn't help but be a little shocked?

This girl is also a natural talent in concealed weapon training??

What a gift.

In the morning, Lu Yuanyuan learned acupuncture for a full 2 ​​hours.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, I was discovered by my mother who was going downstairs to buy groceries.

Her mother, Wang Mei, looked at the girl in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Lu Yuanyuan explained again and again, "Ah... Mom, I'm asking Brother Chen Xing to teach me Chinese medicine... I can treat dad's leg injury in the future..."

Lu Yuanyuan said perfunctorily.

After hearing her daughter's words, Wang Mei had no doubts. She was just a little worried that her daughter and Chen Xing would leave like this... wouldn't the relationship between the two get out of control?

"It's getting late, go to school quickly." Mother reminded.

Lu Yuanyuan nodded repeatedly, got up and went upstairs.

Chen Xing also planned to leave, but was stopped by Wang Mei.

"Um, brother Xiao Chen, how old are you this year?" Wang Mei asked.

Chen Xing was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with my sister Wang who was born in 1993?"

Wang Mei nodded, "Oh...it's okay. There is a girl in the village next door to us. She was born in 1995. She is planning to go on a blind date to find a partner. Sister Wang thought to herself, she is just the right age for you. You guys

They are only 2 years apart, so they are a perfect match. The girl works as a nurse in the People's Hospital, and her job income is quite high. She has a formal establishment and good New Year benefits. The girl is also pretty. How about giving it some other time?

You two make an appointment to meet and chat."

Wang Mei is planning to find a girlfriend for Chen Xing... to save him from having his daughter Lu Yuanyuan's ideas...

Chen Xing coughed awkwardly, "Uh, no need, Sister Wang, I don't want to get married so early."

Chen Xiu directly rejected Wang Mei's kindness, then turned around and left in a hurry...

Looking at Chen Xing's leaving figure, Wang Mei sighed.

Hey, what can we do?

Chen Xing was born in 1993.

But her daughter was born in 2003!

This... there is a whole ten years difference between the two of them!

At such an old age, the two of them are definitely not suitable for each other.

Wang Mei was worried... No, she must prevent her daughter from having more contact with Chen Xing...

In the morning, Lu Yuanyuan had just arrived at school and was about to enter the school.

But she suddenly realized something was wrong??

Because there were dozens of black business vans parked outside the school gate??

Lu Yuanyuan became wary when she saw these commercial vans.

Did she sense something was wrong?

Lu Yuanyuan turned around hurriedly. She sensed danger and was about to turn around and leave!

But just when she was about to leave...suddenly, dozens of business vans were speeding up behind her!

Lu Yuanyuan was surrounded from front to back, from left to right, and blocked in the middle of the road!

Lu Yuanyuan's pretty face was anxious and panicked... She saw a large number of men in black clothes and masked faces rushing out of the van!

A group of people rushed forward and grabbed Lu Yuanyuan!

And just when Lu Yuanyuan was about to be thrown into the commercial vehicle...

Suddenly not far away, the underworld killers who had been lurking in the dark appeared!

Dozens of underworld killers rushed forward suddenly, sweeping away with long knives!

This chapter has been completed!
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