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Chapter 540 The secret of the Ye family manor!

Chen Xiu rushed directly to the top floor of the building. On the top floor of the Fortune Building, there was a private helicopter parked.

This kind of building is usually a helicopter pad, which is reserved for wealthy people to fly and enjoy themselves.

At this time, a real estate executive was holding a third-tier female star around the waist, slowly getting on the helicopter, and was preparing to take the female star for an aerial shock.

But at this moment, Chen Xiu suddenly doted on the rooftop. Without saying a word, he pulled the boss and the female star out of the helicopter cabin and threw them out of the cabin.

The helicopter pilot was also thrown out before he could react...

"What are you doing?! This is my plane!!" The real estate boss was angry and rushed forward and cursed!

Chen Xiu ignored him and started the helicopter directly.

"Boom~!" The helicopter took off and flew towards the primeval forest in the mountains 80 kilometers away...

Twenty minutes later, in the suburbs, in the primeval forest. .??.

Ning Dongxia drove and fled quickly with her secretary Ding Xue...

Behind her, dozens of off-road vehicles were chasing her!!

There are still dozens of black-blooded genetic experts chasing after him!

In the rear, the mechanical body of the princess in red is behind the palace, covering Ning Dongxia's evacuation!

Her mechanical body retreated on one side and followed closely behind the business van. On the other side... she brandished the long knife in her hand and started fighting towards the rear like crazy!

Several genetic experts tried to approach her, but they were all forced back by her long sword!

At this time, another genetic strongman rushed from the side! Trying to sneak attack!

The princess in red turned around suddenly, and a terrifying infrared ray shot out from her eyes!

"Zi...!" The terrifying infrared rays shot directly towards the genetically powerful man!

The genetically strong man's pupils shrank...he dodges to the left!

He originally thought that the robot's laser... would be shot towards his body, so he instinctively ducked to the left.

But the result was unexpected...the robot's laser...was originally shooting towards the left!

The evasive movements of this genetically strong man were predicted in advance by the princess in red! So she attacked in the direction he was avoiding in advance!

"Poof...!" The infrared laser with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees... shot hard into the chest of the genetically powerful man!

No matter how strong this genetically strong man is, he can't withstand this blow!

His chest was shot through by two lasers...his heart was blasted...black blood as black as ink spurted out from his chest!

The gene strong man's pupils shrank, he couldn't believe it... and his body fell hard to the ground.

The mechanical body of the princess in red has extremely strong combat power, even stronger than these black-blood gene powerhouses.

If there weren't a large number of people present, the princess in red could have killed her.

Ahead, an off-road vehicle suddenly jumped out from the side... trying to intercept Ning Dongxia's car.

Ning Dongxia was cruel and stepped on the accelerator of her high heels!

The commercial vehicle hit the off-road vehicle with a "boom!" sound!

The entire off-road vehicle was hit and flew away!

But ahead, several off-road vehicles rushed out from the side!

Trying to block the way!

The red princess' mechanical body jumped into the air, leaped in front of the commercial vehicle, and then lasers shot out of her eyes!

"Boom...! Boom...!!" Lasers hit the fuel tanks of the off-road vehicles one after another, and the off-road vehicles exploded one after another!

"Why hasn't that guy come yet?!" Ning Dongxia said anxiously while driving!

She can't hold it anymore...!

But at this moment! Suddenly, the roar of a helicopter came from above!

Ning Dongxia raised her head and looked out the car window while driving!

"Rumble...!!" I saw a helicopter hovering from a distance hundreds of meters above!

At the same time, she received a text message on WeChat

Chen Xiu, I'm here.

This guy finally arrived.

For some reason, when she saw this man appear, Ning Dongxia's worried heart suddenly relaxed, and all her worries were gone.

Gradually, she has developed absolute trust in this man.

On the helicopter, a rope ladder was lowered.

Chen Xiu tried to let Ning Dongxia climb up through the rope ladder.

But just a few minutes after the rope ladder was lowered... Su Universe's thugs opened fire... directly interrupting the rope ladder...

At this time, Su Universe below also looked ferocious.

"Fire! Shoot down that helicopter for me!!" Su Universe shouted angrily!

Suddenly, the thugs below suddenly raised their guns, locked their guns and aimed them at the helicopter in the sky, and opened fire...!!

"Ta-ta-ta!" Countless bullets flew into the air, trying to knock the helicopter down!

Several hundred meters above the ground, Chen Xiu was driving a helicopter with an indifferent expression.

The rope ladder was interrupted and he could not reach Ning Dongxia.

Chen Xiu held a cigarette in his mouth and glanced at the dark sea of ​​people below.

In the sea of ​​people and the motorcade, Su Yuzhou was sitting in the car in the middle, directing everything.

Chen Xiu blew out a smoke ring, and he just kept doing nothing... He drove the helicopter fiercely and dived towards the crowd of people on the ground below!

At the same time, Chen Xiu suddenly jumped out of the plane and fled at the critical moment!

In the sea of ​​people below, Su Universe and a group of his men were shooting wildly at the helicopter above...

But who knows the outcome... The helicopter suddenly went crazy and dived hard towards the ground below them...!!

Seeing this scene, Su Universe's expression suddenly changed!!

But he and his men had no time to react...

"Boom...!" The helicopter has crashed into the sea of ​​people...

The moment the helicopter's fuel tank collided with the ground... it exploded instantly, and flames swept into the sky!

"Boom...boom...!!" The explosion was shocking...!!

The sea of ​​countless people behind was instantly overwhelmed by the explosion and fire...!!

Several genetic warriors had no time to escape... and were swallowed up by this terrifying explosion!

"Crack...!!" When Ning Dongxia saw the explosion behind her, she slammed on the brakes and looked at the sea of ​​fire behind her in shock!

At this time, Ning Dongxia didn't care about the danger and suddenly opened the door and got out of the car!

"Dr. Ning, don't go down, it's dangerous!" Secretary Ding Xue reminded anxiously from the passenger seat.

But Ning Dongxia went and ignored him, just opened the door and got out of the car.

"Chen Xiu...!!" She anxiously rushed towards the sea of ​​explosion fire behind!

She thought that Chen Xiu also fell with the helicopter, so Ning Dongxia was completely panicked and rushed towards the sea of ​​​​fire!

Seeing this, a group of remaining thugs from the Soviet Union rushed in all around... trying to capture Ning Dongxia.

The red princess's mechanical body flashed forward, and the infrared laser shot through the bodies of the thugs!

But her power consumption has been excessive, and she only has 25% of power left.

"Master, you shouldn't go there, it's very dangerous there." The mechanical voice of the princess in red reminded solemnly.

But Ning Dongxia ignored it and rushed directly to the scene of the helicopter explosion.

"Chen Xiu...! Come out! Didn't you agree to save me?! How can you save me like this?!" Ning Dongxia's eyes were a little red and filled with mist...

Even she herself didn't know why she felt the urge to cry at this moment.

If something happens to Chen Xiu, that is not the result she wants to see!

Several more genetic warriors rushed up from all around.

The princess in red intercepted them directly and fought a bloody battle with the genetic warriors.

Ning Dongxia found a fire extinguisher from the car and tried to put out the blazing flames... and wanted to rescue Chen Xiu from inside!

You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you die.

Ning Dongxia shouted as she rushed into the sea of ​​flames with a fire extinguisher.

But at this moment, a voice came from behind her, "What are you shouting? I'm here."

Ning Dongxia was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw Chen Xiu holding a cigarette in his mouth, one hand in his trouser pocket, and calmly walking out of the bushes on the side.

Just before the helicopter crashed, he had already jumped out of the plane and escaped.


Is it okay to see Chen Xiu?

Ning Dongxia's hanging heart relaxed a little...

"Are you... okay?" Ning Dongxia's eyes turned red. She wiped away a trace of mist from the corner of her eyes and threw away the fire extinguisher in her hand.

"Are you crying?" Chen Xiu asked, staring into her eyes.

"No." Ning Dongxia shook her head and denied, "How could I cry? I was just worried that you would die. It's a pity that I don't have a bodyguard."

A smile flashed across Chen Xiu's lips, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Chen Xiu glanced at the exploding sea of ​​fire...

Countless people were swallowed up and surrounded by a sea of ​​fire...

And Su Universe was also surrounded and devoured by the fire...

"Su Universe is probably dead." Chen Xiu stared at the raging fire and said calmly, "It gave him an advantage."

Hearing this, Ning Dongxia's pretty face was a little complicated.

Originally, they wanted to use Su Yuzhou to investigate the identity of the force behind him.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by the bomb now.

Su Universe's death was a little too easy.

At this time, several more gene warriors rushed up from all around...

Without saying a word, Chen Xiu raised his hand and shot out a silver needle.

Directly blast away several genetic warriors who rushed up!


With that said, he stepped forward and took Ning Dongxia's hand, leading her directly towards the business car.

The princess in red is almost out of battery at this time, with only 4 battery left.

Although this thing is powerful, its battery life is really poor. Ning Dongxia has just developed this robot, and it is not yet able to achieve long battery life.

The princess in red dragged the mechanical body and slowly followed her into the car.

The business car sped away...

And not long after Ning Dongxia and the others left...

In the raging sea of ​​fire, Su Universe's body was trembling... and he crawled out from the blazing ruins!

The helicopter explosion did not kill him.

Because he had been sitting in a bullet-proof bicycle just now, when the helicopter exploded, the huge shock wave was resisted by the shell of the bullet-proof bicycle, and a large part of the shock wave was eliminated...

This is why Su Universe survived by luck.

It's just that although he is alive at this time, it is worse than death.

He climbed out of the sea of ​​fire tremblingly, and the skin all over his body...had been twisted by the fire...

Even though he had practiced wearing the golden bell and iron shirt... he still couldn't withstand the intense heat of the fire...

The skin all over the body was burned, deformed and melted...

Su Universe was covered in blood, and his skin and blood-colored muscles that had been burned by the fire could be seen.

"Poof!" Su Universe climbed out of the sea of ​​fire. Unable to bear it any longer, a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

At this time, the rescue personnel rushed to the scene.

When they saw King Su covered in blood and his skin was burned and twisted, the expressions of all his subordinates changed!

"King Su...!!" A group of subordinates rushed forward with anxious expressions and helped Su Yuzhou up from the ground.

At this time, Su Universe was in extremely miserable condition, covered in blood.

He was taken to the nearest hospital by emergency ambulance for treatment...

That night, a large group of Jinling City's top doctors gathered together and spent more than ten hours to finally rescue Su Yuzhou from the gate of hell...

Su Universe's skin was scorched all over his body, and even the skin on his face was charred. .??.

His whole body was wrapped in white bandages and he was lying on the bed in a miserable state.

"King Su... your skin tissue... has been burned and destroyed in large areas... I'm afraid... I'm afraid it can't be restored... We can only perform plastic surgery on you... It is expected... that it will take half a month for treatment..."

The director and a large group of hospital executives stood in front of the hospital bed, reporting in complicated voices.

When he heard the dean's report, Su Yuyu lay on the bed and was so angry that his whole body was shaking!

Because he was angry, the wound on his body burst open again, and the blood stained the white gauze wrapped around him red...

"King Su...you must not get emotional...please rest assured that we will definitely cure you!" The deans hurriedly stepped forward to persuade.

Su Universe raised his head tremblingly and glanced at his lower body...

His lower body was also tied with white gauze. He asked tremblingly, "My... my lifeblood... is it still intact??"

This is what he is most worried about!

The fire from the helicopter explosion swallowed him whole!

Even if he wears a golden bell and an iron cloth shirt, he can't withstand the terrifying fire... What Su Universe is most worried about at this time... is his third leg!

This is his lifeblood, proving that he is a real tool for men!

In front of the hospital bed, the deans looked complicated and said hesitantly, "King Su... you... your life was saved, but... the fire was too fierce... your roots and testicles... were completely burned by the fire...

The function of the organ has been completely lost...I'm afraid...you will never be able to use it again for the rest of your life..."


In front of the ward, when Su Yuzhou heard these words, his whole body trembled! It was like being struck by lightning!!

For him, this was like a bolt from the blue!!

He, Su Universe, had conquered countless women throughout his life...but at this moment he was told that his lower body...was completely destroyed??

From now on, he will never be able to become a real man??!!

"No...no...!! Uh-huh...!!" Su Universe lay on the bed and howled angrily!!

His lower body was shaking violently, and the wound burst open again... blood continued to overflow along the white gauze, dyeing the white gauze on his leg red...

"Chen Xiu...Ning Dongxia...!! Uh...I'm going to make you die a miserable death!!" Su Universe roared to the sky!!

That night, Su Yuzhou issued a province-wide arrest warrant!

He printed out all the photos of Chen Xiu, Ning Dongxia, Chen Xing... Ding Xue and others and released them to the whole province!

These people are wanted across the province!

Moreover, Su Universe also ordered the entire city’s Ministry of Commerce to impose martial law!

Severely arrest everyone wearing sunglasses, caps and masks.

He will never let Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu go, he must catch them this time!

Night, suburban factory base.

Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu looked a little solemn.

"Su Universe is not dead. He issued a province-wide arrest warrant and mobilized all black and white forces in the province to arrest us throughout the province. Starting tomorrow, it will probably be more difficult for us to enter and leave the city," Ning Dongxia said in a complicated voice.


Chen Xiu sat on a chair, holding a cigarette and said calmly, "What are you afraid of?"

He turned and glanced at his brother beside him, "Is there any way?"

My younger brother Chen Xing was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I can make a few human skin masks and wear them on my face. As long as you don't look closely at them, you won't be able to tell the difference. You can wear human skin masks and travel in disguise."


That night, Chen Xing made several human skin masks overnight.

The next day, Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu put on their human skin masks and went out.

After putting on human skin masks, the two of them put makeup on their faces, completely changing their appearance so that they would not be recognized.

Chen Xiu took Ning Dongxia to visit Doctor Ye's old house again.

This manor had been haunted before, and Chen Xiu didn't believe in evil spirits, so this time, he planned to take Ning Dongxia to explore it again.

After all, Ning Dongxia has a lot of high-tech technologies, and he wants to see if he can use these high-tech technologies to detect some important clues.


Chen Xiu drove and took Ning Dongxia to the door of the Ye family manor.

But when he first arrived at the door of Ye's Manor, he found that there was a large sea of ​​thugs stationed in front of Ye's Manor.

A large group of heavily armed thugs were stationed at the gate of the manor.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiu hurriedly parked the commercial vehicle not far away to prevent being discovered.

It seems that since the last time he came to Ye Family Manor, his whereabouts have been discovered by Su Universe.

So this time, Su Universe sent a large number of thugs to surround the house.

However, Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia were already prepared. They disguised themselves as court staff and came to the house to survey the dimensions of the house... planning to hold another court auction.

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia got out of the car, each holding a

A suitcase, walking directly towards the door of Ye's house.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Several black off-road vehicles were parked outside the gate of the house, and a group of thugs were sitting in the vehicles and squatting guard.

Seeing someone approaching, the thugs quickly got out of the car and stopped Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia.

However, at this time, Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia had both changed their faces, so their facial features had become different, and the thugs did not recognize them.

"We are from the Jinling Court. We are here to re-measure the dimensions of the Ye family manor. We are going to re-auction the house." Ye Mucha took out her work permit and said coldly.

Chen Xiu glanced at the group of thugs and asked coldly, "Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

After all, these thugs are not public officials, and the Ye family villa is also an asset seized by the court, so they dare not do anything. They can only find excuses and say, "We...we are looking for someone here."

When they saw public officials, the thugs did not dare to stop them and quickly let them go.

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia walked into the Ye family manor so easily.

Entering the Ye family manor, Ning Dongxia confirmed that the group of thugs had not followed.

Then she opened the suitcase and took out the survey equipment inside.

She used a high-definition camera to take pictures of the on-site structure of Ye's house, as well as pictures of the dust on the ground... and pictures of the remaining traces of the crime scene...

Ning Dongxia is extremely careful and does not miss any detail.

After filming the video in high definition, she uploaded it to AI artificial intelligence, allowing the princess in red to conduct on-site analysis and investigation.

Sometimes, the logical thinking ability of the human brain is limited and cannot be compared with that of a computer.

So Chen Xiu plans to use artificial intelligence to investigate the Ye family residence.

While analyzing the data, Ning Dongxia also looked at the house curiously, only to find that the whole house seemed strange and gloomy?

Ning Dongxia followed Chen Xiu to the ancient well in the backyard.

But this time, there was no haunting incident happening in the backyard.

The female ghost in white has not appeared again?

Chen Xiu is confused??

He came to the ancient well and looked down. Inside the ancient well... it was completely dry.

There is a strong stench inside...

The well water inside has long since dried up.

"You said that day that the female ghost...climbed out of this well?" Ning Dongxia asked.

Chen Xiu nodded, "I went down to investigate the bottom of the well that day. The stench at the bottom of the well came from the decay of dead rats. There were many dead rats in there, which had been rotting for a long time."

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were deep and she looked around.

She turned on the detection equipment and began to check whether there were any special magnetic field fluctuations at the scene.

If there really is a ghost in this world, then her appearance should be accompanied by special magnetic field fluctuations.

But at this time, the magnetic field fluctuations in the house were very calm, and no special magnetic field appeared.

Ning Dongxia checked the entire house and found nothing abnormal.

"The magnetic field at the scene is very stable, which can basically rule out the possibility of a female ghost. There are no ghosts in this world." Ning Dongxia said in a condensed voice, "Could the female ghost you saw be an illusion?"

Chen Xiu shook his head, "I can feel the pain in my body, it shouldn't be an illusion."

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were deep and complex, and she couldn't figure out who the mysterious female ghost in white was.

"Could it be... someone pretending to be a female ghost?" She suddenly said again.

Chen Xiu's face was solemn, "That day, I chopped off her head with one knife... The blood spattered, and her headless body could still move, and her head fell to the ground but she was still alive... She couldn't be pretending to be someone."

This time, even Ning Dongxia was confused.

"But she didn't show up today." Ning Dongxia murmured deeply, "According to what you said... that female ghost seems to be preventing you from detecting the Ye family residence? But today we came to detect again, why didn't she

To stop it?"

Ning Dongxia slowly speculated, "Could it be...that I have a detection device now, so...she doesn't dare to show up? Is she afraid that her true identity will be captured by my detection device and the secret will be exposed?"

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed.

It is indeed possible.

At this moment, the red princess' mechanically hoarse voice came from the laptop, "Master, based on the video photos of the scene, I restored a 3D structure diagram of the scene."

Ning Dongxia hurriedly opened her laptop and clicked to view.

I saw a 3D virtual structure diagram appearing on the LCD screen!

This structural diagram is completely restored based on the shape of the Ye family manor!


"Master, according to the structural diagram and the photos you uploaded, in this Ye family manor... there used to be platforms dedicated to grinding things, but that platform has been demolished and all traces have been erased...

…Only on the bluestone floor, I found some remaining traces.”

On the computer, the princess in red opened the restored scene picture.

Looking at the 3D site structure diagram, Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu looked at each other.

"What is this platform for? Do you know?" Ning Dongxia asked in confusion.

This platform looks like a tool used by traditional Chinese medicine. Ning Dongxia doesn’t study traditional Chinese medicine, so he doesn’t understand it.

Chen Xiu's eyes were solemn, staring at the 3D structure diagram on the computer.

He said in a solemn voice, "It's used to make poison."


When she heard the word 'poison making', Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes froze?!

This chapter has been completed!
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