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Chapter 545 The Origin of the Ancient Martial Powerful Man

After Chen Xiu received the call, he immediately rushed to the city to support his brother without saying a word.

When he rushed to the location coordinates sent by Chen Xing, he found that his brother and the group of pursuers... had disappeared?

Chen Xiu looked solemn and vigilantly checked the traces of battles on the streets at the scene... Through comparison of the traces of battles at the scene, he found that the number of assassins chasing his brother this time was quite large, probably more than 50 people.

Moreover, based on the inspection of the fighting marks at the scene, he found that these assassins all used cold weapons and were top masters of ancient martial arts.

Chen Xiu checked the scene for traces. He tried to call his brother and contact him... but he couldn't contact him at all.

He looked around cautiously...could his brother have been arrested?

And at this moment, there was a sudden "Bang!" sound! ??

From an office building not far away, a figure was suddenly kicked down.

The figure smashed the floor-to-ceiling window and fell hard from the window...

"Bang!" The figure fell hard to the ground, and his flesh and blood were instantly blurred.

This scene frightened the passers-by at the scene and made them retreat in horror.

Chen Xiu suddenly raised his head and looked at the office building.

Is Chen Xing upstairs?

His figure flashed and rushed directly to the office building.

This is the rush hour for work.

Some white-collar workers in the office building are at work.

Chen Xiu rushed upstairs. Along the way, he saw countless traces of battles upstairs.

My younger brother is still fighting with them.

Chen Xiu rushed up to the 30th floor and found that his younger brother was being besieged by a group of ancient martial arts masters!

These ancient martial arts masters are very powerful!

More than 50 people battled against Chen Xing like crazy!

Chen Xing was beaten so hard that he fell back!

This group of ancient martial arts masters seemed to have known for a long time that Chen Xing was capable of hypnosis, so they all wore N95 masks on their faces to prevent them from inhaling his drug...

Without the assistance of the drug, Chen Xing could not hypnotize these ancient martial arts masters, so his combat effectiveness plummeted.

At this time, Chen Xing was beaten so hard that he fell back and was stabbed several times on his body.

They all use military daggers, and their sword skills are extremely fierce and terrifying!

"Brother...!" Chen Xing suddenly saw his eldest brother appear and shouted excitedly.

Chen Xiu didn't say anything, and teleported forward directly, "Boom, boom, boom...!!"

His figure was as fast as lightning, and with a few punches in the blink of an eye, he directly knocked away dozens of ancient martial arts masters...!!

The expressions of those ancient martial arts masters suddenly changed?!

Countless of them joined forces, but they were no match for Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu's figure was like a ghost, moving through the sea of ​​people.

Wherever he passed, people were blown away one after another!

Chen Xiu was shocked to find that this group of ancient martial arts masters... were actually the same organization as the group of people who assassinated Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng a few days ago!

Because their moves, routines, and techniques... all come from the same system!

At this time, the group of ancient martial arts masters also looked shocked!

"Withdraw...!!" When they saw Chen Xiu appearing, they completely lost their will to fight.

It seemed that the fear Chen Xiu brought to them was too deep.

A group of ancient martial arts masters retreated one after another...

But how could Chen Xiu let them leave like this?

His figure flashed and he rushed in front of these ancient martial arts masters in an instant.

"Boom, boom, boom...!" His movements are as fast as lightning, and his moves are as fast as thunder!

The pupils of the ancient martial arts masters suddenly shrank and were shocked!

They had always thought that Chen Xiu only knew how to use silver needles... But at this time, they saw Chen Xiu using terrifying ancient martial arts with their own eyes!


A group of ancient martial arts masters were blasted away one after another...

In the blink of an eye for more than ten seconds, more than 50 top ancient martial arts masters on the scene fell to the ground, wailing miserably.

Chen Xiu stepped forward with a cold face and tried to interrogate them...


These military moves, which special forces are you from?!" Chen Xiu looked around at the assassin corpses on the ground, grabbed an assassin and asked.

The assassin was so ferocious that he tried to commit suicide... He tried to grit his teeth and commit suicide... But Chen Xiu was one step ahead, took out the dagger, opened his mouth, and pulled out a row of his gums!

There must be highly toxic poison hidden in the gums of these assassins, specially used to commit suicide.

Sure enough, as the gums were pulled out, the poison hidden in the gums of the assassin was also pulled out.

Seeing this, the assassins around them bit their gums one after another...

Or cut your throat...

With so many people, Chen Xiu had no time to stop him... He could only watch helplessly as a group of assassins died...

A group of assassins foamed at the mouth and committed suicide...

Or someone just cut his throat with a knife... blood splattered on his neck, and he fell to the ground...

The younger brother Chen Xing took the opportunity to step forward and prevent an assassin from committing suicide... He also followed the example of his elder brother and pulled out the gums he was trying to deal with...

There are only two assassins left, who are still alive because their gums were pulled out...

Chen Xiu stepped forward with a cold expression and shot out the silver needle... sealing their acupuncture points on the spot.

The two ancient martial arts masters could no longer move.

"Evacuate first, take them away, and then go back to the base!" Chen Xiu shouted calmly.

The two brothers took the two ancient martial arts masters and evacuated the scene directly.

And not long after the two people evacuated the scene, a large group of investigation team members also arrived after hearing the news...

Immediately afterwards, Su Universe also rushed to the scene with a group of people... but Chen Xiu and his two men had already withdrawn...

Suburban factory base.

The Chen Xiu brothers brought the two ancient martial arts masters back to the base.

He directly inserted the silver needle into the bodies of the two ancient martial arts masters.

"Uh ah...!!" The expressions of the two ancient martial arts masters were distorted with pain! Their bodies were in severe pain as if they were being bitten by thousands of ants, and life was worse than death!!

"Tell me, which organization do you belong to?! Who sent you to assassinate me?" Chen Xiu interrogated coldly.

But these two ancient martial arts masters endured the severe pain that was worse than death and refused to speak!

No matter how much the two brothers Chen Xiu used silver needles to torture them, even if they were so painful that their holes bled, they still refused to confess.

The willpower of these two people is really strong.

Chen Xiu's face was frozen, and he could only leave these two people to Ning Dongxia, and let her perform brain-computer interface surgery to forcibly extract the memories from their brains.

The two ancient martial arts masters finally panicked when they saw that Ning Dongxia wanted to do a brain-computer interface experiment on them!

It's just that they have no chance to resist...

All their teeth had been pulled out, and acupuncture points all over their bodies were sealed with silver needles, making them unable to move. Even if they wanted to commit suicide, they would have no chance.

The two of them were carried onto two operating tables. Ning Dongxia directly injected anesthesia into the two of them. They couldn't hold on... they closed their eyes and fell into a coma completely.

Ning Dongxia begins brain-computer interface experiments.

Two catheter needles were slowly inserted into the temples of the two ancient martial arts masters...

Start extracting the memory data in their minds...

Soon, the memory pictures in my mind were extracted frame by frame!

On the computer screen, the memories of the two people began to appear...

Chen Xiu and Chen Xingguang came forward and looked at the memory screen on the display screen...

When he saw the memory picture that was read out, Chen Xiu's face was solemn.

According to the memory screen... these two ancient martial arts masters once served in the First Special Forces Brigade of Sujiang and are one of the top special warriors! And the remaining assassination members are all from the First Special Forces Brigade.

They are all members of the special forces!

Seeing these memory data, the two brothers Chen Xiu looked at each other.

You can see the shock in his eyes.

Special forces come to assassinate them?

Who did they provoke?

Ning Dongxia also had beautiful eyes, looking deeply at the extracted memories.

"It seems that you have provoked some great figures in the war zone." Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were calm and deep, and she said slowly.

"Have you ever offended anyone in Jinling City?" Ning Dongxia asked.

Chen Xiu slowly shook his head, "Never."

Hearing this, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes narrowed, "Could it be... that they were sent by Su Universe? He cooperated with the war zone?"

Chen Xiu shook his head, "Probably not. If we cooperated with the war zone, he would have already taken action when he encircled and suppressed us several times before. Why wait until now."

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were deep and she continued to extract the memories of these two ancient martial arts masters...

As the memory was extracted frame by frame, they finally found important clues and evidence!

In the memory screen, two ancient martial arts masters once paid greetings to a young man. Moreover, the young man once specified the combat details of this mission to this group of ancient martial arts special forces.

The purpose of this mission is to capture Chen Xing... and use this as a blackmail, hoping to take the initiative.

In the memory video, the group of ancient martial arts masters... called the young man... Third Young Master?!

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were deep and solemn as she looked at this memory video.

"Who is this third young master? Do you know him?" Ning Dongxia asked.

Chen Xiu stared at the young man in the video, his eyes finally narrowing.

"Wu family, the third child." He said slowly and solemnly.

Hearing this, Ning Dongxia also reacted and said with shock, "That four-star war god back then was Wu Jingyao's third son??"

Chen Xiu glanced at her coldly, "It seems that Bai Xiaosheng told you a lot?"

Unexpectedly, even Ning Dongxia knew... about Wu Jingyao.

Chen Xiu knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he simply stopped hiding it.

"This man is Wu Jingyao's third son, Wu Qiang." Chen Xiu stared at the memory picture on the screen and said in a solemn voice.

He didn't expect that those who sent ancient martial arts experts to assassinate them these few times were actually descendants of Wu War God?

Wu Jingyao is a four-star war god with immense power.

Although Wu Jingyao is dead now, the entire Wu family is still a war zone family, controlling a large amount of resources.

"Are the Wu family members coming to seek revenge from you?" Ning Dongxia said with deep eyes.

Chen Xiu said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking at this time.

"Brother, the Wu family is assassinating us indiscriminately? This is simply unreasonable! I will immediately mobilize the Huangquan organization to fight them!" Chen Xing said angrily.

Chen Xiu shook his head, "The Wu family has always been a war zone family. If you touch them, you will touch the entire Sujiang war zone, and the consequences will be serious."

This Wu family... is completely different from Su Universe.

Su Universe is just a business tycoon.

But this Wu family is the God of War family.

Don't move around easily.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to let them bully us to the end?" Chen Xing said a little depressed.

He was obviously very unhappy about being assassinated today, and he wanted revenge.

"Don't act rashly first. Investigate the truth about dad's case so that our Chen family can be avenged. When the time comes, it won't be too late to settle the general ledger with the Wu family..." Chen Xiu said slowly.

"Brother, are these two going to be destroyed?" Chen Xing asked.

Chen Xiu shook his head slowly, "Keep it, I will send them back personally."

That night, Chen Xiu directly sealed the acupuncture points of the two ancient martial arts masters, and then drove them to the compound of the war zone of Wu Qiang, the third eldest son of the Wu family.

Warning cordons were set up all around the No. 3 theater compound.

A group of soldiers, fully armed, were guarding the door, always on alert.

Wu Qiang also holds an important position now and is an important general in the Wu family's war zone.

Therefore, the entrance to his compound is guarded by guards.

At this moment, there was a "squeak" of brakes, and a black commercial vehicle stopped at the entrance of the war zone compound.

"This is the entrance to the compound in the war zone. You can't park at will! Leave immediately!" At the entrance of the compound, two guards stepped forward and scolded.

But Chen Xiu ignored them and just walked through the door to get out of the car and came to the back row of the business car.

"Didn't you hear what I was talking to you?! Leave immediately! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!" The two guards directly took out their electric batons.

Chen Xiu directly raised his legs and feet.

"Boom...!" The two guards were kicked dozens of meters away on the spot.

All the guards at the scene were shocked by this scene.

Then a large group of war zone guards rushed out.

At this time, Chen Xiu had already opened the trunk, carried out the two seriously injured ancient martial arts masters, and threw them directly at the gate of the war zone.

"Are these two people from your war zone? I'm here to return them." Chen Xiu held a cigarette in his mouth and pointed at the two people on the ground.

The guards at the door were stunned??

"Colonel Ma?! Captain Lin...!" The guards immediately recognized the identities of these two people!

These two people are the captains in their war zone!

These two people have profound ancient martial arts skills and terrifying strength!

In the war zone troops, there are always one against a hundred!

But at this time, the two captains... were covered in wounds... and their acupuncture points were sealed... They were lying on the ground, like two dead dogs?

This scene really stunned the guards at the door!

At this time, another large number of guards rushed out of the war zone compound...!!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of dark guards surrounded Chen Xiu!

"Who are you?! Dare to cause trouble at the entrance of our Wu family war zone?! How dare you hurt the captain of our war zone! Don't you want to live anymore?!" the guards at the door asked with cold expressions!

Chen Xiu's eyes were calm, he looked around the audience, and said calmly, "My real name is Chen, and my name is Xiu. These two are your captains? They assassinated my Chen family first, and they were captured because they were outmatched. Who is to blame?"

"How dare you! How dare you make excuses for hurting others!" the guards shouted angrily!

They had heard of this Chen Xiu...but they didn't know Chen Xiu's true identity seven years ago.

When Chen Xiu heard this, he immediately thrust his legs into the two captains' bodies.

The two captains were kicked so hard that they vomited blood on the spot!

If these two kicks go down, I'm afraid these two people will be disabled for life!

All the guards in the audience took out their firearms and aimed at him!

After Chen Xiu kicked the person, he turned around and left.

He came here today just to give the Wu family a warning!

But at this time, soldiers kept pouring out of the compound and surrounded him!

These soldiers wouldn't let him leave!

"Are you going to stop me?" Chen Xiu slowly turned his head and glanced around.

At this time, in the No. 3 theater compound.

The third son of the Wu family, Wu Qiang, was sitting in front of a sand table simulation diagram, conducting a sand table simulation with two military officers.

As a general, although Wu Qiang is only in his early 30s, he has studied Sun Tzu's Art of War since he was a child and is familiar with all combat methods and tactics.

At this moment, two men suddenly rushed from outside and knocked on the study door.

"Third Young Master... Something bad has happened! Outside the war zone compound... a man came, calling himself Chen Xiu... Two of our captains were captured by him... and seriously injured... At this time, he was causing trouble outside!" Outside the door,

The two subordinates reported in solemn voices~!

"What?!" After hearing the reports from his two subordinates, Wu Qiang in the study room suddenly raised his head!

This chapter has been completed!
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