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Chapter 586 Greedy Kiss

"Boom, boom, boom!" Countless firearms fired, bullets roared crazily!

And at the moment when the bullets were fired, Chen Xiu's figure flashed and he avoided countless bullets.

He rushed in front of the group of warriors in an instant, and the pagoda dagger in his hand passed sharply.

"Puff puff...!" Blood spattered, and the group of soldiers howled miserably, falling to the ground one after another!

Chen Xiu's movement was as fast as lightning, and he rushed in front of the captain in the blink of an eye.

Captain Star Breaker's pupils shrank, and he suddenly punched out!

His boxing skills are also extremely fast!

"Boom...!" The two fists collided violently in an instant!

The whole person could not bear the Star Breaker Hammer, and was directly blasted several meters away, and his body hit hard against the narrow wall of the submarine.

"Are you also a genetic warrior?" Chen Xiu looked calm and indifferent, staring meaningfully at the Star-Shattering Hammer in front of him.

"There is no nuclear radiation in your body, so which type of genetic mutation do you belong to?" Chen Xiu narrowed his eyes and slowly stepped forward and asked.

"Fuck you!" Captain Star Breaker was furious. He suddenly pulled out two sharp military thorns from his sleeves, and with a flash of movement, he blasted towards Chen Xiu...!

The Captain's Star-Shattering Hammer movement is extremely fast and extremely terrifying.

But just when his two military spurs were about to hit Chen Xiu...the two military spurs suddenly hung in mid-air.

Because Chen Xiu held the two military thorns with his bare hands.

"Yanlong War Zone, Type 44, four-edged bloodletting spur. Are you from the Northern War Zone?" Chen Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He suddenly exerted force with his hands.

"Bang!" The two sharp swords were broken directly by his bare hands!

Star Breaker's pupils shrank, and his fists struck again wildly!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The terrifying fist shadow roared and blasted towards Chen Xiu!

His terrifying extreme genetic power was completely released!

Chen Xiu looked indifferent and raised his hand to strike out with a palm!

His palm blast... was like a thousand palms transformed in an instant!

It's not that he has fantasy skills...

It's because Chen Xiu's palm movement was too fast!

In the blink of an eye, he had already fired hundreds of palms in the blink of an eye!

"Bang, bang, bang!" The Star-Shattering Hammer's punch was directly knocked to pieces... His chest was also hit with hundreds of blows by Chen Xiu!

"Poof...!!" Captain Star Breaker spurted blood and his body flew backwards.

The Star Breaker hammer was mounted hard on the wall of the submarine behind him, and all the ribs on his chest had been broken... The blood stained the entire chest, making him look extremely miserable.

At this time, water was still seeping into the submarine, and the cabin was about to be submerged.

Seeing this, the Star Breaker turned around suddenly and rushed directly into the No. 1 diving cabin...and slammed the door shut!

He locked Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia completely in cabin 2.

Countless seawater poured in, and Cabin 2 was almost submerged.

Ning Dongxia's pretty face turned pale. The ventilator on her mask had broken and she could no longer breathe... At this time, the depth of the submarine was more than 500 meters under the sea.

If she had to swim up from here, she would probably be suffocated to death before she could reach sea level.

A distance of more than 500 meters takes 40 minutes to swim.

40 minutes is the limit of human lung capacity.

Seeing that the situation was critical, Chen Xiu took her hand and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and punched the door of the No. 1 warehouse hard!

"Boom, boom, boom!" Chen Xiu punched dozens of times, and actually blasted the hard submarine hatch open with his bare hands!

He took Ning Dongxia and broke into Submarine No. 1 with his bare hands.

This cabin is the control room, which must have diving suits and escape equipment.

But when Chen Xiu broke into cabin No. 1, he discovered it.

In the No. 1 warehouse, three submarine pilots have been killed???

Moreover, all the escape equipment, oxygen masks, etc. in the cockpit were also destroyed??

Even the cockpit operating platform was destroyed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiu's pupils froze.

He looked at the only person standing in the cockpit, Captain Starbreaker.

"Ha ha ha ha

Hahaha! Chen Xiu, Chen Xiu... I didn’t expect you to fall into my hands?! This sea is in the perfect location, you and your little lover should be buried at the bottom of the sea!"

Star Breaker said in a ferocious voice. After he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around, put on the only oxygen mask on himself, passed the escape device directly, and jumped out of the submarine hatch!

Today's mission is to either capture Ning Dongxia or hunt down Chen Xiu.

But at this time, it was impossible to arrest Ning Dongxia or kill Chen Xiu...

Starbreaker chose to make a desperate move and kill these two people together!

This is also the meaning of the headquarters chaebol alliance.

Although Ning Dongxia has important AI scientific research technology.

But compared to Chen Xiu, a lunatic, they obviously preferred Chen Xiu's death.

If Ning Dong Xia dies, at most one major AI scientific research achievement will be lost.

But in scientific research, as long as the company and on-site technology she left behind are available, the technical code can still be cracked through future research and development by R&D personnel.

And Chen Xiu, a lunatic, is the biggest uncertainty.

If he lives, he will affect the entire Sujiang Province... and even the larger genetic plan behind it!

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the forces behind it chose to let Chen Xiu die!

Chen Xiu's death is more important than Ning Dongxia's survival.

Starbreaker took the only escape equipment and tried to escape from the submarine...

But just as he was about to escape, a hand grabbed his ankle fiercely.

Chen Xiu squeezed hard.

"Crack!" Crushed Star Breaker's ankle directly!

The Star Breaker was ferocious, swung the knife fiercely, and severely cut off his left leg.

He would rather abandon his legs and run away!

Anyway, in the genetic laboratory, there are countless limbs with excellent genes that can be grafted. The worst he can do is transplant another leg after escaping.

But how could Chen Xiu let him escape?

Chen Xiu took advantage of the situation and chased out...grabbing the Star-Shattering Hammer at the bottom of the deep sea.

"Boom, boom, boom!" He punched the Star-Shatter's body several times in succession, breaking every bone in the Star-Shatter's body!

Star Breaker's body was limp and unable to move...

Chen Xiu took off his blood-stained breathing helmet, trying to open his mouth and take out the time explosive in his body...

These genetic warriors all have one thing in common, that is, they all have self-explosive explosives planted in their bodies.

Once they are in danger or die, the explosives in their bodies will initiate a self-destruction process.

The powerful organizations behind the scenes will never allow the bodies of these genetic warriors to be taken back for study...

Chen Xiu opened the genetic warrior's mouth and pulled out several teeth with a dagger.

Sure enough, there were several nano-explosives hidden in the teeth.

Chen Xiu pulled out the nano explosives and was about to take the captain back to the submarine... He wanted to interrogate him carefully.

But at this moment, the captain suddenly laughed ferociously.

Then his eyes turned blood red!

Chen Xiu's expression changed, he hurriedly discarded his body and suddenly fell back into the water!

"Boom...!!" The captain's eyes exploded in an instant!!

There are nano self-explosives hidden in his eyes!

In an instant...a shock wave swept across!

Countless air waves sweep across the sea...

Chen Xiu was so shocked that he hit the submarine and suffered severe pain in his back.

And the captain of the Star-Shatter Hammer had already been blown away to pieces... only a piece of blood and turbid water was left in the sea...

Chen Xiu looked complicated... Originally, he wanted to interrogate the other party.

As a result, the other party blew himself up again, leaving no trace of his body.

At this time, countless seawater had poured into the submarine, and the entire submarine began to sink...

Ning Dongxia was still imprisoned in the submarine.

Chen Xiu jumped up and rushed into the cockpit of the submarine.

There simply wasn't much water in the cockpit.

Chen Xiu first checked the cockpit to see if the submarine could still be driven.

But when he checked, he found that the cockpit had been completely destroyed.

Destroyed, the submarine was completely unnavigable.

At this time, the submarine is still sinking to the bottom of the sea...

Their only option was to abandon the submarine and escape.

"Be prepared to hold your breath. I will take you out of the submarine and we will float to the surface!" Chen Xiu said solemnly.

At this time, their depth was already 600 meters on the seabed, and they had to surface as soon as possible.

Ning Dongxia said anxiously, "I don't have an oxygen mask anymore! My lung capacity can't support it for that long..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Chen Xiu said slowly.

At this time, the princess in red is still being restarted and it will take a long time to recover. The only person she can rely on is Chen Xiu.

Ning Dong Xia Ning nodded.

Chen Xiu hugged her and swam out of the submarine with her. The princess in red had to be abandoned in the submarine because she was too heavy...

But when the two of them got out of the submarine, they discovered that there were great white sharks swimming toward them fiercely in the water.

Just now, the Star-Shattering Hammer self-destructed, causing the surrounding sea area to turn red... thus attracting the great white sharks from the surrounding sea area.

These great white sharks are extremely ferocious. They smelled the breath of living people, and now they all opened their bloody mouths and swam quickly towards Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia!

Seeing this scene, Ning Dongxia's pretty face suddenly changed.

Chen Xiu looked indifferent, he raised his hand directly, and dozens of silver needles shot out!

"Puff puff!" The silver needle shot hard into the eyes of the great white sharks, blinding them instantly.

Chen Xiu took the opportunity to take Ning Dongxia all the way upstream to the sea...

But they are too far away from the sea, more than 600 meters away... Even if they swim at the fastest speed, it will take more than 40 minutes to reach the sea.

During the process of going upstream, at first... Ning Dongxia could still hold her breath... but as ten minutes passed, Ning Dongxia could no longer hold her breath.

She is just an ordinary person with limited lung capacity and cannot hold on for that long.

Her complexion began to turn pale from suffocation. If she didn't breathe, she would be suffocated and drowned...

But at this time, there is still a distance of 400 meters from the sea...

Ning Dongxia couldn't hold it any longer.

Chen Xiu hugged her with one arm and continued to speed up the river.

He couldn't communicate with Ning Dongxia in the water, so he could only use his eyes to signal her to hold on.

But it seemed that Ning Dongxia really couldn't hold on any longer. 'Pfft!' She couldn't hold it in any longer, and she instinctively opened her red lips slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of seawater was poured directly in...

Ning Dongxia's pretty face turned pale and she took a big mouthful of sea water...

She looked like she was about to drown...

Eventually she lost consciousness... and passed out due to lack of oxygen.

Under the sea, Chen Xiu's face became frozen. Without hesitation, he hugged the woman and blocked her red lips with his own.

He was breathing this woman's breath.

Use your own mouth to breathe for the woman and give her the oxygen from your own mouth.

Drowsily, Ning Dongxia noticed something warm and soft touching her lips...

Then a trace of oxygen was poured into the mouth.

Her consciousness gradually regained consciousness...

She breathed hard, sucking in the remaining oxygen with some instinct and greed...

Gradually, their tongues became entangled.

The moment Ning Dongxia's tongue touched his lips, Chen Xiu was stunned and his mind went blank.

This was the first time he kissed this woman since he and Ning Dongxia met...

I didn’t expect that it was just my first time to have such a passionate wet French kiss?

Ning Dongxia greedily sucked the oxygen...

But he unknowingly sucked Chen Xiu's penis in...

Chen Xiu was a little confused... This woman is so proactive.

On the surface, you look so cold, but on the inside, you feel so turbulent?

Ning Dongxia sucked in oxygen greedily... Gradually she regained her consciousness...

When she opened her eyes, she was stunned??

She saw that Chen Xiu's mouth was tightly stuck to hers, and the two of them could even feel each other's softness and wetness.

>The two people looked at each other.

"Ugh..." Ning Dongxia struggled hard and hurriedly pushed Chen Xiu away...

She raised her hand and slapped Chen Xiu...

But the resistance under the water was too great, so she didn't have much strength to slap her.

"You..." Ning Dongxia subconsciously wanted to curse, but she forgot that she was still underwater...she choked again as soon as she opened her mouth.

Ning Dongxia quickly shut up...

Chen Xiu hugged her and continued to swim towards the sea...

Along the way, Ning Dongxia remained silent...she didn't speak, but her heart at this time was extremely complicated and messy.

My first kiss was taken away by this damn man??

Ning Dongxia was very confused inside.

While floating upward, she even had a few thoughts in her mind: Should she kill Chen Xiu?

Because Chen Xiu had already upset her.

This is the biggest weakness for a strong career woman, and she does not allow herself to have weaknesses.

But when she saw Chen Xiu's resolute face...and thought of the way this man wetly kissed her just now...

Ning Dongxia's heart was confused again.

Kill him?

She couldn't do it.

In her increasingly confused heart... Ning Dongxia was finally brought to the sea level.

The two of them emerged from the sea.

It was already 6 o'clock in the morning, and on the sea level, a ray of rising sun was slowly showing half of its head along the sea level.

The picture is absolutely beautiful.

The two of them were floating on the sea, breathing heavily at the same time.

It feels so good to be able to breathe in the air.

At the same time, a voice came from Ning Dongxia's watch, "Master, I have completed the restart. Have you successfully escaped?"

Ning Dongxia replied, "Well, we have escaped, Hong Yi, go back to the shore to gather and prepare to evacuate."

Soon, in the underwater submarine, the red princess's mechanical body opened its mechanical eyes. It broke through the submarine directly, propellers exploded from its feet, and swam crazily towards the surface... to join Ning Dongxia above...

After Ning Dongxia met the princess in red, she asked about the situation of the cruise ship going out to sea... and confirmed that the cruise ship full of oil had successfully stolen the oil and left...

After getting this result, Ning Dongxia nodded with satisfaction.

It's worth risking your life and successfully stealing the oil that enriches uranium. That's enough, it's worth it!

At the same time, the Imperial Capital, Shanhai Pavilion Headquarters.

Chief Executive Qin Buxu was sitting in his office, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, slowly reading the morning news.

"Ding ding ding!" Suddenly a phone rang. Qin Buxuan picked up the phone.

"Chief Executive! The hunting mission failed. Ning Dongxia and Chen Xiu were not captured. We lost a submarine, the Spiral Dragon..." On the other end of the phone, his subordinates reported in a complex voice.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Qin Buxuan's old eyes slowly narrowed.

"I know." Qin Buxuan replied slowly and then hung up the phone.

He took a deep breath of his cigar and retrieved Chen Xiu's file information from the computer's state secret archives...

He looked at the information on the file

Name Chen Xiu

Age 30

Position Shanhai Pavilion Chinese character-level agent, code name - Asura

Previous position: The third God of War of the Dragon Soul Army of the Western Region, with a four-star military rank and title - Dragon King

Threat level sssss level

Qin Buxu looked at this state-level confidential file, his expression became solemn.

"Chen Xiu, Chen Xiu... Could it be... that you have recovered your strength? Have you been hiding your strength and deceiving us all these years?" Qin Buxuan murmured with deep eyes.

He blew out a smoke ring, then suddenly tapped the keyboard and entered a special permission command to modify the contents of this top-secret national document.

He changed Chen Xiu's threat level from 'sssss level'... to... ghost level.

What is the ghost level?

It means that his strength has Yuanyuan surpassed the threat to ordinary humans and has risen to the same level of terror as ghosts.

Therefore, it is a ghost level!

This chapter has been completed!
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