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Chapter 592 Who is the winner?

At this time, on the cliff on the top of the mountain, the helicopters of Shanhai Pavilion roared... The helicopters roared and roared.

The agents on the helicopter all locked fire on Chen Xiu with their firearms!!

The agents used firepower to suppress Chen Xiu...

Give the six chaebols room to escape.

The six major chaebols suddenly drove away.

At the same time, in their car, six top members of the Winter Soldier Project finally took action!

These six genetic warriors from the Winter Soldier Project were originally their life-saving trump cards.

Now being chased by the lunatic Chen Xiu, they had no choice but to use these 6 trump cards.

Six soldiers from the Winter Soldier Project got out of the car, flashed their body skills, and charged towards Chen Xiu! Chen Xiu's pupils shrank and he faced them!

"Boom, boom, boom!" His figure was fighting with six genetic warriors in an instant!

With Chen Xiu's physical skills, he was unable to defeat them in a short period of time!

These six genetic warriors represent the top genetic combat power!

"Humble humans! You can't stop the progress of the genetic world! Your old martial arts...should have been eliminated in the tide of the times." The six genetic warriors sneered coldly while fighting and intercepting.

At this time, the six chaebols had already taken the opportunity to drive away!

Chen Xiu's face suddenly turned cold, and the Yama Needle shot out from his hand!

"Puff!" Three silver needles shot directly into the eyebrows of the three genetic warriors!

The three genetic warriors didn't have time to howl and fell to the ground directly!

"What is the old technique? What is the new technique? Does high technology necessarily mean you are superior to others? In front of me, you... are just tools that are about to die." Chen Xiu's voice was cold, and the Yama needle in his hand had a cold light.

The remaining three gene warriors join forces again!

They all carry a lot of nuclear radiation!

As soon as Chen Xiu approaches them, the radiation warning on the agent's watch will suddenly sound.

If ordinary people were to approach them, they might be eroded by nuclear radiation if they stayed for a while.

But Chen Xiu is not afraid of this nuclear radiation. His body has been forged and improved by the most advanced martial arts system. His bones, muscles... cells have all been tempered many times, stimulating the most powerful potential of the human body.

To him, nuclear radiation cannot hurt him. He raised his hand, one silver needle after another!

"Poof!" A genetic warrior's neck organ was cut open by a silver needle... bright red blood splashed out!

He is the latest generation of genetic warriors. Even his blood is exactly the same as that of normal humans... and he is more powerful.

Before another genetic warrior could react, a silver needle had already been stabbed into his left eye! Although he had been genetically modified, he had lost his sense of pain.

But the silver needle was inserted into the eyeball, penetrated the soft eye tissue... and directly penetrated his brain, which caused massive bleeding.

The genetic warrior covered his blood-red left eye and staggered backwards. His body staggered and finally fell to the ground with a 'pop'.

Only the last genetic warrior was left. He shouted violently, his body flashed, and an afterimage of Huawei swept over him!

This genetic warrior is extremely fast. Because his body has been modified by the second generation of genes, his body bursts out at a speed that rivals that of others!

The speed of body movement has exceeded three times the speed of sound!

"Bang...!" His speed was so fast that he made a terrifying detonation sound as he passed through the void! It was like a fighter jet!

Watching the genetic warrior arrive in the blink of an eye!

But Chen Xiu just raised his hand slightly, "Boom...!" He blasted out with a palm, faster than the genetic warrior!

"Pfft...!" Under the fierce collision between the two sides... Chen Xiu's palm directly penetrated the chest of the genetic warrior!

The genetic warrior's chest and ribs collapsed... The entire chest and internal organs... were all penetrated...

Chen Xiu's palm penetrated directly through his chest and out of his back!

"Uh..." The genetic warrior's pupils widened and he lowered his head in disbelief, looking at his left chest that had been blasted...

Chen Xiu withdrew his palm.

A huge blood hole appeared in the genetic warrior's chest, and blood was still pouring out.

There was shock and horror in his eyes, and his body fell to the ground with a thump!

At this time, the spy helicopter above was still firing at him!

Countless bullets were avoided by Chen Xiu. He suddenly raised his hand and shot out several silver needles...!

Several silver needles directly hit the fuel tank of the agent helicopter at work...

"Boom...! Boom...! Boom...!!" The helicopters above exploded one after another!!

Chen Xiu's movement flashed and he rushed down the mountain again! He was chasing the group of chaebol family heads...!

But when he rushed down the mountain, the six chaebol family heads had already divided into six groups and fled towards different roads...

They were divided into six groups because they didn't want to be singled out by Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu didn't have time to think, he directly flashed his body skills and rushed towards one of the roads in the direction!

His body flashed and his speed exploded to the maximum!

His body functions are enough to support his running speed!

Chen Xiu ran wildly all the way, his speed kept soaring... and he kept passing the speeding vehicles on the road!

On the road, in a car, a mother was driving, taking her 7-year-old son to an amusement park.

At this moment, a figure suddenly ran wildly and swept across the road on the passenger side!

"Mom, look! There is someone running faster than a car~" The little boy suddenly pointed excitedly at the figure speeding past in front of him.

In the cab, my mother also looked shocked. She looked down at the speed on the dashboard in shock. The speed at this time was 100 kilometers per hour.

The figure that passed her car just now... was traveling at a speed of over 100 kilometers??

How can this be?!

The Guinness World Record for the fastest human sprint is only 60 kilometers per hour!

Are you dazzled?

The mother rubbed her eyes vigorously, and when she looked forward, the figure was no longer on the road...

At this time, Chen Xiu exploded his whole body speed to the maximum!

His speed exceeded 200 kilometers per hour!

The muscles in his legs continued to explode with strength, and his blood circulated rapidly!

After running wildly, he finally caught up with a black Alpha nanny car in front of him!

At this time, the other party in the nanny car ahead had discovered him!

"Director Liu! Behind...there is a figure catching up behind you!" Inside the Bentley, the driver looked in the direction of the rearview mirror and reminded in a solemn voice!

On the boss's seat in the back row, Liu Jinlong, the head of the Liu family chaebol, was lying on the chair with his eyes closed and resting.

Hearing the driver's words, he suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at the road behind...

Sure enough! On the road behind them, a terrifying figure was seen running fast, chasing them!

Seeing this scene, Liu Jinlong's pupils shrank!

He recognized the running figure, and it turned out to be Chen Xiu!

This madman... actually ran after him on foot??

How can this be!

For a moment, Liu Jinlong’s expression changed drastically!


It is simply impossible for a human being to have such a terrifying running speed!

You must know that their vehicle speed has exceeded 200 kilometers per hour at this time!

But the figure behind him is still chasing after him, and he won’t let go!

"Firepower, firepower suppression shooting!!" Liu Jinlong looked solemn and shouted to his subordinates!

In the nanny's car, seven or eight bodyguards nodded solemnly, immediately opened the car window, and assault rifles stuck out of the car window!

"Da da da da...!!" Countless tongues of fire swept out...!!

Bullets swept across the sky, shooting towards the figure behind!

But just when countless bullets were about to hit the figure behind... the figure behind suddenly jumped into the air...!

He jumped several meters into the air... avoiding countless bullets!

Chen Xiu's body technique quickly leaped through the air!

"Boom...!" He fell hard and landed on the roof of the Alpha nanny car in front of him!

The entire roof of the nanny car was dented!

"Shoot! Shoot me...!!" In the nanny's car, Liu Jinlong's expression changed drastically! He shouted to his subordinates!

A group of bodyguards in the car raised their guns and fired wildly at the top of the car!

"Click, click, click...!!" Countless bullets were fired towards the roof of the car...!!

Above the roof of the car, Chen Xiu looked indifferent. He held the scalpel in one hand and waved it boldly!

"Clang clang clang...!!" The pagoda knife knocked down countless bullets!

At this time, the roof of the nanny car was also riddled with holes...

Chen Xiu suddenly cut it with a knife!

"Zira!" He lifted half of the entire nanny car's roof with his bare hands!

"Puff!" Countless bodyguards below tried to take action...but as soon as they raised their guns, Chen Xiu raised his hand and dozens of silver needles burst out!

The silver needle shot hard into the eyebrows of those bodyguards!

A group of bodyguards screamed and fell on the deck of the nanny car.

In the car, only Liu Jinlong and the driver who was driving in front were left.

When the driver saw this, he slammed on the brakes!

The huge inertia threw Chen Xiu off the roof of the car!

Chen Xiu's body hit the ground in front of him!

He rolled and landed firmly.

And the moment he landed, the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove the nanny car directly into the car!

Chen Xiu suddenly raised his arms and pressed his palms hard against the head of the oncoming car!

"Boom!" One person and one car... hovered directly in the middle of the road.

Chen Xiu used his bare hands to stop the nanny car!

The huge impact force dented the rest of the ground, but Chen Xiu remained intact.

In the nanny's car, the driver turned pale with shock when he saw this scene.

The driver suddenly shifted into gear and tried to reverse...

But before the driver could react, Chen Xiu had already raised his hand and slashed!

"Poof!" The Buddha's dagger stabbed into the driver's neck!

The driver's whole body was nailed to the seat.

Chen Xiu looked indifferent as he walked step by step to the nanny's car, tore open the door and stepped directly into the car.

In the carriage, Liu Jinlong was trembling in fear. As the top chaebol in Sujiang Province, he was completely frightened at this time.

"Chen...brother Chen Xiu...have something to say! We can sit down and talk!" Liu Jinlong said hurriedly and tremblingly!

This chaebol's legs were trembling right now!

Even though he is worth trillions, he will also be frightened and afraid.

"When you teamed up to frame my father, did you ever give him a chance to speak?!" Chen Xiu looked coldly and grabbed Liu Jinlong's neck!

Liu Jinlong's face turned pale and he was lifted violently from the chair.

He was almost out of breath, and struggled with his legs in the air as he kicked hard.

"What happened to your father... was not my fault... there was a misunderstanding..." Liu Jinlong said hoarsely as his neck was strangled.

"If you understand, let me go... Even if you kill me today, you won't get any useful information... Only if I'm alive can I tell you the truth..." Liu Jinlong threatened in words.

He was betting that Chen Xiu wouldn't dare to kill him.

"If you let me go today, I, Liu Jinlong, promise that my Liu Consortium will not touch you again in the future. But if you kill me...then everyone in my Liu Consortium and all the genetic warriors will hunt you down and kill you!

The revenge of my Liu family consortium will be unimaginable! Chen Xiu, let me go, let’s sit down and have peace talks!” Liu Jinlong shouted with a cold voice.

Everything he said was controlled, trying to take control of the situation.

A cold arc flashed at the corner of Chen Xiu's mouth, "Really? I would like to see the revenge of your Liu Family Group...how exciting is it?"

While Chen Xiu was speaking, the pagoda dagger in his hand had already grazed Liu Jinlong's neck like lightning!

"No...!" Liu Jinlong shouted in fear, but it was too late. He only felt a biting chill on his neck.

The scalpel had already cut across his neck.

Huh? The strange thing is that Liu Jinlong didn't notice the feeling of death?

Weird? He’s not dead yet??

He touched his neck and found that the skin was intact and there were no wounds??

"Chen Xiu... you..." Liu Jinlong was about to speak, when suddenly a blood hole appeared on his neck, which was originally intact, and blood spattered!

In fact, Chen Xiu's knife had already cut open his neck.

Just because the knife was too sharp and the speed of the knife was too fast... the knife had passed through the throat, but the wound did not appear for a long time... It was not until the moment when Liu Jinlong touched his neck with his hand that he touched the wound... blood spattered


In the scarlet splatter, Liu Jinlong's head slowly slid down along the neat wound marks on his neck.

With a "pop" sound, the head fell to the ground.

The nanny's car was stained red with blood.

The head of the Liu family chaebol fell from grace.

Chen Xiu directly tore off Liu Jinlong's clothes and jacket, wrapped his head with the clothes, and then jumped out of the car with the head in hand.

As long as he takes Liu Jinlong's head back and conducts brain-computer interface experiments, he can extract the memory clues he wants!

Why waste time... and waste words with Liu Jinlong?

As for the other five chaebol leaders, when Chen Xiu caught up with them again, they could no longer be found.

Chen Xiu had no choice but to return.

I finally managed to attract six chaebols today, but only one was killed in the end, which is still a bit regretful.

At this time, Ning Dongxia suddenly called!

"We can't hold on any longer! Suddenly a large number of assassins were dispatched from the sky. They want to take advantage of us! Your brother has been seriously injured!" Ning Dongxia said in a solemn voice on the other end of the phone!

Brush~! Hearing this, Chen Xiu’s face froze!

Qin Buhung has dispatched additional personnel?!

This is a game of turning the tiger away from the mountain!

Qin Buxu used the lives of the six major chaebols as bait to deliberately lure Chen Xiu away?!

The real purpose of Shanhai Pavilion is to capture Ningdongxia?!

Chen Xiu suddenly reacted!

"Wait for me!" He hung up the phone, his body flashed suddenly, and he rushed towards Zhongshan!

This chapter has been completed!
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