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Chapter 600 Go straight to Huanglong!

"Bah!" Chen Xiu kicked the door open fiercely!

Sure enough, I saw a woman climbing out of the window, as if she was about to jump out of the window to escape...

Chen Xiu teleported forward, suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the woman, and pulled her down from the window sill.

"You can't escape." Chen Xiu said coldly. He grabbed the woman's neck and lifted her up from the ground.

But when he saw the face of this woman, Chen Xiu was stunned??

The woman in front of me is not Shen Shimiao?

Chen Xiu had met Shen Shimiao before on the mountain behind Xia Manor, so he knew her naturally.

But the woman in front of me is not her?

Chen Xiu stepped forward and tried to find the edge marks of the human skin mask on her cheek, but he couldn't find any edge marks?

These are the real facial features of a woman, no disguise?

Moreover, Chen Xiu checked and found that she was not wearing a voice changer. Even her voice was different from Shen Shimiao's?

Chen Xiu looked around again and checked the possibility that he was hallucinating.

"Who are you?! Why are you in this room?" Chen Xiu asked coldly.

The woman refused to admit it at first and only said that she had always lived here.

But under Chen Xiu's rigorous interrogation, the woman finally confessed.

"I...my name is Wang Qianqian...I used to live in the room next door...but...the female owner of this room suddenly came to me. She gave me a large sum of money and let me live in this room...and Whenever there was movement outside the room door, she asked me to climb out of the window... Exactly why she asked me to do this... I don't know..." the woman explained tremblingly.

Hearing this, Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed?

"How long ago did she come to you?" Chen Xiu asked coldly.

Wang Qianqian said tremblingly, "About...about half an hour ago..."

Chen Xiu's eyes are deep...

Shen Shimiao had known for a long time... that he would come to her door?

So we arranged this trip half an hour in advance??

half an hour?

Then she should have been near the scene just now?

So Chen Xiu's car was parked in front of the hotel, and it must have been monitored by the other party.

Chen Xiu immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call to Ning Dongxia, "Our whereabouts have been discovered, and the other party has fled. Look around to see if there are any suspicious people. I suspect she is still at the scene, spying on us. "

On the other end of the phone, Ning Dongxia replied solemnly, "Understood, I'm scanning the surrounding area with infrared thermal imaging..."

And just when Ning Dongxia finished speaking, she suddenly sounded startled!

"During the infrared thermal imaging scan... a group of special figures were discovered approaching?! They have the ability to fly over walls and fly over walls! They move very fast! They are approaching you!" Ning Dongxia's voice reminded urgently on the phone. road!

In the room, when Chen Xiu heard this, his expression suddenly froze?!

The movement speed is very fast? Is he a killer?

Who sent it? A genetic killer from a wealthy family?

Chen Xiu was shocked and suspicious, but he did not escape.

Instead, he lightly lit a cigarette and waited in the room.

Since the other party wants to kill him, he doesn't mind leaving them all here.

A few minutes later, outside the quiet hotel room, in the corridor... there was silence.

But Chen Xiu's hearing was extremely strong, and he clearly felt the sound of someone stepping on the ground outside.

The other party seemed to have deliberately suppressed the sound of walking footsteps to prevent him from noticing.

From this, Chen Xiu could determine... that they were not genetic warriors, but masters of traditional ancient martial arts.

It is impossible for a genetic master to have such precise power control, and it is impossible to make footsteps silent.

> Only martial arts practitioners can do this. Martial arts practitioners have to practice thousands of times to achieve precise control of their bodies.

Chen Xiu listened carefully to the opponent's pace and rhythm, and based on the sound feedback, he analyzed the situation of the people outside.

There are a total of 100 people in the corridor, and each of them is a top ancient martial arts master.

Because their footsteps made no sound when they stepped on the ground, it showed how precise they were in controlling Qinggong in martial arts.

Chen Xiu was sitting in the hotel room, smoking lightly.

The woman Wang Qianqian stood aside with a look of horror on her face.

"Well... this matter really has nothing to do with me. Can you let me go? I really don't know anything... How about I give you all the money he gave me...

?" Wang Qianqian begged for mercy with a trembling voice.

She is just a little girl from Nanjing. She came to Sujiang Province this time because she found a job in real estate sales, so she came to interview for a job...

Who would have thought that this would happen... for the sake of petty gain, I would be put under house arrest in a room.

Chen Xiu glanced at her lightly, "Now you have no chance to go out, just hide aside."

Huh? After hearing this, Wang Qianqian’s face was filled with surprise and uncertainty?

Chen Xiu blew out a smoke ring at this time, raised his head and glanced outside the door, "Stop hiding, I heard your footsteps, come in."

As he finished speaking, there was silence outside the guest room door for a few seconds.

Then...a large group of masked warriors in black, holding long knives, slowly walked into the guest room.

The dark warriors were holding long swords and surrounded the entire hotel room.


Seeing this scene, Wang Qianqian was completely frightened...

She stood there, her legs were a little weak... She was just a real estate salesperson, she had never seen such a fierce scene.

"Who are you instructing?" Chen Xiu glanced at the group of warriors and asked.

The group of warriors did not answer, but slowly formed a killing array.

Chen Xiu blew out a smoke ring and smiled lightly, "It doesn't matter, don't say it now, I will beat you until you say it later."

What answered Chen Xiu was the figures of warriors rushing up from the darkness...!

A long knife swept over!

In the cramped hotel room, the killing is imminent!

And at the moment when the group of warrior killers came forward with a blast... Chen Xiu's figure had disappeared from the spot.

"Puff puff!" His movement flashed and he rushed directly into the group of killers!

The pagoda dagger in his hand cut through it instantly!

The group of killers who charged at the strongest side had no time to resist... A scarlet bloody mouth appeared on their necks.

One of the killers fell to the ground!

Chen Xiu's body technique kept flashing and flashing through the crowd of warriors!

These warrior killers are indeed very strong, but Chen Xiu's movement speed is faster than them!

A group of warriors armed with long knives tried to surround Chen Xiu...

But their encirclement has just formed...

Chen Xiu's movement flashed past, and the pagoda dagger had already cut open their necks!

They didn't have time to react, their necks were cut off, their tracheas were broken, and blood spurted out!

One killer after another fell to the ground!

Wang Qianqian was trembling with fear, hiding in the corner of the wall... curled up and completely stunned! She was crying and trembling...

She, a commoner, has never seen such a horrific and bloody fighting scene in her life!

Countless warrior killers surged forward...

Chen Xiu was gradually surrounded by killing array...

He discovered that what this group of warriors used... was the royal fighting technique used by the special forces!

So these warriors are from the war zone? The Wu family!

The first thing Chen Xiu thought of was the Wu family!

Several times before, the Wu family had also arranged for killers to come.

Unexpectedly, we were sent again today?!

It’s not over yet!

Chen Xiu was merciless, his body skills exploded... he kept blasting away a swarm of killers!

But this time the Wu family sent too many killers! There were hundreds of killers and assassins, and they were all top masters...

This made Chen Xiu furious. Are they determined to kill him?

It was indeed difficult for Chen Xiu to deal with the siege of more than a hundred killers.

Gradually, he was pushed back and forth.

A cold arc flashed in Chen Xiu's eyes. He suddenly raised his hand, and dozens of Yama Needles suddenly shot out!

"Puff puff!" As soon as the Yama needle came out, the warriors had no time to resist, and they were all shot in the body by the silver needle...

The bodies of the killers fell one after another.

The Yama Needle is extremely sharp and can penetrate the bodies of several killers directly.

"Whoosh whoosh...!" Chen Xiu raised his hand, and several more Yama needles shot out...!

The expressions of the killers in front changed suddenly. A group of killers evaded one after another, but there was no way to avoid it! The Yama needle was too fast, and before they could avoid it, their bodies were hit by the silver needle!

One of the killers suddenly raised his long knife to his chest, trying to resist the attack of Yama's needle.

But the Yama needle was extremely sharp, and with a 'clang!' sound... it penetrated the blade of the long knife and penetrated into the chest and heart of the killer!

There was a tiny pinhole left on the long knife.

The killer lowered his head in disbelief and looked at the long knife that was pierced...

His body slowly fell to the ground...

"Puff puff...!" Chen Xiu raised his hand, and the silver needles whizzed across the air!

Wherever it passes, no one is spared!

Countless silver needles were inserted into the hearts of those killers! Extremely precise, without any mistakes!

A group of killers stood there sluggishly as if their bodies were petrified...

Then, like a domino effect, they fell to the ground one after another...

The ground was full of broken bodies, a miserable and hideous place.

After cleaning up, Chen Xiu put out his cigarette butt.

He took out a powerful magnet from his sleeve and pointed it at the corpse on the ground... As soon as the magnet came close to the corpse... the Yama needles inserted into the corpse were sucked out and attached to the magnet.

He used this method to recover all the 108 Yama needles he had shot out.

After checking the corpses on the ground and confirming that there were no survivors, Chen Xiu turned around and left.

Before leaving, he glanced at Wang Qianqian in the corner and said, "Still not leaving? Do you want them to catch you and interrogate you?"

Wang Qianqian was trembling and frightened, and hurriedly stepped over the bodies on the floor...and ran out of the room in horror...

"Buy a plane ticket and leave here tonight. The water here is very deep and not suitable for your life." Chen Xiu reminded him lightly, turned around and left...

Downstairs in the hotel, Ning Dongxia was sitting in the car waiting.

"Everything has been dealt with? Who sent it?" she asked.

"Wu family." Chen Xiu replied lightly.

Wu family? Ning Dongxia’s beautiful eyes narrowed

, "They have sent people to kill you again and again. What exactly do they want to do?"

Chen Xiu started the off-road vehicle with a cold face, "Just ask and you will know."

After saying that, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle sped out!

Chen Xiu was completely angry. The Wu family came to assassinate him again and again.

This matter will never be settled today.

Half an hour later.

Wu Family War Zone, martial arts arena.

The three brothers of the Wu family, the eldest Wu Dao, the second brother Wu Jian, and the third brother Wu Qiang... were standing in front of the martial arts field, glancing at the soldiers below who were practicing military boxing and collective tactics.

For some reason, Wu Qiang, the third child, felt his eyelids twitching as he stood there, as if he had an ominous premonition?

At this time, outside the war zone, at the silent gate, several soldiers were standing guard.

At this moment, a Huawei Wenjie 7 off-road vehicle suddenly crashed into the gate of Wu's martial arts arena like a ferocious steel beast.

"Boom...!!" The horse stakes in the Wu family's battle area were directly knocked out. A group of guards saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

But the guards had no time to stop him and were knocked away.

Chen Xiu was driving a Huawei Wenjie 7 off-road vehicle with a cold expression on his face. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the war zone martial arts venue!

The guards around him reacted, drew their guns... and aimed at the off-road vehicle and shot hard!

"Da da da da...!!" Countless bullets bombarded the body of the off-road vehicle, but the bullets could not penetrate the window glass of the off-road vehicle at all.

This is Shanhai Pavilion's top agent vehicle, which can withstand attacks from any bullet weapons! Therefore, these bullets cannot break the bulletproof glass at all.

Chen Xiu drove his car on a rampage, flying away the soldiers who were rushing forward, and rushed directly into the war zone.

In the passenger seat of the car, Ning Dongxia looked at this scene with a dull face.

"We...Isn't this not good?? This...this is in a war zone...on other people's territory..." Ning Dongxia reminded in shock.

She also didn't expect... Chen Xiu, a lunatic, would be so bold as to drive directly into a war zone??

This is the Wu family theater base!

"Are you scared?" Chen Xiu said coldly while stepping on the accelerator.

"Uh... I'm not afraid, but if we go in now, can we come out?" Ning Dongxia asked complicatedly.

The Wu family has been in the war zone for generations and has stationed countless troops.

Breaking in would not be the same as poking a hornet's nest.

"Revenge first, then talk about it." Chen Xiu said coldly. He seemed to have never thought about escaping at all?

Ning Dongxia was confused, so... was this lunatic going to die?

Then she was followed in to die...

Ning Dongxia suddenly felt regretful. If she had known earlier, she shouldn't have carried out the mission with this madman.

"Boom, boom, boom...!!" The Huawei Infinity 7 off-road vehicle rushed all the way and directly hit a sea of ​​people in front of it!"

In the war zone, a group of soldiers pulled up nail interception tapes on the ground! They tried to use nails to puncture the tires of the off-road vehicle... to stop the vehicle.

But little did they know that this off-road vehicle was equipped with top-notch secret agent run-flat tires!

Chen Xiu drove the off-road vehicle and ran over the nail interception strip on the ground!

The wheels are intact!

The expressions of the surrounding guards changed suddenly!

Before they could react, the off-road vehicle had already rushed forward and knocked them all away!

Like an angry steel beast, the off-road vehicle rushed through a sea of ​​people in front of it and rushed into the war zone!!

This chapter has been completed!
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