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Chapter 641 Experiment!

"Boom...boom...!!" The killer vehicle behind was directly hit by Chen Xiu...!!

The Huawei 7 off-road vehicle was like a steel beast. After knocking countless killer vehicles away, it finally caught up with Professor Dai Tianhong's car.

Chen Xiu picked up Professor Dai Tianhong into the car and drove the old professor away from the scene...

Just after they drove away, a large number of killer vehicles chased them from behind...

But Chen Xiu drove very fast, constantly weaving through the dark streets... and soon got rid of the group of killers behind him...

Professor Dai Tianhong also has another secret research base in Jinling City.

Under his guidance, Chen Xiu turned on the stealth mode and made the off-road vehicle invisible in the dark night street.

Driving all the way, Professor Dai Tianhong was taken to another of his mysterious experimental villas. ??

This villa is located in a resort village outside Jinling City.

It is surrounded by mountains and deserted, with only an old castle and villa standing in the deep mountains and old forests.

Professor Dai Tianhong took the two of them into the villa.

Ning Dongxia was a little shocked. She didn't expect that this old professor would actually set up so many secret research villa bases in and around Jinling City.

This villa is also filled with various experimental research equipment.

Dai Tianhong's granddaughter, Dai Yuwei, has also been hiding in this villa.

Professor Dai Tianhong rested for a while, lay on the chair for a while, and replenished himself with a bottle of glucose.

Only then did he regain his composure.

Professor Dai Tianhong opened the blackboard and immediately explained and analyzed the results of his research to Ning Dongxia.

He completely analyzed the transformation process of the genetic warriors he had researched.

"Based on my model theory, I think that before they conduct genetic mutation experiments, the first step should be to use a large amount of rays to kill the original beneficial white blood cells and other tissues in human tissues. Only by completely killing these white blood cells can we

Those harmful cells gather together and undergo genetic mutation!" Professor Dai Tianhong said with a solemn voice.

At this moment, he was completely immersed in his technical analysis.

"Because normal white blood cells cannot mutate and evolve. Only harmful cells can evolve. This method is similar to chemotherapy surgery for cancer. They use chemotherapy to kill all beneficial cells in the body, and then... in the body

Inject the genetic mutation-guiding drug... to allow the drug to gradually produce mutation reactions in the body... In this process, external stimulation methods must be incorporated... to make the genetic mutation occur more thoroughly..."


br> After hearing Professor Dai Tianhong’s analysis and explanation, Ning Dongxia’s beautiful eyes became solemn.

According to theory, Professor Dai Tianhong's analysis and deduction is indeed feasible.

Could it be that this is the entire process of their genetic mutation?

Dai Tianhong explained the entire process for more than two hours, explaining all the details of the mutation experiments extremely thoroughly.

"Theoretically speaking, Professor Dai's analysis... is indeed feasible. However, we need to conduct actual experiments to know." Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were deep and solemn as she said, "I suggest that we can use mice to experiment."

The mouse is the most suitable animal for biological experiments because its structure and cells are closest to humans.

But Professor Dai Tianhong looked solemn and shook his head, "We can't use mice. The basic structure of mice is completely different from humans. For this experiment, I think... we must use real people to conduct the experiment!"

Hearing this, Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes narrowed, "Real person?"

Professor Dai Tianhong nodded solemnly, "Yes, we must use real people to conduct experiments! We don't have much time. We must decipher the secrets of their genetic warriors as soon as possible and find their flaws as soon as possible, so that we can deal with them! We must use real people to conduct experiments! Real people's

The probability of success is higher! And only the cell strength and human body structure of real people meet the experimental standards. If you use other organisms to conduct experiments, there is a high probability that they will fail!"

Ning Dongxia looked a little solemn and fell silent.

Indeed, according to his theoretical analysis, real people must be used... to achieve the most perfect experimental results.

But, where can we find real people to conduct experiments in such a short period of time?

Who would be willing to undergo such inhuman and horrific experiments?

At this time, Professor Dai Tianhong added, "By the way, we must find people with extremely strong physical fitness, preferably martial arts masters, to conduct genetic mutation experiments! Because only their bodies can withstand all the stress in the genetic mutation process.

A gene backfires and invades!"

Ning Dongxia shook her head, "We won't be able to find such a person in a short time."

Professor Dai Tianhong hesitated for a moment and looked at Chen Xiu aside.

"Miss Ning...actually...your partner...Mr. Chen Xiu, his body...is in line with the preliminary conditions for genetic modification." Dai Tianhong said hesitantly.

Ning Dongxia was stunned and looked at Chen Xiu?

Chen Xiu's eyes also narrowed slightly.

This old man Dai Tianhong is a bit whimsical, isn't he?

Do you still want him to be a test subject? Accept genetic mutation experiments?

Chen Xiu refused directly on the spot. .??.

Ning Dongxia's beautiful eyes were complicated. She pulled Chen Xiu to a corner, and the two of them whispered... as if they were discussing something.

After the two of them discussed for more than ten minutes.

Chen Xiu and Ning Dongxia finally walked out.

Chen Xiu lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "I can agree to... accept the genetic mutation experiment."

Brush~! Upon hearing this, Professor Dai Tianhong suddenly became excited!

"Great! Mr. Chen Xiu, thank you for your dedication to science! Don't worry, I will definitely control the degree of genetic variables and not put you in danger! All experiments are within safe and controllable limits! If

Once the experiment is successful, your physical strength will skyrocket dozens of times!" Professor Dai Tianhong said excitedly and solemnly!

"It's okay to let me conduct experiments, but I have a request." Chen Xiu said in a calm voice.

"What request? You ask." Professor Dai Tianhong said excitedly.

"My weapons never leave my body." Chen Xiu said slowly.

"This..." Professor Dai Tianhong hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "Okay, I promise you! Your weapons can be worn with you."

Chen Xiu then nodded in agreement.

So, with Chen Xiu's permission... Professor Dai Tianhong immediately made preparations for the experiment!

He and Ning Dongxia began to prepare materials for the experiment.

There is an outdoor natural swimming pool in Professor Dai Tianhong's villa.

He planned to give Chen Xiu chemotherapy in this swimming pool to kill the normal white blood cell molecules in Chen Xiu's body.

After leading Professor Tianhong to make preparations, he finally poured a large amount of highly toxic liquid into the swimming pool!

These liquids were enough to completely kill the beneficial cells in Chen Xiu's body!

Chen Xiu took off his shirt, revealing his strong figure...

He just slowly stepped into the poisonous water in the swimming pool...

Start soaking!

Professor Dai Tianhong immediately started the chemotherapy process!

The highly toxic swimming pool water began to infiltrate his body! Killing all the beneficial cells in his body...!!

Chen Xiu needs to soak in this highly toxic swimming pool water for a day and a night...

Ning Dongxia was on the side, observing and recording the progress of the experiment.


Granddaughter Dai Yuwei also stood aside and watched.

24 hours have passed.

Chen Xiu soaked in the swimming pool for more than 24 hours...more than a day and a night.

His body became extremely weak and his face turned very pale.

Professor Dai Tianhong conducted various body function tests on Chen Xiu... and determined that all beneficial cells in Chen Xiu's body had been killed...

Only harmful cells are left alive.

Professor Dai Tianhong looked excited, the first stage of the experiment had been successful.

Sure enough, Chen Xiu survived this horrific chemotherapy.

If ordinary people participated in this kind of experiment, they might not even be able to survive the first level.

Because this terrible suicide chemotherapy experiment will kill all the beneficial cells in the human body.

Ordinary people's immunity is simply unable to resist, and they may soon be infected with the virus and unable to resist the disease and die.

But Chen Xiu's physical fitness was extremely strong, so... he was able to bear it.

Professor Dai Tianhong quickly conducted the next stage of experiments on Chen Xiu.

Ning Dongxia supported Chen Xiu and came to a human experiment cabin in the villa.

This experimental cabin was temporarily rebuilt.

Coincidentally, Professor Dai Tianhong's villa has a data experiment cabin for human experiments.

So Professor Dai Tianhong temporarily transformed it into a genetic mutation instrument.

Chen Xiu was helped and lay down in the experimental cabin...because at this time he became extremely weak.

Professor Dai Tianhong slowly closed the lid of the experimental cabin.

Then, he started the next step!

In the experimental cabin, silver needles popped out one after another and inserted into the meridians of Chen Xiu's body!

"Uh..." Chen Xiu's pupils shrank, he gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain!

Streams of genetically mutated black drugs were forcibly injected into Chen Xiu’s body!

Chen Xiu's pupils turned blood red...

The muscles and veins all over his body were bulging! He seemed to be suffering from severe pain that was worse than death!!

Professor Dai Tianhong injected a lot of genetic medicine!

While Dai Tianhong was injecting the genetic medicine, he... directly turned on the high-voltage current!

Directly pushing the high voltage to one million volts!

"Zizzizi...!" The terrifying voltage hit Chen Xiu hard!!

This chapter has been completed!
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